Over 50 Biden Administration Employees, 12 US Agencies Involved in Social Media Censorship Push: Documents

And the guy who heads this "non-partisan" organization used to be Mike Pompeo's chief of staff.

Would you expect anyone from the political right to give something put out by Rham Emanuel (sp?) credence?
Pompeo thought the war in Afghanistan was a mistake. You think we should still be there do you?

Of course you do, we all know how you love to kill innocent women and children.


To be expected from he Leftist(socialist/communist) sources you've used/cited.
You cannot prove it is true.
the lawsuit is valid and has been pointed to by several sources. your bullshit is common when you have nothing substantial to offer, which is every time you say something.

now, if this does prove to be true, is it wrong or will you simply giggle at something else like a 2nd grade mental midget?
Pompeo thought the war in Afghanistan was a mistake. You think we should still be there do you?
No. I’m happy we are out
Of course you do, we all know how you love to kill innocent women and children.

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Pompey’s ex chief of staff heads up an organization critical of the man who kicked his bosse’s ass.

And you think this is “non partisan”!

Of course you do.

but i thought they weren't doing this? now big tech is part of the government?
I think Big Tech learned a lot about the Constitution and may resolve to paying attention to the Constitution and laws with re to Presidential elections. I pray that they behave in a fair way toward American voters who should be the only determinants at the rate of one vote per person in a presidential election, and the same for all elections throughout the country. May God help America be restored to serve the world's human rights with liberty for all. With a special love for the military that did so much in decades past and the great future we hope for as Republicans are restored to their Senate and House seats for the benefits of giving sustenance to the poor of the world and freedom for all peoples everywhere.
This will be resolved in the usual way. The people will go from sheep to lemmings.

but i thought they weren't doing this? now big tech is part of the government?
Obvioulsy you don't " thought " right.Or left.Maybe even halfway
down the middle.But this phenonmena is somewhat new to the
United States.That Agencies and Pols are working against the
Constitution as We the People.But we've been warned numerous
times.Usually by those who kinda dress like they work at the Salvation
Army as Managers.Or those at The John Birch Society.
I remember in the mid 60's at my High School { Private Catholic
Prep School } a guy talking to olur class from the John Birch Society.
He had on a suit that had seen better days.He sounded serious but
what he said was rather unbelievable.I don't think kids in that class
wanted to believe anything he said.It was Too overboard.I mean,if
Walt Disney { Mr.Disney to y'all } was sitting in that classroom that day
he'd probably walk right up to that Birch guy and give him a good
sock in the kisser.
But Mr.Disney was miles off { like in California }.
And my Prep school was in a suburb of Cleveland.
Where that John Birch guy was from was not particularly
of interest.It coulda been Scranton,Penna.Like Joe Biden's
Scranton,for all i nude,back then .
This will be resolved in the usual way. The people will go from sheep to lemmings.
Sounds like some kind of Farmer's logic back in Norway somewhere.
Probably near some water and boats.Plenty of fish smells.
Maybe a few jars of vegemite and creamed herring w/onions
sitting atop some one foot thick wood table.Used at one time
as a Dock decking bumper.Think Cappy Dick.Or don't.
Thanks but no thanks. You quoted a notorious far-right influence machine, not a news agency to attempt to make your point. It is NOT true.
And if it was a news agency that you liked, you'd be ok with it eh ? Otherwise you seek the truth also ? Good to know that you are seeking the truth. It's about time.
No. I’m happy we are out

Pompey’s ex chief of staff heads up an organization critical of the man who kicked his bosse’s ass.

And you think this is “non partisan”!

Of course you do.
So nice to see you constructing straw men, and putting words in my mouth. You do this often to folks you disagree with, you paint them as your, "ENEMY," or as "bad guys." :sigh2:

I don't have any illusions that there is such a thing, as, "non-partisan." The very word and idea itself, is a lark.

It shouldn't come as a surprise, as one who has a false notion that there as "good guys," and "bad guys," in our own nation, that YOU would believe such non-sense. :rolleyes:

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Viewing your fellow Americans as, "bad guys?"

Anyone that would spout such non-sense, and view fellow Americans as, "bad guys?" Is truly, the enemy of the values and the motto of this nation. it is antithetical to WHO WE ARE!


I have posted the documents of the litigation. It is a fact, that this litigation exists, whether there is a left leaning source that will cover this fact, and have you acknowledge that the government is doing it? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU ACKNOWLEDGE REALITY.

Nor do I give a shit when Trump and his cohorts are disconnected & in denial of reality.

"A plague on both your houses"

So nice to see you constructing straw men, and putting words in my mouth. You do this often to folks you disagree with, you paint them as your, "ENEMY," or as "bad guys." :sigh2:

I don't have any illusions that there is such a thing, as, "non-partisan." The very word and idea itself, is a lark.

It shouldn't come as a surprise, as one who has a false notion that there as "good guys," and "bad guys," in our own nation, that YOU would believe such non-sense. :rolleyes:

View attachment 691693


Viewing your fellow Americans as, "bad guys?"

Anyone that would spout such non-sense, and view fellow Americans as, "bad guys?" Is truly, the enemy of the values and the motto of this nation. it is antithetical to WHO WE ARE!


I have posted the documents of the litigation. It is a fact, that this litigation exists, whether there is a left leaning source that will cover this fact, and have you acknowledge that the government is doing it? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU ACKNOWLEDGE REALITY.

Nor do I give a shit when Trump and his cohorts are disconnected & in denial of reality.

"A plague on both your houses"

This is all bs nothing to get excited over.

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