Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Kids signing artillery projectiles.

This has been a very long tradition signing the larger projectiles. It is a feel-good exercise. I did it a couple of times in Vietnam. It is a non-violent activity. It's not like the Arab Palestinians are going to see it.

Most Respectfully,
Noura Erakat on Black-Palestinian Solidarity and Palestine As a Progressive Issue

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

Yes, this division in the British Labor Party has been noticed increasing and over the last couple of decades. But discrimination and racism among the brits are not that all unusual. Back in the 1980's, when the US Military was coming out of the darkness of racism, some of the things I heard my foreign counterparts say were quite shocking. I notice that with the Australians, a similar hint of racism rippled beneath the surface. And those experiences of the 1980's and 1990's were reaffirmed while I was working in the Palace in Baghdad; although it was stronger against the Blacks then it was with the Arabs or Jews.

I do have to say, there were some very noticeable improvements in the first decade at the turn of the century.

Corbyn, antisemitism and justice for Palestine
Anti-Semitism is so bad in Britain that some Jews are planning to leave - CNN

The Anti Semitism starts at the top and it filters down. It obviously has not reached Pre WW11 proportions but this is how it starts,
Corbin was actually at a ceremony to HONOR and laying the wreath for terrorists who killed a team of Israeli Athletes in the 1970's. Talk about a Pro Palestinian Shill

I do think, besides showing an immediate reaction of displeasure at any form of prejudice, Americans should let the Commonwealth Members of the Five-Eyes (FVEYs) deal with their domestic issue, and we handle our issues. This is a time for America to rebuild its greater alliances and not cripple them.


Although we are not there yet, there should be a point (line in the sand kind of thing) at which America publicly states it's objection to racism, including anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism (if there is a clear distinction between the two at that point). And it should be made loud and clear.

But, as long as the US Protects the continuation of the Jewish National Home (JNH), at least if it comes to the point that the British Commonwealth become inhospitable to its Jewish constituents a repeat of the MS St. Louis (carrying more than 900 Jewish refugees fleeing Germany in 1939) were denied permission to land in the United States and Canada. I cannot imagine the FVEYs could hold their heads very high and standing tall on moral ground over the decision to send those refugees back; fleeing a Europe coming under the control of NAZI Germany.

The access to a free and accessible JNH must be maintained to at least give the Jewish people an alternative when the FVEY turn on them as 21st Century political pressures gradually turn towards the repression of the NAZI like growth we see today.

Just my simple thought.

Most Respectfully,

The most evil BBC actions are the ones you’re not supposed to see

by brianoflondon
My friend, Kay Wilson, writes this on Facebag:

It goes like this:

The organization I speak for, OneFamily Together, called me on Thursday, saying that the BBC News are doing a report about the funding of terrorists, and would I like to be part of it.

You bet, I thought.

So the BBC called me and explained that they would also be interviewing a Palestinian family who gets a load of money because of their murderous son, sitting in an Israeli jail.

I wasn't put off.

I have UK citizenship.
I am fluent in English.
I am articulate.
And.... in my moral favor, I have also started a clandestine project in a Palestinian refugee camp with a Muslim friend, to counter-radicalize children and teach them to clutch onto life and resist adults who teach them to hate.

I just heard back.

"Umm.... you're too famous, we need someone less well known, so I'm very sorry, but we wont be interviewing you."

They are scared of me. They would rather choose an Israeli who struggles with English, so he/she looks "foreign," and it will bring the "balance," needed

Moral cowards. I find them obscene.
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