Over two-thirds of the continental USA covered with snow


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
So much for the Anthropogenic global warming abracadabra. No argument is more convincing that hard cold reality hitting you in the face. After this winter, the warmist cult be a laughing stock.

Over two-thirds of the contiguous USA covered with snow | Watts Up With That?

Readers may recall our story from Dec 15th, 2013: Over half the USA covered in snow, the most in 11 years

Now, it’ even more.

Area Covered By Snow: 67.4%
Area Covered Last Month: 48.1%

And THIS was caused BY AGW...didn't you get the memo from Obama and the Enviro-Whackos? OwlGore must be so disappointed in you. ;)
Do you hate all science or just some science that disagrees with your preconceived world view?
Only hatred is coming from YOU. The Earth is laughing at YOU as WE all are.
Do you hate all science or just some science that disagrees with your preconceived world view?

I have no problem with science. It's con men peddling abracadabra that I have a problem with. Many things labeled as "science" often turn out to be huge swindles.
Do you hate all science or just some science that disagrees with your preconceived world view?
Only hatred is coming from YOU. The Earth is laughing at YOU as WE all are.

So it isn't so much an issue of anger but denial. Got it. What stage of grief is next?
Denial of what? A FOUR BILLION year old planet doing what it does with a bright star nearby calling the shots?

"Dumbfuckery" as some dumbfuck above stated is the term that applies to those who cried wolf and said NYC would be underwater by now and many other dire warnings that never came to be. Why all the scare tactics? They might be more credible if they had at least gotten something right. And many of the GW scientists have now changed their tune. Might be because it wasn't worth getting the money for research when they were expected to come to a certain conclusion.

It's the Al Gores of the world who have changed their stories a dozen times and even changed global warming to climate change. I wonder if they were the same people who warned about global cooling back in the 70s.

There isn't evidence that the slight increase in temp was caused by man. There were scores of internal emails released showing the ruse being planned by the Chicken Little crowd.

The biggest thing that will change once all the policies are implemented will be the most massive wealth redistribution imaginable. And the 1%, Goldman Sachs, will fucking clean up on the trade part of Cap and Trade. That is what drives them. The socialist planners of the past, like Alinsky, were right about the effectiveness of coming up with a crisis like this. Government acts and takes over energy, which combined with the takeover of health care, moves us a giant step toward the liberal utopia known as socialism. Communism is the next stop and the road gets even bumpier.

If they are worried about global warming, they would park their jets, tell Hollywood people to park the limos and they launch a campaign to get people to conserve. Of course, those of us who actually pay our own bills already do that out of necessity. The ruse is that forcing conservation by raising prices is the goal. Middle class, get ready for another huge hit once the cap and trade policies are shoved through secretly by the EPA. Those who are barely surviving Obamacare likely won't make it through the next government plot.
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