Palestine Today

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Ahmed was a terrorist..


Not anymore.
Good morning from Palestine. This wonderful olive that Israeli settlers are trying to steal, burn and cut







"Repression" - when you are exposed as a front for a Communist militant group that hijacks planes,
trains kids to stab and shoot mk-47's, while just weeks ago your "activist" murdered a 17 yo girl by detonating a bomb in the middle of a street,

but still cry foul pretending not to understand why the charade is over...

Palestinian mentality all the way :cuckoo:
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And while talking about crying foul...

Lookie lookie who is the dirty racist mouth accusing everyone of double loyalty...


Sure it's just about "impeachment", not that they ever murdered an American president...
no enemies in sight :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
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You keep banging on about something that is not in dispute. Are Jews indigenous to the land? Some are and some aren't.

Palestine is the birthplace of Christianity. I am a Christian. Does that make me indigenous? That would be silly. I can't just kick somebody out of their house and start carrying in furniture.

You just don't understand the term 'indigenous'.
And indigenous status has nothing to do with religion, which again Judaism is not.
Think more 'tribal' and 'cultural'.

For example there're many nations who adhere to Christianity, but once you take it away, and people stop believing their dogmatic tenants, there's nothing common that connects them culturally, no common language, festivals, calendar etc.

Now if you take the Native American or Canadian nations, they can believe in their numerous gods or not, but they remain connected by a common culture that is unique, evolves around and originates in a specific land, and they're still indigenous to that land.

The same with Jews, they can believe in G-d or not believe in G-d at all, but they remain connected to each other through common unique culture that wholly revolves around and originated in one specific land, to which they're indigenous.

Neither does the status of indigeneity refer to personal rights, but that of a collective aka 'tribe', there's no such thing as one Jew being indigenous and one not, they're all collectively an indigenous tribe that adheres to, each one to their extent, and identifies by culture that originated in Israel.

Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are world religions who's goal is to spread among different nations, while Judaism is a tribal culture that preserves a unique nation to its place of origin.

Arabs are collectively and culturally foreigners having spread from Arabian peninsula,
while Jews are collectively and culturally indigenous having originated in Israel.
Arabs are collectively and culturally foreigners having spread from Arabian peninsula,
Palestine is vastly different from Saudi Arabia.

Yeah, they merely speak the same language, celebrate the same holidays, adhere to the same calendar, eat the same foods, listen to the same music, dance the same dances, face the same direction in prayer, and originate from the same tribes.

And that's just from the top of my head... other than that, yeah "vastly different" :3:
OK, but there are no beheadings, no stonings, no escorts required, no dress codes. Women and Christians can own land, homes, and businesses. They can run for and hold any elected office.

There are differences where it matters.
There is this bizarre idea that Muslim Palestinians all came out of the Arabian Peninsula. It is an idea that ignores snd conflates the spread of a culture (arabization) with the actual movements of people. It is just another tool to deny legitimacy.

This attempt to picture Muslim domination over entire continents as sort of jeans becoming a fashion trend is a vulgar insult at basic intelligence.

Arab imperialist expansion is not a "bizarre idea" but a history of colonization of several continents backed by a common supremacist ideology of domination, that brought us the Caliphate and led to eventual genocide of entire cultures.

The father of Palestinian nationalism, Yasser "I don't have Aids" Arafat, literally declared their goal is "one Arab state from Morocco in north Africa to Yemen in south Arabia" revealing the logical conclusion of the same imperialist ideology of competing Arabian tribes seeking domination that resulted in the slaughter of hundreds of millions:

This is exactly how we ended up with one of the biggest Arabian tribe al-Tamimi being both the royals of Qatar, and the ruling religious dynasty of Saudi Arabia, now demanding tiny Israel, the only non-Muslim country in the entire middle east they failed to subjugate, and another Arabian tribe of al-Hussayni already dominating 80% of the land intended for the tiny Jewish nation, aside from Kurds, the only independent indigenous nation standing in their way to complete domination over the entire middle east.

And while talking about crying foul...

Lookie lookie who is the dirty racist mouth accusing everyone of double loyalty...


Sure it's just about "impeachment", not that they ever murdered an American president...
no enemies in sight :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
There you go again. Why don’t quit using the murder of our president for your own propoganda purposes?
Arabs are certainly invaders, but Israel have never invaded a land that didn't belong to their ancestors in the first place. And again it has nothing to do with dates, but with the specific cultures and their birthplaces.

Dr. Nam Greer professor of the Sociology, Anthropology Department in University of Redlands, has worked in protecting the indigenous rights of peoples as disparate as the Mayangna and Miskitú peoples, Native Hawaiians and other ethnic groups on Hawai'i Nei, and the Cahuilla-Serrano people of California.

You keep banging on about something that is not in dispute. Are Jews indigenous to the land? Some are and some aren't.

Palestine is the birthplace of Christianity. I am a Christian. Does that make me indigenous? That would be silly. I can't just kick somebody out of their house and start carrying in furniture.

You just don't understand the term 'indigenous'.
And indigenous status has nothing to do with religion, which again Judaism is not.
Think more 'tribal' and 'cultural'.

For example there're many nations who adhere to Christianity, but once you take it away, and people stop believing their dogmatic tenants, there's nothing common that connects them culturally, no common language, festivals, calendar etc.

Now if you take the Native American or Canadian nations, they can believe in their numerous gods or not, but they remain connected by a common culture that is unique, evolves around and originates in a specific land, and they're still indigenous to that land.

The same with Jews, they can believe in G-d or not believe in G-d at all, but they remain connected to each other through common unique culture that wholly revolves around and originated in one specific land, to which they're indigenous.

Neither does the status of indigeneity refer to personal rights, but that of a collective aka 'tribe', there's no such thing as one Jew being indigenous and one not, they're all collectively an indigenous tribe that adheres to, each one to their extent, and identifies by culture that originated in Israel.

Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are world religions who's goal is to spread among different nations, while Judaism is a tribal culture that preserves a unique nation to its place of origin.

Arabs are collectively and culturally foreigners having spread from Arabian peninsula,
while Jews are collectively and culturally indigenous having originated in Israel.

Arabs are collectively and culturally foreigners having spread from Arabian peninsula,
Palestine is vastly different from Saudi Arabia.

Yeah, they merely speak the same language, celebrate the same holidays, adhere to the same calendar, eat the same foods, listen to the same music, dance the same dances, face the same direction in prayer, and originate from the same tribes.

And that's just from the top of my head... other than that, yeah "vastly different" :3:

OK, but there are no beheadings, no stonings, no escorts required, no dress codes. Women and Christians can own land, homes, and businesses. They can run for and hold any elected office.

There are differences where it matters.

Certainly living by a civilized nation has its effect, they don't sell camel urine anymore as in Saudi Arabia as well.

However all of what you listed was still a reality some 20 yrs ago, and some remain.
When I was a kid I once made a mistake of looking into the dark corners of the internet, namely LiveLeak, to see how it was there...and the gruesome things the entire world seen from Syria were all a celebrated reality.

Public executions in front of mosques and in a street corner are still celebrated.
Some are given the choice to wear a suicide vest instead, as a "privilege" to keeping family honor

There's honor killings in the family as in any Arab society, just weeks ago there was a case of a family throwing a young woman from the building, then murdering her in a hospital, for merely posting picture with her fiance on Facebook, some days before wedding.

Many women are subject to the same dress code as in Saudi Arabia, or simply bought and sold after being used, with their families leaving them for Kuwait and other Gulf countries.

Christians are forced to convert and attacked when not participating in propaganda.
While Israel is the only place in the middle east where Christian community thrives,
under PA and Hamas they're virtually disappearing.

Sharia police is documented every now and then, and and murderers of Christians are commonly praised in songs on government TV.

Mother to children of murderer: “Your father is a hero”
Yasser Rabai'ah – Palestinian terrorist who together with an accomplice murdered Greek Orthodox monk Tsibouktsakis Germanus in an attack on the Jerusalem-Ma'ale Adumim

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And while talking about crying foul...

Lookie lookie who is the dirty racist mouth accusing everyone of double loyalty...


Sure it's just about "impeachment", not that they ever murdered an American president...
no enemies in sight :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
There you go again. Why don’t quit using the murder of our president for your own propoganda purposes?

You seem to be more concerned with me, rather than the candidate you blindly defend promoting those whom the State Dept. designated as enemies, and actually murdered an elected American president.

Mustafa Barghouti: The Palestinian struggle against oppression and occupation - IQ2 debates

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