Over 1,000 classified Clinton emails...agency misses court ordered release date

OVER 1,000 classified documents mis-handled, illegally sent/received/stored, destroyed, perjury, etc.... I just do not see how this can all be made to go away without criminal charges or some legal repercussions....or an Obama pen/phone pardon. Anythi g short of it all going away, though, damages her chances of winning in 2016.

No matter what, she has already proven she can't be trusted with classified / our national security. Even her own staff, at the very least, has described her as 'often confused' and 'technology challenged' .... just what we need as President.

It goes away like this, launch an investigation, float out stories about how the law was broken, and make it stretch out over a couple of months. This allows the political operatives to denounce those questioning the ethics of what she did and to put doubt into people's head. It also allows for people to just get tired of hearing about the story.

Then those doing the investigation report their is nothing that raises to the level of being charged with a crime. Then the political operatives crow about how it was all nothing more then a witch hunt. So it goes from being a political negative to a political positive and this is what is going to happen with Mrs. Clinton. Mark my words and i hope by May you are throwing them back in my face, but I seriously doubt that will happen.

It helps if the political operatives find someone else on the other side who has done something similar thus diluting the situation with BS. But that is not really required just icing on the cake.
you sure do like to make shit up ... the courts made the release dates, not clinton ... nor does she have any access to any of the emails being released, the courts have to determine if they are classified that she was ordered to release ... she was ordered to show 55,000 emails ... she has given 45,000 emails so far none of them were consider classified when she receive them ... and who cares if you mark your words, your words are nothing more then a conservatives hating a dam/liberal thats it ... all you allegations here are just that allegations or opinion ... what you think it is compared to your biased opinion base on your opinion of dems/liberals not what is reality

None of what you posted is counter to what I posted, matter of fact you support exactly what I posted. Hey, you are right though, I do hate people that openly lie to us.
I get it ...you aren't bright enough to understand what I said ...all of this non-sense of yours about political operatives, and denouncing .... I clearly pointed out that she can't see these emails that she had released, until it is released by the courts ... only the courts get to say what is released not hillary ... hence she can't have political operatives spin, or have them denouncing them yet why??? because they haven't seen them yet ... you make all this opinions of yours whats should happen but for some political reason they won't happen ... you can't seem to grasp she can't do anything if there is a violation ... you can't understand that .. ... I get it ... stupid comes to mind

And you double down. None of what you posted makes a hill of beans and counters nothing that I posted, matter of fact you are doing exactly what I said political operatives would do. YOU admit to not seeing some alleged emails so how in the hell can you be so sure in what they say or their classification, you can't.

I will also point out something to you, when i make a factual claim there is something called a link included. So if you want to make factual claims we need verification and source. Even though it will more then likely be the dailykos.
nobody cares anymore because RW's have hammered this to death and will continue to hammer this to death.


they're dead to everyone except other RW's.

not real smart are they ?
there the one out in their back yard beating their dead dog to fetch.. then they tells us why its important to beat that dead dog because its their constitutional right ...
nobody cares anymore because RW's have hammered this to death and will continue to hammer this to death.


they're dead to everyone except other RW's.

not real smart are they ?
Check out the Beast's trustworthiness:

Email questions follow Clinton into 2016 as document release falls behind schedule

Clinton turned over about 55,000 pages of work-related emails to the State Department afterdeleting thousands of personal emails. While she initially said she sent and received no classified information on the email account, she has amended that claim to say that she received nothing that was marked classified.

It is still unclear whether any material was classified when she received it or appropriately marked that way, but nearly 1,000 emails so far have been redacted because of information that is now classified. Statements by the inspector general for the intelligence community have indicated that at least two emails may have contained "top secret" information when they were sent.
you could say the same thing about any republican running for president .. so whats your point ??? other then the pointed hat you have on sitting in the corner with your laptop with the letters on your hat saying
Does anyone honestly think America needs four more years of "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" and "they weren't classified when I sent them"? Clintonian sleaze again? WTF is wrong with you people?
the real question is WTF is wrong with you ... when the only thing you can get on hillary is her emails and something she had no control over ... you base your whole opinion that you think she did something wrong... well DF she didn't ... WTF wong with you ... why do you and other republicans have to make shit up to just tiny your means.. what the fuck is wrong with you ???

Your post 27 agrees with what I posted an you so denounced.

That said I am going to agree with you, the government will never get anything on Mrs. Clinton, they protect their own. How in the hell Nixon was forced to leave office would never happen in today's Washington. It will take the people to get rid of, by voting against her, Mrs. Clinton once and for all. Just like the people got rid of the democrat congress that was screwing them so badly. I have hope in the voters to make the right choice, and it ain't Mrs. Clinton.
thats not true .. did the protect Dennis Hassert??? did the protect the governor of Illinois he's in jail for some reason you righties think theres this big government comspircy where government official seem to get these special protection ... they don't ... if they violate the law they go to jail ... I don't care home likes you get its irrelevant ...

Again you make my point by pointing out someone on the other side of the aisle. Nothing is absolute, as with Nixon some are brought down. My wonderment is why Bill and Mrs. Clinton keep slipping the noose. Someone has to be taking care of them, Soros?
you could say the same thing about any republican running for president .. so whats your point ??? other then the pointed hat you have on sitting in the corner with your laptop with the letters on your hat saying
Does anyone honestly think America needs four more years of "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" and "they weren't classified when I sent them"? Clintonian sleaze again? WTF is wrong with you people?
the real question is WTF is wrong with you ... when the only thing you can get on hillary is her emails and something she had no control over ... you base your whole opinion that you think she did something wrong... well DF she didn't ... WTF wong with you ... why do you and other republicans have to make shit up to just tiny your means.. what the fuck is wrong with you ???

Your post 27 agrees with what I posted an you so denounced.

That said I am going to agree with you, the government will never get anything on Mrs. Clinton, they protect their own. How in the hell Nixon was forced to leave office would never happen in today's Washington. It will take the people to get rid of, by voting against her, Mrs. Clinton once and for all. Just like the people got rid of the democrat congress that was screwing them so badly. I have hope in the voters to make the right choice, and it ain't Mrs. Clinton.
thats not true .. did the protect Dennis Hassert??? did the protect the governor of Illinois he's in jail for some reason you righties think theres this big government comspircy where government official seem to get these special protection ... they don't ... if they violate the law they go to jail ... I don't care home likes you get its irrelevant ...

Again you make my point by pointing out someone on the other side of the aisle. Nothing is absolute, as with Nixon some are brought down. My wonderment is why Bill and Mrs. Clinton keep slipping the noose. Someone has to be taking care of them, Soros?

The leftist, liberal, media
nobody cares anymore because RW's have hammered this to death and will continue to hammer this to death.


they're dead to everyone except other RW's.

not real smart are they ?
Check out the Beast's trustworthiness:

Email questions follow Clinton into 2016 as document release falls behind schedule

Clinton turned over about 55,000 pages of work-related emails to the State Department afterdeleting thousands of personal emails. While she initially said she sent and received no classified information on the email account, she has amended that claim to say that she received nothing that was marked classified.

It is still unclear whether any material was classified when she received it or appropriately marked that way, but nearly 1,000 emails so far have been redacted because of information that is now classified. Statements by the inspector general for the intelligence community have indicated that at least two emails may have contained "top secret" information when they were sent.

What could happen here is that the FBI's investigation will reveal, rightly or wrongly, that Mrs. Clinton did receive classified documents via Email that were not marked as classified. The FBI will then prosecute those who sent them to her and exonerate Mrs. Clinton as a grandma who was set up by her aids and assistants.
OVER 1,000 classified documents mis-handled, illegally sent/received/stored, destroyed, perjury, etc.... I just do not see how this can all be made to go away without criminal charges or some legal repercussions....or an Obama pen/phone pardon. Anythi g short of it all going away, though, damages her chances of winning in 2016.

No matter what, she has already proven she can't be trusted with classified / our national security. Even her own staff, at the very least, has described her as 'often confused' and 'technology challenged' .... just what we need as President.

It goes away like this, launch an investigation, float out stories about how the law was broken, and make it stretch out over a couple of months. This allows the political operatives to denounce those questioning the ethics of what she did and to put doubt into people's head. It also allows for people to just get tired of hearing about the story.

Then those doing the investigation report their is nothing that raises to the level of being charged with a crime. Then the political operatives crow about how it was all nothing more then a witch hunt. So it goes from being a political negative to a political positive and this is what is going to happen with Mrs. Clinton. Mark my words and i hope by May you are throwing them back in my face, but I seriously doubt that will happen.

It helps if the political operatives find someone else on the other side who has done something similar thus diluting the situation with BS. But that is not really required just icing on the cake.
you sure do like to make shit up ... the courts made the release dates, not clinton ... nor does she have any access to any of the emails being released, the courts have to determine if they are classified that she was ordered to release ... she was ordered to show 55,000 emails ... she has given 45,000 emails so far none of them were consider classified when she receive them ... and who cares if you mark your words, your words are nothing more then a conservatives hating a dam/liberal thats it ... all you allegations here are just that allegations or opinion ... what you think it is compared to your biased opinion base on your opinion of dems/liberals not what is reality

None of what you posted is counter to what I posted, matter of fact you support exactly what I posted. Hey, you are right though, I do hate people that openly lie to us.
I get it ...you aren't bright enough to understand what I said ...all of this non-sense of yours about political operatives, and denouncing .... I clearly pointed out that she can't see these emails that she had released, until it is released by the courts ... only the courts get to say what is released not hillary ... hence she can't have political operatives spin, or have them denouncing them yet why??? because they haven't seen them yet ... you make all this opinions of yours whats should happen but for some political reason they won't happen ... you can't seem to grasp she can't do anything if there is a violation ... you can't understand that .. ... I get it ... stupid comes to mind

What a bunch of gibberish...

More than 1,200 Clinton emails now deemed classified
I think you need to sharpen your comprehension skills ... the article has said the have been reclassified as classified ... you can't hold some one for violating a law after the fact ... it just doesn't work that way ... thats like giving a person a ticket for speeding when they are doing the speed limit ... the tell them well the speed limit goes down tomorrow so you get to have this ticket today ... it just doesn't work that way ... Idiot!!! just because you don't like Dems/liberals you don't get to change the law the next day and hold them for it ...
Does anyone honestly think America needs four more years of "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman" and "they weren't classified when I sent them"? Clintonian sleaze again? WTF is wrong with you people?
the real question is WTF is wrong with you ... when the only thing you can get on hillary is her emails and something she had no control over ... you base your whole opinion that you think she did something wrong... well DF she didn't ... WTF wong with you ... why do you and other republicans have to make shit up to just tiny your means.. what the fuck is wrong with you ???

Your post 27 agrees with what I posted an you so denounced.

That said I am going to agree with you, the government will never get anything on Mrs. Clinton, they protect their own. How in the hell Nixon was forced to leave office would never happen in today's Washington. It will take the people to get rid of, by voting against her, Mrs. Clinton once and for all. Just like the people got rid of the democrat congress that was screwing them so badly. I have hope in the voters to make the right choice, and it ain't Mrs. Clinton.
thats not true .. did the protect Dennis Hassert??? did the protect the governor of Illinois he's in jail for some reason you righties think theres this big government comspircy where government official seem to get these special protection ... they don't ... if they violate the law they go to jail ... I don't care home likes you get its irrelevant ...

Again you make my point by pointing out someone on the other side of the aisle. Nothing is absolute, as with Nixon some are brought down. My wonderment is why Bill and Mrs. Clinton keep slipping the noose. Someone has to be taking care of them, Soros?

The leftist, liberal, media
there is no such thing as the leftist liberal media ... on the other had there is a such of a thing as media you don't like ...
the real question is WTF is wrong with you ... when the only thing you can get on hillary is her emails and something she had no control over ... you base your whole opinion that you think she did something wrong... well DF she didn't ... WTF wong with you ... why do you and other republicans have to make shit up to just tiny your means.. what the fuck is wrong with you ???

Your post 27 agrees with what I posted an you so denounced.

That said I am going to agree with you, the government will never get anything on Mrs. Clinton, they protect their own. How in the hell Nixon was forced to leave office would never happen in today's Washington. It will take the people to get rid of, by voting against her, Mrs. Clinton once and for all. Just like the people got rid of the democrat congress that was screwing them so badly. I have hope in the voters to make the right choice, and it ain't Mrs. Clinton.
thats not true .. did the protect Dennis Hassert??? did the protect the governor of Illinois he's in jail for some reason you righties think theres this big government comspircy where government official seem to get these special protection ... they don't ... if they violate the law they go to jail ... I don't care home likes you get its irrelevant ...

Again you make my point by pointing out someone on the other side of the aisle. Nothing is absolute, as with Nixon some are brought down. My wonderment is why Bill and Mrs. Clinton keep slipping the noose. Someone has to be taking care of them, Soros?

The leftist, liberal, media
there is no such thing as the leftist liberal media ... on the other had there is a such of a thing as media you don't like ...

Good, I assume you will now be posting links to the Drudge Report or Dr. Savage? Fox News?
the question is

why did they get classified
the real question is why wasn't it classified in the first place ... thats the question that should be asked ... for people on the right to try and say well we get to put her in jail because it has been reclassified is wrong as wrong can be ... whether you're a dem/liberal or a republican you don't get to go after anyone after the fact ..
the question is

why did they get classified
the real question is why wasn't it classified in the first place ... thats the question that should be asked ... for people on the right to try and say well we get to put her in jail because it has been reclassified is wrong as wrong can be ... whether you're a dem/liberal or a republican you don't get to go after anyone after the fact ..

you really must be a rocket scientist --LOL
It goes away like this, launch an investigation, float out stories about how the law was broken, and make it stretch out over a couple of months. This allows the political operatives to denounce those questioning the ethics of what she did and to put doubt into people's head. It also allows for people to just get tired of hearing about the story.

Then those doing the investigation report their is nothing that raises to the level of being charged with a crime. Then the political operatives crow about how it was all nothing more then a witch hunt. So it goes from being a political negative to a political positive and this is what is going to happen with Mrs. Clinton. Mark my words and i hope by May you are throwing them back in my face, but I seriously doubt that will happen.

It helps if the political operatives find someone else on the other side who has done something similar thus diluting the situation with BS. But that is not really required just icing on the cake.
you sure do like to make shit up ... the courts made the release dates, not clinton ... nor does she have any access to any of the emails being released, the courts have to determine if they are classified that she was ordered to release ... she was ordered to show 55,000 emails ... she has given 45,000 emails so far none of them were consider classified when she receive them ... and who cares if you mark your words, your words are nothing more then a conservatives hating a dam/liberal thats it ... all you allegations here are just that allegations or opinion ... what you think it is compared to your biased opinion base on your opinion of dems/liberals not what is reality

None of what you posted is counter to what I posted, matter of fact you support exactly what I posted. Hey, you are right though, I do hate people that openly lie to us.
I get it ...you aren't bright enough to understand what I said ...all of this non-sense of yours about political operatives, and denouncing .... I clearly pointed out that she can't see these emails that she had released, until it is released by the courts ... only the courts get to say what is released not hillary ... hence she can't have political operatives spin, or have them denouncing them yet why??? because they haven't seen them yet ... you make all this opinions of yours whats should happen but for some political reason they won't happen ... you can't seem to grasp she can't do anything if there is a violation ... you can't understand that .. ... I get it ... stupid comes to mind

What a bunch of gibberish...

More than 1,200 Clinton emails now deemed classified
I think you need to sharpen your comprehension skills ... the article has said the have been reclassified as classified ... you can't hold some one for violating a law after the fact ... it just doesn't work that way ... thats like giving a person a ticket for speeding when they are doing the speed limit ... the tell them well the speed limit goes down tomorrow so you get to have this ticket today ... it just doesn't work that way ... Idiot!!! just because you don't like Dems/liberals you don't get to change the law the next day and hold them for it ...

Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
the question is

why did they get classified
the real question is why wasn't it classified in the first place ... thats the question that should be asked ... for people on the right to try and say well we get to put her in jail because it has been reclassified is wrong as wrong can be ... whether you're a dem/liberal or a republican you don't get to go after anyone after the fact ..

HA!!! Just as I predicted, you are going after those who sent the classified emails not the person in charge. EXACTLY what I said would happen.
Your post 27 agrees with what I posted an you so denounced.

That said I am going to agree with you, the government will never get anything on Mrs. Clinton, they protect their own. How in the hell Nixon was forced to leave office would never happen in today's Washington. It will take the people to get rid of, by voting against her, Mrs. Clinton once and for all. Just like the people got rid of the democrat congress that was screwing them so badly. I have hope in the voters to make the right choice, and it ain't Mrs. Clinton.
thats not true .. did the protect Dennis Hassert??? did the protect the governor of Illinois he's in jail for some reason you righties think theres this big government comspircy where government official seem to get these special protection ... they don't ... if they violate the law they go to jail ... I don't care home likes you get its irrelevant ...

Again you make my point by pointing out someone on the other side of the aisle. Nothing is absolute, as with Nixon some are brought down. My wonderment is why Bill and Mrs. Clinton keep slipping the noose. Someone has to be taking care of them, Soros?

The leftist, liberal, media
there is no such thing as the leftist liberal media ... on the other had there is a such of a thing as media you don't like ...

Good, I assume you will now be posting links to the Drudge Report or Dr. Savage? Fox News?
why would I do that ??? some of drudge stuff is accurate I don't follow them ... nor do follow any media out let for my information ... especially here ... as i said there is such of a thing as media I don't like ... I lookup information thats based on actual truth not the stories like this one that say clinton emails are classified ... then when you read it ,it says they are reclassified as classified .. thats media thats trying to lie to you and get away with it... it makes your types all warm and fuzzy when you read it ... good luck on convicting her on your biased media ... when they don't take her to trial her for anything then its now a big government conspiracy
you sure do like to make shit up ... the courts made the release dates, not clinton ... nor does she have any access to any of the emails being released, the courts have to determine if they are classified that she was ordered to release ... she was ordered to show 55,000 emails ... she has given 45,000 emails so far none of them were consider classified when she receive them ... and who cares if you mark your words, your words are nothing more then a conservatives hating a dam/liberal thats it ... all you allegations here are just that allegations or opinion ... what you think it is compared to your biased opinion base on your opinion of dems/liberals not what is reality

None of what you posted is counter to what I posted, matter of fact you support exactly what I posted. Hey, you are right though, I do hate people that openly lie to us.
I get it ...you aren't bright enough to understand what I said ...all of this non-sense of yours about political operatives, and denouncing .... I clearly pointed out that she can't see these emails that she had released, until it is released by the courts ... only the courts get to say what is released not hillary ... hence she can't have political operatives spin, or have them denouncing them yet why??? because they haven't seen them yet ... you make all this opinions of yours whats should happen but for some political reason they won't happen ... you can't seem to grasp she can't do anything if there is a violation ... you can't understand that .. ... I get it ... stupid comes to mind

What a bunch of gibberish...

More than 1,200 Clinton emails now deemed classified
I think you need to sharpen your comprehension skills ... the article has said the have been reclassified as classified ... you can't hold some one for violating a law after the fact ... it just doesn't work that way ... thats like giving a person a ticket for speeding when they are doing the speed limit ... the tell them well the speed limit goes down tomorrow so you get to have this ticket today ... it just doesn't work that way ... Idiot!!! just because you don't like Dems/liberals you don't get to change the law the next day and hold them for it ...

Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over current law

correction the law was passed in 2014
President Obama Signed Update To Federal Records Act In 2014. The Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 became law on November 26, 2014. [Congress.gov, accessed 3/3/15]

as I said you can't convict some one of a law that was't in place after the fact
Last edited:
None of what you posted is counter to what I posted, matter of fact you support exactly what I posted. Hey, you are right though, I do hate people that openly lie to us.
I get it ...you aren't bright enough to understand what I said ...all of this non-sense of yours about political operatives, and denouncing .... I clearly pointed out that she can't see these emails that she had released, until it is released by the courts ... only the courts get to say what is released not hillary ... hence she can't have political operatives spin, or have them denouncing them yet why??? because they haven't seen them yet ... you make all this opinions of yours whats should happen but for some political reason they won't happen ... you can't seem to grasp she can't do anything if there is a violation ... you can't understand that .. ... I get it ... stupid comes to mind

What a bunch of gibberish...

More than 1,200 Clinton emails now deemed classified
I think you need to sharpen your comprehension skills ... the article has said the have been reclassified as classified ... you can't hold some one for violating a law after the fact ... it just doesn't work that way ... thats like giving a person a ticket for speeding when they are doing the speed limit ... the tell them well the speed limit goes down tomorrow so you get to have this ticket today ... it just doesn't work that way ... Idiot!!! just because you don't like Dems/liberals you don't get to change the law the next day and hold them for it ...

Get it through your dumb ass head, she wasn't supposed to have that server, using it for state dept business. Just because they weren't marked classified at the time, doesn't mean they should be put on a private server, If you're discussing classified information, those emails are classified ..Marked that way or not
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
If you discuss classified information, its classified. No need to wait for some bureaucrat, who hasn't even seen those emails, to dedicate them classified. You lack common sense. That's quite common with you leftist
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....
OVER 1,000 classified documents mis-handled, illegally sent/received/stored, destroyed, perjury, etc.... I just do not see how this can all be made to go away without criminal charges or some legal repercussions....or an Obama pen/phone pardon. Anythi g short of it all going away, though, damages her chances of winning in 2016.

No matter what, she has already proven she can't be trusted with classified / our national security. Even her own staff, at the very least, has described her as 'often confused' and 'technology challenged' .... just what we need as President.

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

The FBI is compiling more evidence with every release, the last release is scheduled for Jan, I'd say they will have it all wrapped up by Apr or early May.
Certainly if it were any kind of crime, she would have been charged ages ago, when the first of these supposedly classified emails were fist found?

Why hasn't she been? They are supposedly up to a thousand you all say....

How can the government hide this kind of alleged crime when it is in the paper daily and even keeping a running count of these supposed classified emails....?

Me thinks you guys should NOT keep your hopes up for the Orange suit....

Because she is rich and powerful.

If Your Name Isn't Hillary, the Hammer for Mishandling Secrets
Because her last name is Clinton.
Being a Clinton didn't help her one iota with the DNC in 2008....

Didn't stop the House from Impeaching Bill Clinton either....

In fact, because they are "Clintons" more crapola is thrown against the wall to see if it would stick than any other couple in History.
again you are quoting the law after the fact .. in 2012 they passed legislation that you have to use government servers ... prior to that you didn't have to use government servers it was kind of left up in the air ... so again you are convicting her over currant law
"Currants" have laws. What a bizarre little fellow you are. :)
the question is

why did they get classified
the real question is why wasn't it classified in the first place ... thats the question that should be asked ... for people on the right to try and say well we get to put her in jail because it has been reclassified is wrong as wrong can be ... whether you're a dem/liberal or a republican you don't get to go after anyone after the fact ..

HA!!! Just as I predicted, you are going after those who sent the classified emails not the person in charge. EXACTLY what I said would happen.
you sure are full of your self ... I asked a question not a statement ... I never said they should convict some one else ... where do you see me saying well they should convict the sender ... you seem too have a very active imagination ... seeing shit thats not there

P.s. you don't get to go after the person who didn't classify it in the first place ... after its been reclassified
you asked why did they get classified I responded i made no such accusation

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