Palestine Today

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What Arab only settlements?
They are ALL Arab-only settlements. In every area that is even nominally controlled by Arabs -- they are ALL Arab only. The Temple freaking Mount is Arab-only, or close enough, and certainly would be if Arabs actually controlled it.

In what world are you pretending that they are not Arab-only?
History of the Settlement Movement
Following Israel’s resounding victory over the Arab armies in the Six-Day War, strategic concerns led both of Israel’s major political parties - the Labor and Likud - to support and establish settlements at various times. The first settlements were built by Labor governments from 1968 to 1977, with the explicit objective to secure a Jewish majority in key strategic regions of the West Bank - such as the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem corridor - that were the scene of heavy fighting in several of the Arab-Israeli wars. In 1968, only five sparsely populated settlements existed beyond the Green Line.

Okay, so let's talk.

First, about the Green Line. The 1949 Armistice lines were an agreement between Jordan and Egypt (and others, but let's not complicate) and Israel. The lines were nothing more than a mutual agreement to stop fighting. Those lines no longer applied when Jordan and Egypt (and others, but let's not complicate) broke the Armistice Agreement with belligerent action against Israel. And they certainly no longer applied when Jordan and Egypt made peace agreements with Israel. The "Green Line" no longer exists, and hasn't for decades.

Second, the Green Line has NOTHING. AT. ALL. TO. DO. WITH. THE. PALESTINIANS.

Third, the REASON there was only a few sparsely populated places where Jews lived beyond the Green Line between 1948 and 1967 was because all the Jews either fled or were forcibly removed from the area.

Next, let's talk about securing Jewish presence in "key strategic regions". Yep. That's political. Securing the Tel Aviv - Jerusalem corridor -- political. Securing the Jerusalem - Jericho corridor -- political. Securing the Golan Heights -- political. Absolutely. Securing the Jordan Valley -- political. These are security decisions. Places where there WAS heavy fighting or where future heavy fighting is anticipated. I'm not arguing that there are not political aspects to this.

BUT I'm going to argue that the "settlement movement" -- that is -- the DRIVE for the Jewish people to settle their homeland is a movement and not an act of politics or an act of a government asserting sovereignty. (I'd argue the same is true for the Arab Palestinians).

So where does that leave us? Ultimately, there are two peoples who are (at least theoretically) vying for territory on which to establish their self-determination. The final outcome of which territory belongs to which people has yet to be determined. The idea that the Jewish people are obligated to actively sabotage their own self-determination in order to create Jew-free space for the Arab Palestinians to maybe, one-day, eventually, if they feel like it and get around to it instead of trying to just destroy Jews and Israel, is absolutely ludicrous.
What Arab only settlements?
They are ALL Arab-only settlements. In every area that is even nominally controlled by Arabs -- they are ALL Arab only. The Temple freaking Mount is Arab-only, or close enough, and certainly would be if Arabs actually controlled it.

In what world are you pretending that they are not Arab-only?
Area C. The settlement program. The one requiring permits. The sponsored and encouraged by the government. Why no Arab settlements? Why are ONLY Jews allowed to create settlements?
History of the Settlement Movement
Following Israel’s resounding victory over the Arab armies in the Six-Day War, strategic concerns led both of Israel’s major political parties - the Labor and Likud - to support and establish settlements at various times. The first settlements were built by Labor governments from 1968 to 1977, with the explicit objective to secure a Jewish majority in key strategic regions of the West Bank - such as the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem corridor - that were the scene of heavy fighting in several of the Arab-Israeli wars. In 1968, only five sparsely populated settlements existed beyond the Green Line.

Okay, so let's talk.

First, about the Green Line. The 1949 Armistice lines were an agreement between Jordan and Egypt (and others, but let's not complicate) and Israel. The lines were nothing more than a mutual agreement to stop fighting. Those lines no longer applied when Jordan and Egypt (and others, but let's not complicate) broke the Armistice Agreement with belligerent action against Israel. And they certainly no longer applied when Jordan and Egypt made peace agreements with Israel. The "Green Line" no longer exists, and hasn't for decades.

Second, the Green Line has NOTHING. AT. ALL. TO. DO. WITH. THE. PALESTINIANS.

Third, the REASON there was only a few sparsely populated places where Jews lived beyond the Green Line between 1948 and 1967 was because all the Jews either fled or were forcibly removed from the area.

Next, let's talk about securing Jewish presence in "key strategic regions". Yep. That's political. Securing the Tel Aviv - Jerusalem corridor -- political. Securing the Jerusalem - Jericho corridor -- political. Securing the Golan Heights -- political. Absolutely. Securing the Jordan Valley -- political. These are security decisions. Places where there WAS heavy fighting or where future heavy fighting is anticipated. I'm not arguing that there are not political aspects to this.

BUT I'm going to argue that the "settlement movement" -- that is -- the for the Jewish people to settle their homeland is a movement and not an act of politics or an act of a government asserting sovereignty. (I'd argue the same is true for the Arab Palestinians).

So where does that leave us? Ultimately, there are two peoples who are (at least theoretically) vying for territory on which to establish their self-determination. The final outcome of which territory belongs to which people has yet to be determined. The idea that the Jewish people are obligated to actively sabotage their own self-determination in order to create Jew-free space for the Arab Palestinians to maybe, one-day, eventually, if they feel like it and get around to it instead of trying to just destroy Jews and Israel, is absolutely ludicrous.

I am going to dispute that. It is very much a political program designed to alter the regional demographics. Jews were driven out in the war, so were Arabs. Both Arabs and Jews have long established old communities. Those are not settlements (or outposts).

“Facts on the ground”.

If it were not political, why are Arabs not granted permits to settle in Area C?
What Arab only settlements?
They are ALL Arab-only settlements. In every area that is even nominally controlled by Arabs -- they are ALL Arab only. The Temple freaking Mount is Arab-only, or close enough, and certainly would be if Arabs actually controlled it.

In what world are you pretending that they are not Arab-only?
Area C. The settlement program. The one requiring permits. The sponsored and encouraged by the government. Why no Arab settlements? Why are ONLY Jews allowed to create settlements?

You keep repeating the same question ad nauseam as if it wasn't already answered a dozen times.

First of all to permit something one has to request and present a planned project,
which Arab citizens of Israel don't.

Second the PA with the funding from the EU and the Arab League,
DOES establish Arab-only settlements in Area C, and everywhere they hold control.


But you don't ask why the PA doesn't permit Jews to build or even live in Ramallah,
you just take it for granted - therefore double standards.
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What Arab only settlements?
They are ALL Arab-only settlements. In every area that is even nominally controlled by Arabs -- they are ALL Arab only. The Temple freaking Mount is Arab-only, or close enough, and certainly would be if Arabs actually controlled it.

In what world are you pretending that they are not Arab-only?
Area C. The settlement program. The one requiring permits. The sponsored and encouraged by the government. Why no Arab settlements? Why are ONLY Jews allowed to create settlements?

You keep repeating the same question ad nauseam as if it wasn't already answered a dozen times.

First of all to permit something one has to request and present a planned project,
which Arab citizens of Israel don't.

Second the PA with the funding from the EU and the Arab League,
DOES establish Arab-only settlements in Area C, and everywhere they hold control.


But you don't ask why the PA doesn't permit Jews to build or even live in Ramallah,
you just take it for granted - therefore double standards.

Nor does she ask about the PLO Official Policy that if they ever do get E. Jerusalem Jews will not be permitted at the Western Wall
They will probably be forbidden from their other Holy Sites just like they were before 1967
What ; no Comment? How typical
What Arab only settlements?
They are ALL Arab-only settlements. In every area that is even nominally controlled by Arabs -- they are ALL Arab only. The Temple freaking Mount is Arab-only, or close enough, and certainly would be if Arabs actually controlled it.

In what world are you pretending that they are not Arab-only?
Area C. The settlement program. The one requiring permits. The sponsored and encouraged by the government. Why no Arab settlements? Why are ONLY Jews allowed to create settlements?

You keep repeating the same question ad nauseam as if it wasn't already answered a dozen times.

First of all to permit something one has to request and present a planned project,
which Arab citizens of Israel don't.

Second the PA with the funding from the EU and the Arab League,
DOES establish Arab-only settlements in Area C, and everywhere they hold control.


But you don't ask why the PA doesn't permit Jews to build or even live in Ramallah,
you just take it for granted - therefore double standards.

Nor does she ask about the PLO Official Policy that if they ever do get E. Jerusalem Jews will not be permitted at the Western Wall
They will probably be forbidden from their other Holy Sites just like they were before 1967
What ; no Comment? How typical

Exactly, she bashes Israel for not granting permits to its Arab citizens to build in Judea,
that they have not requested in the first place.

Yet has no problem that PA demands Jew-free land as precondition to "self determination", or that they have capital punishment for selling, leasing or even renting homes to Jews.

She figures..."blame the Jews"
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Jerusalem Archbishop Christians worldwide must reject israel's occupation of Palestine

The Palestinian Separation Wall in Bethlehem, Palestine

There's a wall because the Pals are animals, but you knew that already, didn't you?

I don't know if you were answering sarcastically or sincerely, but that is actually true. Suicide bombings against Israelis went down drastically since the wall was built. Plus, the savage Arabs have tried to destroy Rachel's Tomb many times. Wouldn't Christians try to protect a memorial to the Virgin Mary?
What Arab only settlements?
They are ALL Arab-only settlements. In every area that is even nominally controlled by Arabs -- they are ALL Arab only. The Temple freaking Mount is Arab-only, or close enough, and certainly would be if Arabs actually controlled it.

In what world are you pretending that they are not Arab-only?
Area C. The settlement program. The one requiring permits. The sponsored and encouraged by the government. Why no Arab settlements? Why are ONLY Jews allowed to create settlements?
Why do you keep repeating the same lies over and over again? All Israelis have the same rights. Were you not so profoundly racist, you would be asking why Arab Israelis choose not to move to Judea and Samaria.
What Arab only settlements?
They are ALL Arab-only settlements. In every area that is even nominally controlled by Arabs -- they are ALL Arab only. The Temple freaking Mount is Arab-only, or close enough, and certainly would be if Arabs actually controlled it.

In what world are you pretending that they are not Arab-only?
Area C. The settlement program. The one requiring permits. The sponsored and encouraged by the government. Why no Arab settlements? Why are ONLY Jews allowed to create settlements?
Why do you keep repeating the same lies over and over again? All Israelis have the same rights. Were you not so profoundly racist, you would be asking why Arab Israelis choose not to move to Judea and Samaria.

Because Israeli Arabs have quite comfortable lives in Israel proper. Just ask Mohammed Zoabi.
Israeli bullshit, of course. The PA only (almost) controls only 18% of the Bethlehem governorate. The rest of it is Israel fucking over the Christians.

Or maybe you Jihadi filth are just incapable of saying truth...

Israel is in fact the only country in the entire middle east
where the Christian population is actually growing.
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What is Tlaib talking about, her people demand ANOTHER Jew-free state
as a precondition for "self-determination", then she is the one whining about segregation??

Frigging hypocrites.

Tinmore NEVER has anything to say about it

Or this; What he is emotionally and intellectually incapable of discussing is why if the Palestinians want to promote " peace" why this official stance and why Israel should accept it

PA officials: Jews have ‘no right to pray’ at Western Wall
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