Over 1,000 classified Clinton emails...agency misses court ordered release date

] missed it by one letter I guess7 out of 8 isn't bad ... it should have been current my bad ... looks like the grammar police is on patrol ... and yes currants do have laws ... they are called the law of physics
That was not grammar, that was spelling. An example of making fun of you grammar would be something like, "looks like the grammar police is on patrol".[/QUOTE
] missed it by one letter I guess7 out of 8 isn't bad ... it should have been current my bad ... looks like the grammar police is on patrol ... and yes currants do have laws ... they are called the law of physics
That was not grammar, that was spelling. An example of making fun of you grammar would be something like, "looks like the grammar police is on patrol".
sorry currant is not mispelled
[kur-uh nt, kuhr-]
a small seedless raisin, produced chiefly in California and in theLevant, and used in cookery and confectionery.
the small, edible, acid, round fruit or berry of certain wild orcultivated shrubs of the genus Ribes.
the shrub itself.
any of various similar fruits or shrubs.
it appears you don't know what you're talking about
it is a grammar mistake the word was't misspelled
It wouldn't have been if you meant "currant" law, or perhaps laws that govern berry-bearing shrubs in a larger sense. God you're a dingbat.
I think you need to sharpen your comprehension skills ... the article has said the have been reclassified as classified ... you can't hold some one for violating a law after the fact ... it just doesn't work that way ... thats like giving a person a ticket for speeding when they are doing the speed limit ... the tell them well the speed limit goes down tomorrow so you get to have this ticket today ... it just doesn't work that way ... Idiot!!! just because you don't like Dems/liberals you don't get to change the law the next day and hold them for it ...

Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

it only takes one violation to constitute a crime. If you or I released one piece of secret or top secret data, we would be charged and jailed.

Please explain why you think those laws don't apply to Hillary Clinton.
The law does apply to her, and this is why she has NOT been charged with anything.

The law states she has to INTENTIONALLY give info marked TOP SECRET to someone, like Petraeus did, he gave marked top secret info to his mistress.
I think you need to sharpen your comprehension skills ... the article has said the have been reclassified as classified ... you can't hold some one for violating a law after the fact ... it just doesn't work that way ... thats like giving a person a ticket for speeding when they are doing the speed limit ... the tell them well the speed limit goes down tomorrow so you get to have this ticket today ... it just doesn't work that way ... Idiot!!! just because you don't like Dems/liberals you don't get to change the law the next day and hold them for it ...

Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
and prime proof that idiots do exist ...I clearly stated you can't convict a person of a law after the fact ... the fact that you don't like hillary doesn't give you the right to make assumptions about me or her... state a fact thats based on truth not opinion...
I think you need to sharpen your comprehension skills ... the article has said the have been reclassified as classified ... you can't hold some one for violating a law after the fact ... it just doesn't work that way ... thats like giving a person a ticket for speeding when they are doing the speed limit ... the tell them well the speed limit goes down tomorrow so you get to have this ticket today ... it just doesn't work that way ... Idiot!!! just because you don't like Dems/liberals you don't get to change the law the next day and hold them for it ...

Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
No, I support facts and truth, it's you and others on this thread that do not have an ounce of honesty in you, and are unable to debate facts, only conspiracy garbage.
Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
and prime proof that idiots do exist ...I clearly stated you can't convict a person of a law after the fact ... the fact that you don't like hillary doesn't give you the right to make assumptions about me or her... state a fact thats based on truth not opinion...

the facts are she is an unethical liars ,who is under FBI investigation
] missed it by one letter I guess7 out of 8 isn't bad ... it should have been current my bad ... looks like the grammar police is on patrol ... and yes currants do have laws ... they are called the law of physics
That was not grammar, that was spelling. An example of making fun of you grammar would be something like, "looks like the grammar police is on patrol".[/QUOTE
] missed it by one letter I guess7 out of 8 isn't bad ... it should have been current my bad ... looks like the grammar police is on patrol ... and yes currants do have laws ... they are called the law of physics
That was not grammar, that was spelling. An example of making fun of you grammar would be something like, "looks like the grammar police is on patrol".
sorry currant is not mispelled
[kur-uh nt, kuhr-]
a small seedless raisin, produced chiefly in California and in theLevant, and used in cookery and confectionery.
the small, edible, acid, round fruit or berry of certain wild orcultivated shrubs of the genus Ribes.
the shrub itself.
any of various similar fruits or shrubs.
it appears you don't know what you're talking about
it is a grammar mistake the word was't misspelled
It wouldn't have been if you meant "currant" law, or perhaps laws that govern berry-bearing shrubs in a larger sense. God you're a dingbat.
lets see here ...you accused me of misspelling the word ... I pointed it out that it wasn't misspell the fact that you didn't like me pointing out your stupidity that you though I had misspelled it with me the dingbat showing you it was spelled correctly, but not used correctly in a sentence ... this pissed you off ...I got the better of you... I by pointed out you were wrong then you try this double talk with your bull shit here ... it doesn't float dingbat ..
Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
No, I support facts and truth, it's you and others on this thread that do not have an ounce of honesty in you, and are unable to debate facts, only conspiracy garbage.
that truly is their problem ... the loath hillary so much that they will believe anything to justify their hate
] missed it by one letter I guess7 out of 8 isn't bad ... it should have been current my bad ... looks like the grammar police is on patrol ... and yes currants do have laws ... they are called the law of physics
That was not grammar, that was spelling. An example of making fun of you grammar would be something like, "looks like the grammar police is on patrol".[/QUOTE
] missed it by one letter I guess7 out of 8 isn't bad ... it should have been current my bad ... looks like the grammar police is on patrol ... and yes currants do have laws ... they are called the law of physics
That was not grammar, that was spelling. An example of making fun of you grammar would be something like, "looks like the grammar police is on patrol".
sorry currant is not mispelled
[kur-uh nt, kuhr-]
a small seedless raisin, produced chiefly in California and in theLevant, and used in cookery and confectionery.
the small, edible, acid, round fruit or berry of certain wild orcultivated shrubs of the genus Ribes.
the shrub itself.
any of various similar fruits or shrubs.
it appears you don't know what you're talking about
it is a grammar mistake the word was't misspelled
It wouldn't have been if you meant "currant" law, or perhaps laws that govern berry-bearing shrubs in a larger sense. God you're a dingbat.
lets see here ...you accused me of misspelling the word ... I pointed it out that it wasn't misspell the fact that you didn't like me pointing out your stupidity that you though I had misspelled it with me the dingbat showing you it was spelled correctly, but not used correctly in a sentence ... this pissed you off ...I got the better of you... I by pointed out you were wrong then you try this double talk with your bull shit here ... it doesn't float dingbat ..
As I said, you're a bizarre little dingbat. :)
Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

it only takes one violation to constitute a crime. If you or I released one piece of secret or top secret data, we would be charged and jailed.

Please explain why you think those laws don't apply to Hillary Clinton.
The law does apply to her, and this is why she has NOT been charged with anything.

The law states she has to INTENTIONALLY give info marked TOP SECRET to someone, like Petraeus did, he gave marked top secret info to his mistress.
now don't go showing them the law they won't get it ...
] missed it by one letter I guess7 out of 8 isn't bad ... it should have been current my bad ... looks like the grammar police is on patrol ... and yes currants do have laws ... they are called the law of physics
That was not grammar, that was spelling. An example of making fun of you grammar would be something like, "looks like the grammar police is on patrol".[/QUOTE
That was not grammar, that was spelling. An example of making fun of you grammar would be something like, "looks like the grammar police is on patrol".
sorry currant is not mispelled
[kur-uh nt, kuhr-]
a small seedless raisin, produced chiefly in California and in theLevant, and used in cookery and confectionery.
the small, edible, acid, round fruit or berry of certain wild orcultivated shrubs of the genus Ribes.
the shrub itself.
any of various similar fruits or shrubs.
it appears you don't know what you're talking about
it is a grammar mistake the word was't misspelled
It wouldn't have been if you meant "currant" law, or perhaps laws that govern berry-bearing shrubs in a larger sense. God you're a dingbat.
lets see here ...you accused me of misspelling the word ... I pointed it out that it wasn't misspell the fact that you didn't like me pointing out your stupidity that you though I had misspelled it with me the dingbat showing you it was spelled correctly, but not used correctly in a sentence ... this pissed you off ...I got the better of you... I by pointed out you were wrong then you try this double talk with your bull shit here ... it doesn't float dingbat ..
As I said, you're a bizarre little dingbat. :)
as I was saying, you hate being bested, when you clearly were wrong stating I misspelled a word ... you're the bizarre little dingbat here and it shows ...it shows you haven't a clue in what your talking about ... I asked you dingbat is this word misspelled "currant" the answer is no its not
Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

it only takes one violation to constitute a crime. If you or I released one piece of secret or top secret data, we would be charged and jailed.

Please explain why you think those laws don't apply to Hillary Clinton.
The law does apply to her, and this is why she has NOT been charged with anything.

The law states she has to INTENTIONALLY give info marked TOP SECRET to someone, like Petraeus did, he gave marked top secret info to his mistress.

Wrong, the disclosure does not have to be intentional. negligence or ignorance are not excuses for breaking the law. I held a top secret clearance for years, I know the rules.
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

it only takes one violation to constitute a crime. If you or I released one piece of secret or top secret data, we would be charged and jailed.

Please explain why you think those laws don't apply to Hillary Clinton.
The law does apply to her, and this is why she has NOT been charged with anything.

The law states she has to INTENTIONALLY give info marked TOP SECRET to someone, like Petraeus did, he gave marked top secret info to his mistress.
now don't go showing them the law they won't get it ...

its quite obvious that you Hilary worshipers have no idea what the law says. You just blindly worship the corrupt lying Clintons.
Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
No, I support facts and truth, it's you and others on this thread that do not have an ounce of honesty in you, and are unable to debate facts, only conspiracy garbage.

Hillary should be indicted...

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
and prime proof that idiots do exist ...I clearly stated you can't convict a person of a law after the fact ... the fact that you don't like hillary doesn't give you the right to make assumptions about me or her... state a fact thats based on truth not opinion...

the facts are she is an unethical liars ,who is under FBI investigation
and you have proof she is a unethical liar??? have you been watching the republicans say things then deny they said it??? all I've heard Hillary say on this subject that she didn't send classified documents to her private server... that none of her emails ever said they we classified on her server... she said the documents that said they were classified she said she sent them to the government server ... now tell us hows that being unethical
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
and prime proof that idiots do exist ...I clearly stated you can't convict a person of a law after the fact ... the fact that you don't like hillary doesn't give you the right to make assumptions about me or her... state a fact thats based on truth not opinion...

the facts are she is an unethical liars ,who is under FBI investigation
and you have proof she is a unethical liar??? have you been watching the republicans say things then deny they said it??? all I've heard Hillary say on this subject that she didn't send classified documents to her private server... that none of her emails ever said they we classified on her server... she said the documents that said they were classified she said she sent them to the government server ... now tell us hows that being unethical

she knew those statements were not true when she said them, That called lying, dingleberry.
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

it only takes one violation to constitute a crime. If you or I released one piece of secret or top secret data, we would be charged and jailed.

Please explain why you think those laws don't apply to Hillary Clinton.
The law does apply to her, and this is why she has NOT been charged with anything.

The law states she has to INTENTIONALLY give info marked TOP SECRET to someone, like Petraeus did, he gave marked top secret info to his mistress.
now don't go showing them the law they won't get it ...

its quite obvious that you Hilary worshipers have no idea what the law says. You just blindly worship the corrupt lying Clintons.
I posted the law a few pages back .. its very obvious you haven't a leg to stand on and now you're shoot craps here ... well you just crapped out ... I don't worship any politician
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
and prime proof that idiots do exist ...I clearly stated you can't convict a person of a law after the fact ... the fact that you don't like hillary doesn't give you the right to make assumptions about me or her... state a fact thats based on truth not opinion...

the facts are she is an unethical liars ,who is under FBI investigation
and you have proof she is a unethical liar??? have you been watching the republicans say things then deny they said it??? all I've heard Hillary say on this subject that she didn't send classified documents to her private server... that none of her emails ever said they we classified on her server... she said the documents that said they were classified she said she sent them to the government server ... now tell us hows that being unethical

I just posted the statute she violated..one of them
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
and prime proof that idiots do exist ...I clearly stated you can't convict a person of a law after the fact ... the fact that you don't like hillary doesn't give you the right to make assumptions about me or her... state a fact thats based on truth not opinion...

the facts are she is an unethical liars ,who is under FBI investigation
and you have proof she is a unethical liar??? have you been watching the republicans say things then deny they said it??? all I've heard Hillary say on this subject that she didn't send classified documents to her private server... that none of her emails ever said they we classified on her server... she said the documents that said they were classified she said she sent them to the government server ... now tell us hows that being unethical

she knew those statements were not true when she said them, That called lying, dingleberry.
nooooooooooo you're hoping they the statement she said wasn't true ... the fact that you have been beating this dead horse is funny at best ... go educate yourself on the law ... and in these matter... then come back and read your statements you'll start laughing then probably start crying cause I was right and you are so very wrong ... go look at the god damn law that was just pass in nov. 2014
Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
and prime proof that idiots do exist ...I clearly stated you can't convict a person of a law after the fact ... the fact that you don't like hillary doesn't give you the right to make assumptions about me or her... state a fact thats based on truth not opinion...

the facts are she is an unethical liars ,who is under FBI investigation
and you have proof she is a unethical liar??? have you been watching the republicans say things then deny they said it??? all I've heard Hillary say on this subject that she didn't send classified documents to her private server... that none of her emails ever said they we classified on her server... she said the documents that said they were classified she said she sent them to the government server ... now tell us hows that being unethical

she knew those statements were not true when she said them, That called lying, dingleberry.
nooooooooooo you're hoping they the statement she said wasn't true ... the fact that you have been beating this dead horse is funny at best ... go educate yourself on the law ... and in these matter... then come back and read your statements you'll start laughing then probably start crying cause I was right and you are so very wrong ... go look at the god damn law that was just pass in nov. 2014

the 2014 change was a state dept policy change, not a law. The laws regarding security and transmission of classified data have been on the books for years.

I held a top secret security clearance, I read the regs, all of them.
only in a simpleton's mind.

The only emails of concern are emails that are Classified TOP SECRET and SECRET....

Those involve national security and are handled on a specific server in the State department and all agencies.

They are not kept on the dot gov email system that all gvt employees work with, but a separate system where only those with CLEARANCE can access them and a much more SECURE system than the .gov system.

Clinton so far, has been accused and reviewedof having two emails that had TOP SECRET info in them that the IG initially thought were Top Secret when she received them.

One, it was found out that the info was not TOP SECRET info when she received the email about it, it had not even been classified yet so the email sender also got info from public sources, and the other one, it was determined that this supposed TOP SECRET info was also out there and known in Public sources too.

On this last batch of thousand(s) emails released, there is 1 that was classified as SECRET after the fact....but i have not heard more on that one yet.

Calling these thousand emails 'classified' as if it is something important and critical to our National security just because through procedure, a name is blacked out or a phone number is blacked out is utterly ridiculous and FOOLISH....

even docs and emails classified as UNCLASSIFIED, can have info on them that is not pertinent to understanding the email discussion, but will be blacked out. SBU, sensitive but unclassified.

So, as I have mentioned before, this supposed COUNT of CLASSIFIED emails of Hillary's is all FAUX HYPE driven by the uninformed media rags.

Every single one of those emails with black outs of names or addresses or small little unimportant things that are unnecessary for the public to know, will be blacked out and they ALL could be simply SBU's, UNCLASSIFIED docs or emails.

SECRET and TOP SECRET are the only emails that involve National security.

Translation...i support the leftist scum Hillary no matter what she does, because she is Hillary. She's a self serving liar and you support her corruption
and prime proof that idiots do exist ...I clearly stated you can't convict a person of a law after the fact ... the fact that you don't like hillary doesn't give you the right to make assumptions about me or her... state a fact thats based on truth not opinion...

the facts are she is an unethical liars ,who is under FBI investigation
and you have proof she is a unethical liar??? have you been watching the republicans say things then deny they said it??? all I've heard Hillary say on this subject that she didn't send classified documents to her private server... that none of her emails ever said they we classified on her server... she said the documents that said they were classified she said she sent them to the government server ... now tell us hows that being unethical

I just posted the statute she violated..one of them
Ok lets look at this law you posted

Whoever, for the purpose of obtaining information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation, goes upon, enters, flies over, or otherwise obtains information concerning any vessel, aircraft, work of defense, navy yard, naval station, submarine base, fueling station, fort, battery, torpedo station, dockyard, canal, railroad, arsenal, camp, factory, mine, telegraph, telephone, wireless, or signal station, building, office, research laboratory or station or other place connected with the national defense owned or constructed, or in progress of construction by the United States or under the control of the United States, or of any of its officers, departments, or agencies, or within the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, or any place in which any vessel, aircraft, arms, munitions, or other materials or instruments for use in time of war are being made, prepared, repaired, stored, or are the subject of research or development, under any contract or agreement with the United States, or any department or agency thereof, or with any person on behalf of the United States, or otherwise on behalf of the United States, or any prohibited place so designated by the President by proclamation in time of war or in case of national emergency in which anything for the use of the Army, Navy, or Air Force is being prepared or constructed or stored, information as to which prohibited place the President has determined would be prejudicial to the national defense; or

please point out what part of the law she violated by send private emails to her server ??? did she send it to some one who could have used it against us ??? no that didn't happen what part of this law are you saying she violated...

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