Over 40 former U.S. attorneys, GOP officials come to Mueller’s defense

Their opinions mean something, when the Billy_Kinettas and the others of the New American Right allied to the Red Menace, either mean nothing or pushing anti-American agendas.
And if there are 40 officials who disagree would their opinions mean as much ? I'm betting you would have a different take.
TK, I have no trouble with Reality Mainstream Media, none.

The now continual outing of the Fake Alt Right Media (FARM) with the new Yale app coming online next week will help destroy the pretensions and hopes of the New American Alt Right and their alliance with the Red Menace.
The moment Trump fires Mullier by all means let us all know.
The LIB MSM are literally down on their knees PLEADING with President Trump to cause Mullier to be fired.
NEVER going to happen you LIB assholes!
President Trump is WAY too smart. He sees through the MSM bullshit.
Trump will sit back and watch Mullier spend tens of millions of dollars on a fucking witch hunt and laugh all the way to the 2018 ballot box.
Trump dare not fire Mueller. Fact.

Mueller will continue to investigate Trump. Fact.

The New American Right and their Alt Right neo-fascist allies are terrified of what is coming for Trump and them.
Looking like the IG investigation will make all the Mueller arguments moot.

BTW, unbeknownst to most, The POTUS ordered the IG investigation in January '17.

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