Pakistan: Stop American 'Drone Wars' That Are Killing Our Civilians...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
PAKISTAN yesterday warned Britain to help stop the American "Drone Wars" that are slaughtering hundreds of its innocent civilians.

The nuclear power chillingly declared it "has the means" to retaliate unless the carnage ceases.

Pakistan's High Commissioner to Britain Wajid Shamsul Hasan told The Sun in an exclusive interview that his country's relations with America are at their lowest ebb.

He said: "Patience is definitely reaching exhaustion levels." Mr Hasan said Pakistan backs the War on Terror waged by Britain and the US.

But he urged PM David Cameron to condemn US drone attacks on al-Qaeda and Taliban training camps in the north west of his country — dubbing them as "war crimes" and "little more than state executions".

Tough-talking Mr Hasan also declared Pakistan would have no choice but to support Iran if "aggressive" Israel attacks it.

But his immediate concern is the drones known to have killed 535 civilians, including 60 children, in three years.

Pakistan claims the real death toll is more than 1,000. The unmanned aircraft blast missiles at targets, directed by a computer thousands of miles away.

The High Commissioner said: "I think time is running out until the Pakistan government can take a stand.

"They will have to at some stage take punitive actions to stop them. They have got means to take such actions to defend their own frontier and territories.'

Read More:
Attack on the drones | The Sun |News
I don't support water-boarding or other forms of torture.

But what confuses me about Obamabots who speak against that, is that they also speak in favor of drone strikes against terror suspects that kill them as well as all the innocent people nearby.

So they're against waterboarding suspects, but in favor of killing suspects and all the innocent people standing anywhere near those suspects.

I don't get it.
I don't support water-boarding or other forms of torture.

But what confuses me about Obamabots who speak against that, is that they also speak in favor of drone strikes against terror suspects that kill them as well as all the innocent people nearby.

So they're against waterboarding suspects, but in favor of killing suspects and all the innocent people standing anywhere near those suspects.

I don't get it.

[ame=]9-11 Plane Crash (Super Angle) - YouTube[/ame]

That help you 'get it'?
I don't support water-boarding or other forms of torture.

But what confuses me about Obamabots who speak against that, is that they also speak in favor of drone strikes against terror suspects that kill them as well as all the innocent people nearby.

So they're against waterboarding suspects, but in favor of killing suspects and all the innocent people standing anywhere near those suspects.

I don't get it.

[ame=]9-11 Plane Crash (Super Angle) - YouTube[/ame]

That help you 'get it'?

No, that doesn't explain why you're against waterboarding suspects, but in favor of killing them and any unlucky person(s) standing nearby.
I don't support water-boarding or other forms of torture.

But what confuses me about Obamabots who speak against that, is that they also speak in favor of drone strikes against terror suspects that kill them as well as all the innocent people nearby.

So they're against waterboarding suspects, but in favor of killing suspects and all the innocent people standing anywhere near those suspects.

I don't get it.

I'm not sure what makes a person an Obamabot? Voting for him? Defending him against the lies the rabid right keep parroting?

Killing enemy combatants and the people they hide behind is bad because it is done with drones?

Torturing captives doesn't really gather good intel.
I don't support water-boarding or other forms of torture.

But what confuses me about Obamabots who speak against that, is that they also speak in favor of drone strikes against terror suspects that kill them as well as all the innocent people nearby.

So they're against waterboarding suspects, but in favor of killing suspects and all the innocent people standing anywhere near those suspects.

I don't get it.

They were against killing people when Bush was president now they are cheering the killing of the same people.
But hey, good news! Our own U.S. Congress just approved the use of Thousands of Surveillance Drones right here at home! WOO HOO!! YOU GO BIG BROTHER!!
I don't support water-boarding or other forms of torture.

But what confuses me about Obamabots who speak against that, is that they also speak in favor of drone strikes against terror suspects that kill them as well as all the innocent people nearby.

So they're against waterboarding suspects, but in favor of killing suspects and all the innocent people standing anywhere near those suspects.

I don't get it.

I'm not sure what makes a person an Obamabot? Voting for him? Defending him against the lies the rabid right keep parroting?

Killing enemy combatants and the people they hide behind is bad because it is done with drones?

Torturing captives doesn't really gather good intel.

I wouldn't dismiss all the innocent men, women and children killed in the crossfire by simply calling them people they hide behind.

An Obamabot is someone who "coincidentally" agrees with everything he says and does, and there's no low he/she won't stoop to in order to defend anything he does.

I agree torturing doesn't gather good intel. But i hear a lot of Obamabots playing the morality card in terms of why they're against it, like the pain it causes suspects. I would think dying a death of having your flesh burnt off by fire from a bomb is worse, especially since it probably happens to more innocent civilians than it does terror suspects.
Pakistan: Stop American 'Drone Wars' That Are Killing Our Civilians...

"Let me explain to you the most fundamental principle of American foreign policy: Any country where the people have unpronounceable names can be bombed by the US with impunity. For you Rockwell readers who are a little slow on the uptake, "impunity" means they aren’t allowed to bomb us back. "We called no tag-backs." It hardly qualifies as impunity when they blow up our biggest buildings, now does it? They aren’t playing by the rules."

"And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime." -- George W. Bush, 9/20/01

I agree and enough said!
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Americans should be outraged too. Surveillance Drones will now be roaming our skies right here in the States.
"And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime." -- George W. Bush, 9/20/01

I agree and enough said!

And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. It being understood that when the US or Israel does it is not terrorism.

- George W. Bush, 9/20/01

I don't support water-boarding or other forms of torture.

But what confuses me about Obamabots who speak against that, is that they also speak in favor of drone strikes against terror suspects that kill them as well as all the innocent people nearby.

So they're against waterboarding suspects, but in favor of killing suspects and all the innocent people standing anywhere near those suspects.

I don't get it.

I'm not sure what makes a person an Obamabot? Voting for him? Defending him against the lies the rabid right keep parroting?

Killing enemy combatants and the people they hide behind is bad because it is done with drones?

Torturing captives doesn't really gather good intel.

I wouldn't dismiss all the innocent men, women and children killed in the crossfire by simply calling them people they hide behind.

An Obamabot is someone who "coincidentally" agrees with everything he says and does, and there's no low he/she won't stoop to in order to defend anything he does.

I agree torturing doesn't gather good intel. But i hear a lot of Obamabots playing the morality card in terms of why they're against it, like the pain it causes suspects. I would think dying a death of having your flesh burnt off by fire from a bomb is worse, especially since it probably happens to more innocent civilians than it does terror suspects.

I don't think we have enough information to make a factual determination on the collateral damage the drone warfare has caused. I'm sure it has killed a lot of bad people. Just as I am sure it has killed innocent people as well.

I cannot defend the President's seeming willingness to crater to Republicans whines on every issue. What a fucking wimp.
There is some pushback against UAVs in American airspace by commercial pilots. The safety record of UAVs has them very concerned these things are going to be crashing into airliners.

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