Pa voter id law struck down

The voter rolls need to be reasonably accurate just prior to the election.

One forgets the only penalty of not being registered is you dispute your registration and file a provisional ballot.

But they are not. And a call to update the registration in California prior to the 2010 election was blocked by the California democratic party.

Why do you think they went to court to stop the registration rolls from being cleaned? The answer is quite obvious.

"Si Senor, me nombre es John Smith..."
Do you know what the largest source of Voter Fraud was in 2012??

It was old elderly people (a lot of whom vote republican) who voted twice unknowingly, and when questioned about it later turned themselves in to correct the problem.

Voter ID laws do "nothing" to stop this.


Why do you leftists make up these kinds of stories.

The overwhelming majority of fraud is voting under the name of another - either a dead or fictitious voter.

Registration logs are seldom purged, and if attempt are made to purge them, the criminal democrats use the courts to block the efforts. The democrats find registered dead or people who have moved out of state, and send proxy voters in droves to pad the democrat votes.

We ALL know this, it is why the dems fight so hard to keep ID from being used.

If that was true you'd have a link. But this is as provable as the existence of ghost farts :lol:
democrats fight voter ID because you rely on fraud.

Strawman fallacy. Textbook case.

Since voter fraud has continued unabated in Voter ID states, one can't help but wonder if the Voter ID pupper masters are the ones who rely on fraud.

If there truly were no fraud, you wouldn't bother objecting, as ID would be irrelevant. But you know the requirement for ID will stop impersonation fraud and multiple precinct votes. Fraud is a huge part of the election strategy of democrats - perhaps a fundamental aspect, without which democrats could not win elections.

And here we have a person who clearly did not spend the ten seconds to figure out why impersonation fraud is extremely rare, and cannot figure out why such fraud is impossible on a scale large enough to swing elections undetected.

In short, a moron.

He is also ignorant of the fact that Voter ID does nothing to stop multiple precinct voting!
Ask yourself what type of voter fraud Voter ID would stop.

Seriously. Do it.

Absentee ballot fraud? Nope.

A poll worker altering ballots? Nope.

Someone voting in more than one precinct or state? Nope.

Those are the most common types of fraud which occur, and Voter ID is completely ineffective against all of them.

I have shown in other topics that those states which have enacted Voter ID, including those states which have the strictest Voter ID laws, still have the same old fraud occurring.


So what kind of fraud would Voter ID stop?

It would stop someone else showing up at the voting booth on Election Day and voting in your name. This is the imaginary fantasy Voter ID proponents have in their heads. But spend ten seconds actually thinking about that kind of fraud, and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why that is an extremely rare type of fraud.

Think for another ten seconds and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why it would be impossible to commit this kind of fraud on a scale large enough to swing an election undetected.


How about dead people voting? That is easily solved by making sure when someone dies their name is removed from the voter registration rolls. Done!
So you finally, finally, finally have to ask yourself, "What is the REAL reason my puppet masters want Voter ID?"

And when local election boards try to do this progressive howl about voter suppression and the wrong people being taken off the list.

Because the local election boards fucked up and did it wrong! They purged living eligible voters.

So basically they should do nothing?

The worst than can happen is the person is forced to use a provisional ballot until the rolls question is rectified.
I think it was Pa was where they found some areas had more votes for Obama than people living there?


Or that he took 100% of the votes?

The GOP tries to suppress the votes of minorities and it shocks you that 99 percent of a black precinct decides to vote for Obama after this disgusting tactic? Really?

Of course they don't want to show ID!!!!

Voter ID does not stop the kind of voter fraud which occurs. So what do you suppose the REAL reason behind Voter ID is?

Explain to me again how voter id effects only minorities? Then explain why I need to carry photo id with me when I fish or hunt but don't need on to prove my id when I vote.

The real reason for voter id is first the democrats have been noted for cheating. Second we don't wish to dip our fingers in an ink jar.
If they're on both voter rolls then they don't need a fake ID at all...they just show their regular ID at both stations. Voter ID laws do not stop people from voting in multiple precincts.

If the rolls are properly maintained it would require them to have a fake one, because the ID's unique number would show up twice on a check of the rolls.

Right now you can have a John Smith vote as two different John smiths as long as he uses two different addresses. With a proper ID law and proper rolls, this would be flagged because Smith would have to aquire a 2nd valid State ID to vote in the 2nd place.

If the roles are properly maintained they won't be registered for that precinct and they won't be able to can spin it anyway you want to...voter ID laws do not stop people from voting at multiple locations.

They would if they were implemented properly, something that progressives seem to never want to happen.

I wonder why.
CROOK: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER: [checks voter registration list] Oh, yes. Here you are. [checks name off list] And here is your ballot.

CROOK: Har de har har! [votes for Muslim Kenyan marxist]

[ten minutes later...]

JOE SCHMUCKATELLI: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER:[checks voter registration list] Oh goodness! You've already voted!

And THAT, you morons, is why impersonation fraud is so rare, and why it cannot be perpetrated undetected on a large scale.

And that is why we do not need another government hurdle like Voter ID to vote, you liberal-minded rubes.
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Ask yourself what type of voter fraud Voter ID would stop.

Seriously. Do it.

Absentee ballot fraud? Nope.

A poll worker altering ballots? Nope.

Someone voting in more than one precinct or state? Nope.

Those are the most common types of fraud which occur, and Voter ID is completely ineffective against all of them.

I have shown in other topics that those states which have enacted Voter ID, including those states which have the strictest Voter ID laws, still have the same old fraud occurring.


So what kind of fraud would Voter ID stop?

It would stop someone else showing up at the voting booth on Election Day and voting in your name. This is the imaginary fantasy Voter ID proponents have in their heads. But spend ten seconds actually thinking about that kind of fraud, and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why that is an extremely rare type of fraud.

Think for another ten seconds and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why it would be impossible to commit this kind of fraud on a scale large enough to swing an election undetected.


How about dead people voting? That is easily solved by making sure when someone dies their name is removed from the voter registration rolls. Done!

So you finally, finally, finally have to ask yourself, "What is the REAL reason my puppet masters want Voter ID?"
Voter ids do nothing to prevent the most common types election fraud, Manipulation of demography, Disenfranchisement, Vote buying, Misinformation, Misleading or confusing ballot papers, Misrecording of votes, Misuse of absentee ballots, Destruction or invalidation of ballots, and Tampering with electronic voting devices.
Voter ids do not protect the election process; but rather suppress voting among the poor and the homeless who are considered undesirable voters by some.
I think it was Pa was where they found some areas had more votes for Obama than people living there?


The GOP tries to suppress the votes of minorities and it shocks you that 99 percent of a black precinct decides to vote for Obama after this disgusting tactic? Really?

Of course they don't want to show ID!!!!

Voter ID does not stop the kind of voter fraud which occurs. So what do you suppose the REAL reason behind Voter ID is?

Explain to me again how voter id effects only minorities? Then explain why I need to carry photo id with me when I fish or hunt but don't need on to prove my id when I vote.

The real reason for voter id is first the democrats have been noted for cheating. Second we don't wish to dip our fingers in an ink jar.

Because statistically the people who do not have proper photo IDs are disproportionately minorities and lower income...the GOP obviously knows this and works out tactics to limit voter participation.

The GOP doesn't have support of the majority of the nation, so the solution? Keep as many people out of the voter booths as possible, oh that and gerrymander the districts when possible.

It's why they discontinued sunday early voting in NC, african americans would group up after church and vote early on sundays. It's why early voting is always being shortened in GOP controlled swing states, younger people utilize early voting much more then GOP voters. It's why photo ID laws are pursued, because the people lacking them are disproportionately democrat voters.
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I think it was Pa was where they found some areas had more votes for Obama than people living there?


The GOP tries to suppress the votes of minorities and it shocks you that 99 percent of a black precinct decides to vote for Obama after this disgusting tactic? Really?

Of course they don't want to show ID!!!!

Voter ID does not stop the kind of voter fraud which occurs. So what do you suppose the REAL reason behind Voter ID is?

Explain to me again how voter id effects only minorities?

It does not affect only minorities. It affects low income and seniors most. Minorities are over-represented in the low income demographic, and those demographics vote mostly Democratic.

Then explain why I need to carry photo id with me when I fish or hunt but don't need on to prove my id when I vote.
I am really tired of this stupid apples and oranges comparison fallacy.

I have proven that Voter ID is not necessary to maintain the integrity of the voting process. If you can show that a Photo ID is not necessary to maintain the integrity of hunting and fishing limits, go right ahead. And then I will support you in demanding to eliminate that requirement. Tell me another way to maintain the integrity of hunting and fishing limits without IDs.

And if you can prove there is another way for a kid not to have to show ID to buy beer to keep kids from buying beer, I am all ears. And this goes for all the other apples and oranges comparison fallacies out there.

The real reason for voter id is first the democrats have been noted for cheating. Second we don't wish to dip our fingers in an ink jar.

I provided a link to a poll worker who altered ballots to straight Republican tickets. So don't give me that shit about Democrats being the only cheaters.

Try again.
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Ask yourself what type of voter fraud Voter ID would stop.

Seriously. Do it.

Absentee ballot fraud? Nope.

A poll worker altering ballots? Nope.

Someone voting in more than one precinct or state? Nope.

Those are the most common types of fraud which occur, and Voter ID is completely ineffective against all of them.

I have shown in other topics that those states which have enacted Voter ID, including those states which have the strictest Voter ID laws, still have the same old fraud occurring.


So what kind of fraud would Voter ID stop?

It would stop someone else showing up at the voting booth on Election Day and voting in your name. This is the imaginary fantasy Voter ID proponents have in their heads. But spend ten seconds actually thinking about that kind of fraud, and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why that is an extremely rare type of fraud.

Think for another ten seconds and see if you are intelligent enough to figure out why it would be impossible to commit this kind of fraud on a scale large enough to swing an election undetected.


How about dead people voting? That is easily solved by making sure when someone dies their name is removed from the voter registration rolls. Done!

So you finally, finally, finally have to ask yourself, "What is the REAL reason my puppet masters want Voter ID?"
Voter ids do nothing to prevent the most common types election fraud, Manipulation of demography, Disenfranchisement, Vote buying, Misinformation, Misleading or confusing ballot papers, Misrecording of votes, Misuse of absentee ballots, Destruction or invalidation of ballots, and Tampering with electronic voting devices.
Voter ids do not protect the election process; but rather suppress voting among the poor and the homeless who are considered undesirable voters by some.

For the life of me I can't think of one legitimate reason a poor person can not get an id. Not one.

Let us say that the voter id does nothing to stop fraud, so what? Why can't the left move on inch on something they say doesn't matter? No, they got to invent BS about poor people not able to get photo id. It is, in my opinion, a false flag. What they are doing is making an issue out of voter id so the real forms of fraud are not investigated. They will let the right bitch about voter id as long that is all they bitch about. Proving who you are and proving you only voted once, absentee ballot or not, in this day and age of computers would seem very simple and very low cost. But the left will have none of it and I think it is because the problem is worse then people know.
democrats fight voter ID because you rely on fraud.

Strawman fallacy. Textbook case.

Since voter fraud has continued unabated in Voter ID states, one can't help but wonder if the Voter ID pupper masters are the ones who rely on fraud.

If there truly were no fraud, you wouldn't bother objecting, as ID would be irrelevant. But you know the requirement for ID will stop impersonation fraud and multiple precinct votes. Fraud is a huge part of the election strategy of democrats - perhaps a fundamental aspect, without which democrats could not win elections.

And here we have a person who clearly did not spend the ten seconds to figure out why impersonation fraud is extremely rare, and cannot figure out why such fraud is impossible on a scale large enough to swing elections undetected.

In short, a moron.

He is also ignorant of the fact that Voter ID does nothing to stop multiple precinct voting!

Because he would have to admit that someone would have to go to a polling station and pretend to be someone who is
1. A voter
2. Registered at that location
3. Know their name
4. Know they havent voted yet.

:lol: His paranoia tells him that people are knowing this information on huge scales by luck
CROOK: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER: [checks voter registration list] Oh, yes. Here you are. [checks name off list] And here is your ballot.

CROOK: Har de har har! [votes for Muslim Kenyan marxist]

[ten minutes later...]

JOE SCHMUCKATELLI: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER:[checks voter registration list] Oh goodness! You've already voted!

And THAT, you morons, is why impersonation fraud is so rare, and why it cannot be perpetrated undetected on a large scale.

And that is why we do not need another government hurdle like Voter ID to vote, you liberal-minded rubes.

It would work if he drove to another Election district.

The GOP tries to suppress the votes of minorities and it shocks you that 99 percent of a black precinct decides to vote for Obama after this disgusting tactic? Really?

Voter ID does not stop the kind of voter fraud which occurs. So what do you suppose the REAL reason behind Voter ID is?

Explain to me again how voter id effects only minorities? Then explain why I need to carry photo id with me when I fish or hunt but don't need on to prove my id when I vote.

The real reason for voter id is first the democrats have been noted for cheating. Second we don't wish to dip our fingers in an ink jar.

Because statistically the people who do not have proper photo IDs are disproportionately minorities and lower income...the GOP obviously knows this and works out tactics to limit voter participation.

The GOP doesn't have support of the majority of the nation, so the solution? Keep as many people out of the voter booths as possible, oh that and gerrymander the districts when possible.

It's why they discontinued sunday early voting in NC, african americans would group up after church and vote early on sundays. It's why early voting is always being shortened in GOP controlled swing states, younger people utilize early voting much more then GOP voters. It's why photo ID laws are pursued, because the people lacking them are disproportionately democrat voters.

Showing up and voting on election day is not a burden. If it is then you don't deserve your vote. If you really can't show up, the fill out an absentee and file it.

The GOP tries to suppress the votes of minorities and it shocks you that 99 percent of a black precinct decides to vote for Obama after this disgusting tactic? Really?

Voter ID does not stop the kind of voter fraud which occurs. So what do you suppose the REAL reason behind Voter ID is?

Explain to me again how voter id effects only minorities?

It does not affect only minorities. It affects low income and seniors most. And that happens to be the demographics which vote mostly Democratic.

Then explain why I need to carry photo id with me when I fish or hunt but don't need on to prove my id when I vote.
I am really tired of this stupid apples and oranges comparison fallacy.

I have proven that Voter ID is not necessary to maintain the integrity of the voting process. If you can show that a Photo ID is not necessary to maintain the integrity of hunting and fishing, go right ahead. And then I will support you in demanding to eliminate that requirement. Tell me another way to maintain the integrity of hunting and fishing limits without IDS.

The real reason for voter id is first the democrats have been noted for cheating. Second we don't wish to dip our fingers in an ink jar.

I provided a link to a poll worker who altered ballots to straight Republican tickets. So don't give me that shit about Democrats being the only cheaters.

Try again.

OK, you proved they both cheat, let's do something about it and the simplistic and least intrusive is voter id.
CROOK: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER: [checks voter registration list] Oh, yes. Here you are. [checks name off list] And here is your ballot.

CROOK: Har de har har! [votes for Muslim Kenyan marxist]

[ten minutes later...]

JOE SCHMUCKATELLI: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER:[checks voter registration list] Oh goodness! You've already voted!

And THAT, you morons, is why impersonation fraud is so rare, and why it cannot be perpetrated undetected on a large scale.

And that is why we do not need another government hurdle like Voter ID to vote, you liberal-minded rubes.

It would work if he drove to another Election district.

Another district where he ISNT registered will work you say?
CROOK: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER: [checks voter registration list] Oh, yes. Here you are. [checks name off list] And here is your ballot.

CROOK: Har de har har! [votes for Muslim Kenyan marxist]

[ten minutes later...]

JOE SCHMUCKATELLI: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER:[checks voter registration list] Oh goodness! You've already voted!

And THAT, you morons, is why impersonation fraud is so rare, and why it cannot be perpetrated undetected on a large scale.

And that is why we do not need another government hurdle like Voter ID to vote, you liberal-minded rubes.

It would work if he drove to another Election district.

Another district where he ISNT registered will work you say?

When the only thing you need under a no ID system is a name and an address how hard is it to fake it?
Voter ID is completely ineffective. It does not stop the vast majority of the kinds of fraud which occur.

It would work if he drove to another Election district.

Another district where he ISNT registered will work you say?

When the only thing you need under a no ID system is a name and an address how hard is it to fake it?

You establish your eligibility to vote during the registration process. Not at the voting booth.

If your voter registration process is compromised, then you need to FIX VOTER REGISTRATION. Only a retard would try to fix a voter registration problem AT THE VOTING BOOTH.

Horse. Barn door.
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