Palestine Today

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

Yes, this is one of those questions that may be explained and resolved in different ways.

What is it like being hated every place you go? I would look into why that happens.

That's like asking why women are raped every where in the world. Must be something women are doing wrong.


I agree with that.

Hating individuals is understandable.

But if an entire ethnic group - you have to question the stereotypes and canards....and so often it turns into blaming the hated.

People are individuals, not just groups.

This is a matter of "bias." Which model car do you like? Well, what I like or dislike in a car is (in all probability) not universally agreed upon. You may like a "Ford" where as I like a "Chevy." And my wife just bought a "Jeep." Which answer is the correct answer? Which perspective is the correct perspective?

Just as cars have differing characteristics, → to say there is an ethnic component to the answer to a question is to cite some intrinsically different characteristic which impacts the individual consideration or has some meaning. Similarly, "color" has an impact. I happen to like the color "blue." But my sister has always bought a "red" car. You can easily see that one color is no less right than the other. It is a matter of preference.

People ARE individuals (as Coyote says). And there will be these kinds of disagreements for well into the future. When these types of disputes are no more, then the fundamental nature of humanity will have changed.

Most Respectfully,

“Jeep” is always the correct answer. Your wife wins.
Rare Video Nelson Mandela BREAKS SILENCE on Palestine.

This is actually funny. In his beloved Country of S. Africa it's legal to take Farmland away from Whites and give it to Blacks in the name of " justice" yet he comments on Israel?
At least he is now in a place where he can't be heard

A lie of course.
What is actually banned is incitement to murder and racism.

No one is "threatening your right to boycott" anyone, as long as you don't use the govt. budget to force others to discriminate as well.

In fact, I dare all BDS-holes to actually do as they say,
please stop using all Israeli products, and report back from that cave.

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