Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

No, she's going to prison if she's lucky, or she'll be dead. Either way, she's been encouraged by the media, her lawyer, her parents, and the gutless Sheriff Lott to be a criminal. We're going to hear about this one in the news again.

Black Teen Attacked By School Cop Has Multiple Injuries — And Is An Orphan Who Recently Lost Her Mother...

State Rep. Todd Rutherford (D-Columbia) told WLTX-TV the 16-year-old girl suffered arm, neck and back injuries when Fields grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the ground after the teen refused to hand over her cell phone to a teacher.

“He weighs about 300 pounds,” Rutherford said. “She is a student who is 16 years old, who now has a cast on her arm, a band aid on her neck, and neck and back problems. There’s something wrong here.”

Rutherford told the New York Daily News that the teen recently lost her mother and is living in a foster home. The teen’s foster mother said the girl was “devastated and emotionally traumatized by all that has happened to her,” according to the Daily News.

Rutherford said that lawmakers must tighten up restrictions on use of force by school resources officers such as Fields — who students say was “known for slamming” pregnant women and teenage girls to the ground.

“The legislature needs to take action, and make sure our students are not the targets of rogue police officers called ‘Officer Slam’ who are going to walk in and brutalize them at a moment’s notice,” Rutherford said


More: Black teen attacked by school cop has multiple injuries — and is an orphan who recently lost her mother
The ubiquitousness of cell phone cameras is revealing what a lot of people have known for a long time. There are some asshole cops out there abusing the shit out of their authority.

The irony of all this is that the cop who was called because of a cell phone was filmed with another cell phone. Actually, two other cell phones.

(edited for spelling)
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No, I never said that. Now you're lying.
Nope, I remember it well, even if you do not. That's why I came up with the nickname.
I told you my position. I've been very clear.

Stop lying, Leftists!
I never lie here, it's unnecessary. If I cared I could probably find your quote, but I don't.

I can sympathize with not being able to find a quote, but I never advocated for the genocide of Native Americans. My position is very complex but very clear, but, as you said, you don't care what it actually is. You're right, you are being honest....about not caring about the truth.
On this thanksgiving day - Thank a White Male | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I didn't say you advocated for it, I said you didn't fucking care and are an apologist for Whitey, who slaughtered your kind.

And nothing on your link supports your claim. Since you're trolling, I regret my decision to take you back off ignore. Luckily, I don't have to live with that decision. Goodbye.
I don't know what the rules are/were for the officer. If he broke rules, then that's it, he pays the appropriate price.

Sadly though, the PC Police are doing what they always do: Largely ignoring all the several rules broken by the student, painting her as an innocent, helpless abuse victim, and continuing the cynical and vile tradition of effectively enabling poor behavior by (especially) young blacks.

American Blacks continue to be victimized by the PC Police.
No. We are saying you don't have to resort to beating up a child when the child is being a brat. You are one unimaginative person. There are a lot of other tools in the toolbox beside truncheons and jackboots.

PLEASE...detail "lots of other tools" that can be used every day...probably several times a day...by cops in these...um...diverse high schools to remove students who are determined not to be removed?
The warning and threat of a formal arrest for trespassing if the student does not leave. The added charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest if the officers instructions are ignored. Additional instructions/information to the student that these charges lead to at the very least, temproary incarceration in a juvenile detention center or section of the local jail reserved for juvenile females. Calling for back up and assistance while this conversation is taking place and the officer instructs the teacher and administrator to empty the class room.
Teachers all over America deal with cell phones in the classroom every day. They don't call the cops and have the kid beaten.

Teachers all over America deal with disruptive students in the classroom every day. They don't call the cops and have the kid beaten.

They HANDLE it.

I'm not in favor of what the police officer did, but some teenagers are too much of a challenge for teachers to just handle.
When a student continues talking on their cell phone after they have been asked to stop, and then refuses to leave the room after they have been asked to do so, it's understandable that a teacher, in particular a female teacher, would become frustrated and seek the help of her supervisor.
Maybe the teenager's parents or guardian should have been called to come and reason with her.
This is what should have happened, if this nappy headed dumb child, refuse to leave the class room, the parent of this idiot should have been notified and told to come to the school to pick up her child. If the moron continued to disrupt the class, then the wait should have ensured or or or, I would have calmly asked this idiot, what the fuck her problem was. I would also saw to it, that her black ass mama understood, that until she get sha na na some lessons on adult authority, don't bring the bitch back. I hate being so cynical, but until you have to deal with these types, you have no idea of how frustrating it is dealing with inner city bad ass kids, I do. The cop was wrong, the school handled the shit wrong, but some of these effin kids deserve a effin smack down.
No, she's going to prison if she's lucky, or she'll be dead. Either way, she's been encouraged by the media, her lawyer, her parents, and the gutless Sheriff Lott to be a criminal. We're going to hear about this one in the news again.

Black Teen Attacked By School Cop Has Multiple Injuries — And Is An Orphan Who Recently Lost Her Mother...

State Rep. Todd Rutherford (D-Columbia) told WLTX-TV the 16-year-old girl suffered arm, neck and back injuries when Fields grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the ground after the teen refused to hand over her cell phone to a teacher.

“He weighs about 300 pounds,” Rutherford said. “She is a student who is 16 years old, who now has a cast on her arm, a band aid on her neck, and neck and back problems. There’s something wrong here.”

Rutherford told the New York Daily News that the teen recently lost her mother and is living in a foster home. The teen’s foster mother said the girl was “devastated and emotionally traumatized by all that has happened to her,” according to the Daily News.

Rutherford said that lawmakers must tighten up restrictions on use of force by school resources officers such as Fields — who students say was “known for slamming” pregnant women and teenage girls to the ground.

“The legislature needs to take action, and make sure our students are not the targets of rogue police officers called ‘Officer Slam’ who are going to walk in and brutalize them at a moment’s notice,” Rutherford said


More: Black teen attacked by school cop has multiple injuries — and is an orphan who recently lost her mother
She's going through a really rough time. I do feel sorry for her.
No, they did not do all that.

You tell the kid to turn over the phone. If she doesn't turn over the phone, you tell the brat to go to the office. If she doesn't go to the office, you give her detention. If she doesn't show up for detention, you suspend her.


They never used detention or suspension. They called the cop instead.

Hey moron....IMMEDIATE suspension. As in...get up...NOW...and leave.

Oh wait...if a student is disrupting class...you think they should be allowed to stay??? Detention?? What if she doesn't show up??

Wow. I enlarged and bolded it, and you STILL don't see it. Let's try that again:

If she doesn't show up for detention, you suspend her.

So....your stance is she is not to be removed from class. Right?? Even if she's disrupting it?
No, they did not do all that.

You tell the kid to turn over the phone. If she doesn't turn over the phone, you tell the brat to go to the office. If she doesn't go to the office, you give her detention. If she doesn't show up for detention, you suspend her.


They never used detention or suspension. They called the cop instead.

Hey moron....IMMEDIATE suspension. As in...get up...NOW...and leave.

Oh wait...if a student is disrupting class...you think they should be allowed to stay??? Detention?? What if she doesn't show up??

Wow. I enlarged and bolded it, and you STILL don't see it. Let's try that again:

If she doesn't show up for detention, you suspend her.

So....your stance is she is not to be removed from class. Right?? Even if she's disrupting it?

Airline rules backed by federal laws allow crews to turn a plane back to the gate and toss passengers off flights to prevent disputes in the air.
A classroom is not a heavily laden aircraft at 30,000 feet.

True, but there are rules set in place, and had she been a passenger on a plane, she would have been thrown off, and maybe it would have been pleasant.
This is what should have happened, if this nappy headed dumb child, refuse to leave the class room, the parent of this idiot should have been notified and told to come to the school to pick up her child. If the moron continued to disrupt the class, then the wait should have ensured or or or, I would have calmly asked this idiot, what the fuck her problem was. I would also saw to it, that her black ass mama understood, that until she get sha na na some lessons on adult authority, don't bring the bitch back.
You're a racist for saying that!

Oh wait, you're black. Never mind. ;)
This is what should have happened, if this nappy headed dumb child, refuse to leave the class room, the parent of this idiot should have been notified and told to come to the school to pick up her child. If the moron continued to disrupt the class, then the wait should have ensured or or or, I would have calmly asked this idiot, what the fuck her problem was. I would also saw to it, that her black ass mama understood, that until she get sha na na some lessons on adult authority, don't bring the bitch back.
Its not fair for you to come here and pretend to be conservative to embarrass conservatives ....
You have no idea how this works. He's going to be just fine. I know you Leftists want to DESTROY anyone you don't like, but it's not going to happen. Then you can moan about how racist America is when he gets an even higher paying police job after winning a lawsuit.
There is no limit to the number of police agencies lining up to hire a guaranteed lawsuit generator. Wouldn't you want to be the police commander who hires this guy -- so you can explain it to the Mayor when the known violence-prone loose-cannon beats some drunk to death for public urination?

I feel sorry for this cop because the little bitch he did his Hulk Hogan number on deserved every bit of it. The problem is that's not what kids are supposed to see, and it's not what a lot of ordinary Americans want to see. They don't want cops who behave that way when it is not necessary. That recalcitrant girl could have been removed in a much less spectacular manner.

I'm still wrestling with the (non)actions of the other kids in the class around the incident. None of them that are visible even move a muscle in reaction to what's going down, with the exception of the girl sitting behind the fracas whose desk took the force of the flying furniture and was nearly impaled, and even in her case the reaction is minimal, mostly from the shock wave. But she and everybody else sits perfectly still, they don't even look at what's going on except surreptitiously.

Grappling with what that means, I'm guessing that (a) they see this kind of abuse so often it becomes a "here we go again" moment, and', mostly it means (b) that they're trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible, knowing that to get noticed is to get put next in line for a beatdown. That's why they avoid eye contact with the thug.

That's my best guess, and if it's accurate it speaks volumes.

If any of the students had made any movements, the cop likely would have claimed he feared for his life and killed someone.
This is what should have happened, if this nappy headed dumb child, refuse to leave the class room, the parent of this idiot should have been notified and told to come to the school to pick up her child. If the moron continued to disrupt the class, then the wait should have ensured or or or, I would have calmly asked this idiot, what the fuck her problem was. I would also saw to it, that her black ass mama understood, that until she get sha na na some lessons on adult authority, don't bring the bitch back.
You're a racist for saying that!

Oh wait, you're black. Never mind. ;)[/QUOTE

I deal with these types all the time, until you in it, you have no idea what its like. Some of these kids deserve a smack down. They have no respect for adult authority, they fuckin mama's are just as bad, start more shit in the schools, than the kids.....the cop was wrong, but like I said, until you have to deal with this shit, get off my jock
Schools should invest in cell phone jammers.


I have one, it works beautifully. I like to use it on the highway when the dipshit in front of me is driving like a drunk because they are on their phone.

I flip a switch, and presto, the retard is magically transformed into a driver who fucking pays attention to the road.
You can seriously get one of those? I'd like to have one for my semi truck. From my vantage point, I see assholes texting all the time behind the wheel.

Truck driver. Go figure.
Teachers all over America deal with cell phones in the classroom every day. They don't call the cops and have the kid beaten.

Teachers all over America deal with disruptive students in the classroom every day. They don't call the cops and have the kid beaten.

They HANDLE it.

I'm not in favor of what the police officer did, but some teenagers are too much of a challenge for teachers to just handle.
When a student continues talking on their cell phone after they have been asked to stop, and then refuses to leave the room after they have been asked to do so, it's understandable that a teacher, in particular a female teacher, would become frustrated and seek the help of her supervisor.
Maybe the teenager's parents or guardian should have been called to come and reason with her.

If the student will not leave and will not comply, what alternative do you suggest?
Schools should invest in cell phone jammers.


I have one, it works beautifully. I like to use it on the highway when the dipshit in front of me is driving like a drunk because they are on their phone.

I flip a switch, and presto, the retard is magically transformed into a driver who fucking pays attention to the road.
You can seriously get one of those? I'd like to have one for my semi truck. From my vantage point, I see assholes texting all the time behind the wheel.

Truck driver. Go figure.
Yep. Conservatives work for a living.

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