P.O.W.'s aren't heroes?

McCain admitted he told the North Vietnamese everything they wanted to know when they tortured him.


Every pilot in the Navy volunteered for the same kind of missions that McCain volunteered for.


How does getting shot down make you any more of a hero than not getting shot down?

The bottom line is that McCain did nothing heroic. He didn't save any men or take a hill.

How many people weren't even in the military?
Didn't McCain offer up his spot to be freed to some other guys ?

What's offensive is a chicken hawk draft dodger like trump calling out anyone !
Being captured doesn't make you a war hero. Tens of thousands of Americans were captured during WW II, and they weren't given any medals as a result.

That's a well enough point. But isn't really the point here. Trump's claim is that by being captured McCain should be criticized. And that is bullshit. If you want to say that being in the military is not inherently heroic by itself, I'll whole heartedly agree with you. But when Trump says that being captured by the enemy is inherently damnable, he's being a disrespectful douche nozzle.

The really baffling thing is that the same breed of "conservative" that tends to support Trump are exactly the same types who, until recently, would be the ones screaming the loudest about how simply being in the military is inherently heroic and that anyone who has served honorably is a hero even if they had never seen action.
In 1945 the Bataan prisoners came through our lines having been rescued by the Sixth Rangers; we knew we were among heroes, real heroes. They had survived the "death march and some years imprisonment after fighting a losing battle with no hope. As they loaded onto trucks the hardest part to face, was they were going home.
How can any army worshiping republican vote for a man who believes the above?? Drumph still your man?

How about providing a link to these comments so people know what you're talking about......
Do I really need a link?? that can't come from the top of my head after reading about what hypocrites repubs really are?


You can't do that. He used the magic color. You're not allowed to talk to the magic color.
A POW is not a hero. Someone who does something heroic is a hero. Getting captured isn't an act of heroism.
My late father-in-law was a Special Forces Green Beret that served in Korea and Vietnam. Before all that I guess he wasn't a hero for parachuting into Italy with his unit before the ground invasion and spending the rest of the war in a German prison camp. Hearing those words from Trump was especially hurtful for my wife. If I vote it'll be for Trump but out of respect I may sit this one out.
My late father-in-law was a Special Forces Green Beret that served in Korea and Vietnam. Before all that I guess he wasn't a hero for parachuting into Italy with his unit before the ground invasion and spending the rest of the war in a German prison camp. Hearing those words from Trump was especially hurtful for my wife. If I vote it'll be for Trump but out of respect I may sit this one out.

Did anyone in WW II get a medal simply for jumping from an airplane? If so, the U.S. Army must have been handing out Medals of Honor like they were candy.
Vietnam vets are still getting spit on by guys like Trump and a couple of posters here. At least the ones who were POW's are. They were so honored and respected, appreciated and viewed as heroes that in 1985 Ronald Reagan awarded every former POW dating back to 1917 a special POW Medal. It wasn't until Trump challenged what a hero was that folks like you see in this thread decided to spit on our POW's.

Actually, it was reptiles like you who were spitting on Vietnam vets. Then you all tried to deny it when Clinton ran for office.
My late father-in-law was a Special Forces Green Beret that served in Korea and Vietnam. Before all that I guess he wasn't a hero for parachuting into Italy with his unit before the ground invasion and spending the rest of the war in a German prison camp. Hearing those words from Trump was especially hurtful for my wife. If I vote it'll be for Trump but out of respect I may sit this one out.

Did anyone in WW II get a medal simply for jumping from an airplane? If so, the U.S. Army must have been handing out Medals of Honor like they were candy.

Actually jumping out of an airplane was only the commute to his job.
My late father-in-law was a Special Forces Green Beret that served in Korea and Vietnam. Before all that I guess he wasn't a hero for parachuting into Italy with his unit before the ground invasion and spending the rest of the war in a German prison camp. Hearing those words from Trump was especially hurtful for my wife. If I vote it'll be for Trump but out of respect I may sit this one out.

I'm sure you really cared if he was a hero or not before it became a campaign issue. Does your father in law know that your appreciation of his actions will only exist as it is needed for the campaign. Isn't it sad that most 'liberals' do everything and anything for their political agenda. Your appreciation of his deeds are fake just like you.
Sounds like the real PW heroes were Japanese soldiers during WWII. Many killed themselves rather than become prisoners, is that the heroism Trump sees, or maybe a hero is one that has ingrown toenails and is deferred? Must we change the definition of hero because Trump is running for president?

Apparently we must, but leftwing douche bags like you are the ones who are trying to change the definition. Changing the definition of words to suit the momentary circumstance is what the left does. McCain attacked Trump, so he instantly became a hero to the left. That's all there is to this idiotic brouhaha.
My late father-in-law was a Special Forces Green Beret that served in Korea and Vietnam. Before all that I guess he wasn't a hero for parachuting into Italy with his unit before the ground invasion and spending the rest of the war in a German prison camp. Hearing those words from Trump was especially hurtful for my wife. If I vote it'll be for Trump but out of respect I may sit this one out.

Did anyone in WW II get a medal simply for jumping from an airplane? If so, the U.S. Army must have been handing out Medals of Honor like they were candy.

Actually jumping out of an airplane was only the commute to his job.

Did he get a medal?

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