Palestinian diaspora

No, Aris, that is not right. The Palestinians had so much to lose they were trying hard to stay out, not sponsoring any groups, as long as they possibly could. The gameboard was Israel's. Israel told those poor dumb Maronites that is was the Palestinians who assassinated Bashir Gemayel just to provoke a massacre, and then fired flares off to light the way while they killed thousands of unarmed people. Can you explain that to me?
Yeah well, aside from the bullshit and lies from the convert to Islam Enmity1844, I think this Lebanese Christian woman is 100% correct. In fact her words need to be etched in stone for the entire world to study and take note. What a brave, beautiful, wise woman, bravo:

[ame=]Shocking Testimony Of Lebanese Christian Lady On Islamization - YouTube[/ame]
This lady pretends to be multi-cultural, fair and open minded, etc., and yet she has the exact xenophobic perspective of the Lebanese fascists, which is what I suspect she probably is.

She is bemoaning the fact that Muslims became a majority in Lebanon. NOT THEIR FAULT. Muslims don't share the Christian nationalist perspective? No, certainly not. Muslims want a re-count on political representation in Lebanon? You bet. In the long drawn out agony of Lebanon, were Muslims ever the aggressors? Sometimes. Did Muslims start the war? No. And is "Muslims" as used by this lady synonymous with "Palestinians?" No. She is trashing the Muslim Lebanese, not the Palestinians. The Palestinians knew discretion was the better part of valor and tried hard to stay out of it. It was a Lebanese internal problem.

And if you think atrocities committed by Christians were any lighter than those committed by Muslims, think again bud.

I will try to post something eventually showing the objective facts of the Lebanese civil war, in the telling of which no one is going to be shown innocent, believe me.
Notice the convert to Islam, it's never the Muslims fault. You people are so fucking predictable and transparent. It's the Christian people's fault Muslims invaded and started killing the Christians, and killing the president, and the country ruled by a bunch of Islamist Hezbollah terrorist thug animals. Always other people's fault, never the Muslims. I bet they're gonna give you an award for that, for being a good Muslim, at the mosque.

If you think the animals are going to do the same in Israel you're dreaming. Israel has made dealing with terrorist Islamist animals an art form for the world to take notes from. Ha ha ha.
No, Aris, that is not right. The Palestinians had so much to lose they were trying hard to stay out, not sponsoring any groups, as long as they possibly could. The gameboard was Israel's. Israel told those poor dumb Maronites that is was the Palestinians who assassinated Bashir Gemayel just to provoke a massacre, and then fired flares off to light the way while they killed thousands of unarmed people. Can you explain that to me?

Long standing conflict and violence between the Gemayels and the palestinians. Bashir was kidnapped and tortured by them. It was an attempted assassination of Pierre that sparked the civil war.

Bashir at the end of the war called for peace and forgiveness with the palestinians. To end the animosity and join with the Lebanese to rebuild and heal wounds. It was not the Israelis but Hobeika that fanned the conclusion by many that the palestinians were behind the bombing. It was later found to be the syians and Hobeika on orders of Hardane that arranged for the bomb to be planted and to blame the palestinians to make it possible for the camp attacks on pretext of rounding up the remaining fighter still hold up there, move them to the stadium near by so they could be deported by the Israelis out of Lebanon. Not known at the time, but there were suspicions that Hobeika was also responsible for the car bomb that killed Maya, in an attempt to kill her father. Solange gave birth to Nadim a few months before the assassination. I gave birth to my daughter two months after the assassination. We would swap health and baby tales over tea.

The whole camp operation was suggested and planned during Bashir's funeral. It was first brought up by Amin. Hobeika hand picked 200 of those who had lost relatives in Damour or one of the other massacres by palestinians. One of his commanders has a reputation of lowering inhibitions with drugs, they would be less disgusted by the blood shed and more focused fighters. Less than 24 hrs after the funeral the shababs enter the camps on foot and the combat began. The heaviest of the fighting was around the gaza hospital where the palestinians had heavy artillery and had entrenched most of the fighters.

Do you need to know some of the others involved, or where Hobeika lived, who he married, who killed him....... There are good reasons I know about what happened, I even asked to submitted a report to the UN and the Lebanese Militaire about the finding in the camps. My credentials allowed me to be among the first to enter the camps. I help identify many of the dead, having spent so much time there. It was one of last things I did in Lebanon.

Bashir and his wife were friends. My neighbor and senior class mate helped raise both Bashir's and Tony's children. We lived on the other side of the main highway from Hobeika, who was killed three building down from where I attended elementary school for two years. I used to help out with the kindergarten and first grade classes there. I had the same two teachers from that school teaching me in my senior year at a different school. One son of the principle of that elementary school became an MP. He had tutored me in Geometry and Calculus while I attended his mother's school. These people in one way or another were among my circle of friends and acquaintances. So were a lot of people. It always seemed as if everyone knew everyone else and knew the families histories going back generations. Lebanese were habitual gossips. The joke being that news by word of mouth seemed to traveled faster from one end of the country to the other than by phone.

Ah, yes the flares. They were not to make killing easier, but to avoid blunders of innocents being killed in the dark.

Now, shall we play?
ummm, NOT.

You know what happened Aris. It has been well proven and I'll give no quarter.

Ther was NO COMBAT. The PLO had left for Tunis, and the camp was totally unarmed.

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ummm, NOT.

You know what happened Aris. It has been well proven and I'll give no quarter.

Ther was NO COMBAT. The PLO had left for Tunis, and the camp was totally unarmed.


Since you were not there like Aris was around that time and no doubt were not even born yet, I think many recognize here who is the liar. You keep on calling Aris a liar, but it is you who actually have very little creditability around here.
Yes, I was there and at much closer range than Aris

Just whom do you think you are kidding? You weren't even alive at that time. It really is a shame that we couldn't take a poll, readers, to see who you think has more credibility -- Aris with all her experience in Lebanon or this young woman Amity who makes things up as she goes along.
ummm, NOT.

You know what happened Aris. It has been well proven and I'll give no quarter.

Ther was NO COMBAT. The PLO had left for Tunis, and the camp was totally unarmed.


>>The PLO had an arsenal that included mortars, Katyusha rockets, and an extensive anti-aircraft network Also discovered were enough light arms and other weapons in Lebanon to equip five brigades. The PLO also brought hundreds of T-34 tanks<<
PLO in Lebanon, (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983)

>>countless bunkers built by the PLO over the years, and stocked with generous reserves of ammunition<<
Israel’s Lebanon War, (NY: Simon and Schuster, 1984)

200 men walk into the camp of more than 20,000 and kill 460 people over a 36 hour period. 35 were women and children, the rest were fighter

Yet you care nothing about Syrian and Amal shite forces overran Christian-controlled areas East Beirut in October 1990. During the eight-hour clash, 700 Christians were killed—the worst single battle of Lebanon’s Civil War. 240 were unarmed prisoners tied and executed, 15 civilians shot in the lower right side of the skull.

I don't lie, except a little white on to the kids and grandkids for the sake of harmony and cooperation. I don't need to lie. I withhold certain particulars for safety and privacy.
I might not have all my notes and papers but little by little I am trying to scan the on to my computer. War, relocation and mother nature did the most damage. I still remember sights and smell even if I have to double check dates.

I don't think a library full of book would help you because you wouldn't bother to read them and have to revise you agenda here. You don't want anyone to spoil you erroneous assumptions, so you rant, rage call me a liar. How sweet. I'm not the point, the facts are, but you don't want to deal with them.

What will you call me next? How will you attack me personally to change the subject? Does this game have rule written somewhere?

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