Palestine Today

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It doesn't look like they will be giving up their claim for reparations anytime soon.

Why not pay them?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ José, ding, et al,

Well, this is not such a bad question. The answer is a bit legal and political-military.

◈ When a country pays-out "War Reparations," it is a political admission of guilt and defeat.
◈ "War Reparations" are generally imposed by the victor upon the defeated.​

It doesn't look like they will be giving up their claim for reparations anytime soon. Why not pay them?
Because Palestine, their homeland, is not for sale.

In general, Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) has a specific view on the application of reparations:

Rule 150: A State responsible for violations of C&IHL is required to make full reparation for the loss or injury caused.

Article 36: Statute of the International Court of Justice
◈ [T]he existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute a breach of an international obligation;
◈ [T]he nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an international obligation.​

"War Reparations" are different, and not to be confused with, compensation, restitution, awards and settlements. It should also be taken into consideration that reparations may be in the form of money, goods or services, but not to the "cultural property." While there are often arguments concerning the offer and acceptance of territory for annexation, under "Customary Law, such as the example set by the Spanish American War, America secured the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico by Treaty, and Cuba became an American protectorate. Still today, Guam and Puerto Rico (former Spanish holdings) remain unincorporated American territories.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ José, ding, et al,

Well, this is not such a bad question. The answer is a bit legal and political-military.

◈ When a country pays-out "War Reparations," it is a political admission of guilt and defeat.
◈ "War Reparations" are generally imposed by the victor upon the defeated.​

It doesn't look like they will be giving up their claim for reparations anytime soon. Why not pay them?
Because Palestine, their homeland, is not for sale.

In general, Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) has a specific view on the application of reparations:

Rule 150: A State responsible for violations of C&IHL is required to make full reparation for the loss or injury caused.

Article 36: Statute of the International Court of Justice
◈ [T]he existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute a breach of an international obligation;
◈ [T]he nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an international obligation.​

"War Reparations" are different, and not to be confused with, compensation, restitution, awards and settlements. It should also be taken into consideration that reparations may be in the form of money, goods or services, but not to the "cultural property." While there are often arguments concerning the offer and acceptance of territory for annexation, under "Customary Law, such as the example set by the Spanish American War, America secured the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico by Treaty, and Cuba became an American protectorate. Still today, Guam and Puerto Rico (former Spanish holdings) remain unincorporated American territories.

Most Respectfully,
Was the land obtained through war?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ José, ding, et al,

Well, this is not such a bad question. The answer is a bit legal and political-military.

◈ When a country pays-out "War Reparations," it is a political admission of guilt and defeat.
◈ "War Reparations" are generally imposed by the victor upon the defeated.​

It doesn't look like they will be giving up their claim for reparations anytime soon. Why not pay them?
Because Palestine, their homeland, is not for sale.

In general, Customary and International Humanitarian Law (C&IHL) has a specific view on the application of reparations:

Rule 150: A State responsible for violations of C&IHL is required to make full reparation for the loss or injury caused.

Article 36: Statute of the International Court of Justice
◈ [T]he existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute a breach of an international obligation;
◈ [T]he nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an international obligation.​

"War Reparations" are different, and not to be confused with, compensation, restitution, awards and settlements. It should also be taken into consideration that reparations may be in the form of money, goods or services, but not to the "cultural property." While there are often arguments concerning the offer and acceptance of territory for annexation, under "Customary Law, such as the example set by the Spanish American War, America secured the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico by Treaty, and Cuba became an American protectorate. Still today, Guam and Puerto Rico (former Spanish holdings) remain unincorporated American territories.

Most Respectfully,
Was the land obtained through war?
Well yes and no. Nobody has surrendered yet so nobody has won anything yet.
‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

“They violently arrested Suha in front of her kids,” he said, adding that the officials provided no court-approved warrant at the time of arrest, nor any verbal explanation for why she was being detained.

Badran noted that the family lives in Area C — the more than 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli civilian and security control. “The PA technically has no jurisdiction here,” he said.

‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

Hamas executes 3 Palestinians over Israel ties
Collaborators kill and Palestine is crawling with them.
‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

“They violently arrested Suha in front of her kids,” he said, adding that the officials provided no court-approved warrant at the time of arrest, nor any verbal explanation for why she was being detained.

Badran noted that the family lives in Area C — the more than 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli civilian and security control. “The PA technically has no jurisdiction here,” he said.

‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

Hamas executes 3 Palestinians over Israel ties
Collaborators kill and Palestine is crawling with them.

From the article:

Rights groups have questioned the fairness of trials under the Hamas system.

“The death penalty is a barbaric practice that has no place in a modern state,” Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of the Middle East division of Human Rights Watch, said.

“The abhorrent executions by Hamas authorities of three men in Gaza deemed to be collaborators project weakness, not strength,” she said. “Hamas authorities will never achieve true security or stability through firing squads or by the gallows, but rather through respect for international norms and the rule of law.”

Hamas also killed 23 people without trials during its 2014 war with Israel

Twenty three people were murdered without trials. At least that woman arrested by PA is alive and has rights to due process.
At least that woman arrested by PA is alive and has rights to due process.
She was arrested without a warrant and held without charge or trial. That doesn't look like due process to me.
She is alive and able to speak publically...that is more than you can say for Hamas justice.
‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

“They violently arrested Suha in front of her kids,” he said, adding that the officials provided no court-approved warrant at the time of arrest, nor any verbal explanation for why she was being detained.

Badran noted that the family lives in Area C — the more than 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli civilian and security control. “The PA technically has no jurisdiction here,” he said.

‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

Hamas executes 3 Palestinians over Israel ties
Collaborators kill and Palestine is crawling with them.
‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

“They violently arrested Suha in front of her kids,” he said, adding that the officials provided no court-approved warrant at the time of arrest, nor any verbal explanation for why she was being detained.

Badran noted that the family lives in Area C — the more than 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli civilian and security control. “The PA technically has no jurisdiction here,” he said.

‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

Hamas executes 3 Palestinians over Israel ties
Collaborators kill and Palestine is crawling with them.

From the article:

Rights groups have questioned the fairness of trials under the Hamas system.

“The death penalty is a barbaric practice that has no place in a modern state,” Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of the Middle East division of Human Rights Watch, said.

“The abhorrent executions by Hamas authorities of three men in Gaza deemed to be collaborators project weakness, not strength,” she said. “Hamas authorities will never achieve true security or stability through firing squads or by the gallows, but rather through respect for international norms and the rule of law.”

Hamas also killed 23 people without trials during its 2014 war with Israel

Twenty three people were murdered without trials. At least that woman arrested by PA is alive and has rights to due process.
“Hamas authorities will never achieve true security or stability through firing squads or by the gallows, but rather through respect for international norms and the rule of law.”
Is it an international norm for spies to point people out for Israel so that Israel can kill them?
How can you be sure they were spies without a trial?
In November 2000, Israel murdered Faris Ouda for fighting back an Israeli tank. Faris was 15.


How lucky for you. You can exploit a child for cheap propaganda.
Stupid post.

Your claim is the boy was "murdered". Another of your baseless claims.
Oh sure, Israel had to kill him because they feared for their lives.

Stupid post.

Murder is a specific charge with burdens of proof, at least in kuffar law.

It's just a shame that you ignore the motivations that drive the Islamist gee-had.

Speaking of murder...have the IDF finished investigating the murder of the journalist Murtaja?
How lucky for you. You can exploit a child for cheap propaganda.
Stupid post.

Your claim is the boy was "murdered". Another of your baseless claims.
Oh sure, Israel had to kill him because they feared for their lives.

Stupid post.

Murder is a specific charge with burdens of proof, at least in kuffar law.

It's just a shame that you ignore the motivations that drive the Islamist gee-had.

Speaking of murder...have the IDF finished investigating the murder of the journalist Murtaja?

:dunno: I don't know anything about that one.
‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

“They violently arrested Suha in front of her kids,” he said, adding that the officials provided no court-approved warrant at the time of arrest, nor any verbal explanation for why she was being detained.

Badran noted that the family lives in Area C — the more than 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli civilian and security control. “The PA technically has no jurisdiction here,” he said.

‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

Hamas executes 3 Palestinians over Israel ties
Collaborators kill and Palestine is crawling with them.
‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

“They violently arrested Suha in front of her kids,” he said, adding that the officials provided no court-approved warrant at the time of arrest, nor any verbal explanation for why she was being detained.

Badran noted that the family lives in Area C — the more than 60% of the West Bank under full Israeli civilian and security control. “The PA technically has no jurisdiction here,” he said.

‘The PA is a mafia’: Family of Palestinian woman imprisoned by PA speaks out against her arrest

Hamas executes 3 Palestinians over Israel ties
Collaborators kill and Palestine is crawling with them.

From the article:

Rights groups have questioned the fairness of trials under the Hamas system.

“The death penalty is a barbaric practice that has no place in a modern state,” Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of the Middle East division of Human Rights Watch, said.

“The abhorrent executions by Hamas authorities of three men in Gaza deemed to be collaborators project weakness, not strength,” she said. “Hamas authorities will never achieve true security or stability through firing squads or by the gallows, but rather through respect for international norms and the rule of law.”

Hamas also killed 23 people without trials during its 2014 war with Israel

Twenty three people were murdered without trials. At least that woman arrested by PA is alive and has rights to due process.
“Hamas authorities will never achieve true security or stability through firing squads or by the gallows, but rather through respect for international norms and the rule of law.”
Is it an international norm for spies to point people out for Israel so that Israel can kill them?
How can you be sure they were spies without a trial?
Spies are a big problem in Palestine. Just killing people at random does nothing to solve that problem. There must be some evidence. And what about trials? Hamas, the PA, and Israel all have kangaroo courts.
Stupid post.

Your claim is the boy was "murdered". Another of your baseless claims.
Oh sure, Israel had to kill him because they feared for their lives.

Stupid post.

Murder is a specific charge with burdens of proof, at least in kuffar law.

It's just a shame that you ignore the motivations that drive the Islamist gee-had.

Speaking of murder...have the IDF finished investigating the murder of the journalist Murtaja?

:dunno: I don't know anything about that one.

He was a promising talented Palestinian photo journalist shot by a sniper in the recent violence at the border. The
Stupid post.

Your claim is the boy was "murdered". Another of your baseless claims.
Oh sure, Israel had to kill him because they feared for their lives.

Stupid post.

Murder is a specific charge with burdens of proof, at least in kuffar law.

It's just a shame that you ignore the motivations that drive the Islamist gee-had.

Speaking of murder...have the IDF finished investigating the murder of the journalist Murtaja?

:dunno: I don't know anything about that one.

Yaser Murtaja - Wikipedia

From the article:

Rights groups have questioned the fairness of trials under the Hamas system.

“The death penalty is a barbaric practice that has no place in a modern state,” Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of the Middle East division of Human Rights Watch, said.

“The abhorrent executions by Hamas authorities of three men in Gaza deemed to be collaborators project weakness, not strength,” she said. “Hamas authorities will never achieve true security or stability through firing squads or by the gallows, but rather through respect for international norms and the rule of law.”

Hamas also killed 23 people without trials during its 2014 war with Israel

Twenty three people were murdered without trials. At least that woman arrested by PA is alive and has rights to due process.
“Hamas authorities will never achieve true security or stability through firing squads or by the gallows, but rather through respect for international norms and the rule of law.”
Is it an international norm for spies to point people out for Israel so that Israel can kill them?
How can you be sure they were spies without a trial?
Spies are a big problem in Palestine. Just killing people at random does nothing to solve that problem. There must be some evidence. And what about trials? Hamas, the PA, and Israel all have kangaroo courts.
The article pointed out there were no trials by Hamas for some. Not even a kangaroo court.
How lucky for you. You can exploit a child for cheap propaganda.
Stupid post.

Your claim is the boy was "murdered". Another of your baseless claims.
Oh sure, Israel had to kill him because they feared for their lives.

Stupid post.

Murder is a specific charge with burdens of proof, at least in kuffar law.

It's just a shame that you ignore the motivations that drive the Islamist gee-had.

Speaking of murder...have the IDF finished investigating the murder of the journalist Murtaja?

I have no knowledge about the status of that investigation. I think you will find that it is not uncommon for journalists in war zones to come under fire. Conspiracy theories about “murder” notwithstanding, there are risks that must be assumed for being in areas of live fire.
Stupid post.

Your claim is the boy was "murdered". Another of your baseless claims.
Oh sure, Israel had to kill him because they feared for their lives.

Stupid post.

Murder is a specific charge with burdens of proof, at least in kuffar law.

It's just a shame that you ignore the motivations that drive the Islamist gee-had.

Speaking of murder...have the IDF finished investigating the murder of the journalist Murtaja?

I have no knowledge about the status of that investigation. I think you will find that it is not uncommon for journalists in war zones to come under fire. Conspiracy theories notwithstanding, there are risks that must be assumed for being in areas of live fire.

Please post a link then.
Your claim is the boy was "murdered". Another of your baseless claims.
Oh sure, Israel had to kill him because they feared for their lives.

Stupid post.

Murder is a specific charge with burdens of proof, at least in kuffar law.

It's just a shame that you ignore the motivations that drive the Islamist gee-had.

Speaking of murder...have the IDF finished investigating the murder of the journalist Murtaja?

I have no knowledge about the status of that investigation. I think you will find that it is not uncommon for journalists in war zones to come under fire. Conspiracy theories notwithstanding, there are risks that must be assumed for being in areas of live fire.

Please post a link then.

A link to what?
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