PA Sec of Sate Boockvar: "There are MILLIONS of votes yet to be counted."

No, they won't. PA residents have become the front holes that the rest of the nation has become. Otherwise, they would have marched en masse to the capital and thrown Wolf out of the State over his unconstitutional lockdowns.
The fracking fumes has them confused.
They are manufacturing ballots and will continue to do this until they are stopped from stealing the election, or they have manufactured enough to declare a victory. They will try to take down each state one by one.

This was the purpose of taking the unprecedented action of stopping the count. Never has happened before in history.

This is what they had to do to kick the poll watchers out. Once they were out, easy to back up trucks and unload fraudulent ballots.

There was ZERO reason to extend "counting" or to allow ballots to come in past the election date. They had weeks of early voting. No reason to extend except but to find out how far The President was ahead and then manufacture the votes needed to steal it.
The dems are going to steal this election...Trump didn't beat them by enough to keep that from happening.....get ready for a new recession....and nation wide lockdowns.....
Republicans will never win another election. I hope the never Trumpers are content with that.
Wow. That’s quite an indictment on Republican policies.

Why don’t they just be less racist, less homophobic, less assholes and maybe they will EARN the votes to win?
Nation's live and die in part because the common sense needed for most are usurped by a minimum with more resources spent on them thus reducing what the majority needs to keep the nation going. Lost in all this we have two major parties where one decides the other is what you said and they themselves are innocent of any transgressions. I say to you that most of any civility we have is based on high taxes and quotas that have lowered standards which has increased the costs of products and services in our nation. China will be our rulers in a quarter century or so. Let see how people like you talk about race and homophobic and all the rest to them. Especially when what we call wealth is in real terms a lot lower for each individual. We live for today. And not the future. And we use words about the future to get things done that will not be beneficial for it. The influential Progs do not believe in the socialist agendas as they do not give up their wealth for it.
Doesn't anyone find it suspicious that The Supreme Court would take on an election case that involved stopping these states from extending the deadline to count votes when they knew the vote would be deadlocked? They could have waited for Barrett to be seated to render their verdicts.
Ok Boockvar, it's 3,018,589 for Trump and 2,475,795 Biden with 78% reported as of 10:48 EST.

What a shocker.

Trucks full of mail in ballots still coming. Several counties in excess of 40% mail in ballots.
Sorry election day is over maybe PA needs to get off its dead ass and learn to count faster,
This was the GOP plan. Now you bitch about it because the plan isnt working. :laugh:
In PA, they will know exactly the number of Trump votes made in person. The millions of mail-in votes are deliberately being held in reserve so that they can count what they need to give PA
to Biden.

It is precisely as we were saying weeks ago.

They had an official on Fox last night who said what the PA people were doing was pretty shady. Big discussion on that last night. Trump already said in his message that he would be contacting the SC.
In PA, they will know exactly the number of Trump votes made in person. The millions of mail-in votes are deliberately being held in reserve so that they can count what they need to give PA
to Biden.

It is precisely as we were saying weeks ago.

They had an official on Fox last night who said what the PA people were doing was pretty shady. Big discussion on that last night. Trump already said in his message that he would be contacting the SC.
The SCOTUS isn't relevant if Roberts slow walks the appeal...........
Participation trophies creates a mentality that a decisive winner and loser is unnecessary and unfair and creates the illusion that the activity does not have a definite ending point.
Pretty odd coincidence that right from the Very Start Philadelphia drew Fire for not allowing poll watches and as the day wore on Phillies problems worsened. Most states 95% done yet PA 65%.
This is what happens when you mess with fixing something that’s not broken and go thru hoops to make it easier for the unmotivated to vote with a bunch of loosely goose ever changing rules and procedures adjustment
Florida has it right, it’s Your responsibility to get Your vote in on time versus catering to voters and having votes trickle in after the contest is over .
Does Florida throw out all absentee votes from the military if they are not received in the mail by election day too?
Pretty odd coincidence that right from the Very Start Philadelphia drew Fire for not allowing poll watches and as the day wore on Phillies problems worsened. Most states 95% done yet PA 65%.
This is what happens when you mess with fixing something that’s not broken and go thru hoops to make it easier for the unmotivated to vote with a bunch of loosely goose ever changing rules and procedures adjustment
Florida has it right, it’s Your responsibility to get Your vote in on time versus catering to voters and having votes trickle in after the contest is over .
Does Florida throw out all absentee votes from the military if they are not received in the mail by election day too?
Pretty sure most states do.
In PA, they will know exactly the number of Trump votes made in person. The millions of mail-in votes are deliberately being held in reserve so that they can count what they need to give PA
to Biden.

It is precisely as we were saying weeks ago.

They had an official on Fox last night who said what the PA people were doing was pretty shady. Big discussion on that last night. Trump already said in his message that he would be contacting the SC.
The SCOTUS isn't relevant if Roberts slow walks the appeal...........
Scotus should not be involved at all in State elections....unless something is unconstitutional.... State Supreme Courts should be the finale.

In Bush v Gore, SCOTUS said this was a one time exception....

Most constitutional scholars say it was an exception, that should have never occurred....
The dems are going to steal this election...Trump didn't beat them by enough to keep that from happening.....get ready for a new recession....and nation wide lockdowns.....
I think the covid shit goes away now. The masks come off. The hysteria switches to MMGW, guns and gay rights.
Pensilvaina is going to be ugly in a few days when SCOTUS revisits the changes in rules the democrats made by fiat to thier rules. I fully expect the high court to tell them they need to abide by thier laws made by the legislature. This means signature verification's must be done and votes collected after election day are illegal...

Yup and after reading something 1958 posted where Biden raked in 138,000 votes and Trumps numbers didn't move I can see the SC on its way. Trump said last night in his speech that he would be contacting them.

They had a guy on Fox last night who told the talking heads that PA was pulling some pretty shady shit and the AG was the one pushing it. SC here we come.
The dems are going to steal this election...Trump didn't beat them by enough to keep that from happening.....get ready for a new recession....and nation wide lockdowns.....
I think the covid shit goes away now. The masks come off. The hysteria switches to MMGW, guns and gay rights.
Guns? But Obama already took away all your guns in 2008 and 2012.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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