Palestine Today

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Wait.,,,,, Regarding Anti Semitic attacks that are happening all over ( Not Israeli) your comment was again( “ I don’t go there; not my problem”
I am out of that circle. There is nothing I can do about that.

Thank you for proving my point. Obviously no one is asking you to do " anything" about it but it can still be condemned. Why can't you? It's because your a Hypocrite
Now answer my question; Why should I then care about ANY Palestinian death? There is nothing I can do about that
Well, you could stop cheering.
The Process: Will the Palestine/Israel Conflict Ever End? (Global Documentary) | Real Stories

Ask any Pro Palestinian even if Israel met all their demands( they won't) how it could ever reasonably end and there will be no response especially Tinmore

The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine. Yasser Arafat Quotes - InspyreApp | Inspyre

BTW, this does not fall under the U. N. Definition of “ International Law “ ; proof those words aren’t worth the peace of paper it’s written on

Ask Tinmore why he thinks this is funny and there will be no response
Wait.,,,,, Regarding Anti Semitic attacks that are happening all over ( Not Israeli) your comment was again( “ I don’t go there; not my problem”
I am out of that circle. There is nothing I can do about that.

Thank you for proving my point. Obviously no one is asking you to do " anything" about it but it can still be condemned. Why can't you? It's because your a Hypocrite
Now answer my question; Why should I then care about ANY Palestinian death? There is nothing I can do about that
Well, you could stop cheering.

Deflection . Tell me one reason why I should “ care”.
Wait.,,,,, Regarding Anti Semitic attacks that are happening all over ( Not Israeli) your comment was again( “ I don’t go there; not my problem”
I am out of that circle. There is nothing I can do about that.

Thank you for proving my point. Obviously no one is asking you to do " anything" about it but it can still be condemned. Why can't you? It's because your a Hypocrite
Now answer my question; Why should I then care about ANY Palestinian death? There is nothing I can do about that
Well, you could stop cheering.

Deflection . Tell me one reason why I should “ care”.
Moral values.
The Movement and the Middle East: How the Arab-Israeli Conflict Divided the American Left


Jewish Voice for Peace
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Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar was released from an Israeli prison where she was held for almost two years without charge or trial. Her case is not unique! it's crucial to remember it is the norm for Israel to detain Palestinians for indefinite periods without being charged.

Wait.,,,,, Regarding Anti Semitic attacks that are happening all over ( Not Israeli) your comment was again( “ I don’t go there; not my problem”
I am out of that circle. There is nothing I can do about that.

Thank you for proving my point. Obviously no one is asking you to do " anything" about it but it can still be condemned. Why can't you? It's because your a Hypocrite
Now answer my question; Why should I then care about ANY Palestinian death? There is nothing I can do about that
Well, you could stop cheering.

Deflection . Tell me one reason why I should “ care”.
Moral values.

You’ve admitted you don’t care about Israeli deaths or Innocent Jews ( not Israelis) being the Victims of Antisemitism to the point where they are murdered and YOU talk about “
Moral Values?”
Talk about Racism and Hypocrisy
The sooner the so-called 'Palestinians' are pushed to the east side of the Jordan River the sooner this goes away. :21:

2020 - 1949 = 71 years of listening to these Neanderthal squatter-losers whining and pissing and moaning is quite enough.

Time to cut the Gordian Knot and get rid of them... buy-out those who want the money, and run the others out at gunpoint.

The Jordanians granted them all citizenship decades ago... and that jives with the old 1922 League of Nations partition proposal.


The Jordanians should absorb the 'population bubble', take some grant money from Israel et al to help them adapt, and be done with it.

Hell, according to the so-called 'Palestinians' own propaganda maps, there isn't enough land left to make a viable state anyway...


...and it's not like they're going to ever, ever get any of it back.

Recently, more of the world has recognized Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel...

Recently, the Israelis are preparing massive large-scale annexations of much of what little is left of the West Bank...

And, given that most of the Muslim-Arab countries of the region have degenerated into weak, chaotic tribal-warfare cesspools...

It's not like any of the Arab Legions of old are going to be mustering anytime soon to come to the rescue of those fools...

It's been tried... repeatedly... and the Arabs have had their asses handed to them by the IDF... repeatedly...

It's all over... Israel has won... it's now merely a matter of those fools in Gaza and (what little is left of) the West Bank realizing it...

There is no future for so-called Palestinians where they are now... time to leave...

Any Pali with an ounce of common sense and two shekels to rub together needs to get his people the hell out of there while they still can.

These are accurate maps of Areas A, B, and C in the West Bank. But the population there is still very large.
Correct. Until they are expelled. By force.
Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar was released from an Israeli prison where she was held for almost two years without charge or trial. Her case is not unique! it's crucial to remember it is the norm for Israel to detain Palestinians for indefinite periods without being charged.

Blah, blah, endless frigging blah...

Thank you for another stupid post. One Palestinian admitted that Arafat’s goal was NOT the “ 67 Borders” we hear about so often but the 48
Another one admitted with “ Right of Return” Israelis and Arabs can’t live together ; it’s “ our land and they don’t belong here “ and the long term goal would be to kick the Israelis out driving them right into the sea. :auiqs.jpg:

Live in peace with your neighbors?” :113::113::113:
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