Outrageous & Sickening: Gay Veterans Allowed To March In Boston's St. Patrick's Day Parade

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Look up what? The word "sodomy" is derived from the word "sodomites" from the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah, remember? The sodomites were faggots and wanted to "do" the angels of the Lord. So, there. Look it up starting with Genesis 19. From there, there are cross references to other verses about how faggotism is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. It is the Torah...look it up.

...unfucking believable!!!!
You didn't know that, did you? Now you know it. Did you know that the Torah consists of the Five Books of Moses? It is the Law expounded.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the sad result of homeschooling in America......

"And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the sad result of homeschooling in America......"

Well if defcon was homeschooled, then his parents did a magnificent job of homeschooling him because he is 100% correct and you are 100% incorrect.

The Pentateuch, which are the first five books of The Torah (there are twenty four in total) but the first five books are:

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Also according to the Rabbinic Tradition, all in the Torah both written and oral was the Word given by God through Moses, both at Mount Sinai and also at The Tabernacle. The Written Torah comprises the Five Books of Moses, those that I have named above.
Rabbinical judaism didn't begin until the destruction of the temple by the Romans and the diaspora that followed..

Put your Bong down and pay attention.

The Pentateuch, which are the first five books of The Torah (there are twenty four in total) but the first five books are:

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
...unfucking believable!!!!
You didn't know that, did you? Now you know it. Did you know that the Torah consists of the Five Books of Moses? It is the Law expounded.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the sad result of homeschooling in America......

"And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the sad result of homeschooling in America......"

Well if defcon was homeschooled, then his parents did a magnificent job of homeschooling him because he is 100% correct and you are 100% incorrect.

The Pentateuch, which are the first five books of The Torah (there are twenty four in total) but the first five books are:

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Also according to the Rabbinic Tradition, all in the Torah both written and oral was the Word given by God through Moses, both at Mount Sinai and also at The Tabernacle. The Written Torah comprises the Five Books of Moses, those that I have named above.
Rabbinical judaism didn't begin until the destruction of the temple by the Romans and the diaspora that followed..

Put your Bong down and pay attention.

The Pentateuch, which are the first five books of The Torah (there are twenty four in total) but the first five books are:

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
I am well aware of that, thank you..We didn't memorize the bible for shitz and giggles during Sunday school..
Straight people have never been regularly beaten up for who they are.

That's simply false.

It took me about a New York minute to find this video. There is no great shortage of similar videos out there:

At 2:24 into this video, a fat, bald piece of shit starts telling his fellow shitheads to leave because "the cops are coming". What a brave little snowflake.

At 2:33, one of the pieces of shit grabs the guys sign and they go to the ground. His fellow pieces of shit cheer this.

Three seconds later, the fat, bald piece of shit re-enters the scene and physically attacks the guy who had been carrying the sign, punching him repeatedly. It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to conclude that the fat, bald piece of shit attacked the guy because of who he was and for what he believed. It should be pointed out, too, that the fat, bald piece of shit was too big a coward to try to take him to the ground himself. He waited for someone else to do it.

Fat, bald pieces of shit like this are the reason we have concealed weapons laws. It's shame the guy who was attacked was not carrying a gun. It would've ended this nonsense quickly, and the video would prove the shooting justified.

When the police show up, all of the little shit-stains scurry away, including the guy in the dress and the woman who was shouting that the guy should "just fucking leave". Later in the video, we see this piece of shit pushing a baby stroller. Where was her baby while she was screaming hysterically? Oh, and then even later in the video a police officer removes a beer can and a bottle of liquor from atop the baby carriage. What a model parent this is, huh?

Again, I found this video in no time. If you're going to be stupid enough to make comments like "Straight people have never been regularly beaten up for who they are" you should probably make sure, you know, that straight people aren't beaten up for who they are.

In this case, I hope that fat, bald piece of shit was charged and prosecuted to the max.

I have no problem with gay people. They can be gay and blow whoever they like and I don't care. But when you parade your goofy ass around in a dress and insist that you be accepted, well, you can fuck off and die. I have zero regard or respect for you...

I am sure that gay people everywhere will shed a tear because of your lack of respect....

I don't really care what they shed a tear over.

I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them. Most are fine with simplyt having "rights". That's not good enough for a guy who wears a dress to a parade, though. Someone like that doesn't want to just be accepted, people like that demand that you acknowledge to them that you accept them. Simply accepting them isn't enough.

Well, they'll die long before that ever happens...

"I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them."

Exactly what you said.

The LGBTQ crowd are fanatics and are some of the most intolerant and vile creatures around, the majority of gays are not like the LGBTQ crowd, the easiest thing to do is to tell the intolerant fanatics to just fuck off and nobody cares what they think and nobody has to apologise to any of that crowd or their equally intolerant cheerleaders and this goes for the Leftists in general, nobody should ever apologise, if you offend them who cares, it's not our fault they are mentally deficient Snowflakes who cannot handle a different opinion, let them run to their Play Doh and crayons and tell them to fuck off.

We certainly are not going to be lectured to by people who are almost devoid of any sort of normal morals and who promote seemingly all perversions, they are literally one step away from telling everyone that fucking children and fucking animals is normal and that paedophiles are just misunderstood and why can't we be more tolerant of paedophiles etc.

I think that you are trying to say, "I have nothing against gays. Some of my best friends are gays, but......................" (fill in the blanks with your favorite hate message)

Dear Vandalshandle to be fair,
the hatred and discrimination are mutual.
As many liberal/LGBT would just as soon treat Christians and Christian expressions
(such as Christmas Nativity Scenes prayers etc) as something to be REMOVED
from public institutions and policy. Because they don't SHARE those BELIEFS.

But when it comes to LGBT BELIEFS and CREEDS,
suddenly that has to be INCLUDED and INCORPORATED into schools
and other public institutions, or else it is DISCRIMINATION.
*even if people argue they don't BELIEVE in those things!*
Suddenly this isn't a choice of beliefs to be protected, but it is criminalized and penalized!

So if these Beliefs and Expressions are not treated equally,
there IS discrimination by creed going on...
My mistake. I guess "never" was too strong a word. But the comparison between what happened to a handful of street preachers and what has happened to gays for decades (or centuries) is not even close.

But what's happened to gays for decades (or centuries) in no way lessens the disgusting display we see in the video I posted and, frankly, what's seen in the video I've posted isn't uncommon. But you seemingly dismiss it and that's pretty vile. You're a breath away from saying it's acceptable because of what gays have been subjected to...

In fact, the attack on the gay nightclub in Orlando makes the video you posted look like an afternoon at Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood.

Now you're delving into an entirely different area, simply because it wasn't some street preacher carrying a sign but, rather, an radical Islamist hell bent on killing as many people as possible. Yes, he chose a "gay club". But there were heterosexuals killed in that shooting, too. The two events cannot be intelligently compared...

If you choose to dismiss the Orlando murders as radical islamic actions, the Backstreet cafe shooting was not islamic. A man opened fire on a gay bar, killing 1 and wounding 6. Eric Rudolph bombed a lesbian nightclub in Atlanta, trying to kill homosexuals because of their lifestyle.

And in 2014, and FBI reported stated that 20% of the reported hate crimes in 2013 had been against homosexuals.

I am not saying any of this is ok. I simply stated that homosexuals have been the victims of many, many violent crimes over decades. I recall an event in which 5 or 6 men went into Central Park with baseball bats looking to kill gay men.

So why don't you tell everyone how your love of Islamists fits in with your fanatical support of the LGBTQ Agenda?

Your Islamist pets think that all gays should be murdered, be it hanging them from industrial sized cranes or throwing them off rooftops.

Why don't you tell everyone how you just make shit up to suit your own agenda? Lies are lies, regardless of whether you think you are making a point.

Why don't you refute the points I made instead, about how you Leftist Intolerant freaks are always screaming at Western Conservatives while at the same time you show no outrage whatsoever for how your Islamist pets treat gays.

Go to Saudi Arabia and take your sanctimonious gibberish with you.

When you started your post accusing me of loving Islamists, you flushed any point you were trying to make.

I am a supporter of gay equality. But please feel free to post any thing I have said in support of radical islamists. That is why I called you a liar.
The Homomafia obviously controls the Vatican and the parades now. They have to promote sodomy and unnatural, vile, dehumanizing behaviors to the little children to normalize their perversions and make Satanism “good”. This is a perfect example. My advice to the heterosexual tourists, residents, and their children in Boston......stay away from the bathrooms during the parade!

If you've ever been with a woman, you have thought about sodomy...It is normal..

"you have thought about sodomy...It is normal.."

Why do you consider that normal? Also any woman who lets a man shaft her up the buttocks has no self-respect she is only doing that to keep the man. It is a completely abnormal happening, not to say degrading to the woman.

Women from Polite Society do not allow ourselves to be humiliated in such a way. If a man wants that sort of thing, he'd have to indulge in it with a common prostitute, who by the the nature of their um profession, for the right price will allow a man to do anything to her, even perhaps half murder her.
oral is sodomy also.....Ghee you have a one track mind..
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...
i thought that was a blow job?....
That's simply false.

It took me about a New York minute to find this video. There is no great shortage of similar videos out there:

At 2:24 into this video, a fat, bald piece of shit starts telling his fellow shitheads to leave because "the cops are coming". What a brave little snowflake.

At 2:33, one of the pieces of shit grabs the guys sign and they go to the ground. His fellow pieces of shit cheer this.

Three seconds later, the fat, bald piece of shit re-enters the scene and physically attacks the guy who had been carrying the sign, punching him repeatedly. It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to conclude that the fat, bald piece of shit attacked the guy because of who he was and for what he believed. It should be pointed out, too, that the fat, bald piece of shit was too big a coward to try to take him to the ground himself. He waited for someone else to do it.

Fat, bald pieces of shit like this are the reason we have concealed weapons laws. It's shame the guy who was attacked was not carrying a gun. It would've ended this nonsense quickly, and the video would prove the shooting justified.

When the police show up, all of the little shit-stains scurry away, including the guy in the dress and the woman who was shouting that the guy should "just fucking leave". Later in the video, we see this piece of shit pushing a baby stroller. Where was her baby while she was screaming hysterically? Oh, and then even later in the video a police officer removes a beer can and a bottle of liquor from atop the baby carriage. What a model parent this is, huh?

Again, I found this video in no time. If you're going to be stupid enough to make comments like "Straight people have never been regularly beaten up for who they are" you should probably make sure, you know, that straight people aren't beaten up for who they are.

In this case, I hope that fat, bald piece of shit was charged and prosecuted to the max.

I have no problem with gay people. They can be gay and blow whoever they like and I don't care. But when you parade your goofy ass around in a dress and insist that you be accepted, well, you can fuck off and die. I have zero regard or respect for you...

I am sure that gay people everywhere will shed a tear because of your lack of respect....

I don't really care what they shed a tear over.

I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them. Most are fine with simplyt having "rights". That's not good enough for a guy who wears a dress to a parade, though. Someone like that doesn't want to just be accepted, people like that demand that you acknowledge to them that you accept them. Simply accepting them isn't enough.

Well, they'll die long before that ever happens...

"I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them."

Exactly what you said.

The LGBTQ crowd are fanatics and are some of the most intolerant and vile creatures around, the majority of gays are not like the LGBTQ crowd, the easiest thing to do is to tell the intolerant fanatics to just fuck off and nobody cares what they think and nobody has to apologise to any of that crowd or their equally intolerant cheerleaders and this goes for the Leftists in general, nobody should ever apologise, if you offend them who cares, it's not our fault they are mentally deficient Snowflakes who cannot handle a different opinion, let them run to their Play Doh and crayons and tell them to fuck off.

We certainly are not going to be lectured to by people who are almost devoid of any sort of normal morals and who promote seemingly all perversions, they are literally one step away from telling everyone that fucking children and fucking animals is normal and that paedophiles are just misunderstood and why can't we be more tolerant of paedophiles etc.

I think that you are trying to say, "I have nothing against gays. Some of my best friends are gays, but......................" (fill in the blanks with your favorite hate message)

Dear Vandalshandle to be fair,
the hatred and discrimination are mutual.
As many liberal/LGBT would just as soon treat Christians and Christian expressions
(such as Christmas Nativity Scenes prayers etc) as something to be REMOVED
from public institutions and policy. Because they don't SHARE those BELIEFS.

But when it comes to LGBT BELIEFS and CREEDS,
suddenly that has to be INCLUDED and INCORPORATED into schools
and other public institutions, or else it is DISCRIMINATION.
*even if people argue they don't BELIEVE in those things!*
Suddenly this isn't a choice of beliefs to be protected, but it is criminalized and penalized!

So if these Beliefs and Expressions are not treated equally,
there IS discrimination by creed going on...

It can't be equal if one is a super majority to a tiny fractal demographic..
The Homomafia obviously controls the Vatican and the parades now. They have to promote sodomy and unnatural, vile, dehumanizing behaviors to the little children to normalize their perversions and make Satanism “good”. This is a perfect example. My advice to the heterosexual tourists, residents, and their children in Boston......stay away from the bathrooms during the parade!

If you've ever been with a woman, you have thought about sodomy...It is normal..

"you have thought about sodomy...It is normal.."

Why do you consider that normal? Also any woman who lets a man shaft her up the buttocks has no self-respect she is only doing that to keep the man. It is a completely abnormal happening, not to say degrading to the woman.

Women from Polite Society do not allow ourselves to be humiliated in such a way. If a man wants that sort of thing, he'd have to indulge in it with a common prostitute, who by the the nature of their um profession, for the right price will allow a man to do anything to her, even perhaps half murder her.
oral is sodomy also.....Ghee you have a one track mind..
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...
i thought that was a blow job?....
It can be whatever you wish for..
If you've ever been with a woman, you have thought about sodomy...It is normal..

"you have thought about sodomy...It is normal.."

Why do you consider that normal? Also any woman who lets a man shaft her up the buttocks has no self-respect she is only doing that to keep the man. It is a completely abnormal happening, not to say degrading to the woman.

Women from Polite Society do not allow ourselves to be humiliated in such a way. If a man wants that sort of thing, he'd have to indulge in it with a common prostitute, who by the the nature of their um profession, for the right price will allow a man to do anything to her, even perhaps half murder her.
oral is sodomy also.....Ghee you have a one track mind..
Sodomy is a man sucking on a man's dick. It is biblical too what you hate...You should like Torah though...
i thought that was a blow job?....
It can be whatever you wish for..
all right Moonie!.............
Straight people have never been regularly beaten up for who they are.

That's simply false.

It took me about a New York minute to find this video. There is no great shortage of similar videos out there:

At 2:24 into this video, a fat, bald piece of shit starts telling his fellow shitheads to leave because "the cops are coming". What a brave little snowflake.

At 2:33, one of the pieces of shit grabs the guys sign and they go to the ground. His fellow pieces of shit cheer this.

Three seconds later, the fat, bald piece of shit re-enters the scene and physically attacks the guy who had been carrying the sign, punching him repeatedly. It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to conclude that the fat, bald piece of shit attacked the guy because of who he was and for what he believed. It should be pointed out, too, that the fat, bald piece of shit was too big a coward to try to take him to the ground himself. He waited for someone else to do it.

Fat, bald pieces of shit like this are the reason we have concealed weapons laws. It's shame the guy who was attacked was not carrying a gun. It would've ended this nonsense quickly, and the video would prove the shooting justified.

When the police show up, all of the little shit-stains scurry away, including the guy in the dress and the woman who was shouting that the guy should "just fucking leave". Later in the video, we see this piece of shit pushing a baby stroller. Where was her baby while she was screaming hysterically? Oh, and then even later in the video a police officer removes a beer can and a bottle of liquor from atop the baby carriage. What a model parent this is, huh?

Again, I found this video in no time. If you're going to be stupid enough to make comments like "Straight people have never been regularly beaten up for who they are" you should probably make sure, you know, that straight people aren't beaten up for who they are.

In this case, I hope that fat, bald piece of shit was charged and prosecuted to the max.

I have no problem with gay people. They can be gay and blow whoever they like and I don't care. But when you parade your goofy ass around in a dress and insist that you be accepted, well, you can fuck off and die. I have zero regard or respect for you...

I am sure that gay people everywhere will shed a tear because of your lack of respect....

I don't really care what they shed a tear over.

I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them. Most are fine with simplyt having "rights". That's not good enough for a guy who wears a dress to a parade, though. Someone like that doesn't want to just be accepted, people like that demand that you acknowledge to them that you accept them. Simply accepting them isn't enough.

Well, they'll die long before that ever happens...

"I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them."

Exactly what you said.

The LGBTQ crowd are fanatics and are some of the most intolerant and vile creatures around, the majority of gays are not like the LGBTQ crowd, the easiest thing to do is to tell the intolerant fanatics to just fuck off and nobody cares what they think and nobody has to apologise to any of that crowd or their equally intolerant cheerleaders and this goes for the Leftists in general, nobody should ever apologise, if you offend them who cares, it's not our fault they are mentally deficient Snowflakes who cannot handle a different opinion, let them run to their Play Doh and crayons and tell them to fuck off.

We certainly are not going to be lectured to by people who are almost devoid of any sort of normal morals and who promote seemingly all perversions, they are literally one step away from telling everyone that fucking children and fucking animals is normal and that paedophiles are just misunderstood and why can't we be more tolerant of paedophiles etc.

Obviously you shouldn't attend those functions.
But what's happened to gays for decades (or centuries) in no way lessens the disgusting display we see in the video I posted and, frankly, what's seen in the video I've posted isn't uncommon. But you seemingly dismiss it and that's pretty vile. You're a breath away from saying it's acceptable because of what gays have been subjected to...

Now you're delving into an entirely different area, simply because it wasn't some street preacher carrying a sign but, rather, an radical Islamist hell bent on killing as many people as possible. Yes, he chose a "gay club". But there were heterosexuals killed in that shooting, too. The two events cannot be intelligently compared...

This Leftist Intolerant Crowd are telling us we are not normal for not supporting the fanatical LGBTQ Crowd who don't want EQUAL rights, they want SPECIAL rights.

Not too surprisingly the same Leftist Intolerant Crowd do not DEMAND the same that they DEMAND of us of their Islamist pets, who hang gays and throw them off rooftops.

How would the LGBTQ Crowd do in say Saudi Arabia or Nigeria? Yes, we already know don't we.

I'm sure that there is a point somewhere in the above, although it has been stretched so far out of shape that it is recognizable.
Well, your lack of intelligence has been proven not by not knowing the origin of the word "sodomy" but attempting to ridicule the one who knew it. No wonder you couldn't understand a word she said.

Word origins are wonderful. But that does not change the actual meaning of the words. And the word "sodomy" in the english language includes both anal and oral sex. What it meant in hebrew does not change that.
Yes both between two males. Pay attention to the "between two males."

Since we are using the English language for this discussion, I prefer to pay attention to the standard definitions in that language.

And that definition is as follows:

Definition of sodomy
  1. : anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal
Definition of SODOMY

Webster's New World Dictionary
Second College Edition
Simon and Schuster
ISBN 0-671-41809-2 (indexed)

It is a little small but you can read it in the left column around the middle use zoom also. Apparently, in your version faggots "evolved" the word not to be faggot specific.
In this 1982 publication it is still specific between two males. I will send you another one from the online Webster's for your enjoyment.
That's simply false.

It took me about a New York minute to find this video. There is no great shortage of similar videos out there:

At 2:24 into this video, a fat, bald piece of shit starts telling his fellow shitheads to leave because "the cops are coming". What a brave little snowflake.

At 2:33, one of the pieces of shit grabs the guys sign and they go to the ground. His fellow pieces of shit cheer this.

Three seconds later, the fat, bald piece of shit re-enters the scene and physically attacks the guy who had been carrying the sign, punching him repeatedly. It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to conclude that the fat, bald piece of shit attacked the guy because of who he was and for what he believed. It should be pointed out, too, that the fat, bald piece of shit was too big a coward to try to take him to the ground himself. He waited for someone else to do it.

Fat, bald pieces of shit like this are the reason we have concealed weapons laws. It's shame the guy who was attacked was not carrying a gun. It would've ended this nonsense quickly, and the video would prove the shooting justified.

When the police show up, all of the little shit-stains scurry away, including the guy in the dress and the woman who was shouting that the guy should "just fucking leave". Later in the video, we see this piece of shit pushing a baby stroller. Where was her baby while she was screaming hysterically? Oh, and then even later in the video a police officer removes a beer can and a bottle of liquor from atop the baby carriage. What a model parent this is, huh?

Again, I found this video in no time. If you're going to be stupid enough to make comments like "Straight people have never been regularly beaten up for who they are" you should probably make sure, you know, that straight people aren't beaten up for who they are.

In this case, I hope that fat, bald piece of shit was charged and prosecuted to the max.

I have no problem with gay people. They can be gay and blow whoever they like and I don't care. But when you parade your goofy ass around in a dress and insist that you be accepted, well, you can fuck off and die. I have zero regard or respect for you...

I am sure that gay people everywhere will shed a tear because of your lack of respect....

I don't really care what they shed a tear over.

I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them. Most are fine with simplyt having "rights". That's not good enough for a guy who wears a dress to a parade, though. Someone like that doesn't want to just be accepted, people like that demand that you acknowledge to them that you accept them. Simply accepting them isn't enough.

Well, they'll die long before that ever happens...

"I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them."

Exactly what you said.

The LGBTQ crowd are fanatics and are some of the most intolerant and vile creatures around, the majority of gays are not like the LGBTQ crowd, the easiest thing to do is to tell the intolerant fanatics to just fuck off and nobody cares what they think and nobody has to apologise to any of that crowd or their equally intolerant cheerleaders and this goes for the Leftists in general, nobody should ever apologise, if you offend them who cares, it's not our fault they are mentally deficient Snowflakes who cannot handle a different opinion, let them run to their Play Doh and crayons and tell them to fuck off.

We certainly are not going to be lectured to by people who are almost devoid of any sort of normal morals and who promote seemingly all perversions, they are literally one step away from telling everyone that fucking children and fucking animals is normal and that paedophiles are just misunderstood and why can't we be more tolerant of paedophiles etc.

I think that you are trying to say, "I have nothing against gays. Some of my best friends are gays, but......................" (fill in the blanks with your favorite hate message)

Selective um horror from the hypocritical Leftists, screaming like maniacs at Western Conservatives for not agreeing with the LGBTQ Agenda, yet completely silent at their Islamist pets treatment of gays.

Here's a gay being thrown off a rooftop by the Leftists Islamist pets.


More gays, one being thrown off a rooftop, two others being crucified by the Leftists Islamist pets.


Here are four gays in Iran being hanged for being gay by the Leftists Islamist pets.


Iran's New Gay Executions

Tell ya what Lucy. Should I happen upon an ISIS Muslim throwing a gay person off the top of a building, I will condemn him most harshly.

Until that happens, I must simply make do condemning you for your homophobic opinions..
My mistake. I guess "never" was too strong a word. But the comparison between what happened to a handful of street preachers and what has happened to gays for decades (or centuries) is not even close.

But what's happened to gays for decades (or centuries) in no way lessens the disgusting display we see in the video I posted and, frankly, what's seen in the video I've posted isn't uncommon. But you seemingly dismiss it and that's pretty vile. You're a breath away from saying it's acceptable because of what gays have been subjected to...

In fact, the attack on the gay nightclub in Orlando makes the video you posted look like an afternoon at Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood.

Now you're delving into an entirely different area, simply because it wasn't some street preacher carrying a sign but, rather, an radical Islamist hell bent on killing as many people as possible. Yes, he chose a "gay club". But there were heterosexuals killed in that shooting, too. The two events cannot be intelligently compared...

This Leftist Intolerant Crowd are telling us we are not normal for not supporting the fanatical LGBTQ Crowd who don't want EQUAL rights, they want SPECIAL rights.

Not too surprisingly the same Leftist Intolerant Crowd do not DEMAND the same that they DEMAND of us of their Islamist pets, who hang gays and throw them off rooftops.

How would the LGBTQ Crowd do in say Saudi Arabia or Nigeria? Yes, we already know don't we.

I'm sure that there is a point somewhere in the above, although it has been stretched so far out of shape that it is recognizable.

There is a point, it's not my fault you are not intellectually capable of comprehending the point.

Ok, here is my guess. Is your point that gays are lucky that you don't throw them off of buildings?
I am sure that gay people everywhere will shed a tear because of your lack of respect....

I don't really care what they shed a tear over.

I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them. Most are fine with simplyt having "rights". That's not good enough for a guy who wears a dress to a parade, though. Someone like that doesn't want to just be accepted, people like that demand that you acknowledge to them that you accept them. Simply accepting them isn't enough.

Well, they'll die long before that ever happens...

"I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them."

Exactly what you said.

The LGBTQ crowd are fanatics and are some of the most intolerant and vile creatures around, the majority of gays are not like the LGBTQ crowd, the easiest thing to do is to tell the intolerant fanatics to just fuck off and nobody cares what they think and nobody has to apologise to any of that crowd or their equally intolerant cheerleaders and this goes for the Leftists in general, nobody should ever apologise, if you offend them who cares, it's not our fault they are mentally deficient Snowflakes who cannot handle a different opinion, let them run to their Play Doh and crayons and tell them to fuck off.

We certainly are not going to be lectured to by people who are almost devoid of any sort of normal morals and who promote seemingly all perversions, they are literally one step away from telling everyone that fucking children and fucking animals is normal and that paedophiles are just misunderstood and why can't we be more tolerant of paedophiles etc.

I think that you are trying to say, "I have nothing against gays. Some of my best friends are gays, but......................" (fill in the blanks with your favorite hate message)

Selective um horror from the hypocritical Leftists, screaming like maniacs at Western Conservatives for not agreeing with the LGBTQ Agenda, yet completely silent at their Islamist pets treatment of gays.

Here's a gay being thrown off a rooftop by the Leftists Islamist pets.


More gays, one being thrown off a rooftop, two others being crucified by the Leftists Islamist pets.


Here are four gays in Iran being hanged for being gay by the Leftists Islamist pets.


Iran's New Gay Executions

Tell ya what Lucy. Should I happen upon an ISIS Muslim throwing a gay person off the top of a building, I will condemn him most harshly.

Until that happens, I must simply make do condemning you for your homophobic opinions..

"Should I happen upon an ISIS Muslim throwing a gay person off the top of a building, I will condemn him most harshly."

Islam itself is anti-gay, just like it's anti-women, yet Leftists have this love-in with Islam.

"Until that happens, I must simply make do condemning you for your homophobic opinions.."

I'm not homophobic, I have no hatred of gays, I wish no violence against gays. Also the days are coming to an end when you Leftists get to define what is and what isn't something.
My mistake. I guess "never" was too strong a word. But the comparison between what happened to a handful of street preachers and what has happened to gays for decades (or centuries) is not even close.

But what's happened to gays for decades (or centuries) in no way lessens the disgusting display we see in the video I posted and, frankly, what's seen in the video I've posted isn't uncommon. But you seemingly dismiss it and that's pretty vile. You're a breath away from saying it's acceptable because of what gays have been subjected to...

In fact, the attack on the gay nightclub in Orlando makes the video you posted look like an afternoon at Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood.

Now you're delving into an entirely different area, simply because it wasn't some street preacher carrying a sign but, rather, an radical Islamist hell bent on killing as many people as possible. Yes, he chose a "gay club". But there were heterosexuals killed in that shooting, too. The two events cannot be intelligently compared...

This Leftist Intolerant Crowd are telling us we are not normal for not supporting the fanatical LGBTQ Crowd who don't want EQUAL rights, they want SPECIAL rights.

Not too surprisingly the same Leftist Intolerant Crowd do not DEMAND the same that they DEMAND of us of their Islamist pets, who hang gays and throw them off rooftops.

How would the LGBTQ Crowd do in say Saudi Arabia or Nigeria? Yes, we already know don't we.

I'm sure that there is a point somewhere in the above, although it has been stretched so far out of shape that it is recognizable.

There is a point, it's not my fault you are not intellectually capable of comprehending the point.

Ok, here is my guess. Is your point that gays are lucky that you don't throw them off of buildings?

No that was not my point, but I'm enjoying you continuing showing how uneducated you are.
Def, since you are online, and able to look up the definition yourself, without cost or even leaving your computer, there really is no excuse for such ignorance.
Look up what? The word "sodomy" is derived from the word "sodomites" from the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah, remember? The sodomites were faggots and wanted to "do" the angels of the Lord. So, there. Look it up starting with Genesis 19. From there, there are cross references to other verses about how faggotism is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. It is the Torah...look it up.

...unfucking believable!!!!
You didn't know that, did you? Now you know it. Did you know that the Torah consists of the Five Books of Moses? It is the Law expounded.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the sad result of homeschooling in America......

"And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the sad result of homeschooling in America......"

Well if defcon was homeschooled, then his parents did a magnificent job of homeschooling him because he is 100% correct and you are 100% incorrect.

The Pentateuch, which are the first five books of The Torah (there are twenty four in total) but the first five books are:

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Also according to the Rabbinic Tradition, all in the Torah both written and oral was the Word given by God through Moses, both at Mount Sinai and also at The Tabernacle. The Written Torah comprises the Five Books of Moses, those that I have named above.

Vandalshandle thank you for adding to my already fabulous ratings, even better you funny my post where I show what an uneducated idiot you are, it doesn't get better than that :lol:
That's simply false.

It took me about a New York minute to find this video. There is no great shortage of similar videos out there:

At 2:24 into this video, a fat, bald piece of shit starts telling his fellow shitheads to leave because "the cops are coming". What a brave little snowflake.

At 2:33, one of the pieces of shit grabs the guys sign and they go to the ground. His fellow pieces of shit cheer this.

Three seconds later, the fat, bald piece of shit re-enters the scene and physically attacks the guy who had been carrying the sign, punching him repeatedly. It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to conclude that the fat, bald piece of shit attacked the guy because of who he was and for what he believed. It should be pointed out, too, that the fat, bald piece of shit was too big a coward to try to take him to the ground himself. He waited for someone else to do it.

Fat, bald pieces of shit like this are the reason we have concealed weapons laws. It's shame the guy who was attacked was not carrying a gun. It would've ended this nonsense quickly, and the video would prove the shooting justified.

When the police show up, all of the little shit-stains scurry away, including the guy in the dress and the woman who was shouting that the guy should "just fucking leave". Later in the video, we see this piece of shit pushing a baby stroller. Where was her baby while she was screaming hysterically? Oh, and then even later in the video a police officer removes a beer can and a bottle of liquor from atop the baby carriage. What a model parent this is, huh?

Again, I found this video in no time. If you're going to be stupid enough to make comments like "Straight people have never been regularly beaten up for who they are" you should probably make sure, you know, that straight people aren't beaten up for who they are.

In this case, I hope that fat, bald piece of shit was charged and prosecuted to the max.

I have no problem with gay people. They can be gay and blow whoever they like and I don't care. But when you parade your goofy ass around in a dress and insist that you be accepted, well, you can fuck off and die. I have zero regard or respect for you...

I am sure that gay people everywhere will shed a tear because of your lack of respect....

I don't really care what they shed a tear over.

I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them. Most are fine with simplyt having "rights". That's not good enough for a guy who wears a dress to a parade, though. Someone like that doesn't want to just be accepted, people like that demand that you acknowledge to them that you accept them. Simply accepting them isn't enough.

Well, they'll die long before that ever happens...

"I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them."

Exactly what you said.

The LGBTQ crowd are fanatics and are some of the most intolerant and vile creatures around, the majority of gays are not like the LGBTQ crowd, the easiest thing to do is to tell the intolerant fanatics to just fuck off and nobody cares what they think and nobody has to apologise to any of that crowd or their equally intolerant cheerleaders and this goes for the Leftists in general, nobody should ever apologise, if you offend them who cares, it's not our fault they are mentally deficient Snowflakes who cannot handle a different opinion, let them run to their Play Doh and crayons and tell them to fuck off.

We certainly are not going to be lectured to by people who are almost devoid of any sort of normal morals and who promote seemingly all perversions, they are literally one step away from telling everyone that fucking children and fucking animals is normal and that paedophiles are just misunderstood and why can't we be more tolerant of paedophiles etc.

I think that you are trying to say, "I have nothing against gays. Some of my best friends are gays, but......................" (fill in the blanks with your favorite hate message)

Dear Vandalshandle to be fair,
the hatred and discrimination are mutual.
As many liberal/LGBT would just as soon treat Christians and Christian expressions
(such as Christmas Nativity Scenes prayers etc) as something to be REMOVED
from public institutions and policy. Because they don't SHARE those BELIEFS.

But when it comes to LGBT BELIEFS and CREEDS,
suddenly that has to be INCLUDED and INCORPORATED into schools
and other public institutions, or else it is DISCRIMINATION.
*even if people argue they don't BELIEVE in those things!*
Suddenly this isn't a choice of beliefs to be protected, but it is criminalized and penalized!

So if these Beliefs and Expressions are not treated equally,
there IS discrimination by creed going on...

So, If I believe that the Constitutional ruling of the separation of church and state, you believe that I should support some homophobes decision to ban gays from marching in a non religious event on a public street, and that it would be proper for the city police to remove them from that puclic street if they persist?

I am having difficulty finding a parallel in this. St. Patrick's Day parades are, by no means, a religious event, unless there is something in the Catholic Sacraments about drinking green beer on his birthday,..
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I am sure that gay people everywhere will shed a tear because of your lack of respect....

I don't really care what they shed a tear over.

I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them. Most are fine with simplyt having "rights". That's not good enough for a guy who wears a dress to a parade, though. Someone like that doesn't want to just be accepted, people like that demand that you acknowledge to them that you accept them. Simply accepting them isn't enough.

Well, they'll die long before that ever happens...

"I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them."

Exactly what you said.

The LGBTQ crowd are fanatics and are some of the most intolerant and vile creatures around, the majority of gays are not like the LGBTQ crowd, the easiest thing to do is to tell the intolerant fanatics to just fuck off and nobody cares what they think and nobody has to apologise to any of that crowd or their equally intolerant cheerleaders and this goes for the Leftists in general, nobody should ever apologise, if you offend them who cares, it's not our fault they are mentally deficient Snowflakes who cannot handle a different opinion, let them run to their Play Doh and crayons and tell them to fuck off.

We certainly are not going to be lectured to by people who are almost devoid of any sort of normal morals and who promote seemingly all perversions, they are literally one step away from telling everyone that fucking children and fucking animals is normal and that paedophiles are just misunderstood and why can't we be more tolerant of paedophiles etc.

I think that you are trying to say, "I have nothing against gays. Some of my best friends are gays, but......................" (fill in the blanks with your favorite hate message)

Dear Vandalshandle to be fair,
the hatred and discrimination are mutual.
As many liberal/LGBT would just as soon treat Christians and Christian expressions
(such as Christmas Nativity Scenes prayers etc) as something to be REMOVED
from public institutions and policy. Because they don't SHARE those BELIEFS.

But when it comes to LGBT BELIEFS and CREEDS,
suddenly that has to be INCLUDED and INCORPORATED into schools
and other public institutions, or else it is DISCRIMINATION.
*even if people argue they don't BELIEVE in those things!*
Suddenly this isn't a choice of beliefs to be protected, but it is criminalized and penalized!

So if these Beliefs and Expressions are not treated equally,
there IS discrimination by creed going on...

So, If I believe that the Constitutional ruling of the separation of church and state, you believe that I should support some homophobes decision to ban gays from marching in a non religious event on a public street, and that it would be proper for the city police to remove them from that puclic street if they persist?

I am having difficulty finding a parallel in this. St. Patrick's Day parades are, by no means, a religious event.
I am sure that gay people everywhere will shed a tear because of your lack of respect....

I don't really care what they shed a tear over.

I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them. Most are fine with simplyt having "rights". That's not good enough for a guy who wears a dress to a parade, though. Someone like that doesn't want to just be accepted, people like that demand that you acknowledge to them that you accept them. Simply accepting them isn't enough.

Well, they'll die long before that ever happens...

"I have many gay friends who are mortified by the actions of people like we see in that video. Why? Because they understand that no one wants to give them "special" rights, nor do they believe they should have them."

Exactly what you said.

The LGBTQ crowd are fanatics and are some of the most intolerant and vile creatures around, the majority of gays are not like the LGBTQ crowd, the easiest thing to do is to tell the intolerant fanatics to just fuck off and nobody cares what they think and nobody has to apologise to any of that crowd or their equally intolerant cheerleaders and this goes for the Leftists in general, nobody should ever apologise, if you offend them who cares, it's not our fault they are mentally deficient Snowflakes who cannot handle a different opinion, let them run to their Play Doh and crayons and tell them to fuck off.

We certainly are not going to be lectured to by people who are almost devoid of any sort of normal morals and who promote seemingly all perversions, they are literally one step away from telling everyone that fucking children and fucking animals is normal and that paedophiles are just misunderstood and why can't we be more tolerant of paedophiles etc.

I think that you are trying to say, "I have nothing against gays. Some of my best friends are gays, but......................" (fill in the blanks with your favorite hate message)

Dear Vandalshandle to be fair,
the hatred and discrimination are mutual.
As many liberal/LGBT would just as soon treat Christians and Christian expressions
(such as Christmas Nativity Scenes prayers etc) as something to be REMOVED
from public institutions and policy. Because they don't SHARE those BELIEFS.

But when it comes to LGBT BELIEFS and CREEDS,
suddenly that has to be INCLUDED and INCORPORATED into schools
and other public institutions, or else it is DISCRIMINATION.
*even if people argue they don't BELIEVE in those things!*
Suddenly this isn't a choice of beliefs to be protected, but it is criminalized and penalized!

So if these Beliefs and Expressions are not treated equally,
there IS discrimination by creed going on...

So, If I believe that the Constitutional ruling of the separation of church and state, you believe that I should support some homophobes decision to ban gays from marching in a non religious event on a public street?

Your type don't want gays to have equal rights, you want gays to have SPECIAL rights, you want EVERYONE to agree that gays are more SPECIAL than other people simply because they are gay, this effectively is the mantra of the LGBTQ Crowd and if anyone disagrees then they are homophobic.

Homo-PHOBIC, NOBODY is afraid of gays, why would ANYONE be afraid of gays? So the term Homophobic is inaccurate in itself, Leftists are just wrong about everything, they want the world to be as mixed-up as the mind of a Leftist is, where up is down, day is night, black is white and paedophiles are just misunderstood and if a woman doesn't want to be fucked up the ass that woman isn't normal.
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