Over 90% of School Buses Run On Diesel

Because when you dismissed it, you assumed that it must have come from "Faux News," which is why you reacted in surpise when SS posted stories from your own media.

It had nothing to do with FoxNews, I have been dismissing it in multiple threads no matter the source. If you were not still asleep you would see that the OP does not have a foxnews story link.

I was not surprised it was in the MSM, I was surprised to find SS such a fan of the MSM.

You really should get some coffee in you, you are off your game today
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Tiredest "argument" on this or any other political site.

Or I should say tiredest way to avoid having to make an argument.

Cite Fox news - the highest rated news channel - and Dems ignore it and call it "Faux News 'cause they so clever.

Cite a media outlet that Dems deem acceptable since it follows the Dem line, and they say, "Oh, now the NYT is trustworthy, huh?"

Anything to avoid facts.

I've taken to just ignoring that non-argument. Fox-o-phobes can simply stop reading my posts.

It's not like Fox doesn't get their news from the same AP outlet all the other places do. It all comes from AP and Reuters.
It had nothing to do with FoxNews, I have been dismissing it in multiple threads no matter the source. If you were not still asleep you would see that the OP does not have a foxnews story link.

I was not surprised it was in the MSM, I was surprised to find SS such a fan of the MSM.
Quoting the MSM to prevent a Dem from whining about non-Democratic media does not make anyone a fan of the MSM.
You really should get some coffee in you, you are off your game today
Sure GG. Anything to avoid the facts.
Not sure which is more clever "Faux News" or "Clinton News Network". But what it does highlight is how similar the two sides are, both love their cute little 3rd grade nicknames.

I like how you're a both sideser when it comes to the media.





This is my personal favorite:

@Golfing Gator --smart enough to be an honest poster, but I guess, just not up to the task.
He used to be an honest poster. I keep hoping the old GG will come back.

When we run out of diesel be sure to start a thread and I will be happy to come back and say I was wrong.

Till then, this is nothing but fear mongering and you all are falling for it like the rubes you are.
When we run out of diesel be sure to start a thread and I will be happy to come back and say I was wrong.

Till then, this is nothing but fear mongering and you all are falling for it like the rubes you are.
Of course the stories predicted likely shortages of diesel, not that we would "run out" of diesel, so you are being very dishonest about that. Or will you admit that you were wrong if there are in fact shortages of diesel, and I start a thread about that?

Either we could certainly run out of diesel, due to Democrats mismanagement, sooner than we could lose all the ice in the arctic, due to whatever made Al Gore think that would happen:

Of course the stories predicted likely shortages of diesel, not that we would "run out" of diesel, so you are being very dishonest about that. Or will you admit that you were wrong if there are in fact shortages of diesel, and I start a thread about that?

Of course they are, almost all of them talk about what happens if we run out of it. Hell, even the OP is all about what happens if we run out.

Either we could certainly run out of diesel, due to Democrats mismanagement,

Or due to higher world demand and the US energy companies exporting our diesel all over the world as they can get more money for it than other places.

Here is one of those sources you all seem to trust so much talking about our exporting of diesel.

sooner than we could lose all the ice in the arctic, due to whatever made Al Gore think that would happen:

Al Gore a fucking moron that does far more harm than good. Not sure what he has to do with the current topic, but I am sure it made sense to you.
Either senility set in or he was hit in the head with a driver on the golf course.
I would be pretty sure that he was not hit on the head with a hammer while in his underwear by homosexual prostitute in his house and also in his underwear. That kind of behavior is so far beyond the pale that I can't imagine any normal person engaging in it.

But yes golfing is a much more dangerous sport than people realize.
I would be pretty sure that he was not hit on the head with a hammer while in his underwear by homosexual prostitute in his house and also in his underwear. That kind of behavior is so far beyond the pale that I can't imagine any normal person engaging in it.

But yes golfing is a much more dangerous sport than people realize.
My Dad was driving our golf cart and I wasn't paying attention when he turned suddenly to the left. I fell out of the cart at top speed, hit the ground and rolled head first about three times. The next day I could not move a muscle I was so sore!
....and we know what's going on with diesel fuel now.

So what's next for the Disastrous Dems? More school closures, more "remote school" because districts can't afford to bus students to school?

God help us.

If there isn't enough petroleum to refine into diesel, why not go for synthetic diesel made from coal?

I think the technology is already there, didn't the Germans make synthetic diesel during WW2 when they were running short of oil?

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