Outrageous And Uncalled For: Harriet Tubman Wins Vote For Possible Face On $20 Bill

Meh, who uses real money anymore. Hell I probably will never have to see it.
Not a big fan of Jackson's, but he easily trumps any of the nominees in his contributions to America.

The Trail of Tears directly tied to the civil war.

First off, the reason Jackson violated the treaties (an impeachable offense) was to make land available to the feudal lords of the Antebellum South, and because the Cherokee had a habit of protecting runaway slaves. Had these elements not been dealt with, the plantation system that the landed gentry depended on as a basis of power would have been gravely damaged. Free holders had a great deal of land in Georgia and the Carolina's; taking Indian lands was vital to establishing the dominance of the rising Aristocracy. Add to that the option of a safe haven for escaped slaves, and the whole corrupt system would falter. Had Jackson been stopped in his crimes, there would likely have never been a civil war, and slavery would have collapsed under it's own weight.
The Antebellum South is a oasis of shear beauty. The plantations are magnificent. It makes you feel so prideful as a Southerner visiting them. Thank you President Jackson.
mber: 26784"]
This is down right insanity. It boils down between her, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks or some Cherokee squaw named Wilma Mankiller, all women. This is a slap in the face to Andrew Jackson. He saved this nations sovereignty from being lost at the Battle of New Orleans. This shows once again how political correctness is ruining this nation.


LA Times

A). The Battle of New Orleans was won after the the War of 1812 was officially over.

B). Andrew Jackson was against paper money.

You might consider brushing up on your U.S. History
You were the one who said "reflects the nation". Old famous and accomplished white men are overly represented, so we can go in the opposite direction, for balance. Wadda you think?

I think the nominees are all good ones.
What's wrong with keeping Jackson? He whipped the British (Who torched the White House) at New Orleans and kept this nation from falling in the hands of a foreign sovereignty. In essence, he preserved our freedoms. He is a patriotic iconic figure to look up to. Those women belong on a stamp or something else.

Actually, the battle of New Orleans happened after the war was over. It was a victory, but ultimately pointless.
Yet he was a national hero.

Never said otherwise. Just pointing out you were wrong. I think Tubman is an excellent choice. She has my vote.
Tubman?! By the time time this comes to realization, if it does, you might as well select Sharpton. You can use my avatar if you wish.
I think he deserves it for being a Indian killer. That's one hell of a good reason combined withhis defeat of the British.

So, you think presidents should be disreputable scumbags who lie and violate the law of the land?

Obviously YOU voted for Obama.....
The Indians were in the way of progress for Whites of European heritage. They had to go.
The Antebellum South is a oasis of shear beauty. The plantations are magnificent. It makes you feel so prideful as a Southerner visiting them. Thank you President Jackson.

The Antebellum South was a throwback to the dark ages in Europe, feudalism where 95% of the population lived in poverty whilst ruled under the thumb of a corrupt Aristocracy. It was a shit heap.
mber: 26784"]
This is down right insanity. It boils down between her, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks or some Cherokee squaw named Wilma Mankiller, all women. This is a slap in the face to Andrew Jackson. He saved this nations sovereignty from being lost at the Battle of New Orleans. This shows once again how political correctness is ruining this nation.


LA Times

A). The Battle of New Orleans was won after the the War of 1812 was officially over.

B). Andrew Jackson was against paper money.

You might consider brushing up on your U.S. History
I think the nominees are all good ones.
What's wrong with keeping Jackson? He whipped the British (Who torched the White House) at New Orleans and kept this nation from falling in the hands of a foreign sovereignty. In essence, he preserved our freedoms. He is a patriotic iconic figure to look up to. Those women belong on a stamp or something else.

Actually, the battle of New Orleans happened after the war was over. It was a victory, but ultimately pointless.
Yet he was a national hero.

Never said otherwise. Just pointing out you were wrong. I think Tubman is an excellent choice. She has my vote.
Tubman?! By the time time this comes to realization, if it does, you might as well select Sharpton. You can use my avatar if you wish.

Yep. Fantastic lady. One of the great heroic figures of our nation. A true icon. Couldn't be a better choice.
mber: 26784"]
This is down right insanity. It boils down between her, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks or some Cherokee squaw named Wilma Mankiller, all women. This is a slap in the face to Andrew Jackson. He saved this nations sovereignty from being lost at the Battle of New Orleans. This shows once again how political correctness is ruining this nation.


LA Times

A). The Battle of New Orleans was won after the the War of 1812 was officially over.

B). Andrew Jackson was against paper money.

You might consider brushing up on your U.S. History
What's wrong with keeping Jackson? He whipped the British (Who torched the White House) at New Orleans and kept this nation from falling in the hands of a foreign sovereignty. In essence, he preserved our freedoms. He is a patriotic iconic figure to look up to. Those women belong on a stamp or something else.

Actually, the battle of New Orleans happened after the war was over. It was a victory, but ultimately pointless.
Yet he was a national hero.

Never said otherwise. Just pointing out you were wrong. I think Tubman is an excellent choice. She has my vote.
Tubman?! By the time time this comes to realization, if it does, you might as well select Sharpton. You can use my avatar if you wish.

Yep. Fantastic lady. One of the great heroic figures of our nation. A true icon. Couldn't be a better choice.
The Indians were in the way of progress for Whites of European heritage. They had to go.

Lapsing into a feudal system of corrupt nobility was anything but progress. The ideals of liberty were crushed under slithering bellies of the autocratic snakes.
mber: 26784"]
This is down right insanity. It boils down between her, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks or some Cherokee squaw named Wilma Mankiller, all women. This is a slap in the face to Andrew Jackson. He saved this nations sovereignty from being lost at the Battle of New Orleans. This shows once again how political correctness is ruining this nation.


LA Times

A). The Battle of New Orleans was won after the the War of 1812 was officially over.

B). Andrew Jackson was against paper money.

You might consider brushing up on your U.S. History
You were the one who said "reflects the nation". Old famous and accomplished white men are overly represented, so we can go in the opposite direction, for balance. Wadda you think?

I think the nominees are all good ones.
What's wrong with keeping Jackson? He whipped the British (Who torched the White House) at New Orleans and kept this nation from falling in the hands of a foreign sovereignty. In essence, he preserved our freedoms. He is a patriotic iconic figure to look up to. Those women belong on a stamp or something else.

Actually, the battle of New Orleans happened after the war was over. It was a victory, but ultimately pointless.
Yet he was a national hero.

Never said otherwise. Just pointing out you were wrong. I think Tubman is an excellent choice. She has my vote.
Tubman? She is god awful ugly. What could you be thinking?
The Antebellum South is a oasis of shear beauty. The plantations are magnificent. It makes you feel so prideful as a Southerner visiting them. Thank you President Jackson.

The Antebellum South was a throwback to the dark ages in Europe, feudalism where 95% of the population lived in poverty whilst ruled under the thumb of a corrupt Aristocracy. It was a shit heap.
Well I have to disagree.
mber: 26784"]
This is down right insanity. It boils down between her, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks or some Cherokee squaw named Wilma Mankiller, all women. This is a slap in the face to Andrew Jackson. He saved this nations sovereignty from being lost at the Battle of New Orleans. This shows once again how political correctness is ruining this nation.


LA Times

A). The Battle of New Orleans was won after the the War of 1812 was officially over.

B). Andrew Jackson was against paper money.

You might consider brushing up on your U.S. History
Actually, the battle of New Orleans happened after the war was over. It was a victory, but ultimately pointless.
Yet he was a national hero.

Never said otherwise. Just pointing out you were wrong. I think Tubman is an excellent choice. She has my vote.
Tubman?! By the time time this comes to realization, if it does, you might as well select Sharpton. You can use my avatar if you wish.

Yep. Fantastic lady. One of the great heroic figures of our nation. A true icon. Couldn't be a better choice.

I'm sorry. Perhaps you slept through history in high school. You could try google. I'm sure Wikipedia could help.
I think the nominees are all good ones.
What's wrong with keeping Jackson? He whipped the British (Who torched the White House) at New Orleans and kept this nation from falling in the hands of a foreign sovereignty. In essence, he preserved our freedoms. He is a patriotic iconic figure to look up to. Those women belong on a stamp or something else.

According to the history books, that battle may have been needless. The Treaty of Ghent, which ended the War of 1812, was signed on the very same day the New Orleans battle began. As heroic as Jackson might have been, he did NOT keep his nation from "falling into the hands of a foreign sovereignty". The British couldn't afford to keep a war going in 2 paces at the same time and the French were a lot more of a problem. They gave up all claim to America at that point.

On the other hand, what did the heroic Jackson do following his election? Wasn't he personally responsible for breaking nearly every treaty signed with Natives? Didn't he begin the Trail of Tears and drive the Natives off their ancestral lands and into worthless desert and certain poverty? Didn't he begin the country's very 1st welfare system (having food delivered to the reservations where the Natives could no longer hunt or grow their own food), however scant and irregular it was? THIS is a guy worthy of the honor of being pictured on a US banknote?

I know that honest facts seem to get in the way of our thinking sometimes, so ignore this if you feel in any way threatened.
To hell with the injuns and YES HE IS worthy of being on a banknote. It is why he's there in the first place.
Again, you have demonstrated either your lack of knowledge or your inability to fact-check yourself. The reason that Jackson's face graces the $20 bill is unknown - even the Treasury department has no idea.
I think he deserves it for being a Indian killer. That's one hell of a good reason combined withhis defeat of the British.
As we've already gone over, he didn't defeat the British - they gave up.
And I think that ethnic cleansing isn't something we ought to be celebrating after the last couple of wars we've been in and our involvement with several recent conflicts. But then, I like facts - your mileage could vary.
mber: 26784"]
This is down right insanity. It boils down between her, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks or some Cherokee squaw named Wilma Mankiller, all women. This is a slap in the face to Andrew Jackson. He saved this nations sovereignty from being lost at the Battle of New Orleans. This shows once again how political correctness is ruining this nation.


LA Times

A). The Battle of New Orleans was won after the the War of 1812 was officially over.

B). Andrew Jackson was against paper money.

You might consider brushing up on your U.S. History
I think the nominees are all good ones.
What's wrong with keeping Jackson? He whipped the British (Who torched the White House) at New Orleans and kept this nation from falling in the hands of a foreign sovereignty. In essence, he preserved our freedoms. He is a patriotic iconic figure to look up to. Those women belong on a stamp or something else.

Actually, the battle of New Orleans happened after the war was over. It was a victory, but ultimately pointless.
Yet he was a national hero.

Never said otherwise. Just pointing out you were wrong. I think Tubman is an excellent choice. She has my vote.
Tubman? She is god awful ugly. What could you be thinking?

You find Jackson a little more to your taste? Can't say I see it, but I'm straight. Not that I'm judging you.
The Indians were in the way of progress for Whites of European heritage. They had to go.

Lapsing into a feudal system of corrupt nobility was anything but progress. The ideals of liberty were crushed under slithering bellies of the autocratic snakes.
Aren't you appreciative of the Souths prideful heritage? It's so graceful.

If you're a representative of it -- perhaps not.

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