over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.
Obama was the first person to bring it up when he told his potential publisher that he was born in Kenya

That happened at the same time that Frank told his potential publisher that he was really Benito Mussolini and was going to be publishing his autobiography.
HappyJoy, the only time an American citizen deals with a "registrar" is in college, you retarded idiot.

LOL- having a Birther call anyone a 'retarded idiot' is pretty ironic.

Just because you are living a life that is devoted to deliberate ignorance doesn't mean that anyone else is:
Alvin T. Onaka - Wikipedia

Dr. Alvin T. Onaka is the Registrar of Vital Statistics for the State of Hawaii. Dr. Onaka was the 2008 recipient of the Halbert L. Dunn Award, the most prestigious award presented by the National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems (NAPHSIS) and regarded as one of the most important honors in the field of biostatistics in the United States. He was elected President of NAPHSIS in 2002.[1] [2]

Onaka gained national attention as the person who, along with Hawaii Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino,[3] verified Barack Obama's original birth records in Hawaii, and as the one who certified the birth certificate[4] released by the Obama campaign in 2008 and the 2011 certificate released by the White House. [5]
Says who? Not his publisher. Who is your source that Obama told anyone he was born in Kenya? Name them.

That's what you say. This is what the woman who wrote the blurb says:

She says that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya and that the mistake was hers. So I ask again, my little birther, who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya.

Smiling....time to spam something, PC.

Laughing....she never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Nor did she claim that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

Like most birthers, you're very poorly informed.

Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Laughing....she never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Nor did she claim that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

I almost feel like it's taking advantage, y'know...you being an imbecile and all


"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Smashed another custard pie you your kisser, huh?

Laughing....and shocker. Michelle never says that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming? So I ask again, who has claimed that Obama told them he was born in Kenya? It certainly wasn't Michelle. Or Obama.

And can I take it from your complete rout from the nonsense claims that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.....that you were poorly informed on that too?

Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Laughing....she never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Nor did she claim that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

I almost feel like it's taking advantage, y'know...you being an imbecile and all


"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Smashed another custard pie you your kisser, huh?

And shocker! Michelle doesn't say that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming?

And your concession on the published blurb written by Miriam Goderich is accepted. All I ever have to do is demand evidence from you....and you collapse, PC. Each time, every time.

Did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya is Hussein Obama's "home country"???

Simple question.

Did Michelle Obama ever say that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya?

Simple question.
It's strange that you actually believe after all these years that Obama was born in Kenya when the overwhelming evidence points otherwise.

Btw, thanks for Breitbart's watermark on your image, it's only appropriate we see how shitty their credibility is to be chasing this loon theory.

"It's strange that you actually believe after all these years that Obama was born in Kenya..."

Where did I say I believed that?

You made that up, didn't you.

OK, I guess you're just dragging Breitbart through the mud for the hell of it then.

Is this your oblique admission that you lied?


Didn't lie, I've read your posts and it seemed more than likely that you're a birther. If you're not, great! Congratulations.

1. I never lie.

You lie more often than you drink water.
It would amaze me that 60% of white people of any party would think that both party's did not check out Obama's country of birth,
that if there was ANY possible proof that he was not born here republicans in the senate would have jumped on it.
this is like the evil sick person who put phone calls out only in the south telling lie's about J. mc having fathered a black baby, I live in a red state, & have close family in two other red states. you can't lie to me about inbreed raciest culture. its time to get past the civil war.
It's strange that you actually believe after all these years that Obama was born in Kenya when the overwhelming evidence points otherwise.

Btw, thanks for Breitbart's watermark on your image, it's only appropriate we see how shitty their credibility is to be chasing this loon theory.

"It's strange that you actually believe after all these years that Obama was born in Kenya..."

Where did I say I believed that?

You made that up, didn't you.

OK, I guess you're just dragging Breitbart through the mud for the hell of it then.

Is this your oblique admission that you lied?


Didn't lie, I've read your posts and it seemed more than likely that you're a birther. If you're not, great! Congratulations.

1. I never lie.

Example of you lying:
PC: Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.
And the backpedalling continues. Show us where in the video Michelle claiming Obama was born in Kenya.

You can't. You lied.

Spam something for us, liar.

Let's prove I never lie.
OK....asked twice if Michelle Obama said that Kenya was Hussein's "home country," and you ran from the question the way you run from education.

So...let's stipulate that I forced you to admit that she said "home country."


Does "home country" mean the place where someone is born?

Double dog dare ya' to dodge this question, too.

Then show us where in the video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya, liar. Here's the video:

Give us the time stamp for when she claimed Obama was born in Kenya, liar.

And of course, prove that Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, liar. The publisher explicitly contradicts you. You've run from your bullshit claim, but just because you fled doesn't mean your lies went away.

OK....asked twice if Michelle Obama said that Kenya was Hussein's "home country," and you ran from the question the way you run from education.

So...let's stipulate that I forced you to admit that she said "home country."


Does "home country" mean the place where someone is born?

Afraid to answer?

I got you running for the hills again, huh?

Then show us where in the video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya, liar. Here's the video:

Give us the time stamp for when she claimed Obama was born in Kenya, liar.

Either give us the time stamp where Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya, or admit you're a liar, liar.

And your lies about Obama telling his publisher he was born in Kenya still reek to high heaven, PC. Just because you ignore your lies doesn't mean we will, liar.

OK.....now you've refused to admit what is clear to all.....that Michelle Obama stated in the vid that Kenya is Hussein's "home country."e.

Remember this all started with this lie of yours:

Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Now you just try to dance away from your lie.

But lie it still is.
Over 60 percent of white liberals think Obama never listened to Jeremiah Wright.

Garbage and who cares anyway.
Sounds like you don't know the def of liberal.
Latin, liber, free?
For the individual and small gov
I guess you think alinski wrote the rules for radicals too.
He didn't, read the book
Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Laughing....she never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Nor did she claim that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

I almost feel like it's taking advantage, y'know...you being an imbecile and all


"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Smashed another custard pie you your kisser, huh?

Laughing....and shocker. Michelle never says that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming? So I ask again, who has claimed that Obama told them he was born in Kenya? It certainly wasn't Michelle. Or Obama.

And can I take it from your complete rout from the nonsense claims that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.....that you were poorly informed on that too?

Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Laughing....she never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Nor did she claim that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

I almost feel like it's taking advantage, y'know...you being an imbecile and all


"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Smashed another custard pie you your kisser, huh?

And shocker! Michelle doesn't say that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming?

And your concession on the published blurb written by Miriam Goderich is accepted. All I ever have to do is demand evidence from you....and you collapse, PC. Each time, every time.

Did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya is Hussein Obama's "home country"???

Simple question.

Did Michelle Obama ever say that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya?

Simple question.

Let's check:

"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined
"It's strange that you actually believe after all these years that Obama was born in Kenya..."

Where did I say I believed that?

You made that up, didn't you.

OK, I guess you're just dragging Breitbart through the mud for the hell of it then.

Is this your oblique admission that you lied?


Didn't lie, I've read your posts and it seemed more than likely that you're a birther. If you're not, great! Congratulations.

1. I never lie.

You lie more often than you drink water.

I drink lots of water....but I never lie.

You just helped prove it.

But.....I recognize your chagrin.....having defended the undeserving Hussein Obama lo these many years.

Egg on you face, huh?
Laughing....and shocker. Michelle never says that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming? So I ask again, who has claimed that Obama told them he was born in Kenya? It certainly wasn't Michelle. Or Obama.

And can I take it from your complete rout from the nonsense claims that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.....that you were poorly informed on that too?

Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Laughing....she never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Nor did she claim that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

I almost feel like it's taking advantage, y'know...you being an imbecile and all


"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Smashed another custard pie you your kisser, huh?

And shocker! Michelle doesn't say that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming?

And your concession on the published blurb written by Miriam Goderich is accepted. All I ever have to do is demand evidence from you....and you collapse, PC. Each time, every time.

Did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya is Hussein Obama's "home country"???

Simple question.

Did Michelle Obama ever say that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya?

Simple question.

Let's check:

"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Unless you're a birther it's quite obvious Michelle is referencing Obama's heritage and not where he was born. You are either a liar or very gullible.
Let's prove I never lie.
OK....asked twice if Michelle Obama said that Kenya was Hussein's "home country," and you ran from the question the way you run from education.

So...let's stipulate that I forced you to admit that she said "home country."


Does "home country" mean the place where someone is born?

Double dog dare ya' to dodge this question, too.

Then show us where in the video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya, liar. Here's the video:

Give us the time stamp for when she claimed Obama was born in Kenya, liar.

And of course, prove that Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, liar. The publisher explicitly contradicts you. You've run from your bullshit claim, but just because you fled doesn't mean your lies went away.

OK....asked twice if Michelle Obama said that Kenya was Hussein's "home country," and you ran from the question the way you run from education.

So...let's stipulate that I forced you to admit that she said "home country."


Does "home country" mean the place where someone is born?

Afraid to answer?

I got you running for the hills again, huh?

Then show us where in the video Michelle claims that Obama was born in Kenya, liar. Here's the video:

Give us the time stamp for when she claimed Obama was born in Kenya, liar.

Either give us the time stamp where Michelle claims Obama was born in Kenya, or admit you're a liar, liar.

And your lies about Obama telling his publisher he was born in Kenya still reek to high heaven, PC. Just because you ignore your lies doesn't mean we will, liar.

OK.....now you've refused to admit what is clear to all.....that Michelle Obama stated in the vid that Kenya is Hussein's "home country."e.

Remember this all started with this lie of yours:

Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Now you just try to dance away from your lie.

But lie it still is.

Let's check:

Did I just provide a vid of Michelle Obama....dumb in her own right...but clearly stating that Hussein's "home county" is Kenya?

Yes or no, you dolt?
Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Laughing....she never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Nor did she claim that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

I almost feel like it's taking advantage, y'know...you being an imbecile and all


"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Smashed another custard pie you your kisser, huh?

And shocker! Michelle doesn't say that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming?

And your concession on the published blurb written by Miriam Goderich is accepted. All I ever have to do is demand evidence from you....and you collapse, PC. Each time, every time.

Did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya is Hussein Obama's "home country"???

Simple question.

Did Michelle Obama ever say that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya?

Simple question.

Let's check:

"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Unless you're a birther it's quite obvious Michelle is referencing Obama's heritage and not where he was born. You are either a liar or very gullible.

Embarrassed because I exposed you lying about me earlier?


Let's do it again: did Michelle Obama clearly state that Hussein's "home county" is Kenya?

Take your time.
Laughing....and shocker. Michelle never says that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming? So I ask again, who has claimed that Obama told them he was born in Kenya? It certainly wasn't Michelle. Or Obama.

And can I take it from your complete rout from the nonsense claims that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.....that you were poorly informed on that too?

Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Laughing....she never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Nor did she claim that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

I almost feel like it's taking advantage, y'know...you being an imbecile and all


"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Smashed another custard pie you your kisser, huh?

And shocker! Michelle doesn't say that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming?

And your concession on the published blurb written by Miriam Goderich is accepted. All I ever have to do is demand evidence from you....and you collapse, PC. Each time, every time.

Did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya is Hussein Obama's "home country"???

Simple question.

Did Michelle Obama ever say that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya?

Simple question.

Let's check:

"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

And where does Michelle claim that Obama was born in Kenya?

Give us the time stamp for when she claimed Obama was born in Kenya, liar.

And of course, you're still running from your LAST set of lies, liar. Where you fallaciously claimed that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya. He never did.

Keep running, liar.
When Obama provides 100% proof with the actual birth cert not a recreation we will believe him until then there will always be doubt....
Me: How about Michelle claiming he was born in Kenya.

Laughing....she never claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Nor did she claim that Obama told her he was born in Kenya.

I almost feel like it's taking advantage, y'know...you being an imbecile and all


"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

Smashed another custard pie you your kisser, huh?

And shocker! Michelle doesn't say that Obama was born in Kenya in the video you spammed.

Now how did I know that was coming?

And your concession on the published blurb written by Miriam Goderich is accepted. All I ever have to do is demand evidence from you....and you collapse, PC. Each time, every time.

Did Michelle Obama claim that Kenya is Hussein Obama's "home country"???

Simple question.

Did Michelle Obama ever say that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya?

Simple question.

Let's check:

"...visited his home country in Kenya...."

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

And where does Michelle claim that Obama was born in Kenya?

Give us the time stamp for when she claimed Obama was born in Kenya, liar.

And of course, you're still running from your LAST set of lies, liar. Where you fallaciously claimed that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya. He never did.

Keep running, liar.

You're back???

For more advice?

Well....OK....stop begging: here it is again.

You know I''m here to look out for you….especially during the Christmas season, I try to help our less…..fortunate….members.

So, I'm suggesting you make a New Year's Resolution to stop accepting and supporting such stupid and clearly fallacious Leftwing positions.

Then I won't have to beat you up this way.

You'll feel better about yourself, and won't have to keep lying about 'laughing.'

Good plan?
When Obama provides 100% proof with the actual birth cert not a recreation we will believe him until then there will always be doubt....

The State of Hawaii has already affirmed that Obama was born in Kenya. And that his birth certificate posted on the white house website matches their original vital records.

His 2009 COLB alone ended any legal controversy and any reasonable doubts. What's left are extra-legal nonsense and unreasonable doubts. And you can't use evidence to convince unreasonable people. As they don't use evidence.
The State of Hawaii has already affirmed that Obama was born in Kenya. And that his birth certificate posted on the white house website matches their original vital records
The blue state of Hawaii? of course they did...but they never produced it...

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