Over two-thirds of the continental USA covered with snow

Your denial is noted.
How arrogant of you. NOTED.

"Arrogant" like thinking I know more than scientists who spend their lives studying this thing just because it is snowing outside.
Scientists can be WRONG...just like YOU. YOU deny REALITY.

Tell you what sport? SINCE YOU think WE have such an effect on the planet? Let us see if WE can change the rotation of the Earth's AXIS?

Line up EVERY JET on the planet SAME direction, put them in full afterburner and SEE if we can get it to stop and change direction.

Wanna try?

What YOU believe in is HUMAN VANITY. SURE we can muddy up the waters...even blow ourselves away. YOU confuse POLLUTION of the environment with AGW. WE have NOT the power to warnm the Earth on scale as the "Scientists' claim. NEVER had that ability. NEVER will. The EARTH will do what it does.

If we were ALL to disappear tomorrow? The Earth would not miss us, and never had known we were here.

YOU are IGNORANT to reality. STUCK in VANITY.
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Hey my friend was born with a crooked toe. BOOM SON evolution disproved! :cuckoo:

^^Whatever THIS means?

Brifag said it was cold today. And thinks that's evidence of something.

And your slobbering on his knob over it. Someone had to call you guys out :doubt:

I know that whenever someone says a scientific theory is true because a bunch of scientists had a majority vote that said it was true, then you are not talking about science. You're talking about quackery and Voo Doo.
^^Whatever THIS means?

Brifag said it was cold today. And thinks that's evidence of something.

And your slobbering on his knob over it. Someone had to call you guys out :doubt:

I know that whenever someone says a scientific theory is true because a bunch of scientists had a majority vote that said it was true, then you are not talking about science. You're talking about quackery and Voo Doo.
Not to mention POLITICS to get funding to expand on self-serving quackery.
Brifag said it was cold today. And thinks that's evidence of something.

And your slobbering on his knob over it. Someone had to call you guys out :doubt:

I know that whenever someone says a scientific theory is true because a bunch of scientists had a majority vote that said it was true, then you are not talking about science. You're talking about quackery and Voo Doo.
Not to mention POLITICS to get funding to expand on self-serving quackery.

How dare you delve this argument into quackery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

where i live it always seems to be warm....is that global warming?...
And other places on the planet...by design HD...Intelligent design that so many seem to be in denial of. Rather they assign more power to man than he is due in the enormity of the Universe and what we still don't know or understand. They display sheer human vanity.
So much for the Anthropogenic global warming abracadabra. No argument is more convincing that hard cold reality hitting you in the face. After this winter, the warmist cult be a laughing stock.

Over two-thirds of the contiguous USA covered with snow | Watts Up With That?

Readers may recall our story from Dec 15th, 2013: Over half the USA covered in snow, the most in 11 years

Now, it’ even more.

Area Covered By Snow: 67.4%
Area Covered Last Month: 48.1%


Yes and it's FREEZING.

Strange weather is part of GW, hater dupes. The whole Earth we're talking about getting hotter, and whacky, destructive weather, which is still happening, ALL climatologists agree, except for a few working for Big Oil and the Kochs...DUH.
Strange weather is part of GW, hater dupes. The whole Earth we're talking about getting hotter, and whacky, destructive weather, which is still happening, ALL climatologists agree, except for a few working for Big Oil and the Kochs...DUH.

You know green energy is an enormous business--and if you get scientists/climatologists that receive very LARGE grants to study global warming along with politicians who receive large campaign donations from green energy companies--it's very difficult to say that all is on the level with these people. IOW no one is going to get PAID for saying there is no such thing as global warming.

Right now 2/3's of this country is shoveling all of the global warming off of their sidewalks.

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Just a reminder folks... the U.S. used to lead the world in science.

Now we lead the world in skepiticism :(
Just a reminder folks... the U.S. used to lead the world in science.

Now we lead the world in skepiticism :(

In this kind of cold snowy weather--it's definitely going to lead to skepticism. Again no one gets PAID for saying that there is no such thing as Global Warming. My meteorologist (locally) simply refers to it as natural climate change that has been going on since the beginning of time.
Just a reminder folks... the U.S. used to lead the world in science.

Now we lead the world in skepiticism :(

In this kind of cold snowy weather--it's definitely going to lead to skepticism. Again no one gets PAID for saying that there is no such thing as Global Warming. My meteorologist (locally) simply refers to it as natural climate change that has been going on since the beginning of time.

Yea bro... research is stupid let's try to convince people not to give a fuck :cuckoo:
Do you hate all science or just some science that disagrees with your preconceived world view?

I have no problem with science. It's con men peddling abracadabra that I have a problem with. Many things labeled as "science" often turn out to be huge swindles.

Yeah those "swindling" scientists!


And these statements, actions and thoughts you have posted are probably what you will be doing towards these scientists:

Global Warming Petition Project
So much for the Anthropogenic global warming abracadabra. No argument is more convincing that hard cold reality hitting you in the face. After this winter, the warmist cult be a laughing stock.

Over two-thirds of the contiguous USA covered with snow | Watts Up With That?

Readers may recall our story from Dec 15th, 2013: Over half the USA covered in snow, the most in 11 years

Now, it’ even more.

Area Covered By Snow: 67.4%
Area Covered Last Month: 48.1%


At least seven people have died in the worst heat wave in Argentina since records began.

The Government has declared a state of emergency as temperatures rose to over 45C in Santiago del Estero, where the victims lived, and other northern provinces in the country.

Hundreds of people had to be assessed by medical professionals, with doctors warning people to shelter indoors during the hottest hours of the day.

The intense heat has been exacerbated by power cuts and water shortages which have lasted for two weeks in some parts of Buenos Aires.

Seven people die in the worst heat wave ever recorded in Argentina - Americas - World - The Independent

This was less than two months ago.

Australian heatwaves more frequent, hotter and longer: Climate Council report

Australian heatwaves more frequent, hotter and longer: Climate Council report - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The southern hemisphere is roasting away.
Do you hate all science or just some science that disagrees with your preconceived world view?

Just pseudo-science. AGW "theory" is the epitome of pseudo-science.

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