"Owning the libs" - how a trump is the post trump future of the GOP

The swamp was better.
So youre alright with all the corruption thats been exposed thus far ?
I see more corruption. Trump has hired an obscene number of lobbyists.

& this is the dude in charge of the treasury negotiating relief to the worker bees.... or should i say the little people who pay the taxes?

View attachment 404838
No amount of lies, censorship, propaganda from the pit of Hell, media blackouts, or cover ups will every wash away the stain of what Joe and Hunter Biden did.

You don't sniff children's hair, you don't rape children in China.

We understand that you adore and love Evil, and want to see your 666 Messiah come to rule The New Normal, The Sick Marxist New Global World Order, but that does not mean God is ready to remove the hand of The Restrainer to let it happen yet.

God told us, if we would humble ourselves and call upon Him, that He would heal our prayers and heal our Nation.

Your ally Covid 19 is straight from your god Lucifer, and while it is True, that God allows your Messiah, The Anti Christ indwelt by Satan to rule the world for a time, that time is just 7 short years, and it comes with a price. 21 Judgments will fall upon his kingdom, things so terrible that The Earth has never seen them, and such Wrath that No Flesh on Earth would survive if the Return of Christ did not occur to stop it. Then The Judgment and then Hell for the wicked.

The Evil and hatred just soothes from the Left like a cancerous sore, and contaminates everything around it. But it's only for a short while, and it is only evidence for their conviction at the end of days.

Your Evil Stench and The Evil of Your Party Ascends to Heaven. The only question being now, is, has God had enough? Is He going to remove His restraining hand and let Globalism sweep the globe, and allow Evil it's day of Glory, or will God hear the prayers of His people and push back the day of judgment so as to add more souls to The Book of Life for His everlasting Glory?

I think He gives us a little more time, and The Globalists again like in 2016 get kicked to the curb, but if not, my soul is at peace and I know my redemption draws so much closer if Hell is let loose upon The Earth.
And they will be sure losers as they have been in the past
Either Trump finishes draining the swamp, or we're all in deep doodoo.
The swamp was better.

Your side is operating mobs of brownshirts killing people in the streets and burning down billions of dollars in property.

So, your side, is certainly the WORST.
I don’t think those people even vote, but trump is their president.

No, Antifa, BLM, they are all yours. Your denial is, absurd.

My point stands. Your side is certainly the WORST.

I mean, what is there even to talk about? You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Again I don’t see them as voters. Can’t be a dem if they don’t vote.

Your odd attempt to deny your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
I doubt they vote, but Trump is their president. Happening under his watch. Was better with Obama.

I'm sure some vote and some don't. But they are clearly anti-Trumpers, like yourself, and pursuing far lefty goals, like yourself.

Your denial of your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone and is quite pathetic.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Really bad leaders always lead to unrest.

You're right. Losers like the Mayors of Portland, NYC and Chicago have led to enormous amounts of rioting. The mayors and other municipal officials in the civilized cities have kept things under control.
The unrest is from national issues

Police Department behavior is a Local issue. The Minneapolis PD reports to the mayors, ditto in NYC, Portland, etc.
The issue is happening nationally.

No it isn't at all. Most cities across the Fruited Plain love and respect the police. The trouble is only happening in a handful of mostly ultraliberal jurisdictions.
Police are shooting people all over the country. It’s a national problem.
The swamp was better.
So youre alright with all the corruption thats been exposed thus far ?
I see more corruption. Trump has hired an obscene number of lobbyists.

& this is the dude in charge of the treasury negotiating relief to the worker bees.... or should i say the little people who pay the taxes?

View attachment 404838
No amount of lies, censorship, propaganda from the pit of Hell, media blackouts, or cover ups will every wash away the stain of what Joe and Hunter Biden did.

You don't sniff children's hair, you don't rape children in China.

We understand that you adore and love Evil, and want to see your 666 Messiah come to rule The New Normal, The Sick Marxist New Global World Order, but that does not mean God is ready to remove the hand of The Restrainer to let it happen yet.

God told us, if we would humble ourselves and call upon Him, that He would heal our prayers and heal our Nation.

Your ally Covid 19 is straight from your god Lucifer, and while it is True, that God allows your Messiah, The Anti Christ indwelt by Satan to rule the world for a time, that time is just 7 short years, and it comes with a price. 21 Judgments will fall upon his kingdom, things so terrible that The Earth has never seen them, and such Wrath that No Flesh on Earth would survive if the Return of Christ did not occur to stop it. Then The Judgment and then Hell for the wicked.

The Evil and hatred just soothes from the Left like a cancerous sore, and contaminates everything around it. But it's only for a short while, and it is only evidence for their conviction at the end of days.

Your Evil Stench and The Evil of Your Party Ascends to Heaven. The only question being now, is, has God had enough? Is He going to remove His restraining hand and let Globalism sweep the globe, and allow Evil it's day of Glory, or will God hear the prayers of His people and push back the day of judgment so as to add more souls to The Book of Life for His everlasting Glory?

I think He gives us a little more time, and The Globalists again like in 2016 get kicked to the curb, but if not, my soul is at peace and I know my redemption draws so much closer if Hell is let loose upon The Earth.


Trumpism replaced conservatism as the ideological underpinning of the Republican party

Kinda wish you were getting all that attention, huh, Tommy? Bet you wish you were popular too! Were you the kid everyone picked on in school?
They are recapturing the Republican Party from the Trumpian extremists.
After November, you will claim you never supported Trump
I dont think so

they have cut their own throats politically

fallen on their swords for the corrupt washington establishment

and their reward will be a cold shoulder from the republican base
Taking one for the team

They are only saying what the rest of the Republican Party will be saying once Trump is soundly defeated and brings the party down with him

The Lincoln Project will be dancing in the streets if the GOP is taken down to defeat and again adopts their "proper position" as Losers.
The Trump wing of the party are losers

It was the GOP Establishment that lost twice against B. Hussein O, getting royally schlonged.

Trump is a winner, taking the title without any GOP help at all from folks like the LP's.

If the Lincoln Project is successful and Sleepy Joe wins, they will never gain the Presidency after they retake the Republican Party.

View attachment 404790

We ain't lost yet, and the Establishment Republicans in the LP haven't won yet. They might win this, but it will be Pyrrhic victory as they will never rule themselves. And once Trump leaves, the libs will have little use for them either.

Haven’t lost yet

But Republicans are banking everything on Trump winning
If he loses...he will bring down the whole party
Can’t agree with this.

Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that is conservativism that infected the GOP some 50 years ago – starting with the Southern Strategy, the rise of the Christian right, and Republicans’ turning of a blind eye to the racists and bigots among their ranks.

When Trump is gone none of this will change – we’ll still have a GOP dominated by toxic rightwing dogma, hateful conservative ideologues, and white grievance politics.
And they will be sure losers as they have been in the past
Either Trump finishes draining the swamp, or we're all in deep doodoo.
The swamp was better.

Your side is operating mobs of brownshirts killing people in the streets and burning down billions of dollars in property.

So, your side, is certainly the WORST.
I don’t think those people even vote, but trump is their president.

No, Antifa, BLM, they are all yours. Your denial is, absurd.

My point stands. Your side is certainly the WORST.

I mean, what is there even to talk about? You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Again I don’t see them as voters. Can’t be a dem if they don’t vote.

Your odd attempt to deny your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
I doubt they vote, but Trump is their president. Happening under his watch. Was better with Obama.

I'm sure some vote and some don't. But they are clearly anti-Trumpers, like yourself, and pursuing far lefty goals, like yourself.

Your denial of your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone and is quite pathetic.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Really bad leaders always lead to unrest.

You're right. Losers like the Mayors of Portland, NYC and Chicago have led to enormous amounts of rioting. The mayors and other municipal officials in the civilized cities have kept things under control.
The unrest is from national issues

Police Department behavior is a Local issue. The Minneapolis PD reports to the mayors, ditto in NYC, Portland, etc.
The issue is happening nationally.

No it isn't at all. Most cities across the Fruited Plain love and respect the police. The trouble is only happening in a handful of mostly ultraliberal jurisdictions.
Police are shooting people all over the country. It’s a national problem.

What were your dem mayors and dem city councils doing for the last 50 years? Playing with themselves?
And they will be sure losers as they have been in the past
Either Trump finishes draining the swamp, or we're all in deep doodoo.
The swamp was better.

Your side is operating mobs of brownshirts killing people in the streets and burning down billions of dollars in property.

So, your side, is certainly the WORST.
I don’t think those people even vote, but trump is their president.

No, Antifa, BLM, they are all yours. Your denial is, absurd.

My point stands. Your side is certainly the WORST.

I mean, what is there even to talk about? You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Again I don’t see them as voters. Can’t be a dem if they don’t vote.

Your odd attempt to deny your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
I doubt they vote, but Trump is their president. Happening under his watch. Was better with Obama.

I'm sure some vote and some don't. But they are clearly anti-Trumpers, like yourself, and pursuing far lefty goals, like yourself.

Your denial of your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone and is quite pathetic.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Really bad leaders always lead to unrest.

You're right. Losers like the Mayors of Portland, NYC and Chicago have led to enormous amounts of rioting. The mayors and other municipal officials in the civilized cities have kept things under control.
The unrest is from national issues

Police Department behavior is a Local issue. The Minneapolis PD reports to the mayors, ditto in NYC, Portland, etc.
The issue is happening nationally.

No it isn't at all. Most cities across the Fruited Plain love and respect the police. The trouble is only happening in a handful of mostly ultraliberal jurisdictions.
Police are shooting people all over the country. It’s a national problem.

What were your dem mayors and dem city councils doing for the last 50 years? Playing with themselves?
Beats me, but it sure is a national problem.
And they will be sure losers as they have been in the past
Either Trump finishes draining the swamp, or we're all in deep doodoo.
The swamp was better.

Your side is operating mobs of brownshirts killing people in the streets and burning down billions of dollars in property.

So, your side, is certainly the WORST.
I don’t think those people even vote, but trump is their president.

No, Antifa, BLM, they are all yours. Your denial is, absurd.

My point stands. Your side is certainly the WORST.

I mean, what is there even to talk about? You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Again I don’t see them as voters. Can’t be a dem if they don’t vote.

Your odd attempt to deny your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
I doubt they vote, but Trump is their president. Happening under his watch. Was better with Obama.

I'm sure some vote and some don't. But they are clearly anti-Trumpers, like yourself, and pursuing far lefty goals, like yourself.

Your denial of your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone and is quite pathetic.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Really bad leaders always lead to unrest.

You're right. Losers like the Mayors of Portland, NYC and Chicago have led to enormous amounts of rioting. The mayors and other municipal officials in the civilized cities have kept things under control.
The unrest is from national issues

Police Department behavior is a Local issue. The Minneapolis PD reports to the mayors, ditto in NYC, Portland, etc.
The issue is happening nationally.

No it isn't at all. Most cities across the Fruited Plain love and respect the police. The trouble is only happening in a handful of mostly ultraliberal jurisdictions.
Police are shooting people all over the country. It’s a national problem.

What were your dem mayors and dem city councils doing for the last 50 years? Playing with themselves?
Beats me, but it sure is a national problem.

I think it is an illusion, smoke and mirrors, ginned up by a wace baiting media, to rile up mobs to intimidate American voters into not voting for Trump.

Lots of cops, lots of people shot, for cause or not, easy to cherry pick out certain cases to create the illusion of a problem.
Could be a fight for the soul of the Republican Party

Trump Jr leading the Trump faction
Mike Pence leading the Conservatives
Niki Haley leading the Moderates
Trumpism has objectively INFECTED all those three so-called factions of the Republican party.

All those bastards are tainted.

The STINK of Trump will infect the party for decades

Should Trump fail to win reelection, don’t be surprised to hear from Republicans something along the lines of Trump had the ‘right message’ but was the ‘wrong messenger.’

And that message is one of fear, ignorance, and hate; of dividing the American people, of vilifying immigrants, Americans of color, and loyal, patriotic Americans who opposed Trump in good faith.

Trumpism and conservatism are one-in-the-same: reprehensible rhetoric of demagoguery, lies, chaos, and discord – one shouldn’t be so naïve as to believe it will be gone when Trump is gone, it won’t.
Should Trump fail to win reelection, don’t be surprised to hear from Republicans something along the lines of Trump had the ‘right message’ but was the ‘wrong messenger.’

And that message is one of fear, ignorance, and hate; of dividing the American people, of vilifying immigrants, Americans of color, and loyal, patriotic Americans who opposed Trump in good faith.

Trumpism and conservatism are one-in-the-same: reprehensible rhetoric of demagoguery, lies, chaos, and discord – one shouldn’t be so naïve as to believe it will be gone when Trump is gone, it won’t.

Why wouldn't nominating a loser like Walsh, Weld, Romney, Flake or one of the Bushes be preferable to you libs?

After all, they are all proven Losers who will never actually implement the policies you hate.
And they will be sure losers as they have been in the past
Either Trump finishes draining the swamp, or we're all in deep doodoo.
The swamp was better.

Your side is operating mobs of brownshirts killing people in the streets and burning down billions of dollars in property.

So, your side, is certainly the WORST.
I don’t think those people even vote, but trump is their president.

No, Antifa, BLM, they are all yours. Your denial is, absurd.

My point stands. Your side is certainly the WORST.

I mean, what is there even to talk about? You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Again I don’t see them as voters. Can’t be a dem if they don’t vote.

Your odd attempt to deny your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
I doubt they vote, but Trump is their president. Happening under his watch. Was better with Obama.

I'm sure some vote and some don't. But they are clearly anti-Trumpers, like yourself, and pursuing far lefty goals, like yourself.

Your denial of your fellow travelers, is not fooling anyone and is quite pathetic.

My point stands.

You have dem mayors ordering cops to stand down, so that mobs can rule the streets and attack federal buildings and officers and civilians, and if civilians defend themselves, then order the cops to go arrest the people that the mob attacked, for defending themselves.

10, 5, year ago, if I had predicted what you people have become, people would have called me crazy.

BUt here we are, and you people are bat shit crazy and violent thugs or the supporters of violent thugs.
Really bad leaders always lead to unrest.

You're right. Losers like the Mayors of Portland, NYC and Chicago have led to enormous amounts of rioting. The mayors and other municipal officials in the civilized cities have kept things under control.
The unrest is from national issues

Police Department behavior is a Local issue. The Minneapolis PD reports to the mayors, ditto in NYC, Portland, etc.
The issue is happening nationally.

No it isn't at all. Most cities across the Fruited Plain love and respect the police. The trouble is only happening in a handful of mostly ultraliberal jurisdictions.
Police are shooting people all over the country. It’s a national problem.

What were your dem mayors and dem city councils doing for the last 50 years? Playing with themselves?
Beats me, but it sure is a national problem.

I think it is an illusion, smoke and mirrors, ginned up by a wace baiting media, to rile up mobs to intimidate American voters into not voting for Trump.

Lots of cops, lots of people shot, for cause or not, easy to cherry pick out certain cases to create the illusion of a problem.
Well it is based on our weak gun laws. Our law enforcement are regularly shot and killed so they shoot people regularly. This is all because we have guns everywhere. Not a problem in countries with strong gun control.

Well it is based on our weak gun laws. Our law enforcement are regularly shot and killed so they shoot people regularly. This is all because we have guns everywhere. Not a problem in countries with strong gun control.

I dont care about other countries when it comes to our Law and Order, or our second amendment for that matter.
Dont break the law and you stand an extremely high chance of not getting shot.
Well it is based on our weak gun laws. Our law enforcement are regularly shot and killed so they shoot people regularly. This is all because we have guns everywhere. Not a problem in countries with strong gun control.

Just not true. Areas of America with Draconian gun control like Chicago and LA have the highest number of shootings.
Well it is based on our weak gun laws. Our law enforcement are regularly shot and killed so they shoot people regularly. This is all because we have guns everywhere. Not a problem in countries with strong gun control.

I dont care about other countries when it comes to our Law and Order, or our second amendment for that matter.
Dont break the law and you stand an extremely high chance of not getting shot.
I don't recall asking if you care. I'm just giving the facts.
Well it is based on our weak gun laws. Our law enforcement are regularly shot and killed so they shoot people regularly. This is all because we have guns everywhere. Not a problem in countries with strong gun control.

Just not true. Areas of America with Draconian gun control like Chicago and LA have the highest number of shootings.
Draconian? Chicago has concealed carry. And our cities don't have walls so it's real easy to get guns in. The guns come from areas with weak gun laws. The numbers speak for themselves.

Countries with strong gun control don't have the problem. Their law enforcement is also rarely shot and killed.
Deficits have gone up every year under trump.
mostly because democrats demanded more spending for social issues

trump did increase military spending which I support

so at worst or at best, however you prefer, the spending was bi-partisan
So you support huge deficits. Sounds kinda deep state to me.
Thats a wild leap of illogic

you blamed all the spending on Trump and I corrected you
Police are shooting people all over the country. It’s a national problem.
People, aka criminals who liberals release onto the streets, kill police


in case you are wondering the DA is a far left democrat

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