Over 1,000 classified Clinton emails...agency misses court ordered release date

still waiting were does it say you can't use a private server you with your great knowledge

You can't put classified or sensitive information on ANY system that is not certified to handle it, or store that system in an area not certified as a repository and last but certainly not least, is you can't allow people access to the system for service or maintenance unless they have the necessary clearances. Had she done all that, this would not be an issue.

He can't see through all the Hillary love..Dense
still waiting were does it say you can't use a private server you with your great knowledge

You can't put classified or sensitive information on ANY system that is not certified to handle it, or store that system in an area not certified as a repository and last but certainly not least, is you can't allow people access to the system for service or maintenance unless they have the necessary clearances. Had she done all that, this would not be an issue.
It has been found her server contained unclassified, SECRET, TS, AND TS/SCI information. Having all of those different classifications of material on one server is a VIOLATION.

Her server was NOT encrypted properly and thus not stored properly - VIOLATION.

Her server was found in the bathroom of a small tech company whose employees did not have the proper clearances or authorizations to handle/store the server and material it contained - VIOLATION.

Her lawyer was carrying around a memory stick with the classified information on it WITHOUT the proper security clearance to have / handle it, without following proper proceduees for transporting classified, and without storing it as required by the law - MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS!

Hillary attempted to destroy classified information and did so NOT following required provedures - VIOLATION!

This is just for starters. You have no clue what you are talking about!
still waiting were does it say you can't use a private server you with your great knowledge

You can't put classified or sensitive information on ANY system that is not certified to handle it, or store that system in an area not certified as a repository and last but certainly not least, is you can't allow people access to the system for service or maintenance unless they have the necessary clearances. Had she done all that, this would not be an issue.
It has been found her server contained unclassified, SECRET, TS, AND TS/SCI information. Having all of those different classifications of material on one server is a VIOLATION.

Her server was NOT encrypted properly and thus not stored properly - VIOLATION.

Her server was found in the bathroom of a small tech company whose employees did not have the proper clearances or authorizations to handle/store the server and material it contained - VIOLATION.

Her lawyer was carrying around a memory stick with the classified information on it WITHOUT the proper security clearance to have / handle it, without following proper proceduees for transporting classified, and without storing it as required by the law - MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS!

Hillary attempted to destroy classified information and did so NOT following required provedures - VIOLATION!

This is just for starters. You have no clue what you are talking about!

Aren't you guys on the same side here?:eusa_eh:
still waiting were does it say you can't use a private server you with your great knowledge

You can't put classified or sensitive information on ANY system that is not certified to handle it, or store that system in an area not certified as a repository and last but certainly not least, is you can't allow people access to the system for service or maintenance unless they have the necessary clearances. Had she done all that, this would not be an issue.
It has been found her server contained unclassified, SECRET, TS, AND TS/SCI information. Having all of those different classifications of material on one server is a VIOLATION.

Her server was NOT encrypted properly and thus not stored properly - VIOLATION.

Her server was found in the bathroom of a small tech company whose employees did not have the proper clearances or authorizations to handle/store the server and material it contained - VIOLATION.

Her lawyer was carrying around a memory stick with the classified information on it WITHOUT the proper security clearance to have / handle it, without following proper proceduees for transporting classified, and without storing it as required by the law - MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS!

Hillary attempted to destroy classified information and did so NOT following required provedures - VIOLATION!

This is just for starters. You have no clue what you are talking about!

Why are you repeating pretty much everything I've said and then say I don't know what I'm talking about? Maybe you need a nap.
still waiting were does it say you can't use a private server you with your great knowledge

You can't put classified or sensitive information on ANY system that is not certified to handle it, or store that system in an area not certified as a repository and last but certainly not least, is you can't allow people access to the system for service or maintenance unless they have the necessary clearances. Had she done all that, this would not be an issue.
It has been found her server contained unclassified, SECRET, TS, AND TS/SCI information. Having all of those different classifications of material on one server is a VIOLATION.

Her server was NOT encrypted properly and thus not stored properly - VIOLATION.

Her server was found in the bathroom of a small tech company whose employees did not have the proper clearances or authorizations to handle/store the server and material it contained - VIOLATION.

Her lawyer was carrying around a memory stick with the classified information on it WITHOUT the proper security clearance to have / handle it, without following proper proceduees for transporting classified, and without storing it as required by the law - MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS!

Hillary attempted to destroy classified information and did so NOT following required provedures - VIOLATION!

This is just for starters. You have no clue what you are talking about!

Why are you repeating pretty much everything I've said and then say I don't know what I'm talking about? Maybe you need a nap.
I was wondering why is he arguing with you?:dunno:
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

because she obstructed the investigations. she wasn't punished one bit for that. Why do you think that is?

She wanted only to go on camera with her sighs and shrugged shoulders portraying a poor maligned woman, by the evil conservatives hoping we would all get tired of it. Thats her defense. Just by saying its all old news and it should go away.
still waiting were does it say you can't use a private server you with your great knowledge

You can't put classified or sensitive information on ANY system that is not certified to handle it, or store that system in an area not certified as a repository and last but certainly not least, is you can't allow people access to the system for service or maintenance unless they have the necessary clearances. Had she done all that, this would not be an issue.
It has been found her server contained unclassified, SECRET, TS, AND TS/SCI information. Having all of those different classifications of material on one server is a VIOLATION.

Her server was NOT encrypted properly and thus not stored properly - VIOLATION.

Her server was found in the bathroom of a small tech company whose employees did not have the proper clearances or authorizations to handle/store the server and material it contained - VIOLATION.

Her lawyer was carrying around a memory stick with the classified information on it WITHOUT the proper security clearance to have / handle it, without following proper proceduees for transporting classified, and without storing it as required by the law - MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS!

Hillary attempted to destroy classified information and did so NOT following required provedures - VIOLATION!

This is just for starters. You have no clue what you are talking about!

Why are you repeating pretty much everything I've said and then say I don't know what I'm talking about? Maybe you need a nap.
I was wondering why is he arguing with you?:dunno:

I think he's a bit too much to drink or off his meds, he derailed his own thread so badly that a mod finally locked it last night. It's weird arguing with someone that agrees with you. Hell I think I'll take that nap.
If I misunderstood your position my bad....maybe I responded back to the wrong person in haste. If so, sorry.
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

because she obstructed the investigations. she wasn't punished one bit for that. Why do you think that is?

She wanted only to go on camera with her sighs and shrugged shoulders portraying a poor maligned woman, by the evil conservatives hoping we would all get tired of it. Thats her defense. Just by saying its all old news and it should go away.
How did she obstruct justice in this investigation? She'd be charged lickedy split if she obstructed justice.
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....
OVER 1,000 classified documents mis-handled, illegally sent/received/stored, destroyed, perjury, etc.... I just do not see how this can all be made to go away without criminal charges or some legal repercussions....or an Obama pen/phone pardon. Anythi g short of it all going away, though, damages her chances of winning in 2016.

No matter what, she has already proven she can't be trusted with classified / our national security. Even her own staff, at the very least, has described her as 'often confused' and 'technology challenged' .... just what we need as President.

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

The FBI is compiling more evidence with every release, the last release is scheduled for Jan, I'd say they will have it all wrapped up by Apr or early May.
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

Because she is rich and powerful.

If Your Name Isn't Hillary, the Hammer for Mishandling Secrets
Because her last name is Clinton.
Being a Clinton didn't help her one iota with the DNC in 2008....

Didn't stop the House from Impeaching Bill Clinton either....

In fact, because they are "Clintons" more crapola is thrown against the wall to see if it would stick than any other couple in History.
She lost because the elite decided on the black man but now it's Hillary's time.
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

because she obstructed the investigations. she wasn't punished one bit for that. Why do you think that is?

She wanted only to go on camera with her sighs and shrugged shoulders portraying a poor maligned woman, by the evil conservatives hoping we would all get tired of it. Thats her defense. Just by saying its all old news and it should go away.
How did she obstruct justice in this investigation?http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/03/...clinton-has-admitted-obstruction-justiceShe'd be charged lickedy split if she obstructed justice.

Well, sure its been so long no one remembers anymore, after she was asked to turn over evidence, she stalled and then destroyed evidence.

Judge Nap: 'Hillary Clinton Has Admitted to Destroying Evidence'

You know she is a good attorney don't you? she knows the media outside of Fox news loves her and she could survive any scandal. #1 rule is never cop to anything, better to just hide the evidence and wait for it all to blow over.

I really don't want someone like that for President,
The not-rational fear over the Clinton emails is exposed in the first few posts of this thread. Years later, way after the event, the emails have "Now" been deemed classified. So Clinton is correct in noting that they were not, at the time. Another post notes that, "The officeholder of Secretary of State has ALWAYS been a Original Classification Authority...if the information wasn't marked classified. . . .," then correctly it would be said that it was not deemed classified, until several years later--for whatever reasons. Those are likely classified. . .now, and not much can be said.

The "Damned" emails are not an issue, except that now some of them are an issue: The Republicans cannot be exposing, signaling all the governments on earth to start looking at them(?)!

"Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes now claim that smoke signals sent, should not have been sent--since many White Eyes now have smokes, that they should not have been having at the time(?)! Many White Eyes not too skilled at smokes(?)! One new issue likely to now arise, "Inhaling," or not(?)!)
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

because she obstructed the investigations. she wasn't punished one bit for that. Why do you think that is?

She wanted only to go on camera with her sighs and shrugged shoulders portraying a poor maligned woman, by the evil conservatives hoping we would all get tired of it. Thats her defense. Just by saying its all old news and it should go away.
How did she obstruct justice in this investigation?http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/03/...clinton-has-admitted-obstruction-justiceShe'd be charged lickedy split if she obstructed justice.

Well, sure its been so long no one remembers anymore, after she was asked to turn over evidence, she stalled and then destroyed evidence.

Judge Nap: 'Hillary Clinton Has Admitted to Destroying Evidence'

You know she is a good attorney don't you? she knows the media outside of Fox news loves her and she could survive any scandal. #1 rule is never cop to anything, better to just hide the evidence and wait for it all to blow over.

I really don't want someone like that for President,
Actually judge nap is wrong, and this was right wing Propaganda, lies....Yes, PROVEN LIES.

Congressional investigators are trying to figure out the next move after learning that Hillary Clinton wiped clean her personal email server last fall.

IF you've kept up with it all, you would know that you were told a LIE. Clinton did not wipe her server clean. She simply deleted her personal emails before sending the government emails and docs to be archived.

It turns out she was FOLLOWING government regulations for all employees, which was to NOT SEND anything the employee believes is personal to the Gvt Archives to be saved.

The right wing media and other media jumped on board and regurgitated this LIE so much that many people like you believed it and still believe it even though it has been reported later as being wrong.....that's what successful Propaganda does.....

She didn't break any law, she followed the regs on archiving gvt docs.

AND she didn't wipe her server CLEAN, her server was turned over, and ALL Emails including her personal ones, were all still there on the server.
Last edited:
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

because she obstructed the investigations. she wasn't punished one bit for that. Why do you think that is?

She wanted only to go on camera with her sighs and shrugged shoulders portraying a poor maligned woman, by the evil conservatives hoping we would all get tired of it. Thats her defense. Just by saying its all old news and it should go away.
How did she obstruct justice in this investigation?http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/03/...clinton-has-admitted-obstruction-justiceShe'd be charged lickedy split if she obstructed justice.

Well, sure its been so long no one remembers anymore, after she was asked to turn over evidence, she stalled and then destroyed evidence.

Judge Nap: 'Hillary Clinton Has Admitted to Destroying Evidence'

You know she is a good attorney don't you? she knows the media outside of Fox news loves her and she could survive any scandal. #1 rule is never cop to anything, better to just hide the evidence and wait for it all to blow over.

I really don't want someone like that for President,
Actually judge nap is wrong, and this was right wing Propaganda, lies....Yes, PROVEN LIES.

Congressional investigators are trying to figure out the next move after learning that Hillary Clinton wiped clean her personal email server last fall.

IF you've kept up with it all, you would know that you were told a LIE. Clinton did not wipe her server clean. She simply deleted her personal emails before sending the government emails and docs to be archived.

It turns out she was FOLLOWING government regulations for all employees, which was to NOT SEND anything the employee believes is personal to the Gvt Archives to be saved.

The right wing media and other media jumped on board and regurgitated this LIE so much that many people like you believed it and still believe it even though it has been reported later as being wrong.....that's what successful Propaganda does.....

Well ,the FBI is certainly looking into this.. she should be indicted. If she wasn't Hillary, she would already have been.

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
still waiting were does it say you can't use a private server you with your great knowledge

You can't put classified or sensitive information on ANY system that is not certified to handle it, or store that system in an area not certified as a repository and last but certainly not least, is you can't allow people access to the system for service or maintenance unless they have the necessary clearances. Had she done all that, this would not be an issue.
It has been found her server contained unclassified, SECRET, TS, AND TS/SCI information. Having all of those different classifications of material on one server is a VIOLATION.

Her server was NOT encrypted properly and thus not stored properly - VIOLATION.

Her server was found in the bathroom of a small tech company whose employees did not have the proper clearances or authorizations to handle/store the server and material it contained - VIOLATION.

Her lawyer was carrying around a memory stick with the classified information on it WITHOUT the proper security clearance to have / handle it, without following proper proceduees for transporting classified, and without storing it as required by the law - MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS!

Hillary attempted to destroy classified information and did so NOT following required provedures - VIOLATION!

This is just for starters. You have no clue what you are talking about!

Why are you repeating pretty much everything I've said and then say I don't know what I'm talking about? Maybe you need a nap.
I was wondering why is he arguing with you?:dunno:

I think he's a bit too much to drink or off his meds, he derailed his own thread so badly that a mod finally locked it last night. It's weird arguing with someone that agrees with you. Hell I think I'll take that nap.
his statements are inaccurate ... his thinking of the law he posted does not apply to Hillary's case ... he points out that she violated this law and it clearly shows she did... he can't seem to grasp that fact ..
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

because she obstructed the investigations. she wasn't punished one bit for that. Why do you think that is?

She wanted only to go on camera with her sighs and shrugged shoulders portraying a poor maligned woman, by the evil conservatives hoping we would all get tired of it. Thats her defense. Just by saying its all old news and it should go away.
How did she obstruct justice in this investigation?http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/03/...clinton-has-admitted-obstruction-justiceShe'd be charged lickedy split if she obstructed justice.

Well, sure its been so long no one remembers anymore, after she was asked to turn over evidence, she stalled and then destroyed evidence.

Judge Nap: 'Hillary Clinton Has Admitted to Destroying Evidence'

You know she is a good attorney don't you? she knows the media outside of Fox news loves her and she could survive any scandal. #1 rule is never cop to anything, better to just hide the evidence and wait for it all to blow over.

I really don't want someone like that for President,
Actually judge nap is wrong, and this was right wing Propaganda, lies....Yes, PROVEN LIES.

Congressional investigators are trying to figure out the next move after learning that Hillary Clinton wiped clean her personal email server last fall.

IF you've kept up with it all, you would know that you were told a LIE. Clinton did not wipe her server clean. She simply deleted her personal emails before sending the government emails and docs to be archived.

It turns out she was FOLLOWING government regulations for all employees, which was to NOT SEND anything the employee believes is personal to the Gvt Archives to be saved.

The right wing media and other media jumped on board and regurgitated this LIE so much that many people like you believed it and still believe it even though it has been reported later as being wrong.....that's what successful Propaganda does.....

She didn't break any law, she followed the regs on archiving gvt docs.

AND she didn't wipe her server CLEAN, her server was turned over, and ALL Emails including her personal ones, were all still there on the server.
and they retreated them all .... its not illegal to wipe your personal server ...
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

because she obstructed the investigations. she wasn't punished one bit for that. Why do you think that is?

She wanted only to go on camera with her sighs and shrugged shoulders portraying a poor maligned woman, by the evil conservatives hoping we would all get tired of it. Thats her defense. Just by saying its all old news and it should go away.
How did she obstruct justice in this investigation? She'd be charged lickedy split if she obstructed justice.
she didn't obstruct justice in this investigation ...that what these wing nuts don't get ...they here some clown on Fox noise say "she obstructing justice" and the follow that thought like the good little Bambies they are
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

because she obstructed the investigations. she wasn't punished one bit for that. Why do you think that is?

She wanted only to go on camera with her sighs and shrugged shoulders portraying a poor maligned woman, by the evil conservatives hoping we would all get tired of it. Thats her defense. Just by saying its all old news and it should go away.
How did she obstruct justice in this investigation?http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/03/...clinton-has-admitted-obstruction-justiceShe'd be charged lickedy split if she obstructed justice.

Well, sure its been so long no one remembers anymore, after she was asked to turn over evidence, she stalled and then destroyed evidence.

Judge Nap: 'Hillary Clinton Has Admitted to Destroying Evidence'

You know she is a good attorney don't you? she knows the media outside of Fox news loves her and she could survive any scandal. #1 rule is never cop to anything, better to just hide the evidence and wait for it all to blow over.

I really don't want someone like that for President,
Actually judge nap is wrong, and this was right wing Propaganda, lies....Yes, PROVEN LIES.

Congressional investigators are trying to figure out the next move after learning that Hillary Clinton wiped clean her personal email server last fall.

IF you've kept up with it all, you would know that you were told a LIE. Clinton did not wipe her server clean. She simply deleted her personal emails before sending the government emails and docs to be archived.

It turns out she was FOLLOWING government regulations for all employees, which was to NOT SEND anything the employee believes is personal to the Gvt Archives to be saved.

The right wing media and other media jumped on board and regurgitated this LIE so much that many people like you believed it and still believe it even though it has been reported later as being wrong.....that's what successful Propaganda does.....

Well ,the FBI is certainly looking into this.. she should be indicted. If she wasn't Hillary, she would already have been.

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
you posted this law the law say if anybody gets in their possession of any documents that person can be held accountable depending on the severity you can get up to 10 years in prison ... now tell us all here, who got her information ??? after getting this allege information where did they use it against our government and who was hurt??? can you tell us who got hurt??? can you???? Like I said you have no Idea what this law is saying ... you are so fixated on your hate towards Dems/liberals and Hillary clinton that you grab at straws, or any thing you can to justify your rants here ...once again I ask you what part of this law did she violate ... so far you haven't said or been able to point it out ... you just post your pathetic little rants or say her emails ... emails aren't part of this law

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