Over the coming days you will hear conservative politicians demagogue about this Islamic terrorist

But remeber
Never let the christian fundamentalist literalists forget that their holy book tells them to do the same thing! they are salivating in envy that their brother Fundy Muslims do it

Leviticus 20:13 "'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.


Fortunately Christianity and Judaism have evolved in the last 1400 years while Islam has remained in the barbaric past.

Is it me or does every libtard trigglypuff have to reach back centuries to find moral equivalently. yet when it comes to the god of shitholistan there are excuses for crimes against humanity committed yesterday
Looks like the real face of rightwing white christianity is coming out, and it looks like: The westboro baptist church, and they have no place in America. Thankfully their numbers are shrinking fast and they will be treated as they have treated others :badgrin:
Of course Westboro Baptist is declining....

They should have known better than to claim to be "Christians" when they are actually DEMOCRATS!!!
Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn’t About Homophobia?
We are done being erased.
Sorry Pal, the perpetual religion of Peace is just getting started with you, next they will be throwing gay men off of the roofs of tall buildings, like they do in Iraq, we tried to warn you of the dangers ahead, but noooo.... you had to call us names, you had to live in your little rainbow covered multicultural wonderland and ignore the warning signs...call us haters Now the ugly monster that is allah the god of shitholistan is coming for you. And no matter how much, loudly or many of you support Palestinians, these cavemen just dont care. You are gay and the sentance in Islam is death. No matter how loudly you argue this is the fault of the white gun owning rednecks. Yes this is about Homophobia. Allah despises you!...Be warned!
Looks like the real face of rightwing white christianity is coming out, and it looks like: The westboro baptist church, and they have no place in America. Thankfully their numbers are shrinking fast and they will be treated as they have treated others :badgrin:
Of course Westboro Baptist is declining....

They should have known better than to claim to be "Christians" when they are actually DEMOCRATS!!!

OMG the Leftists are going to need a Safe Space when they hear of this revelation :eek-52: :lol:
Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn’t About Homophobia?
We are done being erased.
Sorry Pal, the perpetual religion of Peace is just getting started with you, next they will be throwing gay men off of the roofs of tall buildings, like they do in Iraq, we tried to warn you of the dangers ahead, but noooo.... you had to call us names, you had to live in your little rainbow covered multicultural wonderland and ignore the warning signs...call us haters Now the ugly monster that is allah the god of shitholistan is coming for you. And no matter how much, loudly or many of you support Palestinians, these cavemen just dont care. You are gay and the sentance in Islam is death. No matter how loudly you argue this is the fault of the white gun owning rednecks. Yes this is about Homophobia. Allah despises you!...Be warned!

If gays start being thrown off rooftops, it'll be the fault of the NRA, GWB, Ronald Reagan, Shirley Temple Black and William MacKinley :smoke:
Looks like the real face of rightwing white christianity is coming out, and it looks like: The westboro baptist church, and they have no place in America. Thankfully their numbers are shrinking fast and they will be treated as they have treated others :badgrin:

Wrong again. We are seeing the real face of the progressive c*nts like yourself though. No matter how many Islamic attacks happen, you will keep backing Islamists, and keep attacking Christians and conservatives that wish to end Islamic attacks.
But remeber
Never let the christian fundamentalist literalists forget that their holy book tells them to do the same thing! they are salivating in envy that their brother Fundy Muslims do it

Leviticus 20:13 "'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Yeah....the old testament...which is not the Christian part of the bible....the Jesus part says to forgive sinners......not murder them...the koran.....says to kil lthem and they are actually doing it........

Yeah...pointing out that a muslim murdered 49 gay people, while democrats want to bring in 10s of thousands more without vetting them.......yeah that sure the fuck is demagogueing the issue........moron....

What you guys have to understand about Guano is that he/she/transgender-it is a very hateful Jew that absolutely despises Christians above all else. C*nts like Guano see Muslims as brothers, while white Christians are sub-human. This is why he never attacks Muslims, and instead will always attack Christians or whites for being "bigots" or racist.
"Over the coming days you will hear conservative politicians demagogue about this Islamic terrorist"

Sad but true.

Most on the right will indeed use fear and demagoguery in an attempt to divide the American people for some perceived partisan gain.
Can We Please Stop Pretending This Massacre Wasn’t About Homophobia?
We are done being erased.

Yes, and Islamists are the biggest homophobes in the world today.

We warned libs who seek to protect Muslims, that they would be first targeted by the Islamic fundies.
It was Islamic terrorism...keep repeating until it sinks in

Muslims are homophobes....

Tigerr's a Leftist, as such they just can't understand this stuff.

They need to cease listening to their media masters, it never fails MSNBC, Huffpo, Daily Kook, etc spews something and 10 mins later some left loon puts it on this forum

It just happened again, with the thread about the Orlando mass murdering Afghan Radical Islamist being a "Rightie" :rolleyes-41: :eusa_doh:

Yeah...they missed he was a registered democrat
Well, they are pretty fuckin' stupid but nice of you to bring it to their attention.

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