Over 500 journalists were laid off in January 2024 alone


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Learn to code.

Good start anyway. And the Bee is right on it.

Capitalism is great. Not every industry is best served by the system though. Healthcare and journalism are just two of them and both are vital.
Capitalism is great. Not every industry is best served by the system though. Healthcare and journalism are just two of them and both are vital.
o_O Its stunning how ludicrous your assertion is, you sick fuckers wouldn't know a journalist from a dildo! Seriously, you tune into naked propaganda, streamed directly into you murdered minds, all of which is lies, pure unadulterated lies and lies within lies! Its so bad you cretins rave against the half dozen real journalists left extant as hated "conspiracists" assailing your freedoms, which begin and end with your drug lust and sexual deviancies, you belong to a generation of walking talking corpses, drugs and deviant sex, all that motivates you, nothing else... :wink:
o_O Its stunning how ludicrous your assertion is, you sick fuckers wouldn't know a journalist from a dildo! Seriously, you tune into naked propaganda, streamed directly into you murdered minds, all of which is lies, pure unadulterated lies and lies within lies! Its so bad you cretins rave against the half dozen real journalists left extant as hated "conspiracists" assailing your freedoms, which begin and end with your drug lust and sexual deviancies, you belong to a generation of walking talking corpses, drugs and deviant sex, all that motivates you, nothing else... :wink:
None of what you stated is true. As is usually the case. But humor us...name some of the “real journalists”.

As for the topic at hand...when a bridge collapses on the edge of town, that gets covered. Nobody covers the four times the bridge failed inspection before the collapse.
The only people who cheer on the demise of the media, especially newspapers and magazines, are those that prize ignorance.

No group prizes ignorance more than MAGAs.
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Capitalism is great. Not every industry is best served by the system though. Healthcare and journalism are just two of them and both are vital.
It's called progress, if it never happened, wheels would still be made out of stone.

Murdoch was right, why is the news given away free of charge on the internet, media companies should receive payment. Unfortunately, newspapers are a thing of the past, they're getting thinner and thinner and more costly. Soon they will vanish.

The likes of CNN drove their business into the ground

Lastly, it's not the strongest that survive, it's those that embrace change. So cling onto newspapers, the shift is towards the internet, and those that cling onto newspapers will fade into the background. Those made redundant are now in a perfect position to retrain into a new profession.
Capitalism is great. Not every industry is best served by the system though. Healthcare and journalism are just two of them and both are vital.
The Free Market Is a Fleece Market. The Public Is Its Herd of Sheep.

Capitalism always creates a monopoly. Proof is that all media, Left and Right, push the same Low-IQ grammar on us. They are a united clique laughing at how we parrot them. The few independent minds go out of their way to not use it. If you've heard of someone, don't listen to him (not "to them").

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