Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

I'm not in favor of what the police officer did, but some teenagers are too much of a challenge for teachers to just handle.
When a student continues talking on their cell phone after they have been asked to stop, and then refuses to leave the room after they have been asked to do so, it's understandable that a teacher, in particular a female teacher, would become frustrated and seek the help of her supervisor.
Maybe the teenager's parents or guardian should have been called to come and reason with her.

If the student will not leave and will not comply, what alternative do you suggest?

Call her parents or guardian to come to the classroom and reason with her.


LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.

So ... the means justify the ends in your opinion.
Schools should invest in cell phone jammers.


I have one, it works beautifully. I like to use it on the highway when the dipshit in front of me is driving like a drunk because they are on their phone.

I flip a switch, and presto, the retard is magically transformed into a driver who fucking pays attention to the road.

Are you aware of the laws surrounding use of that device?
I'm not in favor of what the police officer did, but some teenagers are too much of a challenge for teachers to just handle.
When a student continues talking on their cell phone after they have been asked to stop, and then refuses to leave the room after they have been asked to do so, it's understandable that a teacher, in particular a female teacher, would become frustrated and seek the help of her supervisor.
Maybe the teenager's parents or guardian should have been called to come and reason with her.

If the student will not leave and will not comply, what alternative do you suggest?

Call her parents or guardian to come to the classroom and reason with her.


LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.
Well, like the officer, you would have been fired, probably arrested for the beating part and face the loss of everything you own and a long term financial burden of payments for the law suite you would have to pay for.
Glad to see the cop was fired. He doesn't have the temperament to effectively police these kids.

No one can effectively police these kids, with the rules as they stand.

Hence the education gap.

What? Which gap is that?

You don't know about the Education Gap?

Jesus Christ you're ignorant!

Goggle is your friend.

What are you referring to? Please explain what you mean by the education gap. In your own words.

What's goggle? I've heard of Google.

Again you start out with the insults. Are you upset?
Glad to see the cop was fired. He doesn't have the temperament to effectively police these kids.

No one can effectively police these kids, with the rules as they stand.

Hence the education gap.

Hey.............even the police chief said that this cop didn't follow the advanced training he was given so that he could be a school officer. He acted inappropriately and used more force than what was required for the situation.
Sheriff Lott also said that his deputies need more training for the school resource officer post. I'm sure that's going to be brought up in the lawsuit.

And every other cop who is summoned to a class room has been told to not do anything.

Repeal Truancy Laws Now!

I agree. But in this case, the girl is 18 and not subject to those laws. I remember that feeling, in my senior year of high school when I turned 18 and realized I was now going to school by choice. I think if adults abuse that choice and want to act like adult criminals, it's time to send them packing.
No, she's going to prison if she's lucky, or she'll be dead. Either way, she's been encouraged by the media, her lawyer, her parents, and the gutless Sheriff Lott to be a criminal. We're going to hear about this one in the news again.

Black Teen Attacked By School Cop Has Multiple Injuries — And Is An Orphan Who Recently Lost Her Mother...

State Rep. Todd Rutherford (D-Columbia) told WLTX-TV the 16-year-old girl suffered arm, neck and back injuries when Fields grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the ground after the teen refused to hand over her cell phone to a teacher.

“He weighs about 300 pounds,” Rutherford said. “She is a student who is 16 years old, who now has a cast on her arm, a band aid on her neck, and neck and back problems. There’s something wrong here.”

Rutherford told the New York Daily News that the teen recently lost her mother and is living in a foster home. The teen’s foster mother said the girl was “devastated and emotionally traumatized by all that has happened to her,” according to the Daily News.

Rutherford said that lawmakers must tighten up restrictions on use of force by school resources officers such as Fields — who students say was “known for slamming” pregnant women and teenage girls to the ground.

“The legislature needs to take action, and make sure our students are not the targets of rogue police officers called ‘Officer Slam’ who are going to walk in and brutalize them at a moment’s notice,” Rutherford said


More: Black teen attacked by school cop has multiple injuries — and is an orphan who recently lost her mother
She's going through a really rough time. I do feel sorry for her.

She's going through a really rough time. I do feel sorry for her.

She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.
Glad to see the cop was fired. He doesn't have the temperament to effectively police these kids.

No one can effectively police these kids, with the rules as they stand.

Hence the education gap.

Hey.............even the police chief said that this cop didn't follow the advanced training he was given so that he could be a school officer. He acted inappropriately and used more force than what was required for the situation.
Sheriff Lott also said that his deputies need more training for the school resource officer post. I'm sure that's going to be brought up in the lawsuit.

And every other cop who is summoned to a class room has been told to not do anything.

Repeal Truancy Laws Now!

I agree. But in this case, the girl is 18 and not subject to those laws. I remember that feeling, in my senior year of high school when I turned 18 and realized I was now going to school by choice. I think if adults abuse that choice and want to act like adult criminals, it's time to send them packing.
I'm not in favor of what the police officer did, but some teenagers are too much of a challenge for teachers to just handle.
When a student continues talking on their cell phone after they have been asked to stop, and then refuses to leave the room after they have been asked to do so, it's understandable that a teacher, in particular a female teacher, would become frustrated and seek the help of her supervisor.
Maybe the teenager's parents or guardian should have been called to come and reason with her.

If the student will not leave and will not comply, what alternative do you suggest?

Call her parents or guardian to come to the classroom and reason with her.


LOL! Thanks that was a good one.

BUt seriously, what alternative do you suggest?

I just told you what I would do.
What would you do?

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

Meanwhile that class was a waste of time for all the other students.

THe call goes out. Odds are there is no timely response. Days may pass before anything is done. Likely nothing is done.

Meanwhile that student is disrupting multiple other classes, each and every day.

As are other students with similar behavioral issues.

Result, a complete failure of education.

What would I do?

Beat the young woman, arrest her and expel her, in whatever order you want.

The class will be over by the time some administrator decides to make a call.

So what? The girl should get charges put on her for acting out when she is having difficulties?
It's an offense but understandable given her circumstances and certainly shouldn't have been criminalized the way it was.
If that Gorilla Goon had been on the Bus when Rosa Parks refused his lawful order to move to the back of the Bus the loony goon would have thrown her bodily under the bus then would have moved the bus back and forth a couple of times.... the weirdo Ignorant Right wing scum posting here would have been having orgasm screaming "
she should have obeyed "She disobeyed Lawful Orders .,..Kill the Jungle Bitch "
She wasn't acting like a criminal, she was acting like a petulant child.

The officer used more force than was required.
She was committing a crime. I don't care how you think she was "acting".

A minor misdemeanor at worst. The officer didn't have to use the amount of force that he did.

Let me guess, no matter what the crime, all criminals should be treated exactly the same, regardless of what their crime is. Treat a jaywalker the same as a serial murderer perhaps?
A man like Ben Fields would have shown that nasty Rosa Parks that one has to obey the lawful orders of the Police ............or Else the Police has the Right to beat you up.....

and each one of you disgraceful Right wing lumps of crap would have been supporting Rosa Parks demise.................
That child inevitably is going to face consequences far more traumatic down the road when she defies authority.
That child inevitably is going to face consequences far more traumatic down the road when she defies authority.
Let me ask you Jake ...would you like to have seen Rosa Parks beaten and abused for refusing to OBEY THE LAWFUL ORDERS OF THE BUS DRIVER ? would you have liked for a large Gorilla goon to have come on board that bus and kicked her "Jungle ass"
Schools should invest in cell phone jammers.


I have one, it works beautifully. I like to use it on the highway when the dipshit in front of me is driving like a drunk because they are on their phone.

I flip a switch, and presto, the retard is magically transformed into a driver who fucking pays attention to the road.

Are you aware of the laws surrounding use of that device?

Are you aware of the accidents that happen because people are using their cell phones while driving? There is nothing so important that you cannot wait until you get to your destination to talk on a phone. If it is an emergency? Pull over to the side of the road and use the phone. But do not drive and use a cell phone. It's very dangerous.
Our local school district is re-doing its officer security program now with children like the one in OP.

The teacher will call in an AP and another admin person along with the campus resource officer.

The front office will use the office cell phone jammer until the child is secured.

One of the admin personnel will vid the entire sequence of events.

All children will be escorted from the classroom as the resource officer secures the door so that the offending child cannot leave.

When all children are safely away (probably the library), the officer will order the child to stand up, turn around, and put the arms behind the back. If the child refuses, the officer will wait for two more officers before securing the child.

The officer will secure and escort the child to the principal's office, where officer, principal, and child will wait for the jail personnel to arrive then take the child to custody.

When the child is taken away, the cell phone jammer will be turned off.

The parents will then be called.

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