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Pakistan’s Persecuted Christians

It should be obvious to all who post here----that if you do not
CONDEMN the HIV virus------YOU LOVE IT and supports its
PROSPERITY and its right to not be attacked by-----one "anti viral"
after the other.

If you do not CONDEMN the PAPILLOMA virus-----you love anal warts

Cool...I'll remember that next time I forget to condemn Herpes :)
Ahhh...ok...I understand - you need to move the goal posts. So, when Buddhists kill (which is ok in your book anyhow) - it only counts on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Gottit

Are you actually going to pretend and try and BS your way through here claiming that buddhists are in any way as violent as muslims? Are you actually fucking going to pull that nonsense? :eusa_liar:

We're talking about people killing Christians and how it's acceptable when Buddhists do it. Try to keep up dear :)
I don't understand how we got from Indonesia to Budhists in Sri Lanka.

Just another diversion from the obvious.
Let's face it, Coyote and admit it.

Sounds like a plan to me :)

Just trying to figure out why it's ok for Bhuddists to kill Christians but not ok for Muslims to kill Christians....still waiting on that. It's quite a puzzle Salfly :)

Many Christians have been killed during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day by Muslims in the Middle East, and you are dragging in the Buddhists again. What Christians have the Buddhists killed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?

Perhaps I'm just confused here Salfly, but why is it only problematic for you if Buddhists kill Christians around Christmas but not at other times of year? It seems to me as if you are treating Christian-killing in very contradictory ways.

I'm a little confused here too, Coyote, as to why you are even bringing up the Buddhists. I doubt that any of us think that the Buddhists kill en masse as you apparently want us to think. If you think they are murdering on the scale of the Muslims, you are of course free to tell us of all these incidents. Meanwhile, over a hundred million people have died in Syria alone, and I think right now that is actually the important topic on rational people's minds, not the Buddhists.

Just following your lead Salfly and it certainly is a confusing one. You took us from Pakistan to Indonesia in a whopping...what....4 posts into the thread? Now you are jumping to Syria - not just another country but a whole 'nother continent? You certainly manage some impressive geographic gymnastics iin the guise of concern for Christians being murdered.

Sadly, given your lack of concern, I can only conclude that for some odd reason you are supportive of Bhuddists killing Christians (unless it happens on Christmas or Christmas eve of course) and soundly condemn Muslims killling Christians (or is that only on Christmas and Christmas eve too?).
Jihado logic is fascinating----for insight it is important to know the
fact that LOTS of their colleagues who fled the nuremburg trials
post world war II ---ended up writing the Jihado high school
curriculum. in countries like Syria and Egypt----where a few even
convert to islam for INSPIRATION----some did their work in south america---
largely argentina

I read some of thier stuff say back circa 1960 as a child-----at that time
I did not even know that "syria" is an "arab country" -----every syrian
I knew was either a christian with a cross with extra lines----or a jew. The writings
were so idiotic----I thought that they were something like MAD MAGAZINE-----
but then-----I encountered them again circa 1970------quoted by pakistani medical
school graduates

we have experts in their resoning right here on this board. ------I call it the
NAZI TURN AROUND------- lets pretend that buddhists are murdering millions
of christians and muslims for the GLORY OF LORD BUDDHA----and to delight sally.

there are about an equal number of Buddhists in the USA as there are
muslims. QUICK---someone inform HOMELAND SECURITY
Sounds like a plan to me :)

Just trying to figure out why it's ok for Bhuddists to kill Christians but not ok for Muslims to kill Christians....still waiting on that. It's quite a puzzle Salfly :)

Perhaps I'm just confused here Salfly, but why is it only problematic for you if Buddhists kill Christians around Christmas but not at other times of year? It seems to me as if you are treating Christian-killing in very contradictory ways.

I'm a little confused here too, Coyote, as to why you are even bringing up the Buddhists. I doubt that any of us think that the Buddhists kill en masse as you apparently want us to think. If you think they are murdering on the scale of the Muslims, you are of course free to tell us of all these incidents. Meanwhile, over a hundred million people have died in Syria alone, and I think right now that is actually the important topic on rational people's minds, not the Buddhists.

Just following your lead Salfly and it certainly is a confusing one. You took us from Pakistan to Indonesia in a whopping...what....4 posts into the thread? Now you are jumping to Syria - not just another country but a whole 'nother continent? You certainly manage some impressive geographic gymnastics iin the guise of concern for Christians being murdered.

Sadly, given your lack of concern, I can only conclude that for some odd reason you are supportive of Bhuddists killing Christians (unless it happens on Christmas or Christmas eve of course) and soundly condemn Muslims killling Christians (or is that only on Christmas and Christmas eve too?).

While I don't like to see any innocent people killed because of their religious beliefs, it is obvious that you certainly are too engrossed with Buddhists who really are not running around in many different locations and are basically peaceful (maybe you should take up Zen Buddhism; it might do you some good), but apparently you are not to interested in the innocent people the Muslims have murdered, even when they are busy murdering Muslims of different sects. Maybe you think you are fooling the readers, but probably the only people you are impressing are Muslims who are posting and reading here and of course the rest of the anti-Semitic gang. By the way, did you read what the poster Vibrant had to say about the Christians in Pakistan? Sad what is happening to them.
I'm a little confused here too, Coyote, as to why you are even bringing up the Buddhists. I doubt that any of us think that the Buddhists kill en masse as you apparently want us to think. If you think they are murdering on the scale of the Muslims, you are of course free to tell us of all these incidents. Meanwhile, over a hundred million people have died in Syria alone, and I think right now that is actually the important topic on rational people's minds, not the Buddhists.

Just following your lead Salfly and it certainly is a confusing one. You took us from Pakistan to Indonesia in a whopping...what....4 posts into the thread? Now you are jumping to Syria - not just another country but a whole 'nother continent? You certainly manage some impressive geographic gymnastics iin the guise of concern for Christians being murdered.

Sadly, given your lack of concern, I can only conclude that for some odd reason you are supportive of Bhuddists killing Christians (unless it happens on Christmas or Christmas eve of course) and soundly condemn Muslims killling Christians (or is that only on Christmas and Christmas eve too?).

While I don't like to see any innocent people killed because of their religious beliefs, it is obvious that you certainly are too engrossed with Buddhists who really are not running around in many different locations and are basically peaceful (maybe you should take up Zen Buddhism; it might do you some good), but apparently you are not to interested in the innocent people the Muslims have murdered, even when they are busy murdering Muslims of different sects. Maybe you think you are fooling the readers, but probably the only people you are impressing are Muslims who are posting and reading here and of course the rest of the anti-Semitic gang. By the way, did you read what the poster Vibrant had to say about the Christians in Pakistan? Sad what is happening to them.

Sad what is happening to religious and ethnic minorities everywhere there is conflict and civil war.

But I understand where you are coming from Sally - you simply don't care when it's non-Muslims doing the killing. That is evident post after post, thread after thread with the same theme. And, if all else fails - label your opponents anti-semite :lol:
Just following your lead Salfly and it certainly is a confusing one. You took us from Pakistan to Indonesia in a whopping...what....4 posts into the thread? Now you are jumping to Syria - not just another country but a whole 'nother continent? You certainly manage some impressive geographic gymnastics iin the guise of concern for Christians being murdered.

Sadly, given your lack of concern, I can only conclude that for some odd reason you are supportive of Bhuddists killing Christians (unless it happens on Christmas or Christmas eve of course) and soundly condemn Muslims killling Christians (or is that only on Christmas and Christmas eve too?).

While I don't like to see any innocent people killed because of their religious beliefs, it is obvious that you certainly are too engrossed with Buddhists who really are not running around in many different locations and are basically peaceful (maybe you should take up Zen Buddhism; it might do you some good), but apparently you are not to interested in the innocent people the Muslims have murdered, even when they are busy murdering Muslims of different sects. Maybe you think you are fooling the readers, but probably the only people you are impressing are Muslims who are posting and reading here and of course the rest of the anti-Semitic gang. By the way, did you read what the poster Vibrant had to say about the Christians in Pakistan? Sad what is happening to them.

Sad what is happening to religious and ethnic minorities everywhere there is conflict and civil war.

But I understand where you are coming from Sally - you simply don't care when it's non-Muslims doing the killing. That is evident post after post, thread after thread with the same theme. And, if all else fails - label your opponents anti-semite :lol:

the HEIM/MENGELE school of techniques in "LOGICAL PROPAGANDA" LIVES ON
While I don't like to see any innocent people killed because of their religious beliefs, it is obvious that you certainly are too engrossed with Buddhists who really are not running around in many different locations and are basically peaceful (maybe you should take up Zen Buddhism; it might do you some good), but apparently you are not to interested in the innocent people the Muslims have murdered, even when they are busy murdering Muslims of different sects. Maybe you think you are fooling the readers, but probably the only people you are impressing are Muslims who are posting and reading here and of course the rest of the anti-Semitic gang. By the way, did you read what the poster Vibrant had to say about the Christians in Pakistan? Sad what is happening to them.

Sad what is happening to religious and ethnic minorities everywhere there is conflict and civil war.

But I understand where you are coming from Sally - you simply don't care when it's non-Muslims doing the killing. That is evident post after post, thread after thread with the same theme. And, if all else fails - label your opponents anti-semite :lol:

the HEIM/MENGELE school of techniques in "LOGICAL PROPAGANDA" LIVES ON

I know, IRosie. I laugh at this because it is so obvious. I am surprised, since she seems obsessed with what the Buddhists are doing, that she can't give us a long list of where they are murdering innocent people. Surely with all the countries on this planet, there must be a list of all the atrocities committed by Buddhists in many of them.
Sad what is happening to religious and ethnic minorities everywhere there is conflict and civil war.

But I understand where you are coming from Sally - you simply don't care when it's non-Muslims doing the killing. That is evident post after post, thread after thread with the same theme. And, if all else fails - label your opponents anti-semite :lol:

the HEIM/MENGELE school of techniques in "LOGICAL PROPAGANDA" LIVES ON

I know, IRosie. I laugh at this because it is so obvious. I am surprised, since she seems obsessed with what the Buddhists are doing, that she can't give us a long list of where they are murdering innocent people. Surely with all the countries on this planet, there must be a list of all the atrocities committed by Buddhists in many of them.

well lets ask Anyone out there ever know of a buddhist screaming

BUDDHAHUAKBARRR as he slit the throat of a muslim child

how about "DEATH TO SAUDI ARABIA" to the knocking of a gong and
the whirl of a prayer wheel (is that a buddhist thing????) In sri lanka
the buddhists complain about the TAMIL TIGERS (they are hindus) '
The information I have from TAMILS (of the india variety) is that the
Buddhists dominate the sri lanka economy and deny hindus access.
Tamil tigers do stuff--------but so far I have never come across anyone who
knows about a GENOCIDE OF MUSLIMS by buddhists or a bombing of a mosque
by buddhists in the USA
Muslims attack Buddhist villages. Buddhist monks attack muslims or their mosques.
Hundred lives lost each year. Muslims are seen as a threat.
Most conflicts around the world seem to have some muslim connection.
Some people don't adapt to different societies. If they won't blend together they will clash

Just trying to figure out why it's ok for Bhuddists to kill Christians but not ok for Muslims to kill Christians....still waiting on that. It's quite a puzzle Salfly :)

Nice strawman, where did any poster claim it was acceptable?

Where has she condemned it? Searching....searching....searching....

ok, I give up - maybe you know :)

Should I bury you and your nonsensical BS under a massive block of crushing facts, starting with the assyrians, chaldeans, copts, maronites, kurds, jews, orthodox christians, azeris, bahai, and so many other groups that are being violently, relentlessly attacked by muslims?

oooo...lots of big words there.

You do realize, don't you, that through out historyvarious human groups and religions have been attacking and decimating each other? Tis human nature. May the followers of the God with the bigggest dick win.

Aside from that, is there any reason you can come up with as to why Sally refuses to condemn Buddhist atrocities on Muslims and Christians? Maybe it's just open season on Christians - kind of a holiday turkey take on events, with Christians being the Turkey and Muslims being the dressing for a Buddhist feast in certain parts of the world. Who knows...but for some odd reason, Sally seems A-ok with Buddhists slaughtering other folks - well, not quite - she gets pissy when it occurs around Christmas. :)

You come into my thread, you'd BEST know what the fuck you are talking about, and you, clearly do not.

Oh dear. I'm so crushed.
Where has she condemned it? Searching.... searching.... searching....ok, I give up - maybe you know :)

Scumbag idiot, you claimed that she accepted buddhist violence, the burden of proof IS ON YOU to prove she does. The absence of evidence is not proof of anything, moron.

You do realize, don't you, that through out history various human groups and religions have been attacking and decimating each other? Tis human nature. May the followers of the God with the bigggest dick win.

No shit, but by far the largest amount of violence/terrorism being applied against christians in the mideast/asia is from MUSLIMS, not buddhists. A person has to have no fucking brains whatsoever (or an agenda) to claim that because there was some persecution by someone, somewhere, that will exonerate muslims from their atrocious behavior by any standard. Raising a minor incident from another group is deflective nonsense.

Aside from that, is there any reason you can come up with as to why Sally refuses to condemn Buddhist atrocities on Muslims and Christians?

No one is refusing to do anything idiot; we are addressing the far greater problem that is the treatment of christians by muslims. You want to discuss how buddhists treat christians in buddhist countries - go open your own thread.

Oh dear. I'm so crushed.

And quite unintelligent. :eusa_whistle:
the HEIM/MENGELE school of techniques in "LOGICAL PROPAGANDA" LIVES ON

I know, IRosie. I laugh at this because it is so obvious. I am surprised, since she seems obsessed with what the Buddhists are doing, that she can't give us a long list of where they are murdering innocent people. Surely with all the countries on this planet, there must be a list of all the atrocities committed by Buddhists in many of them.

well lets ask Anyone out there ever know of a buddhist screaming

BUDDHAHUAKBARRR as he slit the throat of a muslim child

how about "DEATH TO SAUDI ARABIA" to the knocking of a gong and
the whirl of a prayer wheel (is that a buddhist thing????) In sri lanka
the buddhists complain about the TAMIL TIGERS (they are hindus) '
The information I have from TAMILS (of the india variety) is that the
Buddhists dominate the sri lanka economy and deny hindus access.
Tamil tigers do stuff--------but so far I have never come across anyone who
knows about a GENOCIDE OF MUSLIMS by buddhists or a bombing of a mosque
by buddhists in the USA

Actually, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elum (LTTE) is a christian organized, christian lead and christian funded organization. It is neither Hindu nor Buddhist.

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