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Palestinian diaspora


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2014
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Someone on another thread asked the insightful question "Why don't Palestinians just assimilate and get on with their lives like Europeans did after World War II."
(Can't find the exact quote, so I am paraphrasing.)

So I wanted to post some info about Palestinians in Lebanon, where I lived for a number of years:

Israeli Arab Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh and other commentators accuse Lebanon of practicing apartheid against Palestinian Arabs who have lived in Lebanon as stateless refugees since 1948.[4][5][6][7][8] According to Human Rights Watch, "In 2001, Parliament passed a law prohibiting Palestinians from owning property, a right they had for decades. Lebanese law also restricts their ability to work in many areas. In 2005, Lebanon eliminated a ban on Palestinians holding most clerical and technical positions, provided they obtain a temporary work permit from the Labor Ministry, but more than 20 high-level professions remain off-limits to Palestinians. Few Palestinians have benefited from the 2005 reform, though. In 2009, only 261 of more than 145,679 permits issued to non-Lebanese were for Palestinians. Civil society groups say many Palestinians choose not to apply because they cannot afford the fees and see no reason to pay a portion of their salary toward the National Social Security Fund, since Lebanese law bars Palestinians from receiving social security benefits."[9]


I know a few Christian Palestinians who obtained Lebanese citizenship, but that is a rarity. Here are some videos on the Palestinians in Lebanon, who today number around 1/2 million:

Palestinians in Lebanon:
Part 1:
[ame=]The Camps: Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon Part One - YouTube[/ame]
Part 2:
[ame=]The Camps: Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon Part Two - YouTube[/ame]

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon:
Part 1:
[ame=]Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (1/3) - YouTube[/ame]
Part 2:
[ame=]Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (2/3) - YouTube[/ame]
Part 3:
[ame=]Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (3/3) - YouTube[/ame]

Medical situation in camps in Lebanon:
[ame=]Life In The Shadows - Palestinians in Lebanon - YouTube[/ame]

Mothers and infants in camps in Lebanon:
[ame=]Birth In the Shadows : Protecting Mothers and Newborns in the Palestinian Refugee Camps - YouTube[/ame]
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Someone on another thread asked the insightful question "Why don't Palestinians just assimilate and get on with their lives like Europeans did after World War II."
(Can't find the exact quote, so I am paraphrasing.)

So I wanted to post some info about Palestinians in Lebanon, where I lived for a number of years:

Israeli Arab Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh and other commentators accuse Lebanon of practicing apartheid against Palestinian Arabs who have lived in Lebanon as stateless refugees since 1948.[4][5][6][7][8] According to Human Rights Watch, "In 2001, Parliament passed a law prohibiting Palestinians from owning property, a right they had for decades. Lebanese law also restricts their ability to work in many areas. In 2005, Lebanon eliminated a ban on Palestinians holding most clerical and technical positions, provided they obtain a temporary work permit from the Labor Ministry, but more than 20 high-level professions remain off-limits to Palestinians. Few Palestinians have benefited from the 2005 reform, though. In 2009, only 261 of more than 145,679 permits issued to non-Lebanese were for Palestinians. Civil society groups say many Palestinians choose not to apply because they cannot afford the fees and see no reason to pay a portion of their salary toward the National Social Security Fund, since Lebanese law bars Palestinians from receiving social security benefits."[9]

from Palestinians in Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know a few Christian Palestinians who obtained Lebanese citizenship, but that is a rarity. Here are some videos on the Palestinians in Lebanon, who today number around 1/2 million:

Palestinians in Lebanon:
Part 1:
[ame=]The Camps: Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon Part One - YouTube[/ame]
Part 2:
[ame=]The Camps: Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon Part Two - YouTube[/ame]

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon:
Part 1:
[ame=]Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (1/3) - YouTube[/ame]
Part 2:
[ame=]Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (2/3) - YouTube[/ame]
Part 3:
[ame=]Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (3/3) - YouTube[/ame]

Medical situation in camps in Lebanon:
[ame=]Life In The Shadows - Palestinians in Lebanon - YouTube[/ame]

Mothers and infants in camps in Lebanon:
[ame=]Birth In the Shadows : Protecting Mothers and Newborns in the Palestinian Refugee Camps - YouTube[/ame]

When you consider the way the Palestinians have tried to take over places like Lebanon and Jordan is it any wonder they are now seen as hostiles and treated with suspicion. When they tried to forcibly take control of Jordan the King of Jordan told his army to shoot any Palestinians they wanted as a lesson of what they could expect. There is no country in the M.E. that will now take them in because of their violence and extremist views. On top of this the Palestinians refuse to integrate and become worthwhile members of society, preferring to play on their Palestinian heritage and declaring they are Palestinians first, last and always.

The muslims had it within their power to assimilate the refugees back in 1948 but preferred to make them martyrs to the muslim cause. Now it is too late to rectify this situation
The Arab country treatment of their Palestinians is hard to forgive. Perhaps Amity with his wealth of unbiased Middle East knowledge can tell us how many thousands of Palestinians the Arab countries massacred & how many thousand other Palestinian refugees they created.
When you consider the way the Palestinians have tried to take over places like Lebanon and Jordan is it any wonder they are now seen as hostiles and treated with suspicion. When they tried to forcibly take control of Jordan the King of Jordan told his army to shoot any Palestinians they wanted as a lesson of what they could expect. There is no country in the M.E. that will now take them in because of their violence and extremist views. On top of this the Palestinians refuse to integrate and become worthwhile members of society, preferring to play on their Palestinian heritage and declaring they are Palestinians first, last and always.

The muslims had it within their power to assimilate the refugees back in 1948 but preferred to make them martyrs to the muslim cause. Now it is too late to rectify this situation
You will see a post in more detail on Lebanon and the situation there, yes you will.

No country could be thrilled to see Palestinian guerillas operating against Israel from their territory, and the Palestinians always knew they were on thin ice. But it was a stage that was productive and achieved important aims. They are now beyond the phase where they need to do that. Is it a coincidence that after military ops ended with PLO going to Tunis, which does not have a border with Israel, HUGE political gains were made? Now its a political party.

If 60-80 MILLION Canadians entered the US as refugees and brought their own military, which is basically what happened in Lebanon, and prior to that, Jordan, no we wouldn't like that either. And Canadians are much more similar to U.S. Americans than Palestinians are to Lebanese. The Palestinians' presence inevitably creates a 5th column, because Palestine and their host countries do not have identical interests.

Palestinians will not be allowed to assimilate (nor do they want to) because they are foreigners, with foreign customs, foreign accents, foreign interests and values, and the economies of the surrounding countries CANNOT absorb millions of refugees. Imagine if 80-100 million Mexican citizens suddenly parked their fannies on US territory ... would we assimilate them? I think that even if they were totally passive, they would wear out their welcomes rapidly, we wouldn't want them taking our jobs, putting demands on our educational system and infrastructure when they have nothing to contribute beyond human potential.

I think from a racist perspective perhaps Arabs all look alike to you, but they don't to each other, and the surrounding countries view them as aliens,..
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When you consider the way the Palestinians have tried to take over places like Lebanon and Jordan is it any wonder they are now seen as hostiles and treated with suspicion. When they tried to forcibly take control of Jordan the King of Jordan told his army to shoot any Palestinians they wanted as a lesson of what they could expect. There is no country in the M.E. that will now take them in because of their violence and extremist views. On top of this the Palestinians refuse to integrate and become worthwhile members of society, preferring to play on their Palestinian heritage and declaring they are Palestinians first, last and always.

The muslims had it within their power to assimilate the refugees back in 1948 but preferred to make them martyrs to the muslim cause. Now it is too late to rectify this situation
You will see a post in more detail on Lebanon and the situation there, yes you will.

No country could be thrilled to see Palestinian guerillas operating against Israel from their territory, and the Palestinians always knew they were on thin ice. But it was a stage that was productive and achieved important aims. They are now beyond the phase where they need to do that. Is it a coincidence that after military ops ended with PLO going to Tunis, which does not have a border with Israel, HUGE political gains were made? Now its a political party.

If 60-80 MILLION Canadians entered the US as refugees and brought their own military, which is basically what happened in Lebanon, and prior to that, Jordan, no we wouldn't like that either. And Canadians are much more similar to U.S. Americans than Palestinians are to Lebanese. The Palestinians' presence inevitably creates a 5th column, because Palestine and their host countries do not have identical interests.

Palestinians will not be allowed to assimilate (nor do they want to) because they are foreigners, with foreign customs, foreign accents, foreign interests and values, and the economies of the surrounding countries CANNOT absorb millions of refugees. Imagine if 80-100 million Mexican citizens suddenly parked their fannies on US territory ... would we assimilate them? I think that even if they were totally passive, they would wear out their welcomes rapidly, we wouldn't want them taking our jobs, putting demands on our educational system and infrastructure when they have nothing to contribute beyond human potential.

I think from a racist perspective perhaps Arabs all look alike to you, but they don't to each other, and the surrounding countries view them as aliens,..

It certianly is a good thing that the millions and millions of people who became displaced after World War II and whose ancestors actually lived for thousands of years in Europe (unlike the Johnny-come-lately Arabs to Israel from their impoverished countries) didn't constantly whine about getting back to their native lands. Gee, if the surrounding countries treat them as aliens, why did an Egyptian leader say that the Gazans should come back to Egypt? It really appears that these "Palestinian" Arabs are the pawns of the other Arabs in their fight against the Jews in Israel. How dare the Jews have a tiny piece of land in the Middle East to govern. No doubt each Arabic group has certain nuances to their language whether in Israel or other Middle East countries, and I am sure that the British officials who reported that they were flooding into the area in droves to get jobs were able to tell the difference. Aren't there many dialects so to speak here in the U.S. where we can discern whether a person comes from the New York area versus the South. They even speak differently in Minnesota. If Saudi Arabia just expelled 50,000 Ethiopians, surely they can bring in 50,000 "Palestinians" to take their place. All the oil rich Gulf States import foreign labor so one would think that the jobs would first go to the "Palestinians" instead of bringing in people such as Hindus. Meanwhile, could you give us an actual link from a reliable source as to how many "Palestinians" are in Lebanon?
Right of return is NEVER going to happen, and rightfully so. Palestinians and their supporters need to completely forget about it.
It's a dream, and nothing more.
Not even any Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their native homelands. Maybe Amity can tell us why that is.

Right of return is NEVER going to happen, and rightfully so. Palestinians and their supporters need to completely forget about it.
It's a dream, and nothing more.
Because that is bullcorn, Roudy. Never happened.

You are begging for a really good post on Lebanese civil war. AND who started it and fanned the flames.
Because that is bullcorn, Roudy. Never happened.

You are begging for a really good post on Lebanese civil war. AND who started it and fanned the flames.

Are you referring to the Syria invasion of Lebanon and then the PLO then using Lebanon as a base for terrorism?
I forgot that Arafat was a Jew spy.
Because that is bullcorn, Roudy. Never happened.

You are begging for a really good post on Lebanese civil war. AND who started it and fanned the flames.

Are you referring to the Syria invasion of Lebanon and then the PLO then using Lebanon as a base for terrorism?
I forgot that Arafat was a Jew spy.

You mean that you forgot that Arafat was a Bar Mitzvah boy. Shame on you.
Not even any Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their native homelands. Maybe Amity can tell us why that is.

Right of return is NEVER going to happen, and rightfully so. Palestinians and their supporters need to completely forget about it.
It's a dream, and nothing more.

I don't even know what you are talking about and wonder if you do. The right of return is not something they can give. If they could, trust me, they would. Having a bunch of Palestinians on your soil is comfortable for no one.
Because that is bullcorn, Roudy. Never happened.

You are begging for a really good post on Lebanese civil war. AND who started it and fanned the flames.
No it wasn't, Palestinian savages were the worst of the worst murderers of Lebanese Christians.
Roudy, prepare to be very, very embarrassed. It is obvious you are again getting your info off bogus websites because you don't know much about it at all. I was there.
Roudy, prepare to be very, very embarrassed. It is obvious you are again getting your info off bogus websites because you don't know much about it at all. I was there.

Well, Aris was there too. Who to believe, who to believe??? I think many of us will go with Aris.
Because that is bullcorn, Roudy. Never happened.

You are begging for a really good post on Lebanese civil war. AND who started it and fanned the flames.
Yeah, never happened. All the dead bodies piled up by Arafat and his fellow Palestinian animals, yup, never happened.

[ame=]palestinians atrocities in Damour Lebanon - YouTube[/ame]
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Roudy, prepare to be very, very embarrassed. It is obvious you are again getting your info off bogus websites because you don't know much about it at all. I was there.
Oh here we go, you totally got me! Palestinian massacres of Christians in Lebanon, never happened!

Historical Fact: The Massacre and Destruction of Damour

On 9 January 1976, three days after Epiphany, the priest of Damour Father Mansour Labaky, was carrying out a Maronite custom of blessing the houses with holy water. As he stood in front of a house on the side of the town next to the Muslim village of Harat Na'ami, a bullet whistled past his ear and hit the house. Then he heard the rattle of machine-guns. He went inside the house, and soon learned that the town was surrounded. Later he found out by whom and how many -- the forces of Sa'iqa, consisting of 16,000 Palestinians and Syrians, and units of the Mourabitoun and some fifteen other militias, reinforced by mercenaries from Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and a contingent of Libyans.

Then he telephoned Kamal Jumblatt, in whose parliamentary constituency Damour lay. 'Father,' Jumblatt said, 'I can do nothing for you, because it depends on Yasser Arafat.' He gave Arafat's phone number to the priest. An aide answered, and when he would not call Arafat himself, Father Labaky told him, 'The Palestinians are shelling and shooting at my town. I can assure you as a religious leader, we do not want the war, we do not believe in violence.'

At about half-past eleven the telephone, water and electricity were all cut off. The first invasion of the town came in the hour after midnight, from the side where the priest had been shot at earlier in the day. The Sa'iqa men stormed into the houses. They massacred some fifty people in the one night. Father Labaky heard screaming and went out into the street. Women came running to him in their nightdresses, 'tearing their hair, and shouting "They are slaughtering us!" The survivors, deserting that end of the town, moved into the area round the next church. The invaders then occupied the part of the town they had taken. Father Labaky describes the scene:

'In the morning I managed to get to the one house despite the shelling to bring out some of the corpses. And I remember something which still frightens me. An entire family had been killed, the Can'an family, four children all dead, and the mother, the father, and the grandfather. The mother was still hugging one of the children. And she was pregnant. The eyes of the children were gone and their limbs were cut off. No legs and no arms. It was awful. We took them away in a banana truck. And who carried the corpses with me? The only survivor, the brother ofthe man. His name is Samir Can'an. He carried with me the remains of his brother, his father, his sister-in-law and the poor children. We buried them in the cemetery, under the shells of the PLO. And while I was burying them, more corpses were found in the street.'

.......The horror did not end there, the old Christian cemetery was also destroyed, coffins were dug up, the dead robbed, vaults opened, and bodies and skeletons thrown across the grave yard. Damour was then transformed into a stronghold of Fatah and the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine). The ruined town became one of the main PLO centers for the promotion of international terrorism. The Church of St Elias was used as a repair garage for PLO vehicles and also as a range for shooting-practice with targets painted on the eastern wall of the nave.

wow such nice people, I mean who wouldn't want to be around these animals?! Look how nice they were to the Christians?
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Roudy, prepare to be very, very embarrassed. It is obvious you are again getting your info off bogus websites because you don't know much about it at all. I was there.

Well, Aris was there too. Who to believe, who to believe??? I think many of us will go with Aris.
Enmity converted to Islam a long time ago and lost whatever mind it had.

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