Pagan roots of Valentines (Lupercalia) Day Exposed

You ask: So to be clear, The God of Christianity is the only God in existence, correct?

The only God. Yes. He is One true God as in 1 x 1 x 1 =1 He is the Father, the Word (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. We are created in His image. We are a trichotomy. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 We are a spirit, we live in a body and we have a soul. We are created after His likeness, we are created in the image of God. God is the creator of heaven and earth, all that is seen and unseen He has created. He created us in our mother's womb. He is God Almighty and He does not share his power with other gods. There are many different gods that people worship, Baal gods but in reality these gods are fallen angels, demons, they are not gods in that they have no power over God. They have no power over me either because I'm God's child and he has given me all authority over the power of Satan (Luke 10:19).

It is written:
“Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.” Isaiah 44:8
Then please explain the first commandment...
Do you know what a god is? It is an idol. Do you know that many people who think they serve God are actually serving another god? Do you know what the name of that god is? Self. Many people are serving themselves. They are their own gods. Some people have turned their stomach into their god. They are focused on their flesh. Some people have turned their spouse into a god. They put them ahead of God in everything they do. Then there are the other gods such as one would find names of in Greek mythology and such..... But are the God? No! So what can we say then? Is God contradicting himself? No, God isn't contradicting himself. We need to rightly divide the Word of God to understand what God is telling us.
Nope. This is what I mean about understanding the original text. the second commandment was about idolatry. The First commandment deals specifically with divine beings: I am הָיָה (Yehovah) your אֱלֹהִים (Elohim). I brought you out of the land of Egypt, and the house of bondage. You shall אַחֵר (follow after) no other אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) except me". The only time that the word Elohim appears in the bible to describe god, or gods, is here, and in the passage referring to the nephelim. Thus, there cab be no ambiguity of the original language: I am Yehovah, your divine being, who led you out of Egypt, and slavery; you will worship no other divine being except me.

If Yehovah; God, is the only divine being in existence, then why would he need to deliver a command to not worship any other divine beings. Again, you can not fall back on idol worship; that is covered in the second commandment.
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?
I tell you the truth. It is a deception. These are fallen angels and if you prefer the term nephilim, it is still fallen angels which God destroyed the earth once over because they slept with the daughters of men and the earth was full of wickedness. Now here we are again. Look at the earth! We're right back to the days of Noah. Again.
You ask: So to be clear, The God of Christianity is the only God in existence, correct?

The only God. Yes. He is One true God as in 1 x 1 x 1 =1 He is the Father, the Word (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. We are created in His image. We are a trichotomy. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 We are a spirit, we live in a body and we have a soul. We are created after His likeness, we are created in the image of God. God is the creator of heaven and earth, all that is seen and unseen He has created. He created us in our mother's womb. He is God Almighty and He does not share his power with other gods. There are many different gods that people worship, Baal gods but in reality these gods are fallen angels, demons, they are not gods in that they have no power over God. They have no power over me either because I'm God's child and he has given me all authority over the power of Satan (Luke 10:19).

It is written:
“Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.” Isaiah 44:8
Then please explain the first commandment...
Do you know what a god is? It is an idol. Do you know that many people who think they serve God are actually serving another god? Do you know what the name of that god is? Self. Many people are serving themselves. They are their own gods. Some people have turned their stomach into their god. They are focused on their flesh. Some people have turned their spouse into a god. They put them ahead of God in everything they do. Then there are the other gods such as one would find names of in Greek mythology and such..... But are the God? No! So what can we say then? Is God contradicting himself? No, God isn't contradicting himself. We need to rightly divide the Word of God to understand what God is telling us.
Nope. This is what I mean about understanding the original text. the second commandment was about idolatry. The First commandment deals specifically with divine beings: I am הָיָה (Yehovah) your אֱלֹהִים (Elohim). I brought you out of the land of Egypt, and the house of bondage. You shall אַחֵר (follow after) no other אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) except me". The only time that the word Elohim appears in the bible to describe god, or gods, is here, and in the passage referring to the nephelim. Thus, there cab be no ambiguity of the original language: I am Yehovah, your divine being, who led you out of Egypt, and slavery; you will worship no other divine being except me.

If Yehovah; God, is the only divine being in existence, then why would he need to deliver a command to not worship any other divine beings. Again, you can not fall back on idol worship; that is covered in the second commandment.
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?

You say that you were given a bible text to study that was not the King James Version bible. What was it they gave you in that Seminary, Cern? What was the name of the book?
Cern, do you see Tammuz in Ezekiel 8:14 below? We see the photos presented by the RCC of Semiramus and her son, Tammuz, she was also called the Queen of heaven and we see that name mentioned in the scriptures too, but she was a witch who was the wife of Nimrod and joined him in human sacrifice of babies. Yet in those photos she is depicted as Mary and Tammuz is depicted as Baby Jesus. It's a deception. This goes all the way back to the time of Noah and his sons because Shem (Noah's son) is the one that put Nimrod to death. The Israelites knew very well about the occult because they had encountered it and some had fallen into it.


Any gods other than the Lord himself. Some of these divinities took the form of images, others were mythical. Some Israelites became involved in idolatrous worship of such gods. The book of Acts records attempts to deify human beings.

False gods associated with foreign nations in the OT
Amon, the chief god of Egypt See also Jer 46:25

Asherah, a Canaanite goddess Ex 34:13-14 Asherah was the consort of El, the chief Canaanite god. Wooden poles, perhaps carved in her image, were often set up in her honour and placed near other pagan objects of worship. See also Dt 7:5; Jdg 6:25-30 Gideon destroys an Asherah pole; 1Ki 14:15,23; 1Ki 15:13; 1Ki 16:33; 1Ki 18:19 Elijah summons 400 prophets of Asherah to Mount Carmel. King Josiah’s reforms: 2Ki 23:4-7,13-16
Isa 27:9; Jer 17:2; Mic 5:14

Ashtoreth, a goddess of war and fertility Jdg 2:12-13 Ashtoreth, the consort of Baal, was associated with the evening star and was worshipped as Ishtar in Babylon and as Athtart in Aram. To the Greeks she was Astarte or Aphrodite and to the Romans, Venus. See also Jdg 10:6; 1Sa 7:3-4; 1Sa 12:10; 1Sa 31:10; 1Ki 11:5,33

Baal, a Canaanite and Phoenician god of fertility and rain Jdg 2:10-13 Baal, meaning “lord”, was pictured standing on a bull, a popular symbol of fertility and strength. Baal was associated with Asherah and Ashtoreth, goddesses of fertility.

Baal-Zebub, a popular deity of the Philistines Mt 12:24 pp Mk 3:22 pp Lk 11:15 Beelzebub is the Greek form of the Hebrew name “Baal-Zebub”, meaning “lord of the flies”. See also 2Ki 1:1-6,16-17

Bel, the chief deity of Babylon Isa 46:1 Bel was another name for the sun god, Marduk. Nebo, the god of learning and writing was the son of Marduk. See also Jer 50:2; Jer 51:44

Chemosh, the chief god of Moab 1Ki 11:7 See also Nu 21:29; 1Ki 11:33; 2Ki 23:13; Jer 48:7,13,46

Dagon, worshipped in Babylonia and Philistia Jdg 16:23 See also 1Sa 5:2-7; 1Ch 10:10

Molech, the chief deity of Ammon 1Ki 11:4-5 See also Lev 18:21 The practice of sacrificing children to Molech was common in Phoenicia and the region; Lev 20:2-5; 1Ki 11:7,33; 2Ki 23:10 Josiah destroyed the area where the altars for child sacrifice were located; 2Ki 23:13; Isa 57:9; Jer 32:35; Jer 49:1,3; Zep 1:5; Ac 7:43

Tammuz, a Babylonian fertility god Eze 8:14

The worship of false gods was a snare to God’s people
Their worship included disgusting rites 1Ki 14:23-24; 1Ki 19:18; Jer 7:31; Hos 13:2

Numerous attempts were made to stop the worship of Baal and other false gods Jdg 6:28-32; 1Ki 18:17-40 See also 2Ki 10:18-28; 2Ki 11:18; 2Ki 23:4-5,13

Attempts to stop false worship proved unsuccessful 2Ki 21:3 The word “Baal” was not orginally a proper name but came to be used as such. See also 2Ch 28:1-4; Hos 13:1-2

Warnings against and condemnation of, the worship of false gods
Ps 40:4; Da 3:29 Nebuchadnezzar came to realise the foolishness of worshipping false gods See also Ps 4:2; Jer 13:25; Jer 16:19; Am 2:4; Zep 1:4

The first Christians were confronted with the worship of Greek and Roman deities
Zeus and Hermes Ac 14:12 Zeus was the patron god of the city of Lystra and his temple was there. Paul was identified as the god Hermes (the Roman Mercury), Zeus’attendant and spokesman.

Artemis Ac 19:24-28 Artemis was the Greek name for the Roman goddess, Diana.

Castor and Pollux See also Ac 28:11 the two “sons of Zeus”, regarded as the guardian deities of sailors

Attempts to deify human beings

Ac 12:21-22; Ac 14:12-15; Ac 28:6
Huh...well, you come closest to at least being honest - that, in fact, other divine beings do exist. Unfortunately, you then call them "false gods". Except, by whose standards? They would certainly be "false" gods to the Israelites. After all, their God was Yehovah. However, Just as Yehovah was the god of the Isrealites, who are you, or anyone else, to say that Yehovah was not the "false god' to the Greeks, or the Egyptians, or the Celts? Yehovah had every right to deliver the commands he did to the Israelites; after all, if one accepts the stories of the Bible, he did deliver them. But, you see, I came from an entirely different part of the world. Herne, Cernunos, and Boadicea were the creators, protectors, and saviours of my people. It is your Jehovah who was the interloper, and the false god.
Then please explain the first commandment...
Do you know what a god is? It is an idol. Do you know that many people who think they serve God are actually serving another god? Do you know what the name of that god is? Self. Many people are serving themselves. They are their own gods. Some people have turned their stomach into their god. They are focused on their flesh. Some people have turned their spouse into a god. They put them ahead of God in everything they do. Then there are the other gods such as one would find names of in Greek mythology and such..... But are the God? No! So what can we say then? Is God contradicting himself? No, God isn't contradicting himself. We need to rightly divide the Word of God to understand what God is telling us.
Nope. This is what I mean about understanding the original text. the second commandment was about idolatry. The First commandment deals specifically with divine beings: I am הָיָה (Yehovah) your אֱלֹהִים (Elohim). I brought you out of the land of Egypt, and the house of bondage. You shall אַחֵר (follow after) no other אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) except me". The only time that the word Elohim appears in the bible to describe god, or gods, is here, and in the passage referring to the nephelim. Thus, there cab be no ambiguity of the original language: I am Yehovah, your divine being, who led you out of Egypt, and slavery; you will worship no other divine being except me.

If Yehovah; God, is the only divine being in existence, then why would he need to deliver a command to not worship any other divine beings. Again, you can not fall back on idol worship; that is covered in the second commandment.
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?

You say that you were given a bible text to study that was not the King James Version bible. What was it they gave you in that Seminary, Cern? What was the name of the book?
The Septuigent, Vulgate, and Textus Receptus, among others. As I said, the ORIGINAL texts. Why take someone else's word on what the Bible said, as written, when you can translate it for yourself?
You ask: So to be clear, The God of Christianity is the only God in existence, correct?

The only God. Yes. He is One true God as in 1 x 1 x 1 =1 He is the Father, the Word (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. We are created in His image. We are a trichotomy. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 We are a spirit, we live in a body and we have a soul. We are created after His likeness, we are created in the image of God. God is the creator of heaven and earth, all that is seen and unseen He has created. He created us in our mother's womb. He is God Almighty and He does not share his power with other gods. There are many different gods that people worship, Baal gods but in reality these gods are fallen angels, demons, they are not gods in that they have no power over God. They have no power over me either because I'm God's child and he has given me all authority over the power of Satan (Luke 10:19).

It is written:
“Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.” Isaiah 44:8
Then please explain the first commandment...
Do you know what a god is? It is an idol. Do you know that many people who think they serve God are actually serving another god? Do you know what the name of that god is? Self. Many people are serving themselves. They are their own gods. Some people have turned their stomach into their god. They are focused on their flesh. Some people have turned their spouse into a god. They put them ahead of God in everything they do. Then there are the other gods such as one would find names of in Greek mythology and such..... But are the God? No! So what can we say then? Is God contradicting himself? No, God isn't contradicting himself. We need to rightly divide the Word of God to understand what God is telling us.
Nope. This is what I mean about understanding the original text. the second commandment was about idolatry. The First commandment deals specifically with divine beings: I am הָיָה (Yehovah) your אֱלֹהִים (Elohim). I brought you out of the land of Egypt, and the house of bondage. You shall אַחֵר (follow after) no other אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) except me". The only time that the word Elohim appears in the bible to describe god, or gods, is here, and in the passage referring to the nephelim. Thus, there cab be no ambiguity of the original language: I am Yehovah, your divine being, who led you out of Egypt, and slavery; you will worship no other divine being except me.

If Yehovah; God, is the only divine being in existence, then why would he need to deliver a command to not worship any other divine beings. Again, you can not fall back on idol worship; that is covered in the second commandment.
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?
I want you to consider something, Cern. How was it that Mary Magdalene knew Jesus as her Lord and Master while the Pharisees and Saduccees did not know Him as Mary knew him? How did that happen? I will tell you how it happened. It wasn't by study because surely the high priests would have been very advanced in their study. It wasn't by interpretation of Hebrew words either. What was it? She experienced the forgiveness and love of Jesus Christ. She received him into her heart as her Lord and immediately she was in a place of being able to understand what the Pharisees could not.

She was able to know these things by the Holy Spirit because she had a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Not with her mind. But with her heart. We believe with our heart and we are saved. We trust with our heart and come to know Jesus. It is with our heart. Not with our mind.

I am sure that you are far more knowledgeable on these Hebrew words and your study but I am. Yet I can tell you right now by the Holy Spirit that something is very wrong and you were misled. I do not know how but God does.

The Word of God is pure. The Word of God is true. The Word of God does not require a Hebrew translation to understand it. Indeed Jesus tells us that the gospel is so simple that even a small child can understand it! Can a small child understand what you are speaking about right now? Not likely. But a small child can know the love of Jesus Christ and receive him by faith into their heart because a small child is not skeptical and untrusting of what he is told. He simply believes!

That is what you must do! You must put down all that tells you to trust your finite mind and accept that God's ways are higher than your ways. God takes the foolish things of this world and uses them to confound the wise. We cannot be wise in our own wisdom. We cannot hold righteousness in unrighteousness. We have to take God at his Word just as it reads. He alone is God. Is there any other god? I know not any. He alone is the Lord God Almighty.
Do you know what a god is? It is an idol. Do you know that many people who think they serve God are actually serving another god? Do you know what the name of that god is? Self. Many people are serving themselves. They are their own gods. Some people have turned their stomach into their god. They are focused on their flesh. Some people have turned their spouse into a god. They put them ahead of God in everything they do. Then there are the other gods such as one would find names of in Greek mythology and such..... But are the God? No! So what can we say then? Is God contradicting himself? No, God isn't contradicting himself. We need to rightly divide the Word of God to understand what God is telling us.
Nope. This is what I mean about understanding the original text. the second commandment was about idolatry. The First commandment deals specifically with divine beings: I am הָיָה (Yehovah) your אֱלֹהִים (Elohim). I brought you out of the land of Egypt, and the house of bondage. You shall אַחֵר (follow after) no other אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) except me". The only time that the word Elohim appears in the bible to describe god, or gods, is here, and in the passage referring to the nephelim. Thus, there cab be no ambiguity of the original language: I am Yehovah, your divine being, who led you out of Egypt, and slavery; you will worship no other divine being except me.

If Yehovah; God, is the only divine being in existence, then why would he need to deliver a command to not worship any other divine beings. Again, you can not fall back on idol worship; that is covered in the second commandment.
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?

You say that you were given a bible text to study that was not the King James Version bible. What was it they gave you in that Seminary, Cern? What was the name of the book?
The Septuigent, Vulgate, and Textus Receptus, among others. As I said, the ORIGINAL texts. Why take someone else's word on what the Bible said, as written, when you can translate it for yourself?
Because the Holy Spirit never told me to read anything other than the Word of God, the King James Bible. I do recall being told that the Vulgate and the Alexandrian text is corrupt. An occultist named Origen changed over 6,000 verses or words (I cannot remember which) of Scripture and you'll find that the other bible translations are based on the Alexandrian. I will have to find the video for you. It is quite short. Hold on.

This is it. It is not very long but you'll find the explanation is quite good:
It's not my opinion, Cern. It is the Written Word of God. God is not a man that he should lie. The Word of God is true. I am referencing an actual event. Moses was operating in the power of God. That was God's power that defeated Pharaoh's magicians. Their magic was no match for the power of God. You know the story, don't you?
Except that the only evidence of any of that is the Bible. There is absolutely zero archeological evidence that Israelites were ever even in Egypt, let alone were ever slaves. it should be noted, incidentally, that the Egyptians were meticulous record keepers. There are extensive records of their slaves - Mesopotamians, Chaldeans, Babylonians (no Philistines - that seems to be another wholly imaginary race created by the Bible for which there is no actual record), but no Jews. No Moses. There simply is no collaboration of anything in the entire account of Moses, and the Egyptians, outside of the Bible. So, you'll forgive me if I find the account to be more than a little dubious.
I do have some videos that present archaelogical evidence such as the memorial altar Moses built to God on his journey leading the Hebrews out of Egypt and also the rock that was split where water gushed out. I can find that video and show it to you.
Really? and the source of those videos? And the peer reviewed confirmation of those claims would be...?
It's a good source. The Holy Spirit wouldn't have brought up that video to me for you if it wasn't a solid source. This is authentic. For some reason I believe I am mistaken and that both archaelogical finds are on the same video. I'll have to find it to make sure. Hold on. I'll go look for it.
Then please explain the first commandment...
Do you know what a god is? It is an idol. Do you know that many people who think they serve God are actually serving another god? Do you know what the name of that god is? Self. Many people are serving themselves. They are their own gods. Some people have turned their stomach into their god. They are focused on their flesh. Some people have turned their spouse into a god. They put them ahead of God in everything they do. Then there are the other gods such as one would find names of in Greek mythology and such..... But are the God? No! So what can we say then? Is God contradicting himself? No, God isn't contradicting himself. We need to rightly divide the Word of God to understand what God is telling us.
Nope. This is what I mean about understanding the original text. the second commandment was about idolatry. The First commandment deals specifically with divine beings: I am הָיָה (Yehovah) your אֱלֹהִים (Elohim). I brought you out of the land of Egypt, and the house of bondage. You shall אַחֵר (follow after) no other אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) except me". The only time that the word Elohim appears in the bible to describe god, or gods, is here, and in the passage referring to the nephelim. Thus, there cab be no ambiguity of the original language: I am Yehovah, your divine being, who led you out of Egypt, and slavery; you will worship no other divine being except me.

If Yehovah; God, is the only divine being in existence, then why would he need to deliver a command to not worship any other divine beings. Again, you can not fall back on idol worship; that is covered in the second commandment.
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?
I want you to consider something, Cern. How was it that Mary Magdalene knew Jesus as her Lord and Master while the Pharisees and Saduccees did not know Him as Mary knew him? How did that happen? I will tell you how it happened. It wasn't by study because surely the high priests would have been very advanced in their study. It wasn't by interpretation of Hebrew words either. What was it? She experienced the forgiveness and love of Jesus Christ. She received him into her heart as her Lord and immediately she was in a place of being able to understand what the Pharisees could not.

She was able to know these things by the Holy Spirit because she had a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Not with her mind. But with her heart. We believe with our heart and we are saved. We trust with our heart and come to know Jesus. It is with our heart. Not with our mind.

I am sure that you are far more knowledgeable on these Hebrew words and your study but I am. Yet I can tell you right now by the Holy Spirit that something is very wrong and you were misled. I do not know how but God does.

The Word of God is pure. The Word of God is true. The Word of God does not require a Hebrew translation to understand it. Indeed Jesus tells us that the gospel is so simple that even a small child can understand it! Can a small child understand what you are speaking about right now? Not likely. But a small child can know the love of Jesus Christ and receive him by faith into their heart because a small child is not skeptical and untrusting of what he is told. He simply believes!

That is what you must do! You must put down all that tells you to trust your finite mind and accept that God's ways are higher than your ways. God takes the foolish things of this world and uses them to confound the wise. We cannot be wise in our own wisdom. We cannot hold righteousness in unrighteousness. We have to take God at his Word just as it reads. He alone is God. Is there any other god? I know not any. He alone is the Lord God Almighty.
And this is the point at which we are done. "You are wrong. I don't know how, but you must be, because otherwise, I am, and I can't be,"

I'm sure that we will have other interesting conversations. However, you should know that nothing you have told me has been original. You, based on your posts to me, presume that I have always been a pagan, or non-Christian, and that I never considered the possibility of being a Christian. Actually the exact opposite is true. I am not some lost soul who never had the benefit of Christianity; I am a Christian who came to understand that Christianity is...flawed at best.

And here is the thing. I may be completely full of shit, and have no idea what I am talking about. When I die, I may well meet this God of yours, and learn that I got it exactly wrong. Should that happen, I will happily take my place in Hell, in the knowledge that I made my choice fully cognizant of the consequences should I be wrong about my conclusions.
Nope. This is what I mean about understanding the original text. the second commandment was about idolatry. The First commandment deals specifically with divine beings: I am הָיָה (Yehovah) your אֱלֹהִים (Elohim). I brought you out of the land of Egypt, and the house of bondage. You shall אַחֵר (follow after) no other אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) except me". The only time that the word Elohim appears in the bible to describe god, or gods, is here, and in the passage referring to the nephelim. Thus, there cab be no ambiguity of the original language: I am Yehovah, your divine being, who led you out of Egypt, and slavery; you will worship no other divine being except me.

If Yehovah; God, is the only divine being in existence, then why would he need to deliver a command to not worship any other divine beings. Again, you can not fall back on idol worship; that is covered in the second commandment.
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?

You say that you were given a bible text to study that was not the King James Version bible. What was it they gave you in that Seminary, Cern? What was the name of the book?
The Septuigent, Vulgate, and Textus Receptus, among others. As I said, the ORIGINAL texts. Why take someone else's word on what the Bible said, as written, when you can translate it for yourself?
Because the Holy Spirit never told me to read anything other than the Word of God, the King James Bible. I do recall being told that the Vulgate and the Alexandrian text is corrupt. An occultist named Origen changed over 6,000 verses or words (I cannot remember which) of Scripture and you'll find that the other bible translations are based on the Alexandrian. I will have to find the video for you. It is quite short. Hold on.

This is it. It is not very long but you'll find the explanation is quite good:

Uhhhh....what texts do you think the scholars of King James used to get their translations? While I don't disagree that Jerome was...shall we say somewhat liberal, with his translations, that is easily countered when comparing the Vulgate to the earlier, more faithful Masoretic Text - the most authoritative Hebrew, and Aramaic version of the Tanakh.

Furthermore, any translation of the bible is going to be, in some part, interpretive, because translating one language to another is interpretive.

The King James Bible says "Thou shalt not Kill". However, the New International says, "Do not Murder", while the Modern English says "Kill no one in anger" Which ve3rsion is "correct"? And how do you know, unless you also know what the original text said? Why take the word of any of them? Why not study, and learn for yourself what the words actually said. I'm a big believer in not taking anybody's word for anything. I believe what I believe because I believe it, because I learned it, because I know it to be true from my own research.
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Do you know what a god is? It is an idol. Do you know that many people who think they serve God are actually serving another god? Do you know what the name of that god is? Self. Many people are serving themselves. They are their own gods. Some people have turned their stomach into their god. They are focused on their flesh. Some people have turned their spouse into a god. They put them ahead of God in everything they do. Then there are the other gods such as one would find names of in Greek mythology and such..... But are the God? No! So what can we say then? Is God contradicting himself? No, God isn't contradicting himself. We need to rightly divide the Word of God to understand what God is telling us.
Nope. This is what I mean about understanding the original text. the second commandment was about idolatry. The First commandment deals specifically with divine beings: I am הָיָה (Yehovah) your אֱלֹהִים (Elohim). I brought you out of the land of Egypt, and the house of bondage. You shall אַחֵר (follow after) no other אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) except me". The only time that the word Elohim appears in the bible to describe god, or gods, is here, and in the passage referring to the nephelim. Thus, there cab be no ambiguity of the original language: I am Yehovah, your divine being, who led you out of Egypt, and slavery; you will worship no other divine being except me.

If Yehovah; God, is the only divine being in existence, then why would he need to deliver a command to not worship any other divine beings. Again, you can not fall back on idol worship; that is covered in the second commandment.
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?
I want you to consider something, Cern. How was it that Mary Magdalene knew Jesus as her Lord and Master while the Pharisees and Saduccees did not know Him as Mary knew him? How did that happen? I will tell you how it happened. It wasn't by study because surely the high priests would have been very advanced in their study. It wasn't by interpretation of Hebrew words either. What was it? She experienced the forgiveness and love of Jesus Christ. She received him into her heart as her Lord and immediately she was in a place of being able to understand what the Pharisees could not.

She was able to know these things by the Holy Spirit because she had a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Not with her mind. But with her heart. We believe with our heart and we are saved. We trust with our heart and come to know Jesus. It is with our heart. Not with our mind.

I am sure that you are far more knowledgeable on these Hebrew words and your study but I am. Yet I can tell you right now by the Holy Spirit that something is very wrong and you were misled. I do not know how but God does.

The Word of God is pure. The Word of God is true. The Word of God does not require a Hebrew translation to understand it. Indeed Jesus tells us that the gospel is so simple that even a small child can understand it! Can a small child understand what you are speaking about right now? Not likely. But a small child can know the love of Jesus Christ and receive him by faith into their heart because a small child is not skeptical and untrusting of what he is told. He simply believes!

That is what you must do! You must put down all that tells you to trust your finite mind and accept that God's ways are higher than your ways. God takes the foolish things of this world and uses them to confound the wise. We cannot be wise in our own wisdom. We cannot hold righteousness in unrighteousness. We have to take God at his Word just as it reads. He alone is God. Is there any other god? I know not any. He alone is the Lord God Almighty.
And this is the point at which we are done. "You are wrong. I don't know how, but you must be, because otherwise, I am, and I can't be,"

I'm sure that we will have other interesting conversations. However, you should know that nothing you have told me has been original. You, based on your posts to me, presume that I have always been a pagan, or non-Christian, and that I never considered the possibility of being a Christian. Actually the exact opposite is true. I am not some lost soul who never had the benefit of Christianity; I am a Christian who came to understand that Christianity is...flawed at best.

And here is the thing. I may be completely full of shit, and have no idea what I am talking about. When I die, I may well meet this God of yours, and learn that I got it exactly wrong. Should that happen, I will happily take my place in Hell, in the knowledge that I made my choice fully cognizant of the consequences should I be wrong about my conclusions.

God forbid. Do not say that. You will not happily take your place in Hell! It is a horrific place and you don't want to go there! How could I presume that you were always Pagan if you went to Seminary? Surely you must have been very serious about your desire to know God if you went to the trouble to go to Seminary but as you may well have found most are more like a "cemetery" and in that I mean the teachers have a head knowledge but they do not know God. As the bible says, Knowledge puffeth up.

You've taken a turn away from God but clearly that turn happened with the help of some instructor who did not benefit you in your walk with God. How can you know if what you are hearing is from God and is true, Cern? I will tell you what I have learned about it. If by listening to them I feel drawn closer to God, I know it is Him. And if by listening to them I feel further away from God, I know it is not Him and they will do me no good. I am speaking about those who are supposed to be bible teachers, Pastors, etc. I have found that not all Pastors know God and some would lead you to backslide if you stayed in their churches they are so far from God themselves! I am watching the video in its entirety before showing it to you because I have to make sure it is the right one and I am not yet certain of it. When I am certain I will post it for you. I hope to speak to you again. Goodnight.
Nope. This is what I mean about understanding the original text. the second commandment was about idolatry. The First commandment deals specifically with divine beings: I am הָיָה (Yehovah) your אֱלֹהִים (Elohim). I brought you out of the land of Egypt, and the house of bondage. You shall אַחֵר (follow after) no other אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) except me". The only time that the word Elohim appears in the bible to describe god, or gods, is here, and in the passage referring to the nephelim. Thus, there cab be no ambiguity of the original language: I am Yehovah, your divine being, who led you out of Egypt, and slavery; you will worship no other divine being except me.

If Yehovah; God, is the only divine being in existence, then why would he need to deliver a command to not worship any other divine beings. Again, you can not fall back on idol worship; that is covered in the second commandment.
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?
I want you to consider something, Cern. How was it that Mary Magdalene knew Jesus as her Lord and Master while the Pharisees and Saduccees did not know Him as Mary knew him? How did that happen? I will tell you how it happened. It wasn't by study because surely the high priests You presume that I received him into her heart as her Lord and immediately she was in a place of being able to understand what the Pharisees could not.

She was able to know these things by the Holy Spirit because she had a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Not with her mind. But with her heart. We believe with our heart and we are saved. We trust with our heart and come to know Jesus. It is with our heart. Not with our mind.

I am sure that you are far more knowledgeable on these Hebrew words and your study but I am. Yet I can tell you right now by the Holy Spirit that something is very wrong and you were misled. I do not know how but God does.

The Word of God is pure. The Word of God is true. The Word of God does not require a Hebrew translation to understand it. Indeed Jesus tells us that the gospel is so simple that even a small child can understand it! Can a small child understand what you are speaking about right now? Not likely. But a small child can know the love of Jesus Christ and receive him by faith into their heart because a small child is not skeptical and untrusting of what he is told. He simply believes!

That is what you must do! You must put down all that tells you to trust your finite mind and accept that God's ways are higher than your ways. God takes the foolish things of this world and uses them to confound the wise. We cannot be wise in our own wisdom. We cannot hold righteousness in unrighteousness. We have to take God at his Word just as it reads. He alone is God. Is there any other god? I know not any. He alone is the Lord God Almighty.
And this is the point at which we are done. "You are wrong. I don't know how, but you must be, because otherwise, I am, and I can't be,"

I'm sure that we will have other interesting conversations. However, you should know that nothing you have told me has been original. You, based on your posts to me, presume that I have always been a pagan, or non-Christian, and that I never considered the possibility of being a Christian. Actually the exact opposite is true. I am not some lost soul who never had the benefit of Christianity; I am a Christian who came to understand that Christianity is...flawed at best.

And here is the thing. I may be completely full of shit, and have no idea what I am talking about. When I die, I may well meet this God of yours, and learn that I got it exactly wrong. Should that happen, I will happily take my place in Hell, in the knowledge that I made my choice fully cognizant of the consequences should I be wrong about my conclusions.

God forbid. Do not say that. You will not happily take your place in Hell! It is a horrific place and you don't want to go there! How could I presume that you were always Pagan if you went to Seminary? Surely you must have been very serious about your desire to know God if you went to the trouble to go to Seminary but as you may well have found most are more like a "cemetery" and in that I mean the teachers have a head knowledge but they do not know God. As the bible says, Knowledge puffeth up.

You've taken a turn away from God but clearly that turn happened with the help of some instructor who did not benefit you in your walk with God. How can you know if what you are hearing is from God and is true, Cern? I will tell you what I have learned about it. If by listening to them I feel drawn closer to God, I know it is Him. And if by listening to them I feel further away from God, I know it is not Him and they will do me no good. I am speaking about those who are supposed to be bible teachers, Pastors, etc. I have found that not all Pastors know God and some would lead you to backslide if you stayed in their churches they are so far from God themselves! I am watching the video in its entirety before showing it to you because I have to make sure it is the right one and I am not yet certain of it. When I am certain I will post it for you. I hope to speak to you again. Goodnight.
You presume that I accept the existence of divinity (God). I do not. Enjoy your video. Good night.
Back in the 1980's a Christian couple published a booklet on the true history of Valentines including information about the connection between Valentine hearts and the disease Lupus. There was a Christian couple who had almost lost their daughter due to systemic Lupus when they happened to find the booklet and contacted the ministry asking for prayer. After destroying all heart shaped possessions she owned including jewelry she received answer to that prayer and was completely healed of Lupus. The family did further research searching out encyclopedia books that were 120 years old and found the occult was deeply connected to the heart shape. It is a shame that so many people have no idea as to the connection between the heart shape symbol, Lupercalia and the occult. How many people are suffering from Lupus and have no idea of that disease and its connection to the occult / heart shaped items in possession of the victim, etc?

It would be wise to do a study on it for anyone who doesn't believe it. You should expect plenty of people involved in the occult to strongly object to this thread and the truth that is revealed here. After all, those in the occult do not like their secrets being exposed.
I'm sorry...but you are truly ill in the head.
Said God was 1x1x1.
Talk about blasphemous.He thinks God is the nicene creed also.
A lot of work for someone bitter because they never got a Valentines card or flowers or candy in their life.
Nonsense. I do not have anything to do with Satanic feast days. I do not celebrate October 31st either. If you do, you are ignoring the word of God which warns you that those who celebrate such things have put themselves under a curse.
So if the Holy Spirit sez some broad was fair to look upon, what are we to make of that?
You say Valentines day is pagan, and so it is. But the like is scattered throughout scripture.
who cares? it's a secular holiday. the best part is the chocolates----AZTEC
It's a pagan holiday and if you choose to celebrate it you should do it with the full understanding that it is not the celebration of a deceased saint named Valentine. The meaning of it has nothing to do with a deceased saint. It's an occult holiday. Christians shouldn't celebrate it.
You're using a pc/internet system that has all sorts of filthy behavior going on, on it. Yet you're using it.
It's a pagan holiday and if you choose to celebrate it you should do it with the full understanding that it is not the celebration of a deceased saint named Valentine. The meaning of it has nothing to do with a deceased saint. It's an occult holiday. Christians shouldn't celebrate it.
You're using a pc/internet system that has all sorts of filthy behavior going on, on it. Yet you're using it.

it is not clear to me that ANYONE celebrates Valentine's day as a RELIGIOUS
ISSUE---------I never saw a valentine's card with crosses on it------or heard of
the VALENTINE's day special MASS (maybe I missed something)
I never said there wasn't angelic beings, Cern. I said that there wasn't any other god but God because He alone is God! He is the Great I am! Now it is recorded that the Israelites did fall into the sin of worshipping other gods. We know this because it is recorded in the Scriptures. But are those gods God? Not according to God they are not God, he alone is God!
Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?
I want you to consider something, Cern. How was it that Mary Magdalene knew Jesus as her Lord and Master while the Pharisees and Saduccees did not know Him as Mary knew him? How did that happen? I will tell you how it happened. It wasn't by study because surely the high priests You presume that I received him into her heart as her Lord and immediately she was in a place of being able to understand what the Pharisees could not.

She was able to know these things by the Holy Spirit because she had a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Not with her mind. But with her heart. We believe with our heart and we are saved. We trust with our heart and come to know Jesus. It is with our heart. Not with our mind.

I am sure that you are far more knowledgeable on these Hebrew words and your study but I am. Yet I can tell you right now by the Holy Spirit that something is very wrong and you were misled. I do not know how but God does.

The Word of God is pure. The Word of God is true. The Word of God does not require a Hebrew translation to understand it. Indeed Jesus tells us that the gospel is so simple that even a small child can understand it! Can a small child understand what you are speaking about right now? Not likely. But a small child can know the love of Jesus Christ and receive him by faith into their heart because a small child is not skeptical and untrusting of what he is told. He simply believes!

That is what you must do! You must put down all that tells you to trust your finite mind and accept that God's ways are higher than your ways. God takes the foolish things of this world and uses them to confound the wise. We cannot be wise in our own wisdom. We cannot hold righteousness in unrighteousness. We have to take God at his Word just as it reads. He alone is God. Is there any other god? I know not any. He alone is the Lord God Almighty.
And this is the point at which we are done. "You are wrong. I don't know how, but you must be, because otherwise, I am, and I can't be,"

I'm sure that we will have other interesting conversations. However, you should know that nothing you have told me has been original. You, based on your posts to me, presume that I have always been a pagan, or non-Christian, and that I never considered the possibility of being a Christian. Actually the exact opposite is true. I am not some lost soul who never had the benefit of Christianity; I am a Christian who came to understand that Christianity is...flawed at best.

And here is the thing. I may be completely full of shit, and have no idea what I am talking about. When I die, I may well meet this God of yours, and learn that I got it exactly wrong. Should that happen, I will happily take my place in Hell, in the knowledge that I made my choice fully cognizant of the consequences should I be wrong about my conclusions.

God forbid. Do not say that. You will not happily take your place in Hell! It is a horrific place and you don't want to go there! How could I presume that you were always Pagan if you went to Seminary? Surely you must have been very serious about your desire to know God if you went to the trouble to go to Seminary but as you may well have found most are more like a "cemetery" and in that I mean the teachers have a head knowledge but they do not know God. As the bible says, Knowledge puffeth up.

You've taken a turn away from God but clearly that turn happened with the help of some instructor who did not benefit you in your walk with God. How can you know if what you are hearing is from God and is true, Cern? I will tell you what I have learned about it. If by listening to them I feel drawn closer to God, I know it is Him. And if by listening to them I feel further away from God, I know it is not Him and they will do me no good. I am speaking about those who are supposed to be bible teachers, Pastors, etc. I have found that not all Pastors know God and some would lead you to backslide if you stayed in their churches they are so far from God themselves! I am watching the video in its entirety before showing it to you because I have to make sure it is the right one and I am not yet certain of it. When I am certain I will post it for you. I hope to speak to you again. Goodnight.
You presume that I accept the existence of divinity (God). I do not. Enjoy your video. Good night.
This is interesting. I knew the video I was looking for showed both the altar Moses made and the rock at Horeb which Moses struck and which gushed with water and showed the evidence of the smoothness of the stones from the water flow. I could not find the original video but I found this one which appears to be a remake of the original as it has less than a hundred views! I found it this morning. Considering that the area is extremely arid we know this wear on the rock from water couldn't have occurred by rain. You can see where the water flowed from the rock down into the terrain and also shows where it pooled up which would have been enough water to refresh all the Hebrews - the whole nation of God's people whom he did deliver from Egypt! How awesome is my God that he did this for his people. I'm truly amazed by this archaelogical find. Toward the end you will find her explaining the Hebrew word for certain word in scripture to explain further what you are seeing. I mention it as you have shown an interest in the Hebrew language. Enjoy!

Nope. The Hebrew language had entirely different words (אַבִּיר abbiyir, מֲלְאָךְ malak, or שִׁנְאָן shin'an) for celestial (angelic) beings. Elohim specifically refers to divine beings. Care to try again?
I want you to consider something, Cern. How was it that Mary Magdalene knew Jesus as her Lord and Master while the Pharisees and Saduccees did not know Him as Mary knew him? How did that happen? I will tell you how it happened. It wasn't by study because surely the high priests You presume that I received him into her heart as her Lord and immediately she was in a place of being able to understand what the Pharisees could not.

She was able to know these things by the Holy Spirit because she had a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Not with her mind. But with her heart. We believe with our heart and we are saved. We trust with our heart and come to know Jesus. It is with our heart. Not with our mind.

I am sure that you are far more knowledgeable on these Hebrew words and your study but I am. Yet I can tell you right now by the Holy Spirit that something is very wrong and you were misled. I do not know how but God does.

The Word of God is pure. The Word of God is true. The Word of God does not require a Hebrew translation to understand it. Indeed Jesus tells us that the gospel is so simple that even a small child can understand it! Can a small child understand what you are speaking about right now? Not likely. But a small child can know the love of Jesus Christ and receive him by faith into their heart because a small child is not skeptical and untrusting of what he is told. He simply believes!

That is what you must do! You must put down all that tells you to trust your finite mind and accept that God's ways are higher than your ways. God takes the foolish things of this world and uses them to confound the wise. We cannot be wise in our own wisdom. We cannot hold righteousness in unrighteousness. We have to take God at his Word just as it reads. He alone is God. Is there any other god? I know not any. He alone is the Lord God Almighty.
And this is the point at which we are done. "You are wrong. I don't know how, but you must be, because otherwise, I am, and I can't be,"

I'm sure that we will have other interesting conversations. However, you should know that nothing you have told me has been original. You, based on your posts to me, presume that I have always been a pagan, or non-Christian, and that I never considered the possibility of being a Christian. Actually the exact opposite is true. I am not some lost soul who never had the benefit of Christianity; I am a Christian who came to understand that Christianity is...flawed at best.

And here is the thing. I may be completely full of shit, and have no idea what I am talking about. When I die, I may well meet this God of yours, and learn that I got it exactly wrong. Should that happen, I will happily take my place in Hell, in the knowledge that I made my choice fully cognizant of the consequences should I be wrong about my conclusions.

God forbid. Do not say that. You will not happily take your place in Hell! It is a horrific place and you don't want to go there! How could I presume that you were always Pagan if you went to Seminary? Surely you must have been very serious about your desire to know God if you went to the trouble to go to Seminary but as you may well have found most are more like a "cemetery" and in that I mean the teachers have a head knowledge but they do not know God. As the bible says, Knowledge puffeth up.

You've taken a turn away from God but clearly that turn happened with the help of some instructor who did not benefit you in your walk with God. How can you know if what you are hearing is from God and is true, Cern? I will tell you what I have learned about it. If by listening to them I feel drawn closer to God, I know it is Him. And if by listening to them I feel further away from God, I know it is not Him and they will do me no good. I am speaking about those who are supposed to be bible teachers, Pastors, etc. I have found that not all Pastors know God and some would lead you to backslide if you stayed in their churches they are so far from God themselves! I am watching the video in its entirety before showing it to you because I have to make sure it is the right one and I am not yet certain of it. When I am certain I will post it for you. I hope to speak to you again. Goodnight.
You presume that I accept the existence of divinity (God). I do not. Enjoy your video. Good night.
This is interesting. I knew the video I was looking for showed both the altar Moses made and the rock at Horeb which Moses struck and which gushed with water and showed the evidence of the smoothness of the stones from the water flow. I could not find the original video but I found this one which appears to be a remake of the original as it has less than a hundred views! I found it this morning. Considering that the area is extremely arid we know this wear on the rock from water couldn't have occurred by rain. You can see where the water flowed from the rock down into the terrain and also shows where it pooled up which would have been enough water to refresh all the Hebrews - the whole nation of God's people whom he did deliver from Egypt! How awesome is my God that he did this for his people. I'm truly amazed by this archaelogical find. Toward the end you will find her explaining the Hebrew word for certain word in scripture to explain further what you are seeing. I mention it as you have shown an interest in the Hebrew language. Enjoy!

You get that just because someone is standing in front of a big rock somewhere, claiming it to be something from the Bible, that doesn't make it evidence, right? When I am talking about archeological evidence, I mean actual verifiable, peer-reviewed evidence.

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Cern, do you see Tammuz in Ezekiel 8:14 below? We see the photos presented by the RCC of Semiramus and her son, Tammuz, she was also called the Queen of heaven and we see that name mentioned in the scriptures too, but she was a witch who was the wife of Nimrod and joined him in human sacrifice of babies. Yet in those photos she is depicted as Mary and Tammuz is depicted as Baby Jesus. It's a deception. This goes all the way back to the time of Noah and his sons because Shem (Noah's son) is the one that put Nimrod to death. The Israelites knew very well about the occult because they had encountered it and some had fallen into it.


Any gods other than the Lord himself. Some of these divinities took the form of images, others were mythical. Some Israelites became involved in idolatrous worship of such gods. The book of Acts records attempts to deify human beings.

False gods associated with foreign nations in the OT
Amon, the chief god of Egypt See also Jer 46:25

Asherah, a Canaanite goddess Ex 34:13-14 Asherah was the consort of El, the chief Canaanite god. Wooden poles, perhaps carved in her image, were often set up in her honour and placed near other pagan objects of worship. See also Dt 7:5; Jdg 6:25-30 Gideon destroys an Asherah pole; 1Ki 14:15,23; 1Ki 15:13; 1Ki 16:33; 1Ki 18:19 Elijah summons 400 prophets of Asherah to Mount Carmel. King Josiah’s reforms: 2Ki 23:4-7,13-16
Isa 27:9; Jer 17:2; Mic 5:14

Ashtoreth, a goddess of war and fertility Jdg 2:12-13 Ashtoreth, the consort of Baal, was associated with the evening star and was worshipped as Ishtar in Babylon and as Athtart in Aram. To the Greeks she was Astarte or Aphrodite and to the Romans, Venus. See also Jdg 10:6; 1Sa 7:3-4; 1Sa 12:10; 1Sa 31:10; 1Ki 11:5,33

Baal, a Canaanite and Phoenician god of fertility and rain Jdg 2:10-13 Baal, meaning “lord”, was pictured standing on a bull, a popular symbol of fertility and strength. Baal was associated with Asherah and Ashtoreth, goddesses of fertility.

Baal-Zebub, a popular deity of the Philistines Mt 12:24 pp Mk 3:22 pp Lk 11:15 Beelzebub is the Greek form of the Hebrew name “Baal-Zebub”, meaning “lord of the flies”. See also 2Ki 1:1-6,16-17

Bel, the chief deity of Babylon Isa 46:1 Bel was another name for the sun god, Marduk. Nebo, the god of learning and writing was the son of Marduk. See also Jer 50:2; Jer 51:44

Chemosh, the chief god of Moab 1Ki 11:7 See also Nu 21:29; 1Ki 11:33; 2Ki 23:13; Jer 48:7,13,46

Dagon, worshipped in Babylonia and Philistia Jdg 16:23 See also 1Sa 5:2-7; 1Ch 10:10

Molech, the chief deity of Ammon 1Ki 11:4-5 See also Lev 18:21 The practice of sacrificing children to Molech was common in Phoenicia and the region; Lev 20:2-5; 1Ki 11:7,33; 2Ki 23:10 Josiah destroyed the area where the altars for child sacrifice were located; 2Ki 23:13; Isa 57:9; Jer 32:35; Jer 49:1,3; Zep 1:5; Ac 7:43

Tammuz, a Babylonian fertility god Eze 8:14

The worship of false gods was a snare to God’s people
Their worship included disgusting rites 1Ki 14:23-24; 1Ki 19:18; Jer 7:31; Hos 13:2

Numerous attempts were made to stop the worship of Baal and other false gods Jdg 6:28-32; 1Ki 18:17-40 See also 2Ki 10:18-28; 2Ki 11:18; 2Ki 23:4-5,13

Attempts to stop false worship proved unsuccessful 2Ki 21:3 The word “Baal” was not orginally a proper name but came to be used as such. See also 2Ch 28:1-4; Hos 13:1-2

Warnings against and condemnation of, the worship of false gods
Ps 40:4; Da 3:29 Nebuchadnezzar came to realise the foolishness of worshipping false gods See also Ps 4:2; Jer 13:25; Jer 16:19; Am 2:4; Zep 1:4

The first Christians were confronted with the worship of Greek and Roman deities
Zeus and Hermes Ac 14:12 Zeus was the patron god of the city of Lystra and his temple was there. Paul was identified as the god Hermes (the Roman Mercury), Zeus’attendant and spokesman.

Artemis Ac 19:24-28 Artemis was the Greek name for the Roman goddess, Diana.

Castor and Pollux See also Ac 28:11 the two “sons of Zeus”, regarded as the guardian deities of sailors

Attempts to deify human beings

Ac 12:21-22; Ac 14:12-15; Ac 28:6
Huh...well, you come closest to at least being honest - that, in fact, other divine beings do exist. Unfortunately, you then call them "false gods". Except, by whose standards? They would certainly be "false" gods to the Israelites. After all, their God was Yehovah. However, Just as Yehovah was the god of the Isrealites, who are you, or anyone else, to say that Yehovah was not the "false god' to the Greeks, or the Egyptians, or the Celts? Yehovah had every right to deliver the commands he did to the Israelites; after all, if one accepts the stories of the Bible, he did deliver them. But, you see, I came from an entirely different part of the world. Herne, Cernunos, and Boadicea were the creators, protectors, and saviours of my people. It is your Jehovah who was the interloper, and the false god.

I know that you believe that to be the case but I am asking you to please allow me the opportunity to present the truth which I know so that you might consider all of the evidence before making up your mind, Cern. From your comment above I am taking it that you would consider that the names I have listed ( a partial list of names) are beings which would be calling, "divine beings," or "gods," am I right?

One more thing...

You say that Herne Cernunos, and Bodecea were the creators, protectors, and saviors of your people. What evidence have you been given to come to that conclusion?
I want you to consider something, Cern. How was it that Mary Magdalene knew Jesus as her Lord and Master while the Pharisees and Saduccees did not know Him as Mary knew him? How did that happen? I will tell you how it happened. It wasn't by study because surely the high priests You presume that I received him into her heart as her Lord and immediately she was in a place of being able to understand what the Pharisees could not.

She was able to know these things by the Holy Spirit because she had a real relationship with Jesus Christ. Not with her mind. But with her heart. We believe with our heart and we are saved. We trust with our heart and come to know Jesus. It is with our heart. Not with our mind.

I am sure that you are far more knowledgeable on these Hebrew words and your study but I am. Yet I can tell you right now by the Holy Spirit that something is very wrong and you were misled. I do not know how but God does.

The Word of God is pure. The Word of God is true. The Word of God does not require a Hebrew translation to understand it. Indeed Jesus tells us that the gospel is so simple that even a small child can understand it! Can a small child understand what you are speaking about right now? Not likely. But a small child can know the love of Jesus Christ and receive him by faith into their heart because a small child is not skeptical and untrusting of what he is told. He simply believes!

That is what you must do! You must put down all that tells you to trust your finite mind and accept that God's ways are higher than your ways. God takes the foolish things of this world and uses them to confound the wise. We cannot be wise in our own wisdom. We cannot hold righteousness in unrighteousness. We have to take God at his Word just as it reads. He alone is God. Is there any other god? I know not any. He alone is the Lord God Almighty.
And this is the point at which we are done. "You are wrong. I don't know how, but you must be, because otherwise, I am, and I can't be,"

I'm sure that we will have other interesting conversations. However, you should know that nothing you have told me has been original. You, based on your posts to me, presume that I have always been a pagan, or non-Christian, and that I never considered the possibility of being a Christian. Actually the exact opposite is true. I am not some lost soul who never had the benefit of Christianity; I am a Christian who came to understand that Christianity is...flawed at best.

And here is the thing. I may be completely full of shit, and have no idea what I am talking about. When I die, I may well meet this God of yours, and learn that I got it exactly wrong. Should that happen, I will happily take my place in Hell, in the knowledge that I made my choice fully cognizant of the consequences should I be wrong about my conclusions.

God forbid. Do not say that. You will not happily take your place in Hell! It is a horrific place and you don't want to go there! How could I presume that you were always Pagan if you went to Seminary? Surely you must have been very serious about your desire to know God if you went to the trouble to go to Seminary but as you may well have found most are more like a "cemetery" and in that I mean the teachers have a head knowledge but they do not know God. As the bible says, Knowledge puffeth up.

You've taken a turn away from God but clearly that turn happened with the help of some instructor who did not benefit you in your walk with God. How can you know if what you are hearing is from God and is true, Cern? I will tell you what I have learned about it. If by listening to them I feel drawn closer to God, I know it is Him. And if by listening to them I feel further away from God, I know it is not Him and they will do me no good. I am speaking about those who are supposed to be bible teachers, Pastors, etc. I have found that not all Pastors know God and some would lead you to backslide if you stayed in their churches they are so far from God themselves! I am watching the video in its entirety before showing it to you because I have to make sure it is the right one and I am not yet certain of it. When I am certain I will post it for you. I hope to speak to you again. Goodnight.
You presume that I accept the existence of divinity (God). I do not. Enjoy your video. Good night.
This is interesting. I knew the video I was looking for showed both the altar Moses made and the rock at Horeb which Moses struck and which gushed with water and showed the evidence of the smoothness of the stones from the water flow. I could not find the original video but I found this one which appears to be a remake of the original as it has less than a hundred views! I found it this morning. Considering that the area is extremely arid we know this wear on the rock from water couldn't have occurred by rain. You can see where the water flowed from the rock down into the terrain and also shows where it pooled up which would have been enough water to refresh all the Hebrews - the whole nation of God's people whom he did deliver from Egypt! How awesome is my God that he did this for his people. I'm truly amazed by this archaelogical find. Toward the end you will find her explaining the Hebrew word for certain word in scripture to explain further what you are seeing. I mention it as you have shown an interest in the Hebrew language. Enjoy!

You get that just because someone is standing in front of a big rock somewhere, claiming it to be something from the Bible, that doesn't make it evidence, right? When I am talking about archeological evidence, I mean actual verifiable, peer-reviewed evidence.

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Were there peer reviews in the days of Abraham? Should an entire generation have dismissed everything that God did because there wasn't an atheist scientist available with his microscope to do a verifiable, peer-reviewed study? What about the eyewitnesses and the documented evidence of what happened called the Holy Bible Scriptures? What about the Word of God that when read aligns perfectly with what you are viewing in that video? If you will examine the entire video and look at the evidence before you I believe you will agree that what you are seeing before you does not fit with the landscape, and therein cannot be explained without the inclusion of the miracle which God did at Horeb for Moses and His people, Cern.

I am not trying to be difficult but I find that the scientists of our time have an agenda and that agenda is to dismiss every miracle God ever did because they are in the majority - atheists.

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