Originally posted by ForeverYoung436
Big deal!! Arabs only have over 99% of the Middle East, with oil to boot! And besides, Jews were also expelled by Arabs--from Hebron,Tiberias, Sefad and the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem.

As far as the displacement of the pre-zionist jewish population of the West Bank and the jewish population of surrounding countries that was an unfortunate development brought about by the creation of the jewish racial dictatorship, FY.

"Pre Zionist" Jewish population of Judea and Samaria?

They were Zionists. They had lived in those areas for centuries ( as they did in TransJordan until 1925 when the British gave that part of the Jewish Homeland to one Arab clan)

All of Judea and Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem were ethnically cleaned of Jews during the Jordanian invasion the day after Israel's Independence.
They wanted to destroy Israel and killed all the Jews.
In the name of Islam, not the Arab Palestinians who had not yet adopted that Nationality.

THAT is what racial dictatorship is.
Neither the Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans or Byzantine Turks flooded the Land of Israel with people.
The land remained Israelite, Judea and then Jewish land.
It was never an Arab homeland, anymore than it was all the others, including the Ottoman Turks.

Agree... it was never the homeland of the invaders from the Arabian Peninsula.

It continued to be the homeland of the now arabized native population who gradually adopted the arabic language and Islam.

The indigenous people, the Jews, were always there one invader after another.
It was, and is, their ancient homeland, not he ancient homeland to any of those invaders.

Fairy tales...

The idea of a secular homeland for Jews was fiercely opposed by the jewish traditional population of Palestine as a heresy, as a blasphemy.

The zionist founders of the state of Israel were about as semitic as Mao Tse Tung and had absolutely no right to even reside in Palestine let alone create a supremacist state there.

The ancient homeland to all descendants of Germans, British, Spaniards, Dutch, French and all others who either invaded or immigrated to the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc, are still the countries where their ancestors came from.

Being born in a place for 500 years does not replace the indigenous people who were there before them.

You bet it does....

Britain has every right in the world to deny citizenship to any American citizen who can prove they are descendants from british colonists.

After 4, 3, 2 or even 1 century without claiming your right to the place of origin of your ancestors it ceases to be your homeland.

Palestinians are part of the Arab Nation because they are Arabs.. From Arabia.
Had any invaders taken over Arabia and flooded the Peninsula with their people, the Arabs would still be the indigenous people of the Peninsula, no matter how many others called it their homeland.

OK, so show us historical evidence of mass arab migration into the region of Palestine after the conquest.

I'm talking about a massive, large scale immigration wave similar to the Bantu immigration wave that colonized South Africa.
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Neither the Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans or Byzantine Turks flooded the Land of Israel with people.
The land remained Israelite, Judea and then Jewish land.
It was never an Arab homeland, anymore than it was all the others, including the Ottoman Turks.

Agree... it was never the homeland of the invaders from the Arabian Peninsula.

It continued to be the homeland of the now arabized native population who gradually adopted the arabic language and Islam.

The indigenous people, the Jews, were always there one invader after another.
It was, and is, their ancient homeland, not he ancient homeland to any of those invaders.

Fairy tales...

The idea of a secular homeland for Jews was fiercely opposed by the jewish traditional population of Palestine as a heresy, as a blasphemy.

The zionist founders of the state of Israel were about as semitic as Mao Tse Tung and had absolutely no right to even reside in Palestine let alone create a supremacist state there.

The ancient homeland to all descendants of Germans, British, Spaniards, Dutch, French and all others who either invaded or immigrated to the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc, are still the countries where their ancestors came from.

Being born in a place for 500 years does not replace the indigenous people who were there before them.

You bet it does....

Britain has every right in the world to deny citizenship to any American citizen who can prove they are descendants from british colonists.

After 4, 3, 2 or even 1 century without claiming your right to the place of origin of your ancestors it ceases to be your homeland.

Palestinians are part of the Arab Nation because they are Arabs.. From Arabia.
Had any invaders taken over Arabia and flooded the Peninsula with their people, the Arabs would still be the indigenous people of the Peninsula, no matter how many others called it their homeland.

OK, so show us historical evidence of mass arab migration into the region of Palestine after the conquest.

I'm talking about a massive, large scale immigration wave similar to the Bantu immigration wave that colonized South Africa.

Arabs moved into the area for 1300 years, you accept it or not. That is how they constituted the majority of the population by WWI.

"After 4, 3, 2 or even 1 century without claiming your right to the place of origin of your ancestors it ceases to be your homeland."

There is no saying, or international law which says that.

All other indigenous people in all all conquered Arab or European invasions continue to be the indigenous inhabitants of those lands.

Most cannot reclaim the land, as it happened also with the Jews, because they did and do not have the military power to take back that land.

The Kurds of Kurdistan are the only other indigenous people invaded by the Arabs who have recently taken control of part of their ancient homeland, even if they are still not recognized as a State due to Turkish intervention.

No indigenous people anywhere in the world have ever given up claim to their homelands, no matter how much time has passed.
And they never will.
The Kurds of Kurdistan are the only other indigenous people invaded by the Arabs who have recently taken control of part of their ancient homeland, even if they are still not recognized as a State due to Turkish intervention.
Go Kurds! :thup::thup::clap::clap::clap:
Before that they saw themselves as part of Greater Syria...

Many still do:


The pseudo Jew from Canada shot the video to delegitimize the palestinian national identity but ended up putting forth the most convincing rebuttal of the whole idea:

"If Palestinians, Jordanians and Syrians are one and the same why the hell are you much more likely to wage war against each other than unite in a single country?"

Except for 1970, I've never seen the Palestinians, Jordanians and Syrians wage war against each other. Besides there has been the American Civil War, the Spanish Civil War, etc. In ancient times the Greek city-states fought against each other, Antony of Rome fought against Octavian, Israel fought against Judah, etc.

Indeed, there has been little trouble between Palestine and its neighbors. What little there has been was centered around Israel. Black September would not have happened without Israel.

If not for Israel there would be no PLO. There would be no Fatah. There would be no PFLP. There would be no Hamas. There would be no Islamic Jihad. There would be no refugees. There would be no UNWRA.

The many billions spent to support or counter these entities would better be spent to support our people at home.

Israel - the gift that keeps on giving.

The gift that keeps on giving comes from the Anti Jews Arab leader Al-Husseini who started the war against the Jews reclaiming any part of their ancient homeland for their State.

Thank him for hundreds of deaths, and city destructions and expulsions of Jews from the places they were living in from North to South, East to West of what was going to become Israel, even before TransJordan was given illegally to the Arab Hashemite clan.

If not for him there would not have been the war of 1948, Arafat creating the PLO in 1964 - three years before the Arabs embarked on another attempt to destroy Israel.
No Fatah, no PFLP, no Hamas, no international terrorism.
No Arab who are forced to be refugees until Israel is destroyed by a crooked system like UNWRA.

You do not want the US to give the Arabs money for nothing, write your Congress and support them in their effort to put an end to giving the PA Millions of Dollars which end up going to inciting the Arabs into attacking and murdering Jews, and their families being paid a "salary" if anyone is killed or put in prison.

Jew Hatred - the gift that keeps on giving (to the Palestinians leaders who smile everyday that they lives are made so easy)

WOW, nice rant! :clap::clap::clap:

What does that have to do with my post?
Arabs moved into the area for 1300 years, you accept it or not. That is how they constituted the majority of the population by WWI.

Again, show me serious, peer-reviewed historical evidence of a mass migratory movement from the arabian peninsula to Palestine similar to the mass immigration wave of Bantu peoples from Central to Southern Africa.

If you are unable to present me this historic evidence, I'm sorry, but I and the rest of the world will continue to support the historic facts presented by the entire scientific community:

The native population was arabized due to the arab conquest just like the native inhabitants of France, Spain and Portugal were latinized by the Roman conquest.

"After 4, 3, 2 or even 1 century without claiming your right to the place of origin of your ancestors it ceases to be your homeland."

There is no saying, or international law which says that.

There is no piece of paper signed by foreign diplomats in the world with no power over any foreign nation that will force Britain, Germany or any other country to accept even 1 million american immigrants on the grounds that they are descendants from british or german colonists and rightfully so...

When your family moves to the other side of the world and remains there for more than a century without claiming their right to live in their ancient homeland even once it ceases to be your homeland.

A given country might even accept them after 100, 150 years but it is the prerrogative of the country in question not a natural right of the individual.

All other indigenous people in all all conquered Arab or European invasions continue to be the indigenous inhabitants of those lands.

The Kurds of Kurdistan are the only other indigenous people invaded by the Arabs who have recently taken control of part of their ancient homeland, even if they are still not recognized as a State due to Turkish intervention.

Apaches and Kurds remained in their historical homelands...

They didn't spend 2 millenia in China and then on a beautiful day decided to "return" to America - Kurdistan.

And european Jews are racially europeans who can't even claim any native jewish ancestry.

No indigenous people anywhere in the world have ever given up claim to their homelands, no matter how much time has passed.
And they never will.

The pseudo semitic "Jews" of Europe clearly did.

For 2 millenia they couldn't even bothered to go live in Palestine despite being allowed to by several rulers of the region.

Hell... most of them preferred to live in neighboring Damascus, Aleppo and Bhaghdad than in their so-called "homeland".

So much for "unbreakable ties to the homeland".
Neither the Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans or Byzantine Turks flooded the Land of Israel with people.
The land remained Israelite, Judea and then Jewish land.
It was never an Arab homeland, anymore than it was all the others, including the Ottoman Turks.

Agree... it was never the homeland of the invaders from the Arabian Peninsula.

It continued to be the homeland of the now arabized native population who gradually adopted the arabic language and Islam.

The indigenous people, the Jews, were always there one invader after another.
It was, and is, their ancient homeland, not he ancient homeland to any of those invaders.

Fairy tales...

The idea of a secular homeland for Jews was fiercely opposed by the jewish traditional population of Palestine as a heresy, as a blasphemy.

The zionist founders of the state of Israel were about as semitic as Mao Tse Tung and had absolutely no right to even reside in Palestine let alone create a supremacist state there.

The ancient homeland to all descendants of Germans, British, Spaniards, Dutch, French and all others who either invaded or immigrated to the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc, are still the countries where their ancestors came from.

Being born in a place for 500 years does not replace the indigenous people who were there before them.

You bet it does....

Britain has every right in the world to deny citizenship to any American citizen who can prove they are descendants from british colonists.

After 4, 3, 2 or even 1 century without claiming your right to the place of origin of your ancestors it ceases to be your homeland.

Palestinians are part of the Arab Nation because they are Arabs.. From Arabia.
Had any invaders taken over Arabia and flooded the Peninsula with their people, the Arabs would still be the indigenous people of the Peninsula, no matter how many others called it their homeland.

OK, so show us historical evidence of mass arab migration into the region of Palestine after the conquest.

I'm talking about a massive, large scale immigration wave similar to the Bantu immigration wave that colonized South Africa.

Arabs moved into the area for 1300 years, you accept it or not. That is how they constituted the majority of the population by WWI.

"After 4, 3, 2 or even 1 century without claiming your right to the place of origin of your ancestors it ceases to be your homeland."

There is no saying, or international law which says that.

All other indigenous people in all all conquered Arab or European invasions continue to be the indigenous inhabitants of those lands.

Most cannot reclaim the land, as it happened also with the Jews, because they did and do not have the military power to take back that land.

The Kurds of Kurdistan are the only other indigenous people invaded by the Arabs who have recently taken control of part of their ancient homeland, even if they are still not recognized as a State due to Turkish intervention.

No indigenous people anywhere in the world have ever given up claim to their homelands, no matter how much time has passed.
And they never will.

The craziness of the Zionist myth defies logic. The Arabians were a tiny population consistent with the small number of people that a few desert oasis could sustain. They made up a tiny percentage of the Muslim "horde" who were for the most part former Christian converts to Islam that joined the the Muslim army as they entered new territory. The Arabians represented the leadership or officer corps of the Muslim armies that fought the Romans (Byzantines). The Arabians became rulers over the existing Christian population. Any Jews had converted to Christianity centuries before the Muslim conquest of Palestine. The Zionist colonists of Palestine were descendants of European converts to Judaism. The indigenous people are the Muslims and Christians (many formerly Jews) that the Europeans are oppressing.
Arabs moved into the area for 1300 years, you accept it or not. That is how they constituted the majority of the population by WWI.

Again, show me serious, peer-reviewed historical evidence of a mass migratory movement from the arabian peninsula to Palestine similar to the mass immigration wave of Bantu peoples from Central to Southern Africa.

If you are unable to present me this historic evidence, I'm sorry, but I and the rest of the world will continue to support the historic facts presented by the entire scientific community:

The native population was arabized due to the arab conquest just like the native inhabitants of France, Spain and Portugal were latinized by the Roman conquest.

"After 4, 3, 2 or even 1 century without claiming your right to the place of origin of your ancestors it ceases to be your homeland."

There is no saying, or international law which says that.

There is no piece of paper signed by foreign diplomats in the world with no power over any foreign nation that will force Britain, Germany or any other country to accept even 1 million american immigrants on the grounds that they are descendants from british or german colonists and rightfully so...

When your family moves to the other side of the world and remains there for more than a century without claiming their right to live in their ancient homeland even once it ceases to be your homeland.

A given country might even accept them after 100, 150 years but it is the prerrogative of the country in question not a natural right of the individual.

All other indigenous people in all all conquered Arab or European invasions continue to be the indigenous inhabitants of those lands.

The Kurds of Kurdistan are the only other indigenous people invaded by the Arabs who have recently taken control of part of their ancient homeland, even if they are still not recognized as a State due to Turkish intervention.

Apaches and Kurds remained in their historical homelands...

They didn't spend 2 millenia in China and then on a beautiful day decided to "return" to America - Kurdistan.

And european Jews are racially europeans who can't even claim any native jewish ancestry.

No indigenous people anywhere in the world have ever given up claim to their homelands, no matter how much time has passed.
And they never will.

The pseudo semitic "Jews" of Europe clearly did.

For 2 millenia they couldn't even bothered to go live in Palestine despite being allowed to by several rulers of the region.

Hell... most of them preferred to live in neighboring Damascus, Aleppo and Bhaghdad than in their so-called "homeland".

So much for "unbreakable ties to the homeland".

The Arch of Titus in Rome shows Jewish slaves and artifacts from the Temple being taken to Rome. The distance between Western Europe (Italy) and Eastern Europe (Poland) isn't that great.
Historical evidence, even from Jewish sources (not Zionist myth), suggests that at most 20,000 Jews were taken to Italy by Titus. Most of the population was left intact.
When your family moves to the other side of the world and remains there for more than a century without claiming their right to live in their ancient homeland even once it ceases to be your homeland.

That would depend, of course, how you measure or define "claiming their right". I mean, the Arabs who fled or were removed in 1948 still haven't returned home. Does that mean they are not "claiming their right"? And does it mean that in just 30 more years they no longer have the right to return "home"? Be careful of your double standards here.

A given country might even accept them after 100, 150 years but it is the prerrogative of the country in question not a natural right of the individual.

Thank you for agreeing with Israel's Right of Return.
When your family moves to the other side of the world and remains there for more than a century without claiming their right to live in their ancient homeland even once it ceases to be your homeland.

That would depend, of course, how you measure or define "claiming their right". I mean, the Arabs who fled or were removed in 1948 still haven't returned home. Does that mean they are not "claiming their right"? And does it mean that in just 30 more years they no longer have the right to return "home"? Be careful of your double standards here.

A given country might even accept them after 100, 150 years but it is the prerrogative of the country in question not a natural right of the individual.

Thank you for agreeing with Israel's Right of Return.

But the Zionists are not descendants of the Jews of Palestine. They are Europeans. The Jews of Palestine converted to Christianity centuries before the Muslim conquest. Most of these Christians then converted to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule. This is just historical fact. You are propagating the Zionist myth.
When your family moves to the other side of the world and remains there for more than a century without claiming their right to live in their ancient homeland even once it ceases to be your homeland.

That would depend, of course, how you measure or define "claiming their right". I mean, the Arabs who fled or were removed in 1948 still haven't returned home. Does that mean they are not "claiming their right"? And does it mean that in just 30 more years they no longer have the right to return "home"? Be careful of your double standards here.

A given country might even accept them after 100, 150 years but it is the prerrogative of the country in question not a natural right of the individual.

Thank you for agreeing with Israel's Right of Return.

But the Zionists are not descendants of the Jews of Palestine. They are Europeans. The Jews of Palestine converted to Christianity centuries before the Muslim conquest. Most of these Christians then converted to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule. This is just historical fact. You are propagating the Zionist myth.

When your family moves to the other side of the world and remains there for more than a century without claiming their right to live in their ancient homeland even once it ceases to be your homeland.

That would depend, of course, how you measure or define "claiming their right". I mean, the Arabs who fled or were removed in 1948 still haven't returned home. Does that mean they are not "claiming their right"? And does it mean that in just 30 more years they no longer have the right to return "home"? Be careful of your double standards here.

A given country might even accept them after 100, 150 years but it is the prerrogative of the country in question not a natural right of the individual.

Thank you for agreeing with Israel's Right of Return.

But the Zionists are not descendants of the Jews of Palestine. They are Europeans. The Jews of Palestine converted to Christianity centuries before the Muslim conquest. Most of these Christians then converted to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule. This is just historical fact. You are propagating the Zionist myth.

That is your voodoo history. It has nothing to do with the facts.
Jews (people from Asia Minor) who moved elsewhere in Asia, or to Europe or the Americas, etc......are still indigenous of the area they came from.

The same goes for anyone whose ancestors are from any part of the world.

It is ONLY with the Jewish people, that this Fable about Jews being of European descent, indigenous of Europe, occurs.

It occurs because of the hatred brought on the Jewish people by Christianity and then Islam.

NO ONE else, no other religions attempt to steal the Jewish identity from their rightful owners.

ONLY people like yourself.
From a very Jewish source no less.

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin

With the Crusaders' slaughters -- including mass murder in 1099 of all the 70,000 Muslims in Jerusalem -- the deterioration of the land in Palestine accelerated.

... Massacres and the fear of massacre had greatly reduced the number of Jews in Palestine and Christians in Syria.[87]The "vast majority" remaining in Palestine was "native Christians," of "mixed origin ... carelessly known as Christian Arabs."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
When your family moves to the other side of the world and remains there for more than a century without claiming their right to live in their ancient homeland even once it ceases to be your homeland.

That would depend, of course, how you measure or define "claiming their right". I mean, the Arabs who fled or were removed in 1948 still haven't returned home. Does that mean they are not "claiming their right"? And does it mean that in just 30 more years they no longer have the right to return "home"? Be careful of your double standards here.

A given country might even accept them after 100, 150 years but it is the prerrogative of the country in question not a natural right of the individual.

Thank you for agreeing with Israel's Right of Return.

But the Zionists are not descendants of the Jews of Palestine. They are Europeans. The Jews of Palestine converted to Christianity centuries before the Muslim conquest. Most of these Christians then converted to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule. This is just historical fact. You are propagating the Zionist myth.

That is your voodoo history. It has nothing to do with the facts.
Jews (people from Asia Minor) who moved elsewhere in Asia, or to Europe or the Americas, etc......are still indigenous of the area they came from.

The same goes for anyone whose ancestors are from any part of the world.

It is ONLY with the Jewish people, that this Fable about Jews being of European descent, indigenous of Europe, occurs.

It occurs because of the hatred brought on the Jewish people by Christianity and then Islam.

NO ONE else, no other religions attempt to steal the Jewish identity from their rightful owners.

ONLY people like yourself.

The indigenous Jews converted to Christianity. Why can't you accept the facts. LOL
When your family moves to the other side of the world and remains there for more than a century without claiming their right to live in their ancient homeland even once it ceases to be your homeland.

That would depend, of course, how you measure or define "claiming their right". I mean, the Arabs who fled or were removed in 1948 still haven't returned home. Does that mean they are not "claiming their right"? And does it mean that in just 30 more years they no longer have the right to return "home"? Be careful of your double standards here.

A given country might even accept them after 100, 150 years but it is the prerrogative of the country in question not a natural right of the individual.

Thank you for agreeing with Israel's Right of Return.

But the Zionists are not descendants of the Jews of Palestine. They are Europeans. The Jews of Palestine converted to Christianity centuries before the Muslim conquest. Most of these Christians then converted to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule. This is just historical fact. You are propagating the Zionist myth.

That is your voodoo history. It has nothing to do with the facts.
Jews (people from Asia Minor) who moved elsewhere in Asia, or to Europe or the Americas, etc......are still indigenous of the area they came from.

The same goes for anyone whose ancestors are from any part of the world.

It is ONLY with the Jewish people, that this Fable about Jews being of European descent, indigenous of Europe, occurs.

It occurs because of the hatred brought on the Jewish people by Christianity and then Islam.

NO ONE else, no other religions attempt to steal the Jewish identity from their rightful owners.

ONLY people like yourself.

The indigenous Jews converted to Christianity. Why can't you accept the facts. LOL
Half the population of Israel are middle eastern / sephardic Jews or decedents of. The European Jews are Jews who migrated West after the destruction of the Temples. How did the European Jews become Jews, someone waved a wand? Or they are decendents of Jews who migrated? Logic would dictate the latter. Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral holy land of the Jews, and will stay so. There are over six million Jews in their holy land now, and they ain't going anywhere, short of a nuclear holocaust.
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When your family moves to the other side of the world and remains there for more than a century without claiming their right to live in their ancient homeland even once it ceases to be your homeland.

That would depend, of course, how you measure or define "claiming their right". I mean, the Arabs who fled or were removed in 1948 still haven't returned home. Does that mean they are not "claiming their right"? And does it mean that in just 30 more years they no longer have the right to return "home"? Be careful of your double standards here.

A given country might even accept them after 100, 150 years but it is the prerrogative of the country in question not a natural right of the individual.

Thank you for agreeing with Israel's Right of Return.

But the Zionists are not descendants of the Jews of Palestine. They are Europeans. The Jews of Palestine converted to Christianity centuries before the Muslim conquest. Most of these Christians then converted to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule. This is just historical fact. You are propagating the Zionist myth.

That is your voodoo history. It has nothing to do with the facts.
Jews (people from Asia Minor) who moved elsewhere in Asia, or to Europe or the Americas, etc......are still indigenous of the area they came from.

The same goes for anyone whose ancestors are from any part of the world.

It is ONLY with the Jewish people, that this Fable about Jews being of European descent, indigenous of Europe, occurs.

It occurs because of the hatred brought on the Jewish people by Christianity and then Islam.

NO ONE else, no other religions attempt to steal the Jewish identity from their rightful owners.

ONLY people like yourself.

The indigenous Jews converted to Christianity. Why can't you accept the facts. LOL
Half the population of Israel are middle eastern / sephardic Jews or decedents of. The European Jews are Jews who migrated West after the destruction of the Temples. How did the European Jews become Jews, someone waved a wand? Or they are decendents of Jews who migrated? Logic would dictate the latter. Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral holy land of the Jews, and will stay so. There are over six million Jews in their holy land now, and they ain't going anywhere, short of a nuclear holocaust.

Genetics confirm that Europeans converted to Judaism. The converts had no genetic ties to the Middle East much less Palestine. The Jews in Israel will end up like the whites in South Africa, the French in Algeria and the whites in Rhodesia. It will just take more time.

European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree

That would depend, of course, how you measure or define "claiming their right". I mean, the Arabs who fled or were removed in 1948 still haven't returned home. Does that mean they are not "claiming their right"? And does it mean that in just 30 more years they no longer have the right to return "home"? Be careful of your double standards here.

Thank you for agreeing with Israel's Right of Return.

But the Zionists are not descendants of the Jews of Palestine. They are Europeans. The Jews of Palestine converted to Christianity centuries before the Muslim conquest. Most of these Christians then converted to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule. This is just historical fact. You are propagating the Zionist myth.

That is your voodoo history. It has nothing to do with the facts.
Jews (people from Asia Minor) who moved elsewhere in Asia, or to Europe or the Americas, etc......are still indigenous of the area they came from.

The same goes for anyone whose ancestors are from any part of the world.

It is ONLY with the Jewish people, that this Fable about Jews being of European descent, indigenous of Europe, occurs.

It occurs because of the hatred brought on the Jewish people by Christianity and then Islam.

NO ONE else, no other religions attempt to steal the Jewish identity from their rightful owners.

ONLY people like yourself.

The indigenous Jews converted to Christianity. Why can't you accept the facts. LOL
Half the population of Israel are middle eastern / sephardic Jews or decedents of. The European Jews are Jews who migrated West after the destruction of the Temples. How did the European Jews become Jews, someone waved a wand? Or they are decendents of Jews who migrated? Logic would dictate the latter. Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral holy land of the Jews, and will stay so. There are over six million Jews in their holy land now, and they ain't going anywhere, short of a nuclear holocaust.

Genetics confirm that Europeans converted to Judaism. The converts had no genetic ties to the Middle East much less Palestine. The Jews in Israel will end up like the whites in South Africa, the French in Algeria and the whites in Rhodesia. It will just take more time.

European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
And there are studies that prove otherwise. Tell us how the European Jews became Jews, did someone wave a wand? Or were they Jews that migrated to Europe and stayed Jewish, and practiced their faith and culture. The answer is obvious. Judaism and the Jewish people started in the Middle East. There have not been any Jewish converts or forced conversions into the religion as with Islam and Christianity.
But the Zionists are not descendants of the Jews of Palestine. They are Europeans. The Jews of Palestine converted to Christianity centuries before the Muslim conquest. Most of these Christians then converted to Islam over the centuries of Muslim rule. This is just historical fact. You are propagating the Zionist myth.

That is your voodoo history. It has nothing to do with the facts.
Jews (people from Asia Minor) who moved elsewhere in Asia, or to Europe or the Americas, etc......are still indigenous of the area they came from.

The same goes for anyone whose ancestors are from any part of the world.

It is ONLY with the Jewish people, that this Fable about Jews being of European descent, indigenous of Europe, occurs.

It occurs because of the hatred brought on the Jewish people by Christianity and then Islam.

NO ONE else, no other religions attempt to steal the Jewish identity from their rightful owners.

ONLY people like yourself.

The indigenous Jews converted to Christianity. Why can't you accept the facts. LOL
Half the population of Israel are middle eastern / sephardic Jews or decedents of. The European Jews are Jews who migrated West after the destruction of the Temples. How did the European Jews become Jews, someone waved a wand? Or they are decendents of Jews who migrated? Logic would dictate the latter. Israel is the religious, cultural, and ancestral holy land of the Jews, and will stay so. There are over six million Jews in their holy land now, and they ain't going anywhere, short of a nuclear holocaust.

Genetics confirm that Europeans converted to Judaism. The converts had no genetic ties to the Middle East much less Palestine. The Jews in Israel will end up like the whites in South Africa, the French in Algeria and the whites in Rhodesia. It will just take more time.

European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
And there are studies that prove otherwise. Tell us how the European Jews became Jews, did someone wave a wand? Or were they Jews that migrated to Europe and stayed Jewish, and practiced their faith and culture. The answer is obvious. Judaism and the Jewish people started in the Middle East. There have not been any Jewish converts or forced conversions into the religion as with Islam and Christianity.

Only propaganda studies show otherwise.

By the way, as one of the Zionutters of the forum, are the Ashkenazis really Jews at all, given that 80% had non-Jewish mothers as ancestors at some point. LOL More to the point, why would these Europeans have more right to live in Palestine than the indigenous people (the Muslim and Christian Palestinians) whose ancestors were actually real Jews indigenous to Palestine?

"European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
Overall, at least 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe, and 8 percent from the Near East..."

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree


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