P.O.W.'s aren't heroes?

Sounds like the real PW heroes were Japanese soldiers during WWII. Many killed themselves rather than become prisoners, is that the heroism Trump sees, or maybe a hero is one that has ingrown toenails and is deferred? Must we change the definition of hero because Trump is running for president?

Apparently we must, but leftwing douche bags like you are the ones who are trying to change the definition. Changing the definition of words to suit the momentary circumstance is what the left does. McCain attacked Trump, so he instantly became a hero to the left. That's all there is to this idiotic brouhaha.
Now the little punk is calling a WWII combat veteran who fought the Japanese in the Pacific a douche bag and giving a lecture to him about the meaning of the word hero.
Regent would never call himself a hero, but most Americans consider our WWII veterans to be heroes on some level.
Using Trump's and this guys logic, people who get killed in action are not heroes either. They got killed and didn't finish the job they were doing.
What I meant was, did he get a medal simply for being a POW?

Does this answer your question? Prisoner of War Medal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's not a medal for heroism. It's only one step above the "good conduct medal," which you get simply for behaving yourself.

So you're saying somebody who gives up their freedom and chances life itself for their fellow countrymen aren't heroes. I don't like putting words in anybody's mouth but that's how I read your stance on the matter.
What I meant was, did he get a medal simply for being a POW?

Does this answer your question? Prisoner of War Medal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's not a medal for heroism. It's only one step above the "good conduct medal," which you get simply for behaving yourself.

So you're saying somebody who gives up their freedom and chances life itself for their fellow countrymen aren't heroes. I don't like putting words in anybody's mouth but that's how I read your stance on the matter.
You are trying to communicate with a crude person whose depth of jackassery has no bounds. He knows absolutely nothing about what he is talking about. He has never been to a veterans reunion of gathering and hasn't got a clue as to what various medals and ribbons mean or how they tell a story and ID a person displaying them among those who know what those medals and ribbons mean and represent. The POW Medal garners great respect. Your father in laws ribbons would designate that he jumped in Italy and the other campaigns he participatedthreave a clue.
I've had the honor to know a couple of those WWII, Korea, Vietnam three war vets. You are lucky to have been affiliated with one.
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How can any army worshiping republican vote for a man who believes the above?? Drumph still your man?

Bowe Bergdahl was a POW and a traitor.
He was never a POW.

If that is so, why did the obama admin trade ANYONE for him to get him back? Why not just leave him with his friends until he could be killed in a drone strike?

If that is so, why did the obama admin trade ANYONE for him to get him back?

Given a choice, Obama tends to take the action that is worst for the country.
How can any army worshiping republican vote for a man who believes the above?? Drumph still your man?

Bowe Bergdahl was a POW and a traitor.
He was never a POW.

If that is so, why did the obama admin trade ANYONE for him to get him back? Why not just leave him with his friends until he could be killed in a drone strike?

If that is so, why did the obama admin trade ANYONE for him to get him back?

Given a choice, Obama tends to take the action that is worst for the country.
Yeah that cruise ship going to Cuba another lol bad idea
How can any army worshiping republican vote for a man who believes the above?? Drumph still your man?

Bowe Bergdahl was a POW and a traitor.
He was never a POW.

If that is so, why did the obama admin trade ANYONE for him to get him back? Why not just leave him with his friends until he could be killed in a drone strike?

If that is so, why did the obama admin trade ANYONE for him to get him back?

Given a choice, Obama tends to take the action that is worst for the country.
Yeah that cruise ship going to Cuba another lol bad idea

Yes, lifting sanctions without helping Cuban political prisoners was stupid.
maybe that will come soon At least there's a chance now but repubs don't get it half of a good thing is better than nothing at all same with iran same with obamacare etc etc
maybe that will come soon At least there's a chance now but repubs don't get it half of a good thing is better than nothing at all same with iran same with obamacare etc etc

maybe that will come soon

Yeah, commies often release political prisoners after they got everything they wanted. Durr.

half of a good thing is better than nothing at all

And giving the bad guys everything they want, in exchange for nothing, is worse than nothing.

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