Palestine Today

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‘Palestine From the River to the Sea’ Has Always Been a Call for Annihilation Not Liberation | Jewish Journal

Justice has already spoken when they fired him.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America
What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America
What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.


That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America
What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

To answer your question one would have to justify and explain this which is only one example . Your " question" actually condones the Mass killing of Jews during WW 11

Another small example, Does this answer your rather stupid bigoted question?

Antisemitism in Europe - Wikipedia
Life of muslim children in occupied Palestine, Israel forces are real terrorists

Mothers’ feelings when sons are martyred: “Palestine is one, the sons are many”‎ | PMW Translations

This is how much Palestinian's " love" their Children :auiqs.jpg:

Obviously there are things more important than life itself.
Life is temporary, and society, culture, family, tribe, etc., are the only things permanent and worth sacrificing for.
But justice is even more important, and Israel is violating justice.

With that Palestinian Mentality, you would think that there are things more important then Human life; especially when it comes to your Children

That is silly because all countries send their children off to die when there is a war.
All countries, societies, cultures, etc., consider there are things more important than life.
If there were not true, then there would never be a war or rebellion.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Hebron is just one example,
Scary Israeli settler angrily shouts at Jerusalemite woman as she attempts to enter Al Aqsa Mosque.


2009 Temple Mount riots - Wikipedia

A Israeli Settler SHOUTS at a woman attempting to enter the Mosque?

Is that the best you can do ? Do you condemn the Palestinian Violence? Of course not.
Since you're against " Apartheid" what would be wrong with giving Israelis equal Rights to their Religious Site?
There will be no response; there never is

There is no significant Palestinian violence to condemn.
Retaliating against criminal actions is not violence.
The Zionists started everything, and therefore bear all the responsibility for everything they caused.

There is no known Jewish religious site anywhere in Palestine.
The Temple Mount is likely where Herod's palace was, not the Temple of Solomon.
No one has any idea where that might have been at any time, since there were 2 different ones.

The Wailing Wall is neither Jewish nor religious.
It is a foundation by the Phoenicians or Canaanites, predating the Hebrew invasion by over 300 years.

There are no known Religious Jewish Sites in Israel including E. Jerusalem? Thank you for displaying your ignorance, bigotry, and hate

That is a lie.
The Hebron riot of 1929 was started by a Zionist killing an Arab merchant.
And the proof it was started by armed Zionists is that the death rate was about 30 on each side, even though the Arabs out numbered the Jews by 10 to 1 and could easily have massacred them all if they wanted to.

Zionists are claiming late Roman sites as Jewish sites, and are invalid.
Herod for example, was Roman and only converted to Judaism out of convenience.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America

You are just reading Holocaust Museum propaganda, which is worse than useless.
Read something more neutral, like wikipedia.

History of the Jews in Spain - Wikipedia

Its not sugar coated or ideal, but clearly Palestine was also willingly accepting Jews.
It is only after Jews started killing and taking over in Palestine, that there were problems.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America

You can't help yourself; Lying just comes so easily to you

General Franco gave list of Spanish Jews to Nazis

No, you are lying.
Franco did not expel or intern any Jews.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America
What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.


That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America
What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

To answer your question one would have to justify and explain this which is only one example . Your " question" actually condones the Mass killing of Jews during WW 11

Another small example, Does this answer your rather stupid bigoted question?

Antisemitism in Europe - Wikipedia

That is a foolish answer.
Germany was about the LEAST discriminatory against Jews before WWI.
It was Zionist treachery during WWI that turned all Germans against Jews.
For example, in return for the Balfour Declaration by the British, Chaim Weizman gave the British the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and some unnamed Zionist stole the Zimmerman Letter from Berlin, and gave it to the British.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Hebron is just one example,
Scary Israeli settler angrily shouts at Jerusalemite woman as she attempts to enter Al Aqsa Mosque.


2009 Temple Mount riots - Wikipedia

A Israeli Settler SHOUTS at a woman attempting to enter the Mosque?

Is that the best you can do ? Do you condemn the Palestinian Violence? Of course not.
Since you're against " Apartheid" what would be wrong with giving Israelis equal Rights to their Religious Site?
There will be no response; there never is

There is no significant Palestinian violence to condemn.
Retaliating against criminal actions is not violence.
The Zionists started everything, and therefore bear all the responsibility for everything they caused.

There is no known Jewish religious site anywhere in Palestine.
The Temple Mount is likely where Herod's palace was, not the Temple of Solomon.
No one has any idea where that might have been at any time, since there were 2 different ones.

The Wailing Wall is neither Jewish nor religious.
It is a foundation by the Phoenicians or Canaanites, predating the Hebrew invasion by over 300 years.

There are no known Religious Jewish Sites in Israel including E. Jerusalem? Thank you for displaying your ignorance, bigotry, and hate

Jewish Holy Sites Archives - iTravelJerusalem

That is a lie.
The Hebron riot of 1929 was started by a Zionist killing an Arab merchant.
And the proof it was started by armed Zionists is that the death rate was about 30 on each side, even though the Arabs out numbered the Jews by 10 to 1 and could easily have massacred them all if they wanted to.

Zionists are claiming late Roman sites as Jewish sites, and are invalid.
Herod for example, was Roman and only converted to Judaism out of convenience.

Know when a Pro Palestinian lies? When they open their mouth . The above are not " Roman Sites"

1929: Hebron massacre begins, with a big push from the mufti

Hebron did not start with a " Zionist" killing an Arab

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America
What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.


That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America
What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

To answer your question one would have to justify and explain this which is only one example . Your " question" actually condones the Mass killing of Jews during WW 11

Another small example, Does this answer your rather stupid bigoted question?

Antisemitism in Europe - Wikipedia

That is a foolish answer.
Germany was about the LEAST discriminatory against Jews before WWI.
It was Zionist treachery during WWI that turned all Germans against Jews.
For example, in return for the Balfour Declaration by the British, Chaim Weizman gave the British the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and some unnamed Zionist stole the Zimmerman Letter from Berlin, and gave it to the British.

This is what Chaim Weizman did. Your point?

Discovery of synthetic acetone He is considered to be the father of industrial fermentation. He used the bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum (the Weizmann organism) to produce acetone. ... After the Shell Crisis of 1915 during World War I, Weizmann was director of the British Admiralty laboratories from 1916 until 1919.

What " Zionist" stole the Zimmerman letter? The more you post the more you lie

Please tell us what the Jews did before 1925 to legitimize his beliefs. In your warped " mind" you will think of something

In Mein Kampf, Hitler used the main thesis of "the Jewish peril", which posits a Jewish conspiracy to gain world leadership.[9] The narrative describes the process by which he became increasingly antisemitic and militaristic, especially during his years in Vienna. He speaks of not having met a Jew until he arrived in Vienna, and that at first his attitude was liberal and tolerant. When he first encountered the antisemitic press, he says, he dismissed it as unworthy of serious consideration. Later he accepted the same antisemitic views, which became crucial to his program of national reconstruction of Germany.

Mein Kampf has also been studied as a work on political theory. For example, Hitler announces his hatred of what he believed to be the world's two evils: Communism and Judaism.

In the book Hitler blamed Germany's chief woes on the parliament of the Weimar Republic, the Jews, and Social Democrats, as well as Marxists, though he believed that Marxists, Social Democrats, and the parliament were all working for Jewish interests.[10] He announced that he wanted to completely destroy the parliamentary system, believing it to be corrupt in principle, as those who reach power are inherent opportunists.

While historians dispute the exact date Hitler decided to exterminate the Jewish people, few place the decision before the mid-1930s.[11] First published in 1925, Mein Kampf shows Hitler's personal grievances and his ambitions for creating a New Order.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

That obviously is a lie.
Arab Muslims controlled all of Palestine, including any Jews living there, in the 1920s and before, so clearly Jews have never been in danger from Arab Muslims.
If there had been any hint of risk, then Jews would not have emigrated there before and after WWII.
Instead they would have gone to Spain, Madagascar, Uruguay, and the hundreds of other countries that wanted them.

Another lie. Jewish immigration to Latin America was Limited at best . Spain wanted them?? :auiqs.jpg:

Refuge in Latin America

You can't help yourself; Lying just comes so easily to you

General Franco gave list of Spanish Jews to Nazis

No, you are lying.
Franco did not expel or intern any Jews.

You are the liar
General Franco gave list of Spanish Jews to Nazis
What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.

That's like asking why women are raped every where in the world. Must be something women are doing wrong.


I agree with that.

Hating individuals is understandable.

But if an entire ethnic group - you have to question the stereotypes and canards....and so often it turns into blaming the hated.

People are individuals, not just groups.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

Yes, this is one of those questions that may be explained and resolved in different ways.

What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.

That's like asking why women are raped every where in the world. Must be something women are doing wrong.


I agree with that.

Hating individuals is understandable.

But if an entire ethnic group - you have to question the stereotypes and canards....and so often it turns into blaming the hated.

People are individuals, not just groups.

This is a matter of "bias." Which model car do you like? Well, what I like or dislike in a car is (in all probability) not universally agreed upon. You may like a "Ford" where as I like a "Chevy." And my wife just bought a "Jeep." Which answer is the correct answer? Which perspective is the correct perspective?

Just as cars have differing characteristics, → to say there is an ethnic component to the answer to a question is to cite some intrinsically different characteristic which impacts the individual consideration or has some meaning. Similarly, "color" has an impact. I happen to like the color "blue." But my sister has always bought a "red" car. You can easily see that one color is no less right than the other. It is a matter of preference.

People ARE individuals (as Coyote says). And there will be these kinds of disagreements for well into the future. When these types of disputes are no more, then the fundamental nature of humanity will have changed.

Most Respectfully,
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