Outta Here

I just learned that posters are allowed to use the N word here. Sorry, but that's completely unacceptable to me. Therefore, its been fun but I won't be posting here any more.

Goodbye and good luck with the site.
Which "N" word? There are quite a few after all...
I just learned that posters are allowed to use the N word here. Sorry, but that's completely unacceptable to me. Therefore, its been fun but I won't be posting here any more.

Goodbye and good luck with the site.
Who told you that?... its untrue... but go ahead and run away....
Dumbass Dante necros another dead thread.
necros a dead thread.........lolololol.................,i bet lodda libs are into that with humans

pulling up an oldie is fun.....................they're going to have to make threads, no further replies, after like 2 yrs
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Which "N" word? There are quite a few after all...

Who told you that?... its untrue... but go ahead and run away....

are you still alive?????????????????...let us know

25k posts in 3 mos.....lololol..you have finger prints left ...lol

hey mods let this thread hang for a spell please
Y'all are posting to long-banned people.

Dante necromanced this fossil of a shit thread. (like a fuckin' dickweed)

I'm gonna find a good one and necro it! :D

A classic one, even. :banana:
I've never posted anything like that... you can check my content anytime...
I didn't use those words much..but they were allowed up until a certain point.

I was in the middle of the **** thread when it happened.

I would rather things be allowed than not. They can call me "cracker" all day long, and that's allowed, but I cannot fire back in the

proper and equal manner now, really that's kinda fucked up. A one-sided thing that is.

That's some Orwellian shit there.
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I didn't use those words much..but they were allowed up until a certain point.

I was in the middle of the **** thread when it happened.

I would rather things be allowed than not. They can call me "cracker" all day long, and that's allowed, but I cannot fire back in the

proper and equal manner now, really that's kinda fucked up. A one-sided thing that is.

That's some Orwellian shit there.
Well... I don't remember that... but I understand your point...

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