Owners Of Burned California Diving Boat Say They Owe Nothing To Victims' Families

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Owners Of Burned California Diving Boat Say They Owe Nothing To Victims' Families

Ah, actually this is going to be determined in court, furthermore if you read on you will see that the Titanic is being referenced

The owners of the commercial diving boat that erupted into flames during a Labor Day weekend accident off the coast of Southern California are now seeking to avoid payouts to the families of the 34 people who died onboard.

On Thursday, Glen and Dana Fritzler of Truth Aquatics, which owned the now-destroyed Conception, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, arguing they shouldn’t owe a single cent for the tragedy, the Associated Press reported.

The Fritzlers are attempting to make their case by using the Shipowner’s Limitation of Liability Act of 1851, a statute frequently used in waterway accidents. The couple has requested that the judge either waive their financial liability or adjust it to the boat’s post-fire value ― in this case, $0.

The law was most famously used by the shipping company White Star Lines after the 1912 Titanic disaster during which more than 1,500 passengers were killed on the ship’s maiden voyage. In that instance, the company’s liability was evaluated at $92,000, which equaled the worth of the surviving lifeboats.
I don’t know the particulars of the contract the guest signed.
As if anyone would sign a contract absolving the boat owners from burning them alive, though there would likely be language surrounding drowning which would be billions of times more likely

...an you know this how?

My God, you are the most ignorant king of speculation I have ever seen!
Hey admiral rubber duck, the NTSB agrees with me that a crew member must be awake at all times and that they were all sleeping...

Lol me and the feds agreeing.....this should require an eclipse of the sun

So you wanna be wrong again ducky
Entire families are gone...……………………..

You lied again. Disgusting!
I am not lying, you are severely effected by the deaths here and are in psychological denial. Actually this is understandable as entire families burned to death here. Also I have no power to condemn, just to move the truth, in time you will accept that 34 innocent people were burned to death. Give yourself time to heal the emotional scars, ask for help if you need it.

You cannot even structure a sentence properly. The only one here in denial is your continuous denial of your own ignorance and pathological lying.

Quotes from Admiral Bubbles

"You still have not quoted the regulation you claim exists. If they hit you, it is their damn fault and there is nothing you can do to stop them at anchor.

I was a LCDR dipshit and qualified Surface Warfare Officer and Officer of the Deck. I stood watch as Command Duty Officer, meaning the acting Captain of my guided missile cruiser. I made three deployments to the Mediterranean and countless trips to the Caribbean.

If you are not underway, no risk of collision can exist on your part. You do know that is what COLREGs means, right?"

Can you please reaffirm that the Navy relieves all watches on anchored ships because the rest of the World really respects the US Navy

Come on Admiral Bubbles, mock yourself some more in front of your peers.

We have an anchor watch that makes sure the anchor is not dragging, but they are not looking for other ships because the anchor is located INSIDE larger vessels.

I have probably spent more time on the shitter this morning than you have anchored in international waters, so why don't you just STFU, grow a pair, and admit that you fucked up?

Sorry Admiral Gilligan, the NTSB said that there must be a lookout at all times and that everyone on the boat was sleeping, just like I said.

You wanna get your ass beat again?

Or are you going to hide like the Gilligan you really are?

Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
Sometimes tragedy happens.

The customers all booked on the boat knowing what they were getting with the confined sleeping space. They chose the cheaper ticket on that boat instead of chartering something more expensive with more room.

A liberal mindset will look for somebody else to blame. A Conservative mindset will accept personal responsibility for life's decisions.

You say ... 'A liberal mindset will look for somebody else to blame. A Conservative mindset will accept personal responsibility for life's decisions.'
Any links to back up that statement or are you just feeling fired up after listening to someone like Rush or Hannity? You've gotta be careful, those guys prey on the ignorant and weak minded.

I have never met a Libtard in my life that has accepted responsibility for anything.

Most of them have "mababydidunutin" tattooed on their foreheads.

No valid link like I figured. You hee haws gotta quit listening to right wing radio.
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Sometimes tragedy happens.

The customers all booked on the boat knowing what they were getting with the confined sleeping space. They chose the cheaper ticket on that boat instead of chartering something more expensive with more room.

A liberal mindset will look for somebody else to blame. A Conservative mindset will accept personal responsibility for life's decisions.

You say ... 'A liberal mindset will look for somebody else to blame. A Conservative mindset will accept personal responsibility for life's decisions.'
Any links to back up that statement or are you just feeling fired up after listening to someone like Rush or Hannity? You've gotta be careful, those guys prey on the ignorant and weak minded.

I have never met a Libtard in my life that has accepted responsibility for anything.

Most of them have "mababydidunutin" tattooed on their foreheads.

No valid link like I figured. You hee haws gotta quit listening to right wing radio.
To the brain dead idiot who voted for Hillary.

No one needs a link to affirm their opinion.

You got that kiddypoo
Owners Of Burned California Diving Boat Say They Owe Nothing To Victims' Families

Ah, actually this is going to be determined in court, furthermore if you read on you will see that the Titanic is being referenced

The owners of the commercial diving boat that erupted into flames during a Labor Day weekend accident off the coast of Southern California are now seeking to avoid payouts to the families of the 34 people who died onboard.

On Thursday, Glen and Dana Fritzler of Truth Aquatics, which owned the now-destroyed Conception, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, arguing they shouldn’t owe a single cent for the tragedy, the Associated Press reported.

The Fritzlers are attempting to make their case by using the Shipowner’s Limitation of Liability Act of 1851, a statute frequently used in waterway accidents. The couple has requested that the judge either waive their financial liability or adjust it to the boat’s post-fire value ― in this case, $0.

The law was most famously used by the shipping company White Star Lines after the 1912 Titanic disaster during which more than 1,500 passengers were killed on the ship’s maiden voyage. In that instance, the company’s liability was evaluated at $92,000, which equaled the worth of the surviving lifeboats.
I don’t know the particulars of the contract the guest signed.
As if anyone would sign a contract absolving the boat owners from burning them alive, though there would likely be language surrounding drowning which would be billions of times more likely

...an you know this how?

My God, you are the most ignorant king of speculation I have ever seen!
Hey admiral rubber duck, the NTSB agrees with me that a crew member must be awake at all times and that they were all sleeping...

Lol me and the feds agreeing.....this should require an eclipse of the sun

So you wanna be wrong again ducky

OK, you were right. They should have been watching the ANCHOR! A lookout "looks out". There is nothing to see and nothing could be done if there was!

You can't interpret shit you know nothing about.
Owners Of Burned California Diving Boat Say They Owe Nothing To Victims' Families

Ah, actually this is going to be determined in court, furthermore if you read on you will see that the Titanic is being referenced

The owners of the commercial diving boat that erupted into flames during a Labor Day weekend accident off the coast of Southern California are now seeking to avoid payouts to the families of the 34 people who died onboard.

On Thursday, Glen and Dana Fritzler of Truth Aquatics, which owned the now-destroyed Conception, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, arguing they shouldn’t owe a single cent for the tragedy, the Associated Press reported.

The Fritzlers are attempting to make their case by using the Shipowner’s Limitation of Liability Act of 1851, a statute frequently used in waterway accidents. The couple has requested that the judge either waive their financial liability or adjust it to the boat’s post-fire value ― in this case, $0.

The law was most famously used by the shipping company White Star Lines after the 1912 Titanic disaster during which more than 1,500 passengers were killed on the ship’s maiden voyage. In that instance, the company’s liability was evaluated at $92,000, which equaled the worth of the surviving lifeboats.
I don’t know the particulars of the contract the guest signed.
As if anyone would sign a contract absolving the boat owners from burning them alive, though there would likely be language surrounding drowning which would be billions of times more likely

...an you know this how?

My God, you are the most ignorant king of speculation I have ever seen!
Hey admiral rubber duck, the NTSB agrees with me that a crew member must be awake at all times and that they were all sleeping...

Lol me and the feds agreeing.....this should require an eclipse of the sun

So you wanna be wrong again ducky

OK, you were right. They should have been watching the ANCHOR! A lookout "looks out". There is nothing to see and nothing could be done if there was!

You can't interpret shit you know nothing about.

I have never been wrong and never will be, as you were never correct and never will be not even now. See Gilligan if there was someone awake they would have seen the fire, (very bright at night, always) and either put it out or awoken everyone to get off the boat. This is why there always needs to be a lookout as even anchored boats and ships can be attacked or struck by another moving vessel.

You qualified yourself for rubber ducky duty in your home port tub only. Apologizing and saying you were wrong does not bring back the 34 people who were killed and it is casual ignorance just like yours that killed these people

Keys now
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I don’t know the particulars of the contract the guest signed.
As if anyone would sign a contract absolving the boat owners from burning them alive, though there would likely be language surrounding drowning which would be billions of times more likely

...an you know this how?

My God, you are the most ignorant king of speculation I have ever seen!
Hey admiral rubber duck, the NTSB agrees with me that a crew member must be awake at all times and that they were all sleeping...

Lol me and the feds agreeing.....this should require an eclipse of the sun

So you wanna be wrong again ducky

OK, you were right. They should have been watching the ANCHOR! A lookout "looks out". There is nothing to see and nothing could be done if there was!

You can't interpret shit you know nothing about.

I have never been wrong and never will be, as you were never correct and never will be not even now. See Gilligan if there was someone awake they would have seen the fire, (very bright at night, always) and either put it out or awoken everyone to get off the boat. This is why there always needs to be a lookout as even anchored boats and ships can be attacked or struck by another moving vessel.

You qualified yourself for rubber ducky duty in your home port tub only. Apologizing and saying you were wrong does not bring back the 34 people who were killed and it is casual ignorance just like yours that killed these people

Keys now

The rules require an anchor watch, not a lookout or a fire watch. The crew was all asleep and that is either the fault of the Captain for not designating a watch or the one person on watch who went to sleep. Ultimately, the Captain is responsible and they (all parties involved) should be punished severely if that is what the investigation concludes.

My problem with you is that you make up convoluted conspiracy theories, based on your own ignorance, lack of proper terminology and general arrogance. You jumped to conclusions that have been easily disproved.

You are the perfect example of a dumbass.
As if anyone would sign a contract absolving the boat owners from burning them alive, though there would likely be language surrounding drowning which would be billions of times more likely

...an you know this how?

My God, you are the most ignorant king of speculation I have ever seen!
Hey admiral rubber duck, the NTSB agrees with me that a crew member must be awake at all times and that they were all sleeping...

Lol me and the feds agreeing.....this should require an eclipse of the sun

So you wanna be wrong again ducky

OK, you were right. They should have been watching the ANCHOR! A lookout "looks out". There is nothing to see and nothing could be done if there was!

You can't interpret shit you know nothing about.

I have never been wrong and never will be, as you were never correct and never will be not even now. See Gilligan if there was someone awake they would have seen the fire, (very bright at night, always) and either put it out or awoken everyone to get off the boat. This is why there always needs to be a lookout as even anchored boats and ships can be attacked or struck by another moving vessel.

You qualified yourself for rubber ducky duty in your home port tub only. Apologizing and saying you were wrong does not bring back the 34 people who were killed and it is casual ignorance just like yours that killed these people

Keys now

The rules require an anchor watch, not a lookout or a fire watch. The crew was all asleep and that is either the fault of the Captain for not designating a watch or the one person on watch who went to sleep. Ultimately, the Captain is responsible and they (all parties involved) should be punished severely if that is what the investigation concludes.

My problem with you is that you make up convoluted conspiracy theories, based on your own ignorance, lack of proper terminology and general arrogance. You jumped to conclusions that have been easily disproved.

You are the perfect example of a dumbass.
The report indicates that there was no night watchman roaming the three-deck vessel when it caught fire, which U.S. Coast Guard officials said is a maritime requirement.

Ok pop you tell the NTSB that they are wrong and you know the real law.

Then take your pills
...an you know this how?

My God, you are the most ignorant king of speculation I have ever seen!
Hey admiral rubber duck, the NTSB agrees with me that a crew member must be awake at all times and that they were all sleeping...

Lol me and the feds agreeing.....this should require an eclipse of the sun

So you wanna be wrong again ducky

OK, you were right. They should have been watching the ANCHOR! A lookout "looks out". There is nothing to see and nothing could be done if there was!

You can't interpret shit you know nothing about.

I have never been wrong and never will be, as you were never correct and never will be not even now. See Gilligan if there was someone awake they would have seen the fire, (very bright at night, always) and either put it out or awoken everyone to get off the boat. This is why there always needs to be a lookout as even anchored boats and ships can be attacked or struck by another moving vessel.

You qualified yourself for rubber ducky duty in your home port tub only. Apologizing and saying you were wrong does not bring back the 34 people who were killed and it is casual ignorance just like yours that killed these people

Keys now

The rules require an anchor watch, not a lookout or a fire watch. The crew was all asleep and that is either the fault of the Captain for not designating a watch or the one person on watch who went to sleep. Ultimately, the Captain is responsible and they (all parties involved) should be punished severely if that is what the investigation concludes.

My problem with you is that you make up convoluted conspiracy theories, based on your own ignorance, lack of proper terminology and general arrogance. You jumped to conclusions that have been easily disproved.

You are the perfect example of a dumbass.
The report indicates that there was no night watchman roaming the three-deck vessel when it caught fire, which U.S. Coast Guard officials said is a maritime requirement.

Ok pop you tell the NTSB that they are wrong and you know the real law.

Then take your pills

It may be a requirement for commercial vessels with passengers on board. Let's see the report, so I can verify your understanding is correct, because so far, you are batting 0 for "hundreds" of so-called facts that you initially supplied.

How is your theory of an IRG terrorist attack holding up? Not so good, huh?
Hey admiral rubber duck, the NTSB agrees with me that a crew member must be awake at all times and that they were all sleeping...

Lol me and the feds agreeing.....this should require an eclipse of the sun

So you wanna be wrong again ducky

OK, you were right. They should have been watching the ANCHOR! A lookout "looks out". There is nothing to see and nothing could be done if there was!

You can't interpret shit you know nothing about.

I have never been wrong and never will be, as you were never correct and never will be not even now. See Gilligan if there was someone awake they would have seen the fire, (very bright at night, always) and either put it out or awoken everyone to get off the boat. This is why there always needs to be a lookout as even anchored boats and ships can be attacked or struck by another moving vessel.

You qualified yourself for rubber ducky duty in your home port tub only. Apologizing and saying you were wrong does not bring back the 34 people who were killed and it is casual ignorance just like yours that killed these people

Keys now

The rules require an anchor watch, not a lookout or a fire watch. The crew was all asleep and that is either the fault of the Captain for not designating a watch or the one person on watch who went to sleep. Ultimately, the Captain is responsible and they (all parties involved) should be punished severely if that is what the investigation concludes.

My problem with you is that you make up convoluted conspiracy theories, based on your own ignorance, lack of proper terminology and general arrogance. You jumped to conclusions that have been easily disproved.

You are the perfect example of a dumbass.
The report indicates that there was no night watchman roaming the three-deck vessel when it caught fire, which U.S. Coast Guard officials said is a maritime requirement.

Ok pop you tell the NTSB that they are wrong and you know the real law.

Then take your pills

It may be a requirement for commercial vessels with passengers on board. Let's see the report, so I can verify your understanding is correct, because so far, you are batting 0 for "hundreds" of so-called facts that you initially supplied.

How is your theory of an IRG terrorist attack holding up? Not so good, huh?
Tell us again that fires do not release CO

Dude your best hope at this point is to get on altzheimers meds

Dude I am batting all grand slams at this point which means little since u r the pitcher
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OK, you were right. They should have been watching the ANCHOR! A lookout "looks out". There is nothing to see and nothing could be done if there was!

You can't interpret shit you know nothing about.

I have never been wrong and never will be, as you were never correct and never will be not even now. See Gilligan if there was someone awake they would have seen the fire, (very bright at night, always) and either put it out or awoken everyone to get off the boat. This is why there always needs to be a lookout as even anchored boats and ships can be attacked or struck by another moving vessel.

You qualified yourself for rubber ducky duty in your home port tub only. Apologizing and saying you were wrong does not bring back the 34 people who were killed and it is casual ignorance just like yours that killed these people

Keys now

The rules require an anchor watch, not a lookout or a fire watch. The crew was all asleep and that is either the fault of the Captain for not designating a watch or the one person on watch who went to sleep. Ultimately, the Captain is responsible and they (all parties involved) should be punished severely if that is what the investigation concludes.

My problem with you is that you make up convoluted conspiracy theories, based on your own ignorance, lack of proper terminology and general arrogance. You jumped to conclusions that have been easily disproved.

You are the perfect example of a dumbass.
The report indicates that there was no night watchman roaming the three-deck vessel when it caught fire, which U.S. Coast Guard officials said is a maritime requirement.

Ok pop you tell the NTSB that they are wrong and you know the real law.

Then take your pills

It may be a requirement for commercial vessels with passengers on board. Let's see the report, so I can verify your understanding is correct, because so far, you are batting 0 for "hundreds" of so-called facts that you initially supplied.

How is your theory of an IRG terrorist attack holding up? Not so good, huh?
Tell us again that fires do not release CO

Dude your best hope at this point is to get on altzheimers meds

Check your fucking quotes, dumbass! I said smoke contained CO, and you said that it was impossible to die in your sleep in a fire! This is about the third time you have blatantly accused me of saying something I did not, and it is very easy to see that you are delusional.

You are useless as teats on a boar hog, and everyone can see that you need a red flag law applied to you because of severe mental derangement. You are a hazard to yourself and others just out of sheer stupidity!
I have never been wrong and never will be, as you were never correct and never will be not even now. See Gilligan if there was someone awake they would have seen the fire, (very bright at night, always) and either put it out or awoken everyone to get off the boat. This is why there always needs to be a lookout as even anchored boats and ships can be attacked or struck by another moving vessel.

You qualified yourself for rubber ducky duty in your home port tub only. Apologizing and saying you were wrong does not bring back the 34 people who were killed and it is casual ignorance just like yours that killed these people

Keys now

The rules require an anchor watch, not a lookout or a fire watch. The crew was all asleep and that is either the fault of the Captain for not designating a watch or the one person on watch who went to sleep. Ultimately, the Captain is responsible and they (all parties involved) should be punished severely if that is what the investigation concludes.

My problem with you is that you make up convoluted conspiracy theories, based on your own ignorance, lack of proper terminology and general arrogance. You jumped to conclusions that have been easily disproved.

You are the perfect example of a dumbass.
The report indicates that there was no night watchman roaming the three-deck vessel when it caught fire, which U.S. Coast Guard officials said is a maritime requirement.

Ok pop you tell the NTSB that they are wrong and you know the real law.

Then take your pills

It may be a requirement for commercial vessels with passengers on board. Let's see the report, so I can verify your understanding is correct, because so far, you are batting 0 for "hundreds" of so-called facts that you initially supplied.

How is your theory of an IRG terrorist attack holding up? Not so good, huh?
Tell us again that fires do not release CO

Dude your best hope at this point is to get on altzheimers meds

Check your fucking quotes, dumbass! I said smoke contained CO, and you said that it was impossible to die in your sleep in a fire! This is about the third time you have blatantly accused me of saying something I did not, and it is very easy to see that you are delusional.

You are useless as teats on a boar hog, and everyone can see that you need a red flag law applied to you because of severe mental derangement. You are a hazard to yourself and others just out of sheer stupidity!
You wrote this pop

"OMG, you are such a fucking idiot!

Smoke does not contain carbon monoxide?"

Now if you forgot this indicates mental disease
Unless, of course, they are found culpably negligent in court.

Then they'll be paying for the rest of their natural lives.
They would just blame whatever caused the fire on the manufacturer of whatever is was.

That's the one benefit of government. The people in government can be responsible for thousands of injuries and deaths and no one is ever held accountable, ever.
Unless, of course, they are found culpably negligent in court.

Then they'll be paying for the rest of their natural lives.
They would just blame whatever caused the fire on the manufacturer of whatever is was.

That's the one benefit of government. The people in government can be responsible for thousands of injuries and deaths and no one is ever held accountable, ever.
The fire is not the cause of death, as everyone would have gotten off if woken up by the awake watch
The NTSB report is only preliminary and from talking with people in the know, that report is very skewed. Especially on the issue of who was awake and/or asleep.
The NTSB report is only preliminary and from talking with people in the know, that report is very skewed. Especially on the issue of who was awake and/or asleep.
Well if they were awake they let everyone die which is murder. So trust me they want to have been sleeping
The rules require an anchor watch, not a lookout or a fire watch. The crew was all asleep and that is either the fault of the Captain for not designating a watch or the one person on watch who went to sleep. Ultimately, the Captain is responsible and they (all parties involved) should be punished severely if that is what the investigation concludes.

My problem with you is that you make up convoluted conspiracy theories, based on your own ignorance, lack of proper terminology and general arrogance. You jumped to conclusions that have been easily disproved.

You are the perfect example of a dumbass.
The report indicates that there was no night watchman roaming the three-deck vessel when it caught fire, which U.S. Coast Guard officials said is a maritime requirement.

Ok pop you tell the NTSB that they are wrong and you know the real law.

Then take your pills

It may be a requirement for commercial vessels with passengers on board. Let's see the report, so I can verify your understanding is correct, because so far, you are batting 0 for "hundreds" of so-called facts that you initially supplied.

How is your theory of an IRG terrorist attack holding up? Not so good, huh?
Tell us again that fires do not release CO

Dude your best hope at this point is to get on altzheimers meds

Check your fucking quotes, dumbass! I said smoke contained CO, and you said that it was impossible to die in your sleep in a fire! This is about the third time you have blatantly accused me of saying something I did not, and it is very easy to see that you are delusional.

You are useless as teats on a boar hog, and everyone can see that you need a red flag law applied to you because of severe mental derangement. You are a hazard to yourself and others just out of sheer stupidity!
You wrote this pop

"OMG, you are such a fucking idiot!

Smoke does not contain carbon monoxide?"

Now if you forgot this indicates mental disease

That is a fucking question you illiterate piece of shit! Once again, you fucked yourself!

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