Pacifism and the Left

"The Right understands that man’s nature, while not inherently evil, is not good"


The American people are not good and border on evil.

That is what your world view is?

No wonder your party is dying

It is obvious that this statement is far too complicated for your rather limited intelligence.
I did. I just don't care.

What is this hard on you have for the Kennedys, anyway?

Ted Kennedy got away with drowning a young woman and Jack Kennedy put us into into a land war in Asia.

What is it that you find admirable about them?

At least you admit none of the Kennedy's were scholars. That is a start.

Three of them died in service to their country. All of them served their country.

And getting us into Vietnam was a bipartisan fuckup, because it took a decade before anyone said, "Hey, this is a horrible idea!"

Now, yeah, I think it's pretty awful that Ted Kennedy was not held accountable for negiligent homicide, which probably would have ended his career if he weren't rich. Of course, lots of poor people get away with that, too.

Talk about the two that I have contempt for. I have the utmost respect for my fellow veterans, those that died, and those that made it back.

I give JFK kudos for his service in the US Navy, but he should have known better than to go into Vietnam.

The Commander in Chief sends the troops to war and Kennedy had a Democrat controlled House and Senate that funded his folly.
Talk about the two that I have contempt for. I have the utmost respect for my fellow veterans, those that died, and those that made it back.

I give JFK kudos for his service in the US Navy, but he should have known better than to go into Vietnam.

The Commander in Chief sends the troops to war and Kennedy had a Democrat controlled House and Senate that funded his folly.

BUt would he have done that if he didn't have the very fresh Memory of McCarthy and the Republicans screaming, "Who Lost China!"

It's intellectually dishonest to give the GOP a pass when they both initially committed to teh Saigon regime and continued the war for years after Nixon got them back into power.
Ted Kennedy got away with drowning a young woman and Jack Kennedy put us into into a land war in Asia.

What is it that you find admirable about them?

At least you admit none of the Kennedy's were scholars. That is a start.

Three of them died in service to their country. All of them served their country.

And getting us into Vietnam was a bipartisan fuckup, because it took a decade before anyone said, "Hey, this is a horrible idea!"

Now, yeah, I think it's pretty awful that Ted Kennedy was not held accountable for negiligent homicide, which probably would have ended his career if he weren't rich. Of course, lots of poor people get away with that, too.

Talk about the two that I have contempt for. I have the utmost respect for my fellow veterans, those that died, and those that made it back.

I give JFK kudos for his service in the US Navy, but he should have known better than to go into Vietnam.

The Commander in Chief sends the troops to war and Kennedy had a Democrat controlled House and Senate that funded his folly.

Eisenhower started with Nam. Kennedy just expanded.

No...I mean specifically...which scholars do you quote to support your theses?

As you know, I quote, document, and link as a matter of course.

Um... all of them.

Do you know what the word "specifically" means?

Yes, I do.

In PC's world, it means, "I want you to waste your time googling the names of all the established academics who condemn McCarthy, so I can then turn around and call them all communists and not like the guys who teach at Funditard U. where I go."

Not wasting my time.
Um... all of them.

Do you know what the word "specifically" means?

Yes, I do.

In PC's world, it means, "I want you to waste your time googling the names of all the established academics who condemn McCarthy, so I can then turn around and call them all communists and not like the guys who teach at Funditard U. where I go."

Not wasting my time.

Again you cannot answer a question, you idiotic coward.
I hate to burst your liberals are pussies fantasy, kid but history shows us that the DEMS (who I presume you think are all liberal pussies) sent our troops into harms way MORE than the Republicans have.

Of course since you're complaining about a strawman party in the first place, I guess it really doesn't matter how much you denigrate its character.

No...I mean specifically...which scholars do you quote to support your theses?

As you know, I quote, document, and link as a matter of course.

Um... all of them.

"I read all of 'em....any of 'em"

[ame=]Sarah Palin Can't Name a Newspaper She Reads - YouTube[/ame] that you????
Um... all of them.

Do you know what the word "specifically" means?

Yes, I do.

In PC's world, it means, "I want you to waste your time googling the names of all the established academics who condemn McCarthy, so I can then turn around and call them all communists and not like the guys who teach at Funditard U. where I go."

Not wasting my time.

"Not wasting my time."

Pretty much answers the question.....

So, that part you made up about me being 'thrown out of school'....

.....that was actually autobiographical?

Did you graduate from any?

Never mind answering that: you've been embarrassed enough.
Do you know what the word "specifically" means?

Yes, I do.

In PC's world, it means, "I want you to waste your time googling the names of all the established academics who condemn McCarthy, so I can then turn around and call them all communists and not like the guys who teach at Funditard U. where I go."

Not wasting my time.

"Not wasting my time."

Pretty much answers the question.....

So, that part you made up about me being 'thrown out of school'....

.....that was actually autobiographical?

Did you graduate from any?

Never mind answering that: you've been embarrassed enough.

University of Illinois, 1985. Where did you graduate from... This should be funny.
Yes, I do.

In PC's world, it means, "I want you to waste your time googling the names of all the established academics who condemn McCarthy, so I can then turn around and call them all communists and not like the guys who teach at Funditard U. where I go."

Not wasting my time.

"Not wasting my time."

Pretty much answers the question.....

So, that part you made up about me being 'thrown out of school'....

.....that was actually autobiographical?

Did you graduate from any?

Never mind answering that: you've been embarrassed enough.

University of Illinois, 1985. Where did you graduate from... This should be funny.

Did you actually graduate? Answer yes or no.
Did you actually graduate? Answer yes or no.

Why, yes. Yes I did. .

Look at that, you did it! You answered a yes or no question! You'll be ready for big-boy pants soon. Now that we know you can answer yes or no questions you have no excuse for not doing so.

We will leave aside for how it reflects on the university that they would graduate a drooling moron like you...
Did you actually graduate? Answer yes or no.

Why, yes. Yes I did. .

Look at that, you did it! You answered a yes or no question! You'll be ready for big-boy pants soon. Now that we know you can answer yes or no questions you have no excuse for not doing so.
We will leave aside for how it reflects on the university that they would graduate a drooling moron like you...

You're the one who can't read past one sentence in a response...

And you have serious anger management issues, seriously. If I knew you in real life, I'd recommend you get help.

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