Over two-thirds of the continental USA covered with snow

The other point was that Argument from Authority really has no application to his contention at all. His argument was that it is arrogant to believe one is justified in rejecting the world's climate experts because it's snowing outside. The argument concerns arrogance, not the climate. The "authorities" have said absolutely nothing about whether or not you're arrogant. The only role the authorities fulfill there is to exist. Do you understand?

Wrong. It was an appeal to authority. His point is that AGW is real because scientists" say it's real. You can ignore any contrary evidence.
Well, I certainly didn't follow my own advice about returning to thread topics, but it was so touching to see you try to use Argumentum AB Auctorite, I couldn't pass it up.

The country could be covered with snow from Port Angeles to Key West, but if the global temperature has not dropped and remained down for, let's say, 30 years, it's completely irrelevant. This is just weather vs climate nonsense.

It has remained down for 17 years. So why did you set the time limit at 30? What makes that the magical number?

One thing is clear, all the predictions of the climate "scientists" have turned out to be pure rubbish. If their theory offers zero ability to predict an outcome, of what scientific value is it? One of the hallmarks of a valid theory is that it gives the ability to make predictions.
So much for the Anthropogenic global warming abracadabra. No argument is more convincing that hard cold reality hitting you in the face. After this winter, the warmist cult be a laughing stock.

Over two-thirds of the contiguous USA covered with snow | Watts Up With That?

Readers may recall our story from Dec 15th, 2013: Over half the USA covered in snow, the most in 11 years

Now, it’ even more.

Area Covered By Snow: 67.4%
Area Covered Last Month: 48.1%


You think that is something, if I drop a tennis ball it goes down but then it goes right back up. I've disproved gravity!!! :eusa_pray:

Ummm, no you haven't. Using gravity and having measured the elasticity of the ball and it's mass, we could do a series of calculations to tell you how many times it will bounce.....thus giving yet another MEASURABLE proof, of gravity and it's influence.

Of course we still can't tell you what gravity is.... only it's effects.
I could use me some of that Global Warming right about now.
His argument was that it is arrogant to believe one is justified in rejecting the world's climate experts because it's snowing outside.

A scientist's opinion must be accepted as true because, [pick one]

They have an advanced degree.
It is only polite to do so.
I want you to.
It would be arrogant to disagree.
Restaurants in China charge $3 for a cup of tea.
They have really big penises.

...Is still an appeal to authority.

On the other hand, let's consider for a moment that Bombur's intentions were more in line with what you suggest. That he his primary intention was to talk about T's personal faults. Well then, we're simply left with an ad hominem.

Either way, it's still fallacy.
Strange weather is part of GW, hater dupes. The whole Earth we're talking about getting hotter, and whacky, destructive weather, which is still happening, ALL climatologists agree, except for a few working for Big Oil and the Kochs...DUH.

back in the 70's Frankie they were telling us about global cooling....what happened to that?....
Denialist kooks fail at understanding the word "global". Film at 11.

Best I can tell, the denialists willingly self-lobotomized themselves on the orders of their political cult. I can't see any other explanation for their chronic retardation.
back in the 70's Frankie they were telling us about global cooling....what happened to that?....

No they weren't. They were predicting warming, even in the 70s. If your masters told you different, your masters were lying to your face.

You could take to task the people who lied to you. Or you can rage at me, the messenger, and continue kissing the asses of the liars. Your choice. Maybe you'll be the exception to the rule that denialists always choose to keep kissing the asses of the liars.
It has remained down for 17 years.

Is there even a single bullshit denialist fable that won't surface on this thread?

Go on, denialists. Take it as a challenge. See how many of your political cult's 'tard conspiracy myths you can squeeze into one thread.
His argument was that it is arrogant to believe one is justified in rejecting the world's climate experts because it's snowing outside.

A scientist's opinion must be accepted as true because, [pick one]

They have an advanced degree.
It is only polite to do so.
I want you to.
It would be arrogant to disagree.
Restaurants in China charge $3 for a cup of tea.
They have really big penises.

...Is still an appeal to authority.

On the other hand, let's consider for a moment that Bombur's intentions were more in line with what you suggest. That he his primary intention was to talk about T's personal faults. Well then, we're simply left with an ad hominem.

Either way, it's still fallacy.

Unfortunately for you it is NOT the fallacy you claimed it was, and that is NOT the sort of mistake that someone with a PhD in anything remotely related to logic would make. Get my drift?
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back in the 70's Frankie they were telling us about global cooling....what happened to that?....

No they weren't. They were predicting warming, even in the 70s. If your masters told you different, your masters were lying to your face.

You could take to task the people who lied to you. Or you can rage at me, the messenger, and continue kissing the asses of the liars. Your choice. Maybe you'll be the exception to the rule that denialists always choose to keep kissing the asses of the liars.

No, they weren't. The link you so proudly trotted out to support your lie referenced the fact that they had run several GCM's and ONE of the models had shown warming and the scientists were "confused" by this result.

Typical science denier halfwit doesn't even read his own links.
It has remained down for 17 years.

Is there even a single bullshit denialist fable that won't surface on this thread?

Go on, denialists. Take it as a challenge. See how many of your political cult's 'tard conspiracy myths you can squeeze into one thread.

What was that admiral?:lol: I notice that the more your fables are destroyed, the angrier and more pissy you get!

You seem to be really angry! :lol:
It has remained down for 17 years.

Is there even a single bullshit denialist fable that won't surface on this thread?

Go on, denialists. Take it as a challenge. See how many of your political cult's 'tard conspiracy myths you can squeeze into one thread.

What was that admiral?:lol: I notice that the more your fables are destroyed, the angrier and more pissy you get!

You seem to be really angry! :lol:

Sucky way to live, huh? Seems that they are all angry all the time. Must be traumatic to see your religion crashing and burning before your eyes.
No, they weren't. The link you so proudly trotted out to support your lie referenced the fact that they had run several GCM's and ONE of the models had shown warming and the scientists were "confused" by this result.

Typical science denier halfwit doesn't even read his own links.

When there's no link in my post and yet you babble about my link, it makes me doubt your claim about how you carefully read everything. Can you explain your detached-from-reality behavior there? Current theories concerning your behavior focus on either intoxicants or senility, so you might want to clarify.

The only link I ever remember posting on this topic is the Peterson 2008 paper, which did a literature search and examined 68 papers of that era, most of which supported warming. I have no idea where your "they had one model that showed warming" fantasy comes from.


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His argument was that it is arrogant to believe one is justified in rejecting the world's climate experts because it's snowing outside.

A scientist's opinion must be accepted as true because, [pick one]

They have an advanced degree.
It is only polite to do so.
I want you to.
It would be arrogant to disagree.
Restaurants in China charge $3 for a cup of tea.
They have really big penises.

...Is still an appeal to authority.

On the other hand, let's consider for a moment that Bombur's intentions were more in line with what you suggest. That he his primary intention was to talk about T's personal faults. Well then, we're simply left with an ad hominem.

Either way, it's still fallacy.

Unfortunately for you it is NOT the fallacy you claimed it was, and that is NOT the sort of mistake that someone with a PhD in anything remotely related to logic would make. Get my drift?

Get off of it already. You don't know what you're talking about. You've even admitted that you don't really know what you're talking about. Stop trying to pretend that your nonsense has some kind of hidden wisdom like a naked Emperor. For all your accusations, you really have a major ego problem.
Warmer air travels higher and further than colder air.

The air in the Arctic has warmed from -30 F to -25 F, which is warmer and therefore able to travel further.
back in the 70's Frankie they were telling us about global cooling....what happened to that?....

No they weren't. They were predicting warming, even in the 70s. If your masters told you different, your masters were lying to your face.

You could take to task the people who lied to you. Or you can rage at me, the messenger, and continue kissing the asses of the liars. Your choice. Maybe you'll be the exception to the rule that denialists always choose to keep kissing the asses of the liars.

Once more, history itself proves who the liars and deniers are. There was an ice age scare whether you care to admit it or not. Read through these articles....the same idiots who are promoting AGW today were promoting ice age back then.

From Newsweek April 28, 1975

Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects. They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve. But the scientists see few signs that government leaders anywhere are even prepared to take the simple measures of stockpiling food or of introducing the variables of climatic uncertainty into economic projections of future food supplies. The longer the planners delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the results become grim reality.










back in the 70's Frankie they were telling us about global cooling....what happened to that?....

No they weren't. They were predicting warming, even in the 70s. If your masters told you different, your masters were lying to your face.

You could take to task the people who lied to you. Or you can rage at me, the messenger, and continue kissing the asses of the liars. Your choice. Maybe you'll be the exception to the rule that denialists always choose to keep kissing the asses of the liars.

yes they were.....maybe your masters were telling you they were not....i was there ya dumbass.....

The 1970?s Global Cooling Compilation ? looks much like today | Watts Up With That?

?They predicted global cooling in the 70s??But that didn?t even remotely resemble today?s consensus | Grist

Climate myths: They predicted global cooling in the 1970s - environment - 16 May 2007 - New Scientist

need more?....maybe you should stop kissing the asses of those who told you that never happened....
It doesn't matter what the consensus of "experts" said in the past. The only thing that matters is what the "experts" say now. Because slut-magic.

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