You posted this "new study asserts" before, moron. There is no historical evidence of this conversion. Why, when, and how did Europeans convert to Judaism? Put up or shut up. You have nothing but repetitive propaganda and conspiracy theories. You are posting the same shit in ten different threads spamming the forum, which is a violation of the rules. You just can't control yourself, can you? No matter how many times you get spanked you come back with the same shit, until you get spanked again.

Just DNA evidence. Not that it matters when you believe the propaganda. You are always the loser Ruddy, I am just much smarter than you, and I am not a Jew, I am smart Christian, can you believe that? You always get "spanked" as you say. You just don't know it dummy.
So in other words you are promoting yet another myth, as there is no evidence whatsoever of Europeans converting to Judaism. you might think you're smart but to most of the board you are a trolling bigot and a fool.

Is DNA evidence a myth? To you maybe. Presenting fact is not trolling. Your parroting of propaganda is trolling. Oh, quit stalking me or I'll report you.
Review: Geneticist Harry Ostrer’s ‘Legacy’ Finds a Biological Basis for Jewishness

It seems that Harry Oster, whose older study you linked to, has had a change of heart. From the newer study I previously linked:

"The majority of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from prehistoric European women.....

"Richards and colleagues’ story “seems reasonable,” said Harry Ostrer, a human geneticist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York City who was not involved in the study. "

At best you have a maternal only study that other scientists disagree with. This is from your own article, as usual, you have zero intellectual honesty. Everything with you is driven by hate.

"But some scientists question these conclusions. “While it is clear that Ashkenazi maternal ancestry includes both Levantine [Near Eastern] and European origins—the assignment of several of the major Ashkenazi lineages to pre-historic European origin in the current study is incorrect in our view,” physician-geneticists Doron Behar and Karl Skorecki of the Rambam Healthcare Campus in Israel, whose previous work indicated a Near Eastern origins to many Ashkenazi mitochondrial types, wrote in an e-mail to The Scientist. They argue that the mitochondrial DNA data used in the new study did not represent the full spectrum of mitochondrial diversity.

David Goldstein, a geneticist and director of the Center for Human Genome Variation at the Duke University School of Medicine, said that the questions of whether there was a Khazar contribution to the Ashkenazi Jews’ lineage, or exactly what percentage of mitochondrial variants emanate from Europe, cannot be answered with certainty using present genetic and geographical data. Even if a set of variants are present in a specific region today, that doesn’t mean that the region always had that set of variants. Some variants could have been lost due to drift, or perhaps migration altered the balance of variants present in the population.

“These analyses really do not have any formal statistical inference about evolutionary history in them,” Goldstein wrote in an e-mail to The Scientist. “They are based on direct interpretations of where one finds different [mitochondrial DNA] types today. And so the analyses are largely impressionistic.”
Of course a person named "Goldstein" would provide the Hasbara response. Oster, agrees with the study. All you have is propaganda.
Of course a person named "Goldstein" would provide the Hasbara response. Oster, agrees with the study. All you have is propaganda.
So you don't even consider the article you posted as evidence, to be a good source. Just because one of the well known scientists and geneticists who disagrees that is working in a world famous American medical research university, has a Jewish name. Ha ha ha, you're a truly pathetic.
Like you would accept a similar denial by a Palestinian researcher working at a world famous university on a contentious issue as being a neutral observation. Give me a break, you are pathetic. Oster acknowledged that the newer study was factual based on better and more DNA sampling not available to him. Oster is an expert, not Goldstein.
The scientist works at Duke university, one of the most prestigious in the country. And his team disagrees with the research. You're a well known mentally ill antisemitic troll that is not to be taken seriously.
The scientist works at Duke university, one of the most prestigious in the country. And his team disagrees with the research. You're a well known mentally ill antisemitic troll that is not to be taken seriously.

He disagrees with the research, not "his team". I only present fact, you only present propaganda. You can't even accept that Oster, whose earlier study you accepted, agreed with the new study which had access to better tools for the analysis. That's how much of a propagandist you are.
The scientist works at Duke university, one of the most prestigious in the country. And his team disagrees with the research. You're a well known mentally ill antisemitic troll that is not to be taken seriously.

He disagrees with the research, not "his team". I only present fact, you only present propaganda. You can't even accept that Oster, whose earlier study you accepted, agreed with the new study which had access to better tools for the analysis. That's how much of a propagandist you are.
No thanks, I'll take the opinion of "David Goldstein, a geneticist and director of the Center for Human Genome Variation at the Duke University School of Medicine" than a mentally ill antisemitic moron nobody on the internet. :rofl:
Oh, wait, Palestine did exist.

From the Jew edited wikipedia, and since these clowns don't click links, I will list all the towns that wikipedia admits to. This way, everyone who reads this thread will know.

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict

Mod Edit - Please don't post entire articles, only a small to medium portion.

I should repost this every time one of these assclowns claim there was no Palestine or Palestinians.
Last edited by a moderator:
Oh, wait, Palestine did exist.

From the Jew edited wikipedia, and since these clowns don't click links, I will list all the towns that wikipedia admits to. This way, everyone who reads this thread will know.

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict
I should repost this every time one of these assclowns claim there was no Palestine or Palestinians.

Spamming multiple threads with the same cut and paste?
No, sweety, just the two appropriate threads.
Oh, wait, Palestine did exist.

From the Jew edited wikipedia, and since these clowns don't click links, I will list all the towns that wikipedia admits to. This way, everyone who reads this thread will know.

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict
I should repost this every time one of these assclowns claim there was no Palestine or Palestinians.

Spamming multiple threads with the same cut and paste?
No, sweety, just the two appropriate threads.

Why do you think it's appropriate to spam multiple threads with the same cutting and pasting?
I have noticed that on multiple threads, our Jewish liars continue to claim that Palestine never existed and after all we have seen right on this thread alone, it's pretty funny.


You Stupid anti-semite MORON.
"1940" is well AFTER the Jews came and developed alot of PalestinK.
It's BRITISH Mandate 'Palestine,' NOT 'native' backwards a-rab palestink.

You want to show/Prove something, try 1850-1900 PalestinK.
You Can't, because they were/are backwards.

Haifa - Wikipedia

British Mandate

According to a census conducted in 1922 by the British Mandate authorities, Haifa had a population of 24,634, consisting of 9,377 Muslims, 6,230 Jews and 8,863 Christians.[54]

Haifa's development owed much to British plans to make it a central port and hub for Middle-East crude oil. The British Government of Palestine developed the port and built refineries, thereby facilitating the rapid development of the city as a center for the country's heavy industries. Haifa was also among the first towns to be fully electrified. The (Jewish) Palestine Electric Company inaugurated the Haifa Electrical Power Station already in 1925, opening the door to considerable industrialization.[55] The State-run Palestine Railways also built its main workshops in Haifa.

By 1945 the population had shifted to 33% Muslim, 20% Christian and 47% Jewish.[56][57] In 1947, about 70,910 Arabs (41,000 Muslims, 29,910 Christians) and 74,230 Jews were living there.[58] The Christian community were mostly Greek-Melkite Catholics.

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a Racist slandering people as "anti-Semite" is both funny and also stupid.

And YOUR OWN LINK claims that there were nearly 10 THOUSAND MUSLIMS THERE IN 1922!

And from post 2 on this very thread...

1940s (pre-1948) Sheikh Jarrah (an Arab neighborhood in East Jerusalem, Palestine)



It didn't look so quaint after the Jewish underground army conducted Operation Yevusi (April 1948) as part of the First Arab-Israeli War.

For folks who don't know what was Jewish and what was Arab in 1940s Palestine or who are unfamiliar with the political delineations of the area.



a Racist slandering people as "anti-Semite" is both funny and also stupid.

And YOUR OWN LINK claims that there were nearly 10 THOUSAND MUSLIMS THERE IN 1922!

And from post 2 on this very thread...

1940s (pre-1948) Sheikh Jarrah (an Arab neighborhood in East Jerusalem, Palestine)



It didn't look so quaint after the Jewish underground army conducted Operation Yevusi (April 1948) as part of the First Arab-Israeli War.

For folks who don't know what was Jewish and what was Arab in 1940s Palestine or who are unfamiliar with the political delineations of the area.



a Racist slandering people as "anti-Semite" is both funny and also stupid.

And YOUR OWN LINK claims that there were nearly 10 THOUSAND MUSLIMS THERE IN 1922!

And from post 2 on this very thread...

What? I'm not altogether sure what you think you may be communicating.​

Be that as it may:
  1. There is no link that I shared in post #2.
  2. I don't even know to what fifty year period your OP specifically refers.
  3. If the 50-year period from 1948 to 2008 be the one to which your OP refers, it's plausible that's the temporal context for the meme in your OP, for it may well be that the Israelis destroyed "everything" in the First Arab-Israeli War and having been the political "owners" of the place since then, Israelis can be said to have rebuilt it.
  4. As for your title assertion -- Palestine never existed -- it clearly did exist as both a geographic and political entity.

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