Palestine Today

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"I am Malak (Angel) and I am 13 years old. My average grade in school is 95 percent and I do not miss a day of school. I play with my friends until the sun sets and my dream is to become an Arabic teacher."

By TRT World producer, Belal Khaled

Last night, Al Shawa family celebrated the birthday of their son, Walid Al Shawa, 27, on the ruins of their house, which was destroyed a few days ago by Israeli shelling on #Gaza.

Photo by: Belal khaled

One day you have a warm house with your children playing around, and next day Israeli warplanes destroy it and you have no place to live in anymore. This is what families have to face when Gaza is under attack.

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: "Palestine" was NOT created in 1924. The UK, as the Mandatory, created the Government of Palestine. The citizenship Order for the inhabitants was made in 1925 by the Mandatory. At that time, the term "Palestine" was the short-title for the territory for which the 1922 Order in Council applied.

The political right of the majority to the exercise of power within the boundaries of a generally accepted political unit, area, or territory.

When Palestine was created in 1924 it was a territory defined by international borders. The Palestinians became Palestinian nationals and citizens of Palestine. This was determined by citizenship in the former sovereign, the Turkish/Ottoman Empire.

At that time the Jewish citizenship was 5% or so.

Even when Israel was declared, the Jewish population was only about 1/3 and citizenship in Palestine was considerably less than that.

These numbers do not add up.

The 1922 Mandate for Palestine made the Mandatory responsible for:
◈ Economic conditions​
◈ Full powers of legislation​
◈ Full powers of administration​
◈ Political situation​
◈ Establishment of the Jewish National Home​
◈ Facilitate Jewish immigration​
◈ Enacting a nationality law​
◈ Facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews​
◈ Consular jurisdiction​
◈ Seeing that the judicial system established​
◈ The development of the country​
✦ NOTE: The Arab Higher Committee rejected any involvement in these affairs.​
From 1922 until the termination of the Mandate in 1948, the British High Commissioner governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials. The Arab leaders declined to participate in the establishment of self-governing institutions on the ground that it would not satisfy the aspirations of the Arab people.

While the Arab Higher Committee declined to participate, the Jewish Agency accepted the advisory role. And on termination of the Mandate, the National Council for the Jewish State established a fully functional Provisional Government, while the Arab Higher Committee did not. On 15 May 1948, the State of Israel was created and the remainder of the Trustee Territory of Palestine continued to be a legal entity but not be a sovereign state.

It really doesn't matter about the numbers and percentages at the time. What did matter was the creation of a functional government...


Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: "Palestine" was NOT created in 1924. The UK, as the Mandatory, created the Government of Palestine. The citizenship Order for the inhabitants was made in 1925 by the Mandatory. At that time, the term "Palestine" was the short-title for the territory for which the 1922 Order in Council applied.

The political right of the majority to the exercise of power within the boundaries of a generally accepted political unit, area, or territory.

When Palestine was created in 1924 it was a territory defined by international borders. The Palestinians became Palestinian nationals and citizens of Palestine. This was determined by citizenship in the former sovereign, the Turkish/Ottoman Empire.

At that time the Jewish citizenship was 5% or so.

Even when Israel was declared, the Jewish population was only about 1/3 and citizenship in Palestine was considerably less than that.

These numbers do not add up.

The 1922 Mandate for Palestine made the Mandatory responsible for:
◈ Economic conditions​
◈ Full powers of legislation​
◈ Full powers of administration​
◈ Political situation​
◈ Establishment of the Jewish National Home​
◈ Facilitate Jewish immigration​
◈ Enacting a nationality law​
◈ Facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews​
◈ Consular jurisdiction​
◈ Seeing that the judicial system established​
◈ The development of the country​
✦ NOTE: The Arab Higher Committee rejected any involvement in these affairs.​
From 1922 until the termination of the Mandate in 1948, the British High Commissioner governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials. The Arab leaders declined to participate in the establishment of self-governing institutions on the ground that it would not satisfy the aspirations of the Arab people.

While the Arab Higher Committee declined to participate, the Jewish Agency accepted the advisory role. And on termination of the Mandate, the National Council for the Jewish State established a fully functional Provisional Government, while the Arab Higher Committee did not. On 15 May 1948, the State of Israel was created and the remainder of the Trustee Territory of Palestine continued to be a legal entity but not be a sovereign state.

It really doesn't matter about the numbers and percentages at the time. What did matter was the creation of a functional government...


Most Respectfully,
Noor Daoud Professional Drifter : Female driver from Palestine pilots 850hp BMW E46

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