Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Schools should invest in cell phone jammers.


I have one, it works beautifully. I like to use it on the highway when the dipshit in front of me is driving like a drunk because they are on their phone.

I flip a switch, and presto, the retard is magically transformed into a driver who fucking pays attention to the road.

Are you aware of the laws surrounding use of that device?

Are you aware of the accidents that happen because people are using their cell phones while driving? There is nothing so important that you cannot wait until you get to your destination to talk on a phone. If it is an emergency? Pull over to the side of the road and use the phone. But do not drive and use a cell phone. It's very dangerous.

What is your problem? I've not said anything about the need to use a cell phone while driving.

You are really in your own world. Please fuck off.

No, you were complaining about the cell phone jammer and asking if the poster knew what the laws were surrounding the use of such a device. He felt he was endangered by the driver in front of him using a cell phone while swerving down the road. I'm responding to you as you appear to be more concerned with the legality of his using the device rather than acknowledging that using a cell phone while driving is dangerous.
Son, I was the school board president for our district for some time and on the board for more than a decade.

I had no worry about weaklings like you, who are all talk and no walk.

We had a protocol that resolved issues like this one the child caused, and the parents knew they would be sued if any school personnel or children or property was injured.
I am impressed Mr President

Now a question

Lunch Counter Civil Right sitters who would not move because they were not being served

were those Lunch counter sitters defying authority


Lunch Counter Civil Right sitters who would not move because they were not being served

were those Lunch counter sitters defying authority



Ty, is the child is allowed to sit at the lunch counter if she minds her manners?

Yes or No.

That is the proper question.
That child inevitably is going to face consequences far more traumatic down the road when she defies authority.

Did Rosa Parks defy authority ?


Ty, was the child denied a seat in a public school?

Yes or No.

That is the proper question.
was the child assaulted under color of law


Now you are getting the right question, even if you did only graduate from high school.

The law suit in civil court will answer that question.

The officer will be vindicated, imo.
The officer will be vindicated, imo.

you have no shot

you believe in blind obedience to authority

This is why I brought up Rosa Parks

Because she disobeyed that cannot be denied...she disobeyed the Lawful orders

and I gather that you approve of people like that being "con sequenced"
Yup, the department played politics instead of serving the entire public.

This is the worst of AA in action.

Oh come OFF it Jake.

This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks her up and THROWS HER against the wall.

There IS NO defense for that. This animal should be locked up. Tightly.

He's god damn lucky more people weren't injured more seriously because he lost his head.
Yup, the department played politics instead of serving the entire public.

This is the worst of AA in action.

Oh come OFF it Jake.

This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks here up and THROWS HER.

There IS NO defense for that. This animal should be locked up. Tightly.
This crazy person Jake says if you do not obey the authorities have a right to assault you and its on you not them...that what so ever happens to you its on you not the Gorilla
Lunch Counter Civil Right sitters who would not move because they were not being served

were those Lunch counter sitters defying authority



Ty, is the child is allowed to sit at the lunch counter if she minds her manners?

Yes or No.

That is the proper question.
Did the Lunch counter sitters disobey



Since they did disobey at what point would you begin to object to consequences ...if they are maimed ...if they are beaten near to death...where would you "draw the line"...Jake
Yup, the department played politics instead of serving the entire public.

This is the worst of AA in action.

Oh come OFF it Jake.

This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks here up and THROWS HER.

There IS NO defense for that. This animal should be locked up. Tightly.
This crazy person Jake says if you do not obey the authorities have a right to assault you and its on you not them...that what so ever happens to you its on you not the Gorilla

"When they came for the teenage black girls I said nothing because I was not a teenage black girl..."

People gotta grow a pair and stand up to this destructive paramilitary muchomacho horseshit.
That child inevitably is going to face consequences far more traumatic down the road when she defies authority.

Did Rosa Parks defy authority ?


Ty, was the child denied a seat in a public school?

Yes or No.

That is the proper question.
was the child assaulted under color of law


Now you are getting the right question, even if you did only graduate from high school.

The law suit in civil court will answer that question.

The officer will be vindicated, imo.
Do you approve of the assault for which Officer Slam got fired


People gotta grow a pair and stand up to this paramilitary horseshit.

Jesus these people are insane specially that creepy Jake...he draws no line on consequences boy for that guy once you disobey he does not give a fuck what the authorities do to you....after all "you disobeyed"
If the student will not leave and will not comply, what alternative do you suggest?

Call her parents or guardian to come to the classroom and reason with her.


LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.

So ... the means justify the ends in your opinion.

So.... How about instead of restating what I say in order to create a strawman, you tell me what you think of my answer?
This goon is three times her size. He bench presses over six hundred pounds in his He-Man Quest fantasy. And here he's flipping a student still in her desk into the air, crashing that desk into another student who's nearly impaled by the blow -- and then picks her up and THROWS HER against the wall..

Oh but there is a defense ...ask Jake...she disobeyed....
If the student will not leave and will not comply, what alternative do you suggest?

Call her parents or guardian to come to the classroom and reason with her.


LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.
Well, like the officer, you would have been fired, probably arrested for the beating part and face the loss of everything you own and a long term financial burden of payments for the law suite you would have to pay for.

Oh, no doubt.

WE have a society were using force to enforce civilized behavior is not considered civilized.

This is what is known as a "Doomed society".

Reading comments from various sources. This one is from the RCSO Facebook page. Citizens here are angry....they overwhelmingly support the cop in this.

The weak spined Democrat sheriff oversees this county, which is the Columbia metro area, SCs largest metro and MOST VIOLENT CRIME in the state. Ha...with his fresh impact on his troops...it's gonna just get worse.

In his speech....he said officers are also trained in pressure points and officer should've used that (they don't work for one). PPCT is the hand to hand system SC cops use. AND...to do the pressure points? You must secure your arm under the jaw from behind to stabilize the head. WHAT DOES THAT LOOK LIKE ON VIDEO? Like a choke. UUMMM...Sheriff....chokes don't look good.

They are for passive resistance. Which she was.

Now look at the video agian. Hmmm. The officer was putting his arm...around her jaw! Setting it up. THEN THE RESISTS....and throws a punch. She is now an "active aggressor" stage of resistance...which pressure points aren't used for (because again...they just rarely work).

Democrat Lott also said in his speech "Citizens jobs are to police the police with their cell phones." (www.thestate.com)

I can only imagine how the rest of his 700 deputies feel going on duty tonight....knowing if someone is being detained and they resist....could cost your career.

Good job Democrat Sheriff Lott. What a fuckup. No wonder Richland County is #1 in crime in SC and the Columbia region is seen as the armpit of SC behind the beautiful and thriving Charleston and Greenville region- thugs run Columbia.

The armpit of South Carolina?

Ok, I am not even going to comment on that! It is simply too easy!
People gotta grow a pair and stand up to this paramilitary horseshit.

Jesus these people are insane specially that creepy Jake...he draws no line on consequences boy for that guy once you disobey he does not give a fuck what the authorities do to you....after all "you disobeyed"

They've been saying that the entire time. It's her fault for any actions the police take. Slam, shot, decapitated...hey, should've listened!

They love saying people ignored a lawful order and it's the same game. Ask them what is an unlawful order and you'll find out real quick anything a cop tells you they believe you have no rights and must obey.

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