Palestine Today

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41% of Palestinians around the world are refugees who were forced to flee their homeland since 1948, under threat of persecution,conflict and war.
all our refugees are victims of Israel terrorism ,but we keep our right of return alive through hope and resistance.

Israel has been following a demolition policy targeting everything owned by Palestinians, to force them leave their properties and allow illegal Jewish settlers to replace them.

Foreign troops in Palestine.

Palestine is just a state of mind. There is Israel and the disputed territories (some of which is about to become Israel) and if Israeli troops were not there, the Arabs would have a civil war as they did in Gaza and Hamas would have hung Abbas' bullet riddled body from an olive tree.
41% of Palestinians around the world are refugees who were forced to flee their homeland since 1948, under threat of persecution,conflict and war.
all our refugees are victims of Israel terrorism ,but we keep our right of return alive through hope and resistance.


YAWN..... Live in peace with their Neighbors . Keep dreaming !
Foreign troops in Palestine.

Palestine is just a state of mind. There is Israel and the disputed territories (some of which is about to become Israel) and if Israeli troops were not there, the Arabs would have a civil war as they did in Gaza and Hamas would have hung Abbas' bullet riddled body from an olive tree.

Right after the Oslo Accords, the Arabs in the disputed territories started a crazy and savage suicide bombing campaign against the Israelis, who have still not recovered from that trauma to this day. And now the PA (who are the supposed "good guys") have a "pay to slay" program going on. If the West Bank Arabs can ever get their act together and act like civilized, Westernized human beings, perhaps an agreement can finally be worked out.
41% of Palestinians around the world are refugees who were forced to flee their homeland since 1948, under threat of persecution,conflict and war.
all our refugees are victims of Israel terrorism ,but we keep our right of return alive through hope and resistance.


Arabs have no one to blame but themselves,
in fact the number of Jews they expelled was greater than the number of Arabs fleeing on their orders.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Aref Jaber is a very well known propaganda journalist and member of the radical leftist in the Human Rights Defenders Group (HRG). The HRG is a small fragment of the larger (but mostly dormant) organization known as the Human Rights Defenders (HRD). Like our friend "P F Tinmore," the HRG specializes in making one-line comments about events such as this, WITHOUT the backstory or context behind the event as recorded here.

Israeli soldier assaults human rights activist Aref Jaber to prevent him from documenting the Israeli demolition of an agricultural pool in Hebron on Tuesday.


Organizations like the HRG, and others, are a scrambled subculture or those people who believe they are on a crusade to save (whatever their conception of "Palestine" might be) by presenting their subjective influence in the manner they wish. They are mindlessly operating in the realm of direct or indirect manipulative and dissemination of disinformation.

The only purpose a photo, supra, without the story → is to allow the imagination to processes as it will; not necessarily what is real. The only commentary to the photo is that the Israelis are demolishing an agricultural pool (nfi). It tells us virtually nothing about the who in the Joint Civil Government ordered the demolition, what the purpose of the authorized demolition, or why the necessity. Instead, there is merely the unsupported assumption made that it is illegal; without citation.

What I see is a policeman (not a soldier) and cameraman struggling over a bag of some sort.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Aref Jaber is a very well known propaganda journalist and member of the radical leftist in the Human Rights Defenders Group (HRG). The HRG is a small fragment of the larger (but mostly dormant) organization known as the Human Rights Defenders (HRD). Like our friend "P F Tinmore," the HRG specializes in making one-line comments about events such as this, WITHOUT the backstory or context behind the event as recorded here.

Israeli soldier assaults human rights activist Aref Jaber to prevent him from documenting the Israeli demolition of an agricultural pool in Hebron on Tuesday.


Organizations like the HRG, and others, are a scrambled subculture or those people who believe they are on a crusade to save (whatever their conception of "Palestine" might be) by presenting their subjective influence in the manner they wish. They are mindlessly operating in the realm of direct or indirect manipulative and dissemination of disinformation.

The only purpose a photo, supra, without the story → is to allow the imagination to processes as it will; not necessarily what is real. The only commentary to the photo is that the Israelis are demolishing an agricultural pool (nfi). It tells us virtually nothing about the who in the Joint Civil Government ordered the demolition, what the purpose of the authorized demolition, or why the necessity. Instead, there is merely the unsupported assumption made that it is illegal; without citation.

What I see is a policeman (not a soldier) and cameraman struggling over a bag of some sort.

Most Respectfully,
Who sez?

You should REALLY read what you post before you do it. The claim is that Israelis and the Palestinians can't SHARE the West Bank peacefully . The Palestinians don't want Israel to have any part of the W. Bank; not even the Jewish Quarter :auiqs.jpg:
How many Area C settlements include Arabs?

How many settlements are Jewish only?

How many are Arab only?

Your hypocrisy is in calling out Jews for Jewish-only settlements while failing to call out Arabs for Arab-only settlements in Area C (and Areas A and B and Gaza and the entire ME).

How is it hypocritical?

It is hypocritical in that you complain about "Jew-only settlements" but never seem to mention Arab-only settlements (despite the actual difference in law in those settlements).

Its hypocritical in that you demand equality between Jews and Arabs in Israel and Area C while supporting and insisting upon the maintenance of Jew-free zones in Areas A, B, C, and Gaza.

Its hypocritical because you ignore the reality that segregation of Jews and Arabs is largely both mutually agreeable and mutually sought after, and that there is a WAR on-going between these two peoples.

And its hypocritical because you never seem to acknowledge the illegal building by Arabs, often aided by the international community and NGOs illegally interfering in Israel's sovereign rights.

The settlement program is a POLITICAL program. Not a random migration of peoples into new areas.
It is not a political program. A political program would be a government transferring portions of its population to another territory in order to establish a claim. (See Morocco and Western Sahara). Israel and the Jewish people already have a claim. They have, by far, the BEST claim. By right and not on sufferance.

The settlement of Judea and Samaria by the Jewish people is not a political program -- its a program of asserting the historical, national and sovereign rights in the homeland of the Jewish people. It is lead, largely, by the Jewish people themselves (though Israel, of course, must adapt and make response as appropriate).

Why would the Jewish people, as individuals and collectively, obligated to refrain from living in parts of their homeland? Why is Israel obligated to actively prevent Jews from living in parts of their own homeland? They aren't. And she isn't.

So..why no Hill Top Arab settlements?
Well, there are, of course. There are also encroachments from Areas A and B into Area C, which are permitted by Israel. You just don't like to acknowledge them. But I'd also suggest you consider how Arab Palestinians are likely to treat Arabs building a town with the explicit intention of annexation for Israel.
What Arab only settlements?

And yes it is a political program.

Facts About Jewish Settlements in the West Bank
History of the Settlement Movement
Following Israel’s resounding victory over the Arab armies in the Six-Day War, strategic concerns led both of Israel’s major political parties - the Labor and Likud - to support and establish settlements at various times. The first settlements were built by Labor governments from 1968 to 1977, with the explicit objective to secure a Jewish majority in key strategic regions of the West Bank - such as the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem corridor - that were the scene of heavy fighting in several of the Arab-Israeli wars. In 1968, only five sparsely populated settlements existed beyond the Green Line.
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Israeli Occupation Court sentences child Abdel Jaber Yassin (15 years) from Nablus to 4 months in prison and fines 3,000 NIS

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

BLUF: Yes! (With the reservations as noted.)

I would agree that, in certain settlement areas (certainly not all), there appears to exist a cultural "feud" (prolonged hostility) between the Jewish Settlers and the localized Arab Palestinians. This is not so different from the clan conflicts in the Northern Appalachian Mountains in America (the Hatfield 'v' McCoy controversy being one of the most famous). But just as the clan feuds of the Northern Appalachian Mountains were localized and not indicative of the overall relationship between the two general populations, the long persistence of clan-like confrontations has reached epic proportions, not unlike Northern Appalachian Mountain feuds (ie Hatfield-McCoy).

Then would you agree that Jewish stone throwers (as in the settlers stoning Palestinians) acting the same as the Palestinians?

The very poor analysis (by both sides and media observers seeking fame) of the adverse confrontations between the Israeli Settler 'v' Local Arab Palestinians in now almost indistinguishable from the reasons and political framework of the overarching nature of the generalized acts of terror between the major terrorist groups and government-sponsored terrorism directed against the Israeli civilian population.


The feud between the Jewish Settlers and the localized Arab Palestinians is NOT strictly for the same purposes as that expressed by the Negotiation Affairs Department (PLO-NAD). It is very similar (in many cases) to the complexion behind the "Wyoming Range War" typified by the 'INVADER" notion between the new Farming Homesteaders and the Cattleman Barons of the Stock-Grower's Association. Similarly, there was an atmosphere of corruptions, intimidation, and political conniving manipulators (AKA: Robber Barons) that fleeced property owners, farmers, and ranchers for railroad right-of-ways; or that of the organized criminal claim jumpers for gold and silver mining; or that of the land grabbing of oil-rich land from the American Indians. All these examples used an element of induced terror to accomplish the end result. Why? (RHETORICAL) Because of the overt nature of the activity. And while everyone looked one the criminal takeover of Chicago and the Tammany Hall political corruption New York political machine were done in the open (meaning everyone understood the illegal shadow of the activities), often maintaining control through intimidation and murder (ie "terrorism").

Today, the criminal gangs of Los Angeles use terrorism to maintain their control over large expanses of the area and prevent enforcement and prosecution for their activities. This is done through neighborhood intimidation through terrorism. Again, this is not considered. But you can go into any of the street gang territories (of any color and ethnicity) and feel the impact.

The application of the description of terrorism has to be focused on the type, kind, and magnitude.

Most Respectfully,
I find the parallels interesting but I am not sure I understand. Palestinian civilians being stoned by Jewish settlers(to the extent soldiers must escort children to school and the Israeli government seems incapable of or lacking the will to stop it) ... how does that relate to what you said?
How many Area C settlements include Arabs?

How many settlements are Jewish only?

How many are Arab only?

Your hypocrisy is in calling out Jews for Jewish-only settlements while failing to call out Arabs for Arab-only settlements in Area C (and Areas A and B and Gaza and the entire ME).

How is it hypocritical?

It is hypocritical in that you complain about "Jew-only settlements" but never seem to mention Arab-only settlements (despite the actual difference in law in those settlements).

Its hypocritical in that you demand equality between Jews and Arabs in Israel and Area C while supporting and insisting upon the maintenance of Jew-free zones in Areas A, B, C, and Gaza.

Its hypocritical because you ignore the reality that segregation of Jews and Arabs is largely both mutually agreeable and mutually sought after, and that there is a WAR on-going between these two peoples.

And its hypocritical because you never seem to acknowledge the illegal building by Arabs, often aided by the international community and NGOs illegally interfering in Israel's sovereign rights.

The settlement program is a POLITICAL program. Not a random migration of peoples into new areas.
It is not a political program. A political program would be a government transferring portions of its population to another territory in order to establish a claim. (See Morocco and Western Sahara). Israel and the Jewish people already have a claim. They have, by far, the BEST claim. By right and not on sufferance.

The settlement of Judea and Samaria by the Jewish people is not a political program -- its a program of asserting the historical, national and sovereign rights in the homeland of the Jewish people. It is lead, largely, by the Jewish people themselves (though Israel, of course, must adapt and make response as appropriate).

Why would the Jewish people, as individuals and collectively, obligated to refrain from living in parts of their homeland? Why is Israel obligated to actively prevent Jews from living in parts of their own homeland? They aren't. And she isn't.

So..why no Hill Top Arab settlements?
Well, there are, of course. There are also encroachments from Areas A and B into Area C, which are permitted by Israel. You just don't like to acknowledge them. But I'd also suggest you consider how Arab Palestinians are likely to treat Arabs building a town with the explicit intention of annexation for Israel.

I don’t acknowledge whatI don’t know about so, specifically what encroachments?

Why don’t Arabs get permits to build in area C?
Israeli Occupation Court sentences child Abdel Jaber Yassin (15 years) from Nablus to 4 months in prison and fines 3,000 NIS


One of the big problems with the military justice system (as opposed to Israel’s civilian justice system) is in its treatment of juveniles. Most Israeli juveniles are released to the custody of their families for the period between arrest and trial. Not so with Palestinians under military justice, and the result is they are often pressured to plead guilty in exchange for the promise of a reduced sentence.

Minors in Jeopardy
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