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A Story about 'Settlers' and a Palestinian Olive Tree You Won’t Hear About from the MSM
David Lange
November 4, 2019

When Israelis and olive trees are mentioned together, it is usually in hit pieces like this.

I dare the mainstream media to cover this story:

Last week Israeli residents from the Gush Etzion area commemorated a Palestinian fellow employee who had died a month ago from a brain hemorrhage at age 25.

Shadi Assad, who lived in the small village of Khallet Sakariya, located between the Israeli settlements of Alon Shevut and Rosh Tzurim in the Gush Etzion region, worked for the past five years as cleaner at the restaurant adjacent to the Gush Etzion Winery.

His colleagues decided to plant a tree in his memory, and chose an olive tree, which is so often featured in stories about clashes between Jews and Arabs in Judea and Samaria. Alongside the olive tree, they erected a tombstone with inscriptions in Hebrew and Arabic.

After the ceremony, which was also attended by rabbis from the area, including Rabbi Riskin of Efrat, one winery employee wrote: “I don’t know what peace would be like and how to bring it, but I know that a few hours ago I experienced a moment of peace. I feel the crazy complexity, the anger – but also neighborly and humane feelings.”

I’m not crying, you are crying.

A Story About 'Settlers' and a Palestinian Olive Tree You Won't Hear About from the MSM
A Palestinian printing house in Jerusalem, 1932.

A Palestinian father and his little daughter at al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem.

A Palestinian printing house in Jerusalem, 1932.


In 1932, every person who lived in the region was a Palestinian ... Arab, Jew, Xtian, Druid, or Buddhist. The concept that only an Arab can be referred to as "Palestinian" is a very recent development.
A Palestinian father and his little daughter at al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem.


Islamization of East Jerusalem under Jordanian occupation - Wikipedia

Notice how Tinmore does not refer to East Jerusalem being under Jordanian control as "occupied " or condemn the destruction of Jewish Holy Sites??

Treatment of Jews and Jewish holy sites[edit]

Arab Legion soldiers at the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue after conquering the city but before deliberately destroying the synagogue.
While Christian holy sites were protected, and Muslim holy sites were maintained and renovated,[3] Jewish holy sites were damaged and sometimes destroyed.[4] According to Raphael Israeli, 58 synagogues were desecrated or demolished in the Old City, resulting in the de-Judaization of Jerusalem.[5][6][7] Oesterreicher, a Christian clergyman and scholar, wrote, “During Jordanian rule, 34 out of the Old City’s 35 synagogues were dynamited.” [8] The Western Wall was transformed into an exclusively Muslim holy site associated with al-Buraq.[9] 38,000 Jewish graves in the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives were systematically destroyed, and Jews were not allowed to be buried there.[5][6] This was all in violation of the Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement Article VIII - 2 "...; free access to the Holy Places and cultural institutions and use of the cemetery on the Mount of Olives;...." [10] Following the Arab Legions expulsion of the Jewish residents of the Old City in the 1948 War, Jordan allowed Arab Muslim refugees to settle in the vacated Jewish Quarter.[11] Later, after some of these were moved to Shuafat, migrants from Hebron took their place.[12] During the 1960s, as the quarter continued to fall into decay, Jordan planned to turn the quarter into a public park.[13]

A Palestinian father and his little daughter at al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem.


Islamization of East Jerusalem under Jordanian occupation - Wikipedia

Notice how Tinmore does not refer to East Jerusalem being under Jordanian control as "occupied " or condemn the destruction of Jewish Holy Sites??

Treatment of Jews and Jewish holy sites[edit]

Arab Legion soldiers at the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue after conquering the city but before deliberately destroying the synagogue.
While Christian holy sites were protected, and Muslim holy sites were maintained and renovated,[3] Jewish holy sites were damaged and sometimes destroyed.[4] According to Raphael Israeli, 58 synagogues were desecrated or demolished in the Old City, resulting in the de-Judaization of Jerusalem.[5][6][7] Oesterreicher, a Christian clergyman and scholar, wrote, “During Jordanian rule, 34 out of the Old City’s 35 synagogues were dynamited.” [8] The Western Wall was transformed into an exclusively Muslim holy site associated with al-Buraq.[9] 38,000 Jewish graves in the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives were systematically destroyed, and Jews were not allowed to be buried there.[5][6] This was all in violation of the Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement Article VIII - 2 "...; free access to the Holy Places and cultural institutions and use of the cemetery on the Mount of Olives;...." [10] Following the Arab Legions expulsion of the Jewish residents of the Old City in the 1948 War, Jordan allowed Arab Muslim refugees to settle in the vacated Jewish Quarter.[11] Later, after some of these were moved to Shuafat, migrants from Hebron took their place.[12] During the 1960s, as the quarter continued to fall into decay, Jordan planned to turn the quarter into a public park.[13]

Notice how Tinmore does not refer to East Jerusalem being under Jordanian control as "occupied "
You haven't been following my posts.
A Palestinian father and his little daughter at al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem.


Islamization of East Jerusalem under Jordanian occupation - Wikipedia

Notice how Tinmore does not refer to East Jerusalem being under Jordanian control as "occupied " or condemn the destruction of Jewish Holy Sites??

Treatment of Jews and Jewish holy sites[edit]

Arab Legion soldiers at the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue after conquering the city but before deliberately destroying the synagogue.
While Christian holy sites were protected, and Muslim holy sites were maintained and renovated,[3] Jewish holy sites were damaged and sometimes destroyed.[4] According to Raphael Israeli, 58 synagogues were desecrated or demolished in the Old City, resulting in the de-Judaization of Jerusalem.[5][6][7] Oesterreicher, a Christian clergyman and scholar, wrote, “During Jordanian rule, 34 out of the Old City’s 35 synagogues were dynamited.” [8] The Western Wall was transformed into an exclusively Muslim holy site associated with al-Buraq.[9] 38,000 Jewish graves in the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives were systematically destroyed, and Jews were not allowed to be buried there.[5][6] This was all in violation of the Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement Article VIII - 2 "...; free access to the Holy Places and cultural institutions and use of the cemetery on the Mount of Olives;...." [10] Following the Arab Legions expulsion of the Jewish residents of the Old City in the 1948 War, Jordan allowed Arab Muslim refugees to settle in the vacated Jewish Quarter.[11] Later, after some of these were moved to Shuafat, migrants from Hebron took their place.[12] During the 1960s, as the quarter continued to fall into decay, Jordan planned to turn the quarter into a public park.[13]

Notice how Tinmore does not refer to East Jerusalem being under Jordanian control as "occupied "
You haven't been following my posts.

You have condemned Jordan for their occupation ,destruction of Jewish Holy Sites and not allowing Jews to have access to them?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Israel shoots journalists. Palestinian Photographer Abdel Rahman Al-Kahlout was shot by two bullets in both feet at the same time and another rubber-coated metal bullet in the foot.

After Netanyahu announced plan to annex the Jordan Valley, the Israel destroyed olive groves at hilltop owned by Palestinians, days before the planned harvest"

Palestinian men argue with Israeli soldiers during a protest against land seizure in favor of settlement construction near Jerusalem.


Armed robbery.
Israel shoots journalists. Palestinian Photographer Abdel Rahman Al-Kahlout was shot by two bullets in both feet at the same time and another rubber-coated metal bullet in the foot.


This photo isn't matching with known photos of the incident. I smell Pallywood.
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