Palestinian Declares Israel Belongs to Jewish People

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I believe is the plan is to destroy America with liberalism, and keep Israel as their private little area of supremacy.

Very close----OWN America-- aj might be racist but he ain't dumb
Originally posted by ajwps
You're the one who's inconsistent. The only two classifications of people according to you, are jew and non jew, with jews having all rights to exclusivity and COMPLETE control of society, due to history. I at least acknowledge the existence of 'subdivivisions within the non jew category', as you would understand them.

Your saying that I am inconsistent is incorrect. It seems to you that there are only three classifications of people in the world today. You defined them as 'white people', Jewish people and non-white. Jews have a right to control (not society) but their own country in their declaration of independence due to proven history and reality of world countries.

I like your subdivisions of humanity within the non-Jewish catagory as I have deliniated above.

This conversation with people who haven't the vaguest idea about what they post is tiring and I must go now for more important things. I may return later.

TaTa for now...

I've said no such thing supporting a tripartite categorical system. You're leaving because you know you've been outed as a racial hypocrite.
This fool aired all the Zionist dirty laundry right out in public. He'll be in trouble with the council elders, I bet!
Originally posted by dilloduck

Very close----OWN America-- aj might be racist but he ain't dumb

Yep I make plans to own (destroy) America by liberalism. Unfortunately I am a right wing Repubican conservative who desires to keep bigots and imbeciles from making a racist ALL WHITE PEOPLE ONLY country.

At least the FBI has infiltrated your claverns and sued most of you white hooded 'white aryans' into a non-entity.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr

I've said no such thing supporting a tripartite categorical system. You're leaving because you know you've been outed as a racial hypocrite.

Your again so correct. You questioned whether 'WHITE PEOPLE' should have an exclusive country where the other peoples are not welcomed.

Your tripartite categories were actually only two as thinking in complete thought patterns is not your strong point. You believe in a 'white people race' country whatever that means and the other is Jew/non-white volken place.

You have been arguing for the Jewish people's right to exist and live in Israel only because Jesus can't come back according to the NT until the Temple is rebuilt and the Jews are in control of Israel. At least you won't get salavation as this is your motivation to defend the Jewish people. That love of yours for the Jew is as superficial as your own chance to be taken up in the Rapture.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr

This fool aired all the Zionist dirty laundry right out in public. He'll be in trouble with the council elders, I bet!

Yes and you have exposed your real self to everyone who can read this thread. I'll bet that your 'white folks' back to the Klavern at your next Klu Klux Klan cross burning will be having a few things to say to you.
Go Ahead AJ-----take a day to celebrate the idea of freedom-no one will hold it against ya !!!
Originally posted by dilloduck

Go Ahead AJ-----take a day to celebrate the idea of freedom-no one will hold it against ya !!!

Today is a day to celebrate not only well earned freedom but also independence from being just one more English colony. I am taking today and tomorrow to celebrate this amazing and unexplainable event when a small Continental army of a few irregulars beat a well trained and much larger and amply armed Englush army.

If one really thinks about it, there is no way that the early colonists should be able to win a war against a world size power.

Believe it or not....
Originally posted by ajwps
Go Ahead AJ-----take a day to celebrate the idea of freedom-no one will hold it against ya !!!

Today is a day to celebrate not only well earned freedom but also independence from being just one more English colony. I am taking today and tomorrow to celebrate this amazing and unexplainable event when a small Continental army of a few irregulars beat a well trained and much larger and amply armed Englush army.

If one really thinks about it, there is no way that the early colonists should be able to win a war against a world size power.

Believe it or not....

But with the help of others they did it !!!! PARTY ON AMERICA!
Originally posted by dilloduck

But with the help of others they did it !!!! PARTY ON AMERICA!

Yes and many American loyalists to the English Crown also fought against Washington and his militia as well as the French contingent.

Americans today think of the War for Independence as a revolution, but in important respects it was also a civil war. American Loyalists, or "Tories" as their opponents called them, opposed the Revolution, and many took up arms against the rebels. Estimates of the number of Loyalists range as high as 500,000, or 20 percent of the white population of the colonies......

In France, enthusiasm for the American cause was high: the French intellectual world was itself in revolt against feudalism and privilege. However, the Crown lent its support to the colonies for geopolitical rather than ideological reasons: the French government had been eager for reprisal against Britain ever since France's defeat in 1763. To further the American cause, Benjamin Franklin was sent to Paris in 1776. His wit, guile and intellect soon made their presence felt in the French capital, and played a major role in winning French assistance.

France began providing aid to the colonies in May 1776, when it sent 14 ships with war supplies to America. In fact, most of the gun powder used by the American armies came from France. After Britain's defeat at Saratoga, France saw an opportunity to seriously weaken its ancient enemy and restore the balance of power that had been upset by the Seven Years' War (the French and Indian War). On February 6, 1778, America and France signed a Treaty of Amity and Commerce, in which France recognized America and offered trade concessions. They also signed a Treaty of Alliance, which stipulated that if France entered the war, neither country would lay down its arms until America won its independence, that neither would conclude peace with Britain without the consent of the other, and that each guaranteed the other's possessions in America. This was the only bilateral defense treaty signed by the United States or its predecessors until 1949.

The Franco-American alliance soon broadened the conflict. In June 1778 British ships fired on French vessels, and the two countries went to war. In 1779 Spain, hoping to reacquire territories taken by Britain in the Seven Years' War, entered the conflict on the side of France, but not as an ally of the Americans. In 1780 Britain declared war on the Dutch, who had continued to trade with the Americans. The combination of these European powers, with France in the lead, was a far greater threat to Britain than the American colonies standing alone.
Originally posted by ajwps
This fool aired all the Zionist dirty laundry right out in public. He'll be in trouble with the council elders, I bet!

Yes and you have exposed your real self to everyone who can read this thread. I'll bet that your 'white folks' back to the Klavern at your next Klu Klux Klan cross burning will be having a few things to say to you.

You're the one denying the very existence of other races. Your hypocritical racist agenda shows in spades, Schlomo.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr

You're the one denying the very existence of other races. Your hypocritical racist agenda shows in spades, Schlomo.

What are you ranting about? I have never denied the fact that the human RACE has only one sub-group within its number known as the Asiatic Aryan white people.

You are truly a piece of work with your name calling and nonsensical racist agenda about Israel not having a G-d given right for a haven from all those nations who eventually came to want to destroy them.

What hyperbole you spew....
Originally posted by ajwps
You're the one denying the very existence of other races. Your hypocritical racist agenda shows in spades, Schlomo.

What are you ranting about? I have never denied the fact that the human RACE has only one sub-group within its number known as the Asiatic Aryan white people.

You are truly a piece of work with your name calling and nonsensical racist agenda about Israel not having a G-d given right for a haven from all those nations who eventually came to want to destroy them.

What hyperbole you spew....

You have your haven--no one will take it because you will nuke them. Chill out and quit bitching at people who are proud of America. They keep your other country alive WITHOUT using nukes.
Originally posted by ajwps
You're the one denying the very existence of other races. Your hypocritical racist agenda shows in spades, Schlomo.

What are you ranting about? I have never denied the fact that the human RACE has only one sub-group within its number known as the Asiatic Aryan white people.

You are truly a piece of work with your name calling and nonsensical racist agenda about Israel not having a G-d given right for a haven from all those nations who eventually came to want to destroy them.

What hyperbole you spew....

Your putting words in my mouth . I support israel. I just tired of your racial politicking.

Who is in your concept of the asiatic aryan white race? Could you provide a link to whatever site may support YOUR conception of VALID races. I want to know more.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr

Your putting words in my mouth . I support israel. I just tired of your racial politicking.

That's really big of you.. Your words seem to be a bit bigoted in asking Israel and the United States to end their mutually beneficial partnership and cease claiming that those loans/grants to Israel are not beneficial to both countries.

Who is in your concept of the asiatic aryan white race? Could you provide a link to whatever site may support YOUR conception of VALID races. I want to know more.

Historian Maxmueller accepted that there was one ancient race which was the origin of all races of the world. He originally believed that central Asia was the birthplace of humans, who then migrated to other parts of the world. New discoveries later falsified this theory and he came to the conclusion that the most ancient race (which he called Aryans) came from the area around the Himalayas, in India.......

In the dictionary of Dravidas and Kola, the name of India, is given as "Aryanvart" and "Bharata-varsha" which mean, the land of the Aryans, the country ruled by the glorious King Bharata. This means the Dravidas and Kolas were not pre-Aryans living in that country, but actually Aryans.

Thus the supposed event known as the Aryan invasion of India is no more than a convenient imagination of historical speculators. From the beginning, Aryans were born in India and have been living there for four million years without interruption(2).
Originally posted by ajwps
Your putting words in my mouth . I support israel. I just tired of your racial politicking.

That's really big of you.. Your words seem to be a bit bigoted in asking Israel and the United States to end their mutually beneficial partnership and cease claiming that those loans/grants to Israel are not beneficial to both countries.

Who is in your concept of the asiatic aryan white race? Could you provide a link to whatever site may support YOUR conception of VALID races. I want to know more.

I never said anything like that. Get with the program.
ajwps. There is a caucasian race, according to that site. I figured your site would support your position, not mine. Interesting.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr

ajwps. There is a caucasian race, according to that site. I figured your site would support your position, not mine. Interesting.

Yes it proves that the so-called 'white race' are from the asian Indian continent. Do you feel more Hindu now?

Here is another site that might better explain your White Race or are there REALLY ANY RACES?

Scientists have long suspected that the racial categories recognized by society are not reflected on the genetic level.

But the more closely that researchers examine the human genome -- the complement of genetic material encased in the heart of almost every cell of the body -- the more most of them are convinced that the standard labels used to distinguish people by "race" have little or no biological meaning.

They say that while it may seem easy to tell at a glance whether a person is Caucasian, African or Asian, the ease dissolves when one probes beneath surface characteristics and scans the genome for DNA hallmarks of "race."

As it turns out, scientists say, the human species is so evolutionarily young, and its migratory patterns so wide, restless and rococo, that it has simply not had a chance to divide itself into separate biological groups or "races" in any but the most superficial ways.

"Race is a social concept, not a scientific one," said Dr. J. Craig Venter, head of the Celera Genomics Corporation in Rockville, Md. "We all evolved in the last 100,000 years from the same small number of tribes that migrated out of Africa and colonized the world."

Dr. Venter and scientists at the National Institutes of Health recently announced that they had put together a draft of the entire sequence of the human genome, and the researchers had unanimously declared, there is only one race -- the human race.
Where whites were from was not an issue. you denied their existence. Now YOUR OWN SOURCE refutes you. Your a sham, a charlatan, a hack, a poser, a squishy salesman.

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