Over 12,000 Wyoming voters changed party affiliations between July and September 2018

Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^
i may change to "unaffiliated" cause they both suck. one sucking "less" doesn't make them "good".
The point of being unaffiliated is to pay no attention to party, just choose the best candidate.

Shaddap, bleeder!

j/k :desk:
Seems to coincide with this article: Nearly 6,400 people switch party affiliation during month before November election

4,200 went Republican, only 1,100 went Democrat

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 40% is going even more red...whatever will they do?

Damn, you people are funny.

You, as a college-educated man, do realize that Democrats are finito, no?

Do you support the unAmerican Democrat party?

Yeah, yeah, I have heard it all before.

The Repubs have been finito a few times since I have been an adult and the Dems have been finito a few times.

The problem is that is will never happen, when you have a duopoly the party out of power will always get it back after a time, it is inevitable, that is one of the inherent downfalls of the duopoly.

I do not support either major party as both put party before country, just like you do!
Seems to coincide with this article: Nearly 6,400 people switch party affiliation during month before November election

4,200 went Republican, only 1,100 went Democrat

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 40% is going even more red...whatever will they do?

Damn, you people are funny.
Hey Gator

This is your Daddy:



(in the swamp)

I have to give you shit about that. Gator fans are alright. Much more hospitable than your corss-division opponent from the other swamp.

So, when will we see a yellow wave, if ever? Are people capable of letting go of their statism?

View attachment 225868

Never, statism is getting worse, not better. The "right" is moving more and more left each election.
touché . Lost to the #1 and #2 teams.

I am more concerned about the right moving more up (more authoritarian) than down (libertarian). Rand Paul appears to be the most libertarian GOP lawmaker, but he is still pretty statist.

We're going to have to have a war or something.
Seems to coincide with this article: Nearly 6,400 people switch party affiliation during month before November election

4,200 went Republican, only 1,100 went Democrat

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 40% is going even more red...whatever will they do?

Damn, you people are funny.

You, as a college-educated man, do realize that Democrats are finito, no?

Do you support the unAmerican Democrat party?

Yeah, yeah, I have heard it all before.

The Repubs have been finito a few times since I have been an adult and the Dems have been finito a few times.

The problem is that is will never happen, when you have a duopoly the party out of power will always get it back after a time, it is inevitable, that is one of the inherent downfalls of the duopoly.

I do not support either major party as both put party before country, just like you do!
I see people putting party over principles more often than not.
Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 50% is going even more red...whatever will they do? How will they ever survive without those 3 EC votes.

Damn, you people are funny.
Wyoming supplies a huge percentage of the nations energy needs, not to even mention its part of Gods country.


Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 50% is going even more red...whatever will they do? How will they ever survive without those 3 EC votes.

Damn, you people are funny.
Wyoming supplies a huge percentage of the nations energy needs, not to even mention its part of Gods country.




They voted for Trump 70% to 22%, why would anyone care if a few more of them became Trump sheep?
Those grapes are probably sour anyway...

Look at WV going from deep blue to red, same with the rust belt, and with the blue wall. All the dems have are the coastal elites and the urban plantation archipelago. This mid-term will tell which party is gaining popularity and which is declining. I have my pussy hat all ready to bust balls....
Last edited:
Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 50% is going even more red...whatever will they do? How will they ever survive without those 3 EC votes.

Damn, you people are funny.
Wyoming supplies a huge percentage of the nations energy needs, not to even mention its part of Gods country.




They voted for Trump 70% to 22%, why would anyone care if a few more of them became Trump sheep?
the country needs Wyoming more than Wyoming needs the country...
They don’t have a violent crime problem, they don’t lack water and other natural resources, they can feed themselves, they supply other states energy needs, etc.
The same cannot be said for urban America.....


  • upload_2018-10-31_6-17-39.jpeg
    196.4 KB · Views: 23
The Democrat Party is The Party of PUTIN.


Clinton and Obama got rich from selling Putin our Uranium.
In return they paid Putin Millions for his help in trying to defeat Donald J. Trump.

Robert Mueller is arguably the most incompetent or biased special counsel in the entire history of special counsels...but he's no dummy....Why would he investigate himself and James Comey who were part of The Uranium One Bribery scandal?

Mueller would then be sending himself and all his friends to jail.

Half the DemNazi party would be going to jail for taking Putin's dirty Rubles.

And we haven't even touched on How Many DemNazi scumbag politicians China owns in The DemNazi Party.
Those grapes are probably sour anyway...

Look at WV going from deep blue to red, same with the rust belt, and with the blue wall. All the dems have is are the coastal elites and the urban plantation archipelago. This mid-term will tell which party is more gaining popularity and which is declining. I have my pussy hat all ready to bust balls....

WV has been red since 2000!
Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 50% is going even more red...whatever will they do? How will they ever survive without those 3 EC votes.

Damn, you people are funny.
Wyoming supplies a huge percentage of the nations energy needs, not to even mention its part of Gods country.




They voted for Trump 70% to 22%, why would anyone care if a few more of them became Trump sheep?
It is evidence that Democrats are losing support, which flies in the face of the alleged blue wave prediction.
Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 50% is going even more red...whatever will they do? How will they ever survive without those 3 EC votes.

Damn, you people are funny.
Wyoming supplies a huge percentage of the nations energy needs, not to even mention its part of Gods country.




They voted for Trump 70% to 22%, why would anyone care if a few more of them became Trump sheep?
the country needs Wyoming more than Wyoming needs the country...
They don’t have a violent crime problem, they don’t lack water and other natural resources, they can feed themselves, they supply other states energy needs, etc.
The same cannot be said for urban America.....

None of that has anything to do with the topic of the OP.

They are also in the top 1/4 of states for per capita firearm deaths, and 3rd for per capita suicide rate. Does not seem to be all paradise.
Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 50% is going even more red...whatever will they do? How will they ever survive without those 3 EC votes.

Damn, you people are funny.
Wyoming supplies a huge percentage of the nations energy needs, not to even mention its part of Gods country.




They voted for Trump 70% to 22%, why would anyone care if a few more of them became Trump sheep?
It is evidence that Democrats are losing support, which flies in the face of the alleged blue wave prediction.
Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 50% is going even more red...whatever will they do? How will they ever survive without those 3 EC votes.

Damn, you people are funny.
Wyoming supplies a huge percentage of the nations energy needs, not to even mention its part of Gods country.




They voted for Trump 70% to 22%, why would anyone care if a few more of them became Trump sheep?
It is evidence that Democrats are losing support, which flies in the face of the alleged blue wave prediction.

Whatever helps you sleep at night!
6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

Uh-huh, it's WYOMING

Those Democrats changed their registration to Republican not because of any political change of heart, they did it because they were fucking lonely.
Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 50% is going even more red...whatever will they do? How will they ever survive without those 3 EC votes.

Damn, you people are funny.
Wyoming supplies a huge percentage of the nations energy needs, not to even mention its part of Gods country.




They voted for Trump 70% to 22%, why would anyone care if a few more of them became Trump sheep?
the country needs Wyoming more than Wyoming needs the country...
They don’t have a violent crime problem, they don’t lack water and other natural resources, they can feed themselves, they supply other states energy needs, etc.
The same cannot be said for urban America.....

None of that has anything to do with the topic of the OP.

They are also in the top 1/4 of states for per capita firearm deaths, and 3rd for per capita suicide rate. Does not seem to be all paradise.
Have you ever been to Wyoming?
Urban Wyoming which happens to be one city, Cheyenne does not reflect the state whatsoever in fact it’s Opposite.
Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, so who gives a fucking shit about that. Progressive controlled urban areas is where the vast majority of crime in this country is....
Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^
i may change to "unaffiliated" cause they both suck. one sucking "less" doesn't make them "good".
You could always declare yourself socialist....closer to the truth!
What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 50% is going even more red...whatever will they do? How will they ever survive without those 3 EC votes.

Damn, you people are funny.
Wyoming supplies a huge percentage of the nations energy needs, not to even mention its part of Gods country.




They voted for Trump 70% to 22%, why would anyone care if a few more of them became Trump sheep?
the country needs Wyoming more than Wyoming needs the country...
They don’t have a violent crime problem, they don’t lack water and other natural resources, they can feed themselves, they supply other states energy needs, etc.
The same cannot be said for urban America.....

None of that has anything to do with the topic of the OP.

They are also in the top 1/4 of states for per capita firearm deaths, and 3rd for per capita suicide rate. Does not seem to be all paradise.
Have you ever been to Wyoming?
Urban Wyoming which happens to be one city, Cheyenne does not reflect the state whatsoever in fact it’s Opposite.
Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, so who gives a fucking shit about that. Progressive controlled urban areas is where the vast majority of crime in this country is....

Spent a week in Jackson Hole a few years back, does that count?
Damn that A LOT of people from a sparsely populated state of 589,000...just shows you who is winning the hearts and minds of middle America!

The Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office today released data on the number of persons who changed their party affiliation on their voter registration in the weeks before or on the date of the 2018 Primary Election – August 21st.

12,509 persons in total changed their party affiliation between July 6th and September 20th:

6,057 Democrats changed and registered as Republicans; 4,355 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Republicans; 744 Unaffiliated persons changed and registered as Democrats; 477 members of the Constitution and Libertarian parties changed and registered as Republicans;

430 Republicans changed and registered as Democrats; and 296 persons of various parties changed and registered as Unaffiliated. Of those 12,509 persons who changed their party affiliation, 701 subsequently changed their party affiliation again and re-registered back to their original 2018 party affiliation.

A person is allowed under Wyoming law to change their party registration. Party changes are entered into Wyoming’s voter registration system by county clerks and their staff. County clerks have until 30 days after an election to enter registration changes into the statewide database.

“It is absolutely vital that anyone analyzing these party change numbers understand that these numbers are tied to a person’s voter registration and do not represent total ballots cast in the election, and that these numbers do not indicate for whom a person voted,” said State Election Director Kai Schon....(Ol Kal, must be a DemonRAT, to make that RIDICULOUS statement)

Read more
county10.com ^
i may change to "unaffiliated" cause they both suck. one sucking "less" doesn't make them "good".
You could always declare yourself socialist....closer to the truth!
lord you are a dick at times.

fyi - this is one of those times.
Seems to coincide with this article: Nearly 6,400 people switch party affiliation during month before November election

4,200 went Republican, only 1,100 went Democrat

What terrible news for the Dems. A state that Trump won by almost 40% is going even more red...whatever will they do?

Damn, you people are funny.
Hey Gator

This is your Daddy:



(in the swamp)

I have to give you shit about that. Gator fans are alright. Much more hospitable than your corss-division opponent from the other swamp.

So, when will we see a yellow wave, if ever? Are people capable of letting go of their statism?

View attachment 225868

Never, statism is getting worse, not better. The "right" is moving more and more left each election.

KY is ahead of the Gators and the Aggies. Hahaha

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