Over 1,000 classified Clinton emails...agency misses court ordered release date

she was using that server for both personal and government email. Why does she get to decide which emails to delete? How did we know that she did not delete incriminating messages sent as part of her job as SecState?

Its the lying that gets them, every time.

Why are the Clintons hated? Because they are lying corrupt people who have made themselves rich at the expense of the American taxpayers.
She got to choose what is personal email and not gvt docs to be archived


on how ALL employees handle their email.

ALL employees are told to go through their email and choose what should be archived and NOT TO SEND to the archives, any of their personal emails.

EACH EMPLOYEE is instructed through the rules, TO DO THIS, and delete personal emails not going to the archive.

Do you have a link spelling out that government policy? or are you just talking out of your ass again?:dunno:
I saw it somewhere, let me try to find it again....here is this, in the meantime which discusses it....

Thursday, 10 Sep 2015 10:59 AM

Lawyers with the Justice Department on Thursday told a federal court that Hillary Clinton had the legal right to use her own email account and broke no laws in how she handled those messages, The Washington Times is reporting.

The lawyers defended the former secretary of state in a legal filing, saying they have no right to order Clinton to turn over any more emails or documents than those she has already given back to the government.

"There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server," the DOJ lawyers said, according to the Times. "Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record."
DOJ to Judge: Hillary Right to Have Private Account, Delete Emails

Obama's DOJ defending Hillary? A statement from her lawyers? Show me the statute supporting this. If she's doing government business, anything regarding government business it's not personal. There is no right to keep classified government information on a personal server, which is why she is under FBI investigation

the FBI has said that she personally, is NOT under investigation.

ABSOLUTELY, anything involving gvt records, is not personal

she did not delete GOVERNMENT emails, she deleted her non government, personal emails before sending her government records to archive, which is required by the rules...

i've been searching but haven't found a statute yet, newsmax and the washington post articles will have to do, until i find it.

the FBI has said that she personally, is NOT under investigation.

ABSOLUTELY, anything involving gvt records, is not personal

she did not delete GOVERNMENT emails, she deleted her non government, personal emails before sending her government records to archive, which is required by the rules...

i've been searching but haven't found a statute yet, newsmax and the washington post articles will have to do, until i find it.

You're a 'special' kind of stupid, aren't you?



The FBI Is Investigating Whether Hillary Clinton Violated the Espionage Act, According to Fox News

Source: FBI probe of Clinton email focused on ‘gross negligence’ provision | Fox News

FBI Agents Angered By Obama's Attempt to Influence Hillary Clinton Investigation - Breitbart

FBI builds Hillary case using law that sent Martha Stewart to prison


Forget that the FBI has declared they are investigating Hillary for crimes under the Espionage Act...

Forget that the court has ordered the State Dept to hand over Hillary e-mails, and that they just violated that court order...

Let's forget all the reporting, the news, the stories, and how this was one of the biggest stories in the last half of 2015 and continues today....and just go with your delusional, dumbass OPINION instead, shall we?!

It has already been proven that she TRIED to delete several of her e-mails that related to State Department issues / affairs, making them GOVERNMENT e-mails, since she was required by law to archive them....which she did not OFFICIALLY, also required by law.

Let's start from the beginning, though:

1. Hillary was read into the 'TS/SCI' program, a higher security clearance level than SECRET or TOP SECRET. She was SUPPOSED to go through TRAINING and to sign a document - as required by the law - as part of being authorized / part of the program.
- SHE BROKE THE LAW by at least not signing the document. (Whether she eve did the training is in dispute.)

2. She was required to use State Dept E-mail. She violated memorandums, policy, and the law by having her own e-mail and NOT transferring copies of all e-mails sent/received on personal accounts to State Department possession.

- "The Obama administration has discovered a chain of emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said was the full record of work-related correspondence as secretary of state.."
-- Obama Administration Finds Emails Hillary Clinton Failed To Turn Over

- ‘Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic-mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record-keeping system.’ The responsibility for making and preserving the records is assigned to ‘the head of each federal agency.’”

- “On top of that, when Clinton was secretary, a cable went out under her signature warning employees to ‘avoid conducting official department business from your personal e-mail accounts.’ ”

- The State Department requires employees to preserve records, even saying explicitly that on the rare occasion a personal e-mail address is used, those e-mails should be forwarded to the work address for archiving. Clinton never did this.

3. Hillary PURJURED herself under oath when she claimed she didn't use personal e-mail accounts...then used 'only' 1 personal e-mail account....it was finally discovered she used two personal e-mail accounts!

- “I thought it would be easier to carry one device for my work.”
-- Truth: This was Clinton’s excuse on March 10 for why she used a personal e-mail address for official business as secretary of state — so that all her e-mails came to one device. “Looking back, it would have been probably, you know, smarter to have used two devices,” she said.

A couple weeks later, a freedom of information request by the AP discovered that Clinton used multiple electronic devices, including an iPad and a BlackBerry, to send e-mail.

The sad thing is not her criminal activity but being so stupid she did not know how to use multiple e-mail accounts on her encrypted govt blackberry. Her own staff has called her 'often confused' and 'technology challenged' Perfect, a confused technology-challenged grandmother for President....

4. She said she only used the personal e-mails to chat back and forth with Slick Willey...who immediately exposed his wife as the liar she is by declaring to the media he had sent a 'grand total of 2 e-mails' his entire life.

5. She claimed she never sent or received classified e-mails.
- As the numbers of e-mails containing classified information started to grow she changed her claim to, "I never sent any that were MARKED 'classified'.
-- "Another claim made during that March 10 press conference that has fallen apart. After taking a random sample of 40 of Clinton’s e-mails, the inspector general for 17 spy agencies told Congress that two contained information deemed “Top Secret.”

What people do not understand - the B$ argument Liberals try to make - is that HIGHLY Top Secret (or even 'classified') information sent or received via an UN-classified network / e-mail system, even though NOT marked with the proper / required classification level, is ILLEGAL! This is EXACTLY covered under 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Espionage Act at the LEAST. Now multiply that, SO far, by 1,000...as that is the number of Hillary e-mails that contain classified information. EACH one of those - all 1,000 of those - carry a penalty....
she was using that server for both personal and government email. Why does she get to decide which emails to delete? How did we know that she did not delete incriminating messages sent as part of her job as SecState?

Its the lying that gets them, every time.

Why are the Clintons hated? Because they are lying corrupt people who have made themselves rich at the expense of the American taxpayers.
She got to choose what is personal email and not gvt docs to be archived


on how ALL employees handle their email.

ALL employees are told to go through their email and choose what should be archived and NOT TO SEND to the archives, any of their personal emails.

EACH EMPLOYEE is instructed through the rules, TO DO THIS, and delete personal emails not going to the archive.

Do you have a link spelling out that government policy? or are you just talking out of your ass again?:dunno:
I saw it somewhere, let me try to find it again....here is this, in the meantime which discusses it....

Thursday, 10 Sep 2015 10:59 AM

Lawyers with the Justice Department on Thursday told a federal court that Hillary Clinton had the legal right to use her own email account and broke no laws in how she handled those messages, The Washington Times is reporting.

The lawyers defended the former secretary of state in a legal filing, saying they have no right to order Clinton to turn over any more emails or documents than those she has already given back to the government.

"There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server," the DOJ lawyers said, according to the Times. "Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record."
DOJ to Judge: Hillary Right to Have Private Account, Delete Emails

Obama's DOJ defending Hillary? A statement from her lawyers? Show me the statute supporting this. If she's doing government business, anything regarding government business it's not personal. There is no right to keep classified government information on a personal server, which is why she is under FBI investigation

the FBI has said that she personally, is NOT under investigation.

ABSOLUTELY, anything involving gvt records, is not personal

she did not delete GOVERNMENT emails, she deleted her non government, personal emails before sending her government records to archive, which is required by the rules...

i've been searching but haven't found a statute yet, newsmax and the washington post articles will have to do, until i find it.
Wow! You know what she deleted? How can that be?:dunno: and she is under investigation. She also said she had no classified emails on her server, which means she is a proven liar. Why do you support corruption in government?
6. Her Lawyer was carrying around a memory stick with Hillary's classified e-mails/info on it...except he didn't have the security clearance to have it - illegal possession and transportation of classified material!

7. Hillary did destroy classified information...and a classified server (or tried)....illegally. The FBI has released information / e-mails they claimed to have pulled off her 'destroyed' server. There is a specific legal process for destroying classified info, which Hillary did NOT follow.

8. Hillary was using a personal server. She claimed the server was completely 'secure', encrypted. Further investigation showed it was encrypted improperly...as in NOT SECURED AT ALL, as per legal requirement.

9. Her classified server, which contained unclassified, SECRET, TOP SECRET, and TS/SCI material - all on the same server, illegal as well - was found in the BATHROOM of a small tech company whose employees (claimed not to know what was on it) did not have the necessary security clearance to hold onto or maintain the server - illegal.

10. Clinton declared she had turned all of her e-mails to the State Department...the State Department said, 'Uh....NO!' At the same time the State Department is fessing up to having thousands of Hillary's e-mails which they said did not exist in 2013 (as a result of a FOIA request)
- State Dept suddenly finds thousands of Hillary aide’s e-mails they denied existing in 2013
-- Oh my: State Dept suddenly finds thousands of Hillary aide’s e-mails they denied existing in 2013

"State Department spokesman John Kirby told the Post that officials first asked Clinton to provide her emails in the summer of 2014 in response to document requests from the House select committee investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Kirby added that the State Department realized that "we similarly did not have extensive email records from prior Secretaries of State and therefore included them when we requested their records in October 2014."
- When asked to produce Hillary e-mails - as Kirby explains while trying to water down the fact that Hillary did NOT provide copies of all her State Department e-mails sent/received on her personal accounts, as required by the law - Kirby / the State Dept said they were missing a LOT of them...and some from other Secretaries of State, as well.
She got to choose what is personal email and not gvt docs to be archived


on how ALL employees handle their email.

ALL employees are told to go through their email and choose what should be archived and NOT TO SEND to the archives, any of their personal emails.

EACH EMPLOYEE is instructed through the rules, TO DO THIS, and delete personal emails not going to the archive.

Do you have a link spelling out that government policy? or are you just talking out of your ass again?:dunno:
I saw it somewhere, let me try to find it again....here is this, in the meantime which discusses it....

Thursday, 10 Sep 2015 10:59 AM

Lawyers with the Justice Department on Thursday told a federal court that Hillary Clinton had the legal right to use her own email account and broke no laws in how she handled those messages, The Washington Times is reporting.

The lawyers defended the former secretary of state in a legal filing, saying they have no right to order Clinton to turn over any more emails or documents than those she has already given back to the government.

"There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server," the DOJ lawyers said, according to the Times. "Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record."
DOJ to Judge: Hillary Right to Have Private Account, Delete Emails

Obama's DOJ defending Hillary? A statement from her lawyers? Show me the statute supporting this. If she's doing government business, anything regarding government business it's not personal. There is no right to keep classified government information on a personal server, which is why she is under FBI investigation

the FBI has said that she personally, is NOT under investigation.

ABSOLUTELY, anything involving gvt records, is not personal

she did not delete GOVERNMENT emails, she deleted her non government, personal emails before sending her government records to archive, which is required by the rules...

i've been searching but haven't found a statute yet, newsmax and the washington post articles will have to do, until i find it.
Wow! You know what she deleted? How can that be?:dunno: and she is under investigation. She also said she had no classified emails on her server, which means she is a proven liar. Why do you support corruption in government?
Boy oh boy has the brainwashing right wing media done a job on you....


She said she did not send or receive any emails marked classified, and she didn't. You call her a liar when all you have done on this thread is regurgitated lies that your right wing media told you to say. Doesn't that make YOU the unethical one?
Nobody cares except for desperate right wingers who are scared to death of Hillary. Fast forward to this time next year and that will be President Elect Hillary Clinton.
That's MISTER desperate right winger to you, bitch. :slap:

If you gave a rat's ass about protocol and national security, maybe you'd give a shit.


Agreed, it makes absolutely no difference, so move on and let's discuss issues that are truly important rather than yet another Clinton witch hunt driven by right wing cowards who can't compete with her on a level playing field. The fear is freakin' hilarious and sadly pathetic.

I'm curious...do you not understand the REASON why we made it illegal for our public officials to hide their actions from view? The laws that Clinton broke have their roots back in the Nixon years and were put on the books so that public officials would be accountable for their actions. This isn't something that should be "moved on from" unless you're willing to scrap forty plus years of laws simply to protect Hillary Clinton.

the FBI has said that she personally, is NOT under investigation.

ABSOLUTELY, anything involving gvt records, is not personal

she did not delete GOVERNMENT emails, she deleted her non government, personal emails before sending her government records to archive, which is required by the rules...

i've been searching but haven't found a statute yet, newsmax and the washington post articles will have to do, until i find it.

You're a 'special' kind of stupid, aren't you?



The FBI Is Investigating Whether Hillary Clinton Violated the Espionage Act, According to Fox News

Source: FBI probe of Clinton email focused on ‘gross negligence’ provision | Fox News

FBI Agents Angered By Obama's Attempt to Influence Hillary Clinton Investigation - Breitbart

FBI builds Hillary case using law that sent Martha Stewart to prison


Forget that the FBI has declared they are investigating Hillary for crimes under the Espionage Act...

Forget that the court has ordered the State Dept to hand over Hillary e-mails, and that they just violated that court order...

Let's forget all the reporting, the news, the stories, and how this was one of the biggest stories in the last half of 2015 and continues today....and just go with your delusional, dumbass OPINION instead, shall we?!

It has already been proven that she TRIED to delete several of her e-mails that related to State Department issues / affairs, making them GOVERNMENT e-mails, since she was required by law to archive them....which she did not OFFICIALLY, also required by law.

Let's start from the beginning, though:

1. Hillary was read into the 'TS/SCI' program, a higher security clearance level than SECRET or TOP SECRET. She was SUPPOSED to go through TRAINING and to sign a document - as required by the law - as part of being authorized / part of the program.
- SHE BROKE THE LAW by at least not signing the document. (Whether she eve did the training is in dispute.)

2. She was required to use State Dept E-mail. She violated memorandums, policy, and the law by having her own e-mail and NOT transferring copies of all e-mails sent/received on personal accounts to State Department possession.

- "The Obama administration has discovered a chain of emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said was the full record of work-related correspondence as secretary of state.."
-- Obama Administration Finds Emails Hillary Clinton Failed To Turn Over

- ‘Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic-mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record-keeping system.’ The responsibility for making and preserving the records is assigned to ‘the head of each federal agency.’”

- “On top of that, when Clinton was secretary, a cable went out under her signature warning employees to ‘avoid conducting official department business from your personal e-mail accounts.’ ”

- The State Department requires employees to preserve records, even saying explicitly that on the rare occasion a personal e-mail address is used, those e-mails should be forwarded to the work address for archiving. Clinton never did this.

3. Hillary PURJURED herself under oath when she claimed she didn't use personal e-mail accounts...then used 'only' 1 personal e-mail account....it was finally discovered she used two personal e-mail accounts!

- “I thought it would be easier to carry one device for my work.”
-- Truth: This was Clinton’s excuse on March 10 for why she used a personal e-mail address for official business as secretary of state — so that all her e-mails came to one device. “Looking back, it would have been probably, you know, smarter to have used two devices,” she said.

A couple weeks later, a freedom of information request by the AP discovered that Clinton used multiple electronic devices, including an iPad and a BlackBerry, to send e-mail.

The sad thing is not her criminal activity but being so stupid she did not know how to use multiple e-mail accounts on her encrypted govt blackberry. Her own staff has called her 'often confused' and 'technology challenged' Perfect, a confused technology-challenged grandmother for President....

4. She said she only used the personal e-mails to chat back and forth with Slick Willey...who immediately exposed his wife as the liar she is by declaring to the media he had sent a 'grand total of 2 e-mails' his entire life.

5. She claimed she never sent or received classified e-mails.
- As the numbers of e-mails containing classified information started to grow she changed her claim to, "I never sent any that were MARKED 'classified'.
-- "Another claim made during that March 10 press conference that has fallen apart. After taking a random sample of 40 of Clinton’s e-mails, the inspector general for 17 spy agencies told Congress that two contained information deemed “Top Secret.”

What people do not understand - the B$ argument Liberals try to make - is that HIGHLY Top Secret (or even 'classified') information sent or received via an UN-classified network / e-mail system, even though NOT marked with the proper / required classification level, is ILLEGAL! This is EXACTLY covered under 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Espionage Act at the LEAST. Now multiply that, SO far, by 1,000...as that is the number of Hillary e-mails that contain classified information. EACH one of those - all 1,000 of those - carry a penalty....
Just right wing propaganda you so easily bought, hook, line, and sinker!!!

The FBI Has not said they are investigating Hillary for anything criminal...or her at all.... what they have said officially is that they are investigating the procedures used by the Kerry State dept to release Clinton emails for FOIA requests.
Just right wing propaganda you so easily bought, hook, line, and sinker!!!

The FBI Has not said they are investigating Hillary for anything criminal...or her at all.... what they have said officially is that they are investigating the procedures used by the Kerry State dept to release Clinton emails for FOIA requests.

Amazing, despite the numerous links, news reports, etc you STILL keep spewing your delusional personal opinion as if it were fact....

FBI director reminds us Hillary’s still under investigation and Obama lied about the possible nat’l security implications
- FBI director reminds us Hillary's still under investigation and Obama lied about the possible nat'l security implications

"President Obama does not receive briefings about the FBI’s investigation into the personal email setup Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State, bureau Director James Comey said on Wednesday. “As I’ve said many times, we don’t give a rip about politics,” he added. “We care about finding out what is true and doing that in a competent, honest and independent way. I promise you that’s the way we conduct ourselves.”

FBI Director Won't Comment On Ongoing Hillary Clinton Investigation
- FBI Director Won't Comment On Ongoing Hillary Clinton Investigation

"FBI director James Comey refused to comment on the ongoing investigation into the use of Hillary Clinton's private email server. Comey refused to comment at a Capitol Hill hearing: (see video)"

Yes, you ARE a 'special' kind of stupid....

the FBI has said that she personally, is NOT under investigation.

ABSOLUTELY, anything involving gvt records, is not personal

she did not delete GOVERNMENT emails, she deleted her non government, personal emails before sending her government records to archive, which is required by the rules...

i've been searching but haven't found a statute yet, newsmax and the washington post articles will have to do, until i find it.

You're a 'special' kind of stupid, aren't you?



The FBI Is Investigating Whether Hillary Clinton Violated the Espionage Act, According to Fox News

Source: FBI probe of Clinton email focused on ‘gross negligence’ provision | Fox News

FBI Agents Angered By Obama's Attempt to Influence Hillary Clinton Investigation - Breitbart

FBI builds Hillary case using law that sent Martha Stewart to prison


Forget that the FBI has declared they are investigating Hillary for crimes under the Espionage Act...

Forget that the court has ordered the State Dept to hand over Hillary e-mails, and that they just violated that court order...

Let's forget all the reporting, the news, the stories, and how this was one of the biggest stories in the last half of 2015 and continues today....and just go with your delusional, dumbass OPINION instead, shall we?!

It has already been proven that she TRIED to delete several of her e-mails that related to State Department issues / affairs, making them GOVERNMENT e-mails, since she was required by law to archive them....which she did not OFFICIALLY, also required by law.

Let's start from the beginning, though:

1. Hillary was read into the 'TS/SCI' program, a higher security clearance level than SECRET or TOP SECRET. She was SUPPOSED to go through TRAINING and to sign a document - as required by the law - as part of being authorized / part of the program.
- SHE BROKE THE LAW by at least not signing the document. (Whether she eve did the training is in dispute.)

2. She was required to use State Dept E-mail. She violated memorandums, policy, and the law by having her own e-mail and NOT transferring copies of all e-mails sent/received on personal accounts to State Department possession.

- "The Obama administration has discovered a chain of emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said was the full record of work-related correspondence as secretary of state.."
-- Obama Administration Finds Emails Hillary Clinton Failed To Turn Over

- ‘Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic-mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record-keeping system.’ The responsibility for making and preserving the records is assigned to ‘the head of each federal agency.’”

- “On top of that, when Clinton was secretary, a cable went out under her signature warning employees to ‘avoid conducting official department business from your personal e-mail accounts.’ ”

- The State Department requires employees to preserve records, even saying explicitly that on the rare occasion a personal e-mail address is used, those e-mails should be forwarded to the work address for archiving. Clinton never did this.

3. Hillary PURJURED herself under oath when she claimed she didn't use personal e-mail accounts...then used 'only' 1 personal e-mail account....it was finally discovered she used two personal e-mail accounts!

- “I thought it would be easier to carry one device for my work.”
-- Truth: This was Clinton’s excuse on March 10 for why she used a personal e-mail address for official business as secretary of state — so that all her e-mails came to one device. “Looking back, it would have been probably, you know, smarter to have used two devices,” she said.

A couple weeks later, a freedom of information request by the AP discovered that Clinton used multiple electronic devices, including an iPad and a BlackBerry, to send e-mail.

The sad thing is not her criminal activity but being so stupid she did not know how to use multiple e-mail accounts on her encrypted govt blackberry. Her own staff has called her 'often confused' and 'technology challenged' Perfect, a confused technology-challenged grandmother for President....

4. She said she only used the personal e-mails to chat back and forth with Slick Willey...who immediately exposed his wife as the liar she is by declaring to the media he had sent a 'grand total of 2 e-mails' his entire life.

5. She claimed she never sent or received classified e-mails.
- As the numbers of e-mails containing classified information started to grow she changed her claim to, "I never sent any that were MARKED 'classified'.
-- "Another claim made during that March 10 press conference that has fallen apart. After taking a random sample of 40 of Clinton’s e-mails, the inspector general for 17 spy agencies told Congress that two contained information deemed “Top Secret.”

What people do not understand - the B$ argument Liberals try to make - is that HIGHLY Top Secret (or even 'classified') information sent or received via an UN-classified network / e-mail system, even though NOT marked with the proper / required classification level, is ILLEGAL! This is EXACTLY covered under 'NEGLIGENCE' under the Espionage Act at the LEAST. Now multiply that, SO far, by 1,000...as that is the number of Hillary e-mails that contain classified information. EACH one of those - all 1,000 of those - carry a penalty....
Just right wing propaganda you so easily bought, hook, line, and sinker!!!

The FBI Has not said they are investigating Hillary for anything criminal...or her at all.... what they have said officially is that they are investigating the procedures used by the Kerry State dept to release Clinton emails for FOIA requests.
Do you people WANT a "shadow government" where our elected officials conduct their business in a clandestine manner so that we can't see what it is that they are doing? Let's be honest here...THAT was the reason that Clinton was working outside of the State Department system...she didn't want what she was doing to be on the public record. If you're fine with that...then understand what it is you're allowing to happen going forward.
This story is only important if a Republican did it, since it is a democrat, it is not relevant, important or even newsworthy.
Just right wing propaganda you so easily bought, hook, line, and sinker!!!

The FBI Has not said they are investigating Hillary for anything criminal...or her at all.... what they have said officially is that they are investigating the procedures used by the Kerry State dept to release Clinton emails for FOIA requests.

Amazing, despite the numerous links, news reports, etc you STILL keep spewing your delusional personal opinion as if it were fact....

FBI director reminds us Hillary’s still under investigation and Obama lied about the possible nat’l security implications
- FBI director reminds us Hillary's still under investigation and Obama lied about the possible nat'l security implications

"President Obama does not receive briefings about the FBI’s investigation into the personal email setup Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State, bureau Director James Comey said on Wednesday. “As I’ve said many times, we don’t give a rip about politics,” he added. “We care about finding out what is true and doing that in a competent, honest and independent way. I promise you that’s the way we conduct ourselves.”

FBI Director Won't Comment On Ongoing Hillary Clinton Investigation
- FBI Director Won't Comment On Ongoing Hillary Clinton Investigation

"FBI director James Comey refused to comment on the ongoing investigation into the use of Hillary Clinton's private email server. Comey refused to comment at a Capitol Hill hearing: (see video)"

Yes, you ARE a 'special' kind of stupid....
I agree with Comey, he shouldn't participate in this Republican Dog and Pony show on the Clinton emails.
Do you have a link spelling out that government policy? or are you just talking out of your ass again?:dunno:
I saw it somewhere, let me try to find it again....here is this, in the meantime which discusses it....

Thursday, 10 Sep 2015 10:59 AM

Lawyers with the Justice Department on Thursday told a federal court that Hillary Clinton had the legal right to use her own email account and broke no laws in how she handled those messages, The Washington Times is reporting.

The lawyers defended the former secretary of state in a legal filing, saying they have no right to order Clinton to turn over any more emails or documents than those she has already given back to the government.

"There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server," the DOJ lawyers said, according to the Times. "Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record."
DOJ to Judge: Hillary Right to Have Private Account, Delete Emails

Obama's DOJ defending Hillary? A statement from her lawyers? Show me the statute supporting this. If she's doing government business, anything regarding government business it's not personal. There is no right to keep classified government information on a personal server, which is why she is under FBI investigation

the FBI has said that she personally, is NOT under investigation.

ABSOLUTELY, anything involving gvt records, is not personal

she did not delete GOVERNMENT emails, she deleted her non government, personal emails before sending her government records to archive, which is required by the rules...

i've been searching but haven't found a statute yet, newsmax and the washington post articles will have to do, until i find it.
Wow! You know what she deleted? How can that be?:dunno: and she is under investigation. She also said she had no classified emails on her server, which means she is a proven liar. Why do you support corruption in government?
Boy oh boy has the brainwashing right wing media done a job on you....


She said she did not send or receive any emails marked classified, and she didn't. You call her a liar when all you have done on this thread is regurgitated lies that your right wing media told you to say. Doesn't that make YOU the unethical one?

It doesn't matter if its marked or not. The content determines if it is classified. The burden or protecting it falls on the person holding it.

Now, how exactly do you know she didn't receive any emails containing marked classified data? have you personally looked at all of them? or do you just believe her because you worship and adore her?
Last edited:
I agree with Comey, he shouldn't participate in this Republican Dog and Pony show on the Clinton emails.
Comey is EXTREMELY well known - even among Liberals - as someone who does NOT engage in partisanship but is instead interested in justice and the law.

The ignorant statement is that the FBI is NOT investigating Clinton when they are. Now to try to cast aspersions against the man doing it is just another attempt to excuse/justify/defend Hillary.
Just right wing propaganda you so easily bought, hook, line, and sinker!!!

The FBI Has not said they are investigating Hillary for anything criminal...or her at all.... what they have said officially is that they are investigating the procedures used by the Kerry State dept to release Clinton emails for FOIA requests.

Amazing, despite the numerous links, news reports, etc you STILL keep spewing your delusional personal opinion as if it were fact....

FBI director reminds us Hillary’s still under investigation and Obama lied about the possible nat’l security implications
- FBI director reminds us Hillary's still under investigation and Obama lied about the possible nat'l security implications

"President Obama does not receive briefings about the FBI’s investigation into the personal email setup Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State, bureau Director James Comey said on Wednesday. “As I’ve said many times, we don’t give a rip about politics,” he added. “We care about finding out what is true and doing that in a competent, honest and independent way. I promise you that’s the way we conduct ourselves.”

FBI Director Won't Comment On Ongoing Hillary Clinton Investigation
- FBI Director Won't Comment On Ongoing Hillary Clinton Investigation

"FBI director James Comey refused to comment on the ongoing investigation into the use of Hillary Clinton's private email server. Comey refused to comment at a Capitol Hill hearing: (see video)"

Yes, you ARE a 'special' kind of stupid....
I agree with Comey, he shouldn't participate in this Republican Dog and Pony show on the Clinton emails.

Once again, Care...I ask if you understand the significance of the laws that Clinton broke and if you're willing to allow our elected officials to conduct a "shadow government" where we'll never know what it is that they are doing in our names?
Just right wing propaganda you so easily bought, hook, line, and sinker!!!

The FBI Has not said they are investigating Hillary for anything criminal...or her at all.... what they have said officially is that they are investigating the procedures used by the Kerry State dept to release Clinton emails for FOIA requests.

Amazing, despite the numerous links, news reports, etc you STILL keep spewing your delusional personal opinion as if it were fact....

FBI director reminds us Hillary’s still under investigation and Obama lied about the possible nat’l security implications
- FBI director reminds us Hillary's still under investigation and Obama lied about the possible nat'l security implications

"President Obama does not receive briefings about the FBI’s investigation into the personal email setup Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State, bureau Director James Comey said on Wednesday. “As I’ve said many times, we don’t give a rip about politics,” he added. “We care about finding out what is true and doing that in a competent, honest and independent way. I promise you that’s the way we conduct ourselves.”

FBI Director Won't Comment On Ongoing Hillary Clinton Investigation
- FBI Director Won't Comment On Ongoing Hillary Clinton Investigation

"FBI director James Comey refused to comment on the ongoing investigation into the use of Hillary Clinton's private email server. Comey refused to comment at a Capitol Hill hearing: (see video)"

Yes, you ARE a 'special' kind of stupid....
I agree with Comey, he shouldn't participate in this Republican Dog and Pony show on the Clinton emails.

Once again, Care...I ask if you understand the significance of the laws that Clinton broke and if you're willing to allow our elected officials to conduct a "shadow government" where we'll never know what it is that they are doing in our names?

don't expect a cogent answer. Liberals are not allowed to actually think for themselves. They are programmed to repeat the dem lies and talking points regardless of the truth and facts.

Liberalism is a mental disease, the left wing posters on USMB prove it every day.
It's ironic that the laws liberals don't want enforced against Hillary Clinton now are only on the books in the first place because so many Americans wanted to be sure that government was more transparent after the Nixon debacle.
Do you have a link spelling out that government policy? or are you just talking out of your ass again?:dunno:
I saw it somewhere, let me try to find it again....here is this, in the meantime which discusses it....

Thursday, 10 Sep 2015 10:59 AM

Lawyers with the Justice Department on Thursday told a federal court that Hillary Clinton had the legal right to use her own email account and broke no laws in how she handled those messages, The Washington Times is reporting.

The lawyers defended the former secretary of state in a legal filing, saying they have no right to order Clinton to turn over any more emails or documents than those she has already given back to the government.

"There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server," the DOJ lawyers said, according to the Times. "Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record."
DOJ to Judge: Hillary Right to Have Private Account, Delete Emails

Obama's DOJ defending Hillary? A statement from her lawyers? Show me the statute supporting this. If she's doing government business, anything regarding government business it's not personal. There is no right to keep classified government information on a personal server, which is why she is under FBI investigation

the FBI has said that she personally, is NOT under investigation.

ABSOLUTELY, anything involving gvt records, is not personal

she did not delete GOVERNMENT emails, she deleted her non government, personal emails before sending her government records to archive, which is required by the rules...

i've been searching but haven't found a statute yet, newsmax and the washington post articles will have to do, until i find it.
Wow! You know what she deleted? How can that be?:dunno: and she is under investigation. She also said she had no classified emails on her server, which means she is a proven liar. Why do you support corruption in government?
Boy oh boy has the brainwashing right wing media done a job on you....

She said she did not send or receive any emails marked classified, and she didn't. You call her a liar when all you have done on this thread is regurgitated lies that your right wing media told you to say. Doesn't that make YOU the unethical one?

So you have faith that Hillary Clinton is telling the truth? That says more about you than you know actually...."sigh"

belief that is not based on proof:
He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.

the definition of faith
she was using that server for both personal and government email. Why does she get to decide which emails to delete? How did we know that she did not delete incriminating messages sent as part of her job as SecState?

Its the lying that gets them, every time.

Why are the Clintons hated? Because they are lying corrupt people who have made themselves rich at the expense of the American taxpayers.
She got to choose what is personal email and not gvt docs to be archived


on how ALL employees handle their email.

ALL employees are told to go through their email and choose what should be archived and NOT TO SEND to the archives, any of their personal emails.

EACH EMPLOYEE is instructed through the rules, TO DO THIS, and delete personal emails not going to the archive.

Do you have a link spelling out that government policy? or are you just talking out of your ass again?:dunno:
I saw it somewhere, let me try to find it again....here is this, in the meantime which discusses it....

Thursday, 10 Sep 2015 10:59 AM

Lawyers with the Justice Department on Thursday told a federal court that Hillary Clinton had the legal right to use her own email account and broke no laws in how she handled those messages, The Washington Times is reporting.

The lawyers defended the former secretary of state in a legal filing, saying they have no right to order Clinton to turn over any more emails or documents than those she has already given back to the government.

"There is no question that Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server," the DOJ lawyers said, according to the Times. "Under policies issued by both the National Archives and Records Administration (‘NARA’) and the State Department, individual officers and employees are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record."
DOJ to Judge: Hillary Right to Have Private Account, Delete Emails

Obama's DOJ defending Hillary? A statement from her lawyers? Show me the statute supporting this. If she's doing government business, anything regarding government business it's not personal. There is no right to keep classified government information on a personal server, which is why she is under FBI investigation

the FBI has said that she personally, is NOT under investigation.

ABSOLUTELY, anything involving gvt records, is not personal

she did not delete GOVERNMENT emails, she deleted her non government, personal emails before sending her government records to archive, which is required by the rules...

i've been searching but haven't found a statute yet, newsmax and the washington post articles will have to do, until i find it.
it amazes how much lying from the right to try and smear her ability to run for office ... they have create lie after lie ... they have posted laws that has nothing to do with her... just so they can confuse the voters on the right which is real and what isn't ...

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