Palestine Today

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Oh you poor Jihadi shill...

Wonder why they always blurr those stamps?
Because even on them it ALWAYS said "LAND OF ISRAEL" both in Hebrew and Arabic:


Including the birth certificates - says "LAND OF ISRAEL" in Hebrew and Arabic:


That currency that idiot Arabs present as "Palestinian" says "LAND OF ISRAEL",
and was issued by Bank Leumi


Know Your History: Even the Term “Free Palestine” Was Co-opted From the Jews

“Free, free Palestine!”
These are the words shouted out by Israel haters worldwide, more often than not an expression of their wish for the destruction of the state of Israel.

But did you know the first use of the words “Free Palestine” were for the exact opposite objective?

American League for a Free Palestine (ALFP) was created in July 1944, by Peter H Bergson (formerly Hillel Kook), for the purpose of supporting and funding his Hebrew Committee of National Liberation in Palestine. The ALFP attracted Jewish and non-Jewish members from all occupations, but especially those in politics and entertainment. The ALFP’s most notable achievement was the work of award winning playwright and director Ben Hecht, a member of the league. Hecht wrote A Flag is Born to propagandize the cause by comparing the fight for a free Palestine against the British to the American Revolution. With money raised from the production of the play, the league purchased a boat for the aliyah of Holocaust survivors from France. The group dissolved in December 1948 as the goal of the league had been achieved.

Do you think the Jews of the time would have named their movement this way had there been a distinguishable group of Arabs identifying as “palestinians”, who had run a state called “Palestine”?


During the Jewish holiday of Passover in 2002, Park Hotel in the Israeli coastal city of Netanya held its traditional annual Passover seder for its 250 guests, in the hotel dining room located at the ground floor of the hotel.


On the evening of 27 March 2002, a Palestinian bomber, Abdel-Basset Odeh (or Abd Al-Baset Odeh), disguised as a woman approached the hotel carrying a suitcase which contained powerful explosives.

The suicide bomber managed to pass the security guard at the entrance to a hotel, then he walked through the lobby passing the reception desk and entered the hotel's crowded dining room.


Passover Suicide Bombing
Palestinian Activist Yaser Mazhar Calls on Palestinians to Carry out Suicide Bombings in Israel

Yaser Mazhar, the Director of the Communications Department of the Muhjat Al-Quds Foundation, was interviewed on Al-Quds Al-Youm TV (Islamic Jihad - Gaza), which is headquartered in Lebanon. Mazhar and the show host, Majed Al-Babili, discussed the 1996 suicide bombing at Dizengoff Center in Tel Aviv that killed 13 people and injured 130 others.

Saying that the Islamic Jihad had carried out the operation, they praised the terrorist and terrorists who have carried out similar attacks, and Mazhar said that martyrdom operations bring a lot of joy to the Palestinian people. He recalled how Palestinians have handed out sweets throughout their provinces in celebration of terrorist attacks, and he called on Palestinians in the West Bank to carry out terrorist attacks in Israel.

Al-Majli added: "What was taken by force can only be taken back by force." The Muhjat Al-Quds Foundation offers aid to the families of Palestinian terrorists who were killed or who are imprisoned.

March 16 2020

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is yet another example of misinformation - inaccurate and is deliberately intended to deceive the reader.


Of course, it says "Palestine" in → 1930. That is what the civil government was called. Israel did not come into existence until 1948.
Report on the Administration of Palestine for 1923 said:
1. Question.--What measures have been taken to place the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the national home for the Jewish people?

What are the effects of these measures?

Answer.--The legislation of the Government of Palestine has been directed towards the general aim of providing equal opportunity for all communities and classes, and encouraging enterprise.

This is the same Government of Palestine in which the British Government attempt three times to bring Arab Representation to the administration. The Arabs rejected the participation all three times.

Most Respectfully,

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is yet another example of misinformation - inaccurate and is deliberately intended to deceive the reader.


Of course, it says "Palestine" in → 1930. That is what the civil government was called. Israel did not come into existence until 1948.

Report on the Administration of Palestine for 1923 said:
1. Question.--What measures have been taken to place the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the national home for the Jewish people?​
What are the effects of these measures?​
Answer.--The legislation of the Government of Palestine has been directed towards the general aim of providing equal opportunity for all communities and classes, and encouraging enterprise.​

This is the same Government of Palestine in which the British Government attempt three times to bring Arab Representation to the administration. The Arabs rejected the participation all three times.

Most Respectfully,

This is the same Government of Palestine in which the British Government attempt three times to bring Arab Representation to the administration. The Arabs rejected the participation all three times.
The poison pill in all of these offers is that the Palestinians had to agree with the British/Zionist settler colonial project. The Palestinians are still rejecting that settler colonial project.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is yet another example of misinformation - inaccurate and is deliberately intended to deceive the reader.


Of course, it says "Palestine" in → 1930. That is what the civil government was called. Israel did not come into existence until 1948.

Report on the Administration of Palestine for 1923 said:
1. Question.--What measures have been taken to place the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the national home for the Jewish people?​
What are the effects of these measures?​
Answer.--The legislation of the Government of Palestine has been directed towards the general aim of providing equal opportunity for all communities and classes, and encouraging enterprise.​

This is the same Government of Palestine in which the British Government attempt three times to bring Arab Representation to the administration. The Arabs rejected the participation all three times.

Most Respectfully,

This is the same Government of Palestine in which the British Government attempt three times to bring Arab Representation to the administration. The Arabs rejected the participation all three times.
The poison pill in all of these offers is that the Palestinians had to agree with the British/Zionist settler colonial project. The Palestinians are still rejecting that settler colonial project.


By 'the Palestinians' you mean those Arabs who fought on the side of the Brits,
and tried to set control of an Arabian king from Mecca over the land,
or the Arabs who can't even pronounce 'P-alestine'?
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Hamas Leader: Palestine for us is Like a Toothpick.
Our Goals are Much Bigger i.e. Global Caliphate

Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village, south of Nablus, Occupied West Bank. Photo by Wajed Nobani.

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