Over/Under tonight on Obamas speech blaming GOP, guns, Christians, etc?

Well shit. I way over bet. Only 7. Only a 13 minute speech to though.
The Great One makes his lecture to the West to educate us about how we shouldn't fear jihadi Muslims. He'll of course be surrounded by an army of agents with guns. But....What's the over/under on how many times he blames America, guns, Christians, etc? Combined times he blames anything other than radical Islam....over/under....I'm opening the betting line at 12.
Yeah, and roulette is the best bet in the house! :eusa_doh:

Voting Democrat is like playing roulette. Eventually....one is gonna destroy America.
It doesn't make any difference what the president says, the merits of this speech, or the issues he addresses – most on the right are still going to attack, spin, misrepresent, and lie with regard to his speech, and adhere to their partisan idiocy that the president is 'always wrong.'
It's known as Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS). Most of those on the right (nutters) are afflicted with this mental disorder.
Obama loves to bring or call out the American congress by name, the gun advocates, Republicans, Christians and others that he is waring with in front of the world and on TV, as if that is his opportunity to try and make them look a fool as much he can make them look in his way of liberal thinking.

Is it working ? Looks so childish to me, and it appears that he is defending his ideology more so than he is being the President of this nation of Americans.
Never will forget what they tried to tell us that Fort Hood was... Workplace violence rrrrrrright... Now here they are doing it again to us, and I say them because Obama is just a talking head.
I'll go with 10. Also I'm going out on a limb and predict that he will be much more concerned with protecting Muslims than protecting America against Radical Islam.
What an asshole you be and if Obama doesn`t mention guns he`s being derelict in his duties. Were these people struck by lightning? He should not only talk about the terrorist shootings but the daily mass shootings as well. A politician the Nation`s Real Assholes can`t buy and that`s what pisses you off almost as much as his appearance. Btw, it was the guy before him protecting Bin Laden. Obama had him killed. Funny way to "protect muslims isn`t it moron?
Obuthole was bought and paid for by commies from the get go. He is a retard as are you.
It doesn't make any difference what the president says, the merits of this speech, or the issues he addresses – most on the right are still going to attack, spin, misrepresent, and lie with regard to his speech, and adhere to their partisan idiocy that the president is 'always wrong.'
Obuthole is always wrong. His speech has no merits.

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