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Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike after death

what is a woman who farts out "torture" absent any evidence at all
of "torture"
YAWN... Leave it to PRO- Palestinian Scum to get personal. Expect me to have " compassion" for this Palestinian? I will show the same " Compassion" the Pro- Palestinian SCUM B**S showed when Daniel Pearl was beheaded . LETS PARTY !!!!! :clap2:

Daniel Pearl was a spy, he was not killed by Palestinians

I appreciate the link you provided to that "fact." Oh, wait ... you posted none. What a surprise.

Memri has no credibility, nothing but a Baby killing Zionist propaganda rag, not that one can expect more from someone who could not get past the first grade. I recommend you return to school, we live in a world where a first grade education is simply not adequate.
You're right. I won't call them what they are. Although I have seen the expression " NaziZionists" from the minute I got on the board !

However, I don't believe my " expression" is any worse then referring to a " Jew Free World", but I will refrain from it . :eusa_hand:

What is a man who defends torture like you are doing?

What is a " woman" who does not condemn BEHEADINGS of Jews, Christians who Convert, Enslaving and beating Christians, etc. etc? I would call her a Pro- Palestinian HYPOCRITE ! :cuckoo: :eek:

I am not seeing a Jew beheading in the news today, or a story about Christians beating Christians, just a Zionist murder. One cannot comment on something only existing in your head!

Everyone knows how important "education" is to them. :D

Memri has no credibility, nothing but a Baby killing Zionist propaganda rag, not that one can expect more from someone who could not get past the first grade. I recommend you return to school, we live in a world where a first grade education is simply not adequate.
What was the little brainwashed tot singing about? Peter Cottontail?
Excerpt from YOUR link SheriBerri. The highlighted words OUGHT to inform you that you are full of crap.

War criminals never admit when they torture to death prisoners, and there are always things like you defending such war crimes!

Innocent people rarely "admit" to things they haven't done, but dishonest scumbag propagandists like you don't stop from peddling your shit just because the truth is not to your liking.

Your false accusations aren't worth diddly shit, SheriBerri.

War criminals always have scum of the earth like you defending them. But truth is always brought into the light. And the world knows Israel tortured to death this prisoner. Besides the fact the prisoners injuries show he was tortured, human rights groups have documented Israel's torture practices for decades.
What is a man who defends torture like you are doing?

What is a " woman" who does not condemn BEHEADINGS of Jews, Christians who Convert, Enslaving and beating Christians, etc. etc? I would call her a Pro- Palestinian HYPOCRITE ! :cuckoo: :eek:

I am not seeing a Jew beheading in the news today, or a story about Christians beating Christians, just a Zionist murder. One cannot comment on something only existing in your head!

You are not seeing Jews beheaded or Christians being beheaded , tortured, or enslaved today? So what You Pro Palestinian Hypocrite ???? You know it is happeningyou can comment and condemn if you werent the hypocrite that you are. We both know if the deceased were Jewish you would be handing out the candy. I'll show as much "sympathy" for the Palestinian S..M as you showed Daniel Pearl !!!:clap2:
What is a " woman" who does not condemn BEHEADINGS of Jews, Christians who Convert, Enslaving and beating Christians, etc. etc? I would call her a Pro- Palestinian HYPOCRITE ! :cuckoo: :eek:

I am not seeing a Jew beheading in the news today, or a story about Christians beating Christians, just a Zionist murder. One cannot comment on something only existing in your head!

You are not seeing Jews beheaded or Christians being beheaded , tortured, or enslaved today? So what You Pro Palestinian Hypocrite ???? You know it is happeningyou can comment and condemn if you werent the hypocrite that you are. We both know if the deceased were Jewish you would be handing out the candy. I'll show as much "sympathy" for the Palestinian S..M as you showed Daniel Pearl !!!:clap2:

This is a discussion board about Israel and Palestine.

And I have not read a story about a Jew beheading or Christians beating Christians in the past few days.

If these events are happening, prove it, as you brought this up, provide a link!

And I have posted nothing about Daniel Pearl, and he has nothing to do with Israel and Palestine!
"The torture and ill treatment of Palestinian detainees and prisoners by the Israeli occupying power

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) notes with grave concern the continuing prevalence of torture and ill treatment of Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails and detention centres, inside Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). PCHR wishes to provide the Human Rights Council with information regarding Israel’s continued violation of its obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law, in particular the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment -- to which Israel is a State party -- to prevent torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, to investigate allegations of such treatment, and to bring to justice those responsible for the perpetration of violations.

Torture and ill treatment in detention

There has been a serious increase in the number of Palestinians arrested by Israeli occupation forces and other governmental agencies. During 2012, more than 3,848 Palestinians were arrested and detained by Israeli occupation forces and other security services, which constitutes a 16.2% increase compared to 2011. The detainees included 881 minors, under the age of 18 (of whom 23 were between 12 and 15 years old), 67 female detainees, and 11 parliamentarians.1 At the end of 2012, more than 4,750 Palestinians were kept in detention inside Israel, including 198 minors. During the same period, PCHR received increasing numbers of complaints of torture and ill treatment in detention, including of minors. Many detainees have been, or continue to be, subjected to methods of interrogation which amount to torture or ill treatment, including, but not limited to, painful shackling; ‘shabeh’2; sleep deprivation; exposure to loud music or screaming noises; beating, slapping and kicking; shaking; threats of physical and sexual violence; insults; forced squatting for long periods. Other abusive methods applied during interrogation periods, include: exposure to extreme temperatures alternately; prolonged or continuous exposure to bright spotlights; denial of timely and adequate medical care; tear gas and sound bombs; detention in inhuman and degrading conditions; denial of basic rights, including freedom of expression and freedom of worship. PCHR is particularly concerned about the treatment of Palestinian children and women upon arrest and during interrogation and detention. The Palestine Section of Defence for Children estimates that around 500-700 Palestinian children are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system every year, with 2012 showing an increase of 32% compared to 2011.3 Furthermore, the overwhelming majority of the detained minors, some as young as 12, were subjected to a form of torture and ill treatment, including psychological methods, during arrest, transportation to detention facilities, as well as during interrogation or detention. ..."

A/HRC/22/NGO/73 of 15 February 2013

Another UN document addressing Torture, from 2009:

"As one of the most abhorrent and inhuman forms of violation of human rights, torture for eons has been systematic and organized. The nature and consequences of this act is such that its prohibition which is fully applicable in all conditions which include armed conflicts and emergency situations have been stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other regional and international instruments. But despite the gradual addition of the number of states that have joined the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and its Optional Protocol, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, we still witness cases of torture and other inhuman treatment or punishment occurring all over the world...

Reports of physical, psychological and mental torture of Palestinian and Arab prisoners all indicate the blatant violation of principles set in the Charter of the UN, the UDHR, and lack of commitment to the Geneva Four Conventions, and not recognizing UN mechanisms by Israel which continues to this day, is such that the condemnations of this regime by the international community and organizations have not had any serious effects on the situation. Even an Israeli organization entitled Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) has several reports of the mental and physical torture of Palestinian prisoners and calls for the immediate investigation and suspension of torture. The recent acts of mass torture committed by the Israeli Defense Forces in the 23 day indiscriminate destructive attack on Gaza showed the ultimate peak of these systematic acts by traumatizing the 1.5 million population of the Gaza Strip. This is a blatant indication of Israel’s total disregard of international law."

A/HRC/10/NGO/16 of 23 February 2009
Torture Documented 1996 In UN Documents

"392. Hamed As’ad Hamed al-Kuni, a 17-year-old high school student, was reportedly arrested on 24 October 1994 on suspicion of involvement with Hamas. At the interrogation wing of Nablus prison he was allegedly kept hooded and in a painful position on a low chair with his hands and legs tied for 120 hours. On 23 November, while being led from court to jail, he was reportedly beaten severely, causing nerve swelling on his back and a 21-day paralysis of his left leg. He was also allegedly beaten continuously on his testicles and penis, causing swelling to his testicles which lasted for more than a month and a half. In addition, his interrogators prevented him from using the toilet and hit him in the head with fists, which caused swelling and severe pain. He was served with a six-month administrative detention order on the grounds that he was a Hamas activist and was transferred to Ketziot camp."

"394. Abed el-Samed Harizat, arrested on 22 April 1995, was placed in the Russian Compound in Jerusalem with five Palestinian "collaborators", who were reportedly given a "green light" by the GSS to apply heavy physical pressure. In the cell he was allegedly beaten severely and his body and head were struck against a wall. He died in detention on 27 April 1995. An autopsy, conducted by a team which included an independent pathologist, revealed that he had died of injuries to his head occurring while in detention."

E/CN.4/1996/35/Add.1 of 16 January 1996

Another UN Document About Israel's Torture Practices:

The pattern of torture, different sites were known for different torture specialties.

"The allegations of the 44 Palestinians who told us they had been ill-treated tortured covered all of Israel's six main interrogation centres, shown on the map. Some general patterns did emerge: 19 told us, for example, that their genitals had been hit or otherwise abused. But from these accounts it was also possible to discern the apparent predilections of interrogators in different centres (and we found this picture confirmed by examination of some 50 statements from other sources). At the "Russian Compound" in Jerusalem, interrogators tended to favour assaults on the genitals, besides endurance tests such as holding a chair with outstretched farms or standing on one leg. The speciality of the military centre known as Sarafand was to blindfold prisoners for long periods, threaten them or assault them with dogs, and hang them by the wrists. From Ramallah came many allegations of Slaving been immersed in cold water for long periods - either in a shower, or in a pool in the centre of the prison courtyard. Ramallah was almost alone, on the other hand, in giving rise to no allegations of electric shock torture. From Hebron came several allegations similar to that of Omar Abdel-Karim - with whose account our story begins - of anal assault. "

A/32/132-S/12356 of 5 July 1977

"Autopsy reveals Arafat Jaradat died of extreme torture in Israeli custody"

Autopsy reveals Arafat Jaradat died of extreme torture in Israeli custody | Mondoweiss

"BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- An autopsy has revealed that Arafat Jaradat died of extreme torture in Israeli custody and did not have a cardiac arrest, the PA Minister of Detainee Affairs said Sunday. At a news conference in Ramallah, Issa Qaraqe said an autopsy conducted in Israel in the presence of Palestinian officials revealed that 30-year-old Jaradat had six broken bones in his neck, spine, arms and legs.

"The information we have received so far is shocking and painful. The evidence corroborates our suspicion that Mr. Jaradat died as a result of torture, especially since the autopsy clearly proved that the victim's heart was healthy, which disproves the initial alleged account presented by occupation authorities that he died of a heart attack," Qaraqe said......The minister said Jaradat had sustained injuries and severe bruising in the upper right back area and severe bruises of sharp circular shape in the right chest area..... evidence of severe torture and on the muscle of the upper left shoulder, parallel to the spine in the lower neck area, and evidence of severe torture under the skin and inside the muscle of the right side of the chest. His second and third ribs in the right side of the chest were broken, Qaraqe said, and he also had injuries in the middle of the muscle in the right hand...Palestinian Prisoners Society president Qaddura Fares added that the autopsy revealed seven injuries to the inside of Jaradat's lower lip, bruises on his face and blood on his nose...... no signs of bruising or stroke, the minister added...
"Jaradat died due to torture and not a stroke or heart attack," he said, adding that those responsible must be sued either through Interpol or the International Criminal Court."

[QUOTE=Lipush;6869528]IDF; one cannot determine cause of death on Palestinian prisoner yet

בתוצאות נתיחת גופתו של העציר הפלסטיני ערפאת ג'ראדאת שמת אתמול (שבת) בכלא מגידו, שנערכה היום במכון לרפואה משפטית באבו כביר על ידי הפתולוג הראשי במכון, פרופ' יהודה היס בנוכחותו של הפתלוג הפלסטיני ד"ר סאבר אל עאלול וראש מנהל רפואה במשרד הבריאות. פרופ' אפק ארנון, לא נמצאו סימני אלימות או עדות למחלה כלשהי ממנה סבל ג'ראדאת, אולם נמצאו שני שברים בצלעות צד ימין שייתכן ונגרמו כתוצאה ממאמצי ההחייאה​

QFT, here is where lipaz tells the other Hebrew speakers of the injury's and broken ribs, but not in the English language of the forum:eusa_shhh:
for the record-----anyone interested in the stink
of bullshit---read the citation posted by the
nazi whore who claims to be a christian..
The results presented by the filthy whore and
the person Mondelweiss ---neither
constitute the finding sof an autopsy or a
CAUSE OF DEATH----they are bullshit

according to sherri----the terrorist died of a bruise
on his hand which indicated
"SEVERE TORTURE" -----findings of "broken bones"
included nothing related
to the AGE of those "broken bones"
In an autopsy ----a "broken" bone 'which BROKE
when the person was 10 years old can be detected

as to "healthy heart"----more stupidity----until
the thing is examined microscopically ---they
have said nothing. The autopsy ---is not over
and no cause of death has been determined by the
idiocy presented in sherri's article. Even in "torture"
there is a CAUSE OF DEATH----none was presented ---
again proving that islamo nazis are lying pigs
War criminals never admit when they torture to death prisoners, and there are always things like you defending such war crimes!

Innocent people rarely "admit" to things they haven't done, but dishonest scumbag propagandists like you don't stop from peddling your shit just because the truth is not to your liking.

Your false accusations aren't worth diddly shit, SheriBerri.

War criminals always have scum of the earth like you defending them. But truth is always brought into the light. And the world knows Israel tortured to death this prisoner. Besides the fact the prisoners injuries show he was tortured, human rights groups have documented Israel's torture practices for decades.

Sherri is full of shit----I reviewed the idiot article she cites ---
NO CAUSE OF DEATH was presented "TORTURE" is not
a diagnosis or a cause of death In evaluating "broken"
bones-----pathologist determine whether they are ACUTE
or old breaks. No one dies of a "broken rib"---unless the
broken rib----causes another problem----like pierces
the liver and causes exsanguination. OLD broken
ribs on an autopsy are a very common finding

the article proves that a cause of death was not
determined that a bunch of idiots want to fart

I wonder what the "heart was healthy" means----
I wonder if sherri can tell us what the heart of a young
male who has died of an arrhythmia looks like ----
does it have a sign on it "I AM A SICK HEART"?
as an example----a young male with WPW syndrome ---
who dies of an arrhythmia----has a normal looking heart

I have bruises----I bruise easily---all my life----I am not dead
and have not been tortured
I am not seeing a Jew beheading in the news today, or a story about Christians beating Christians, just a Zionist murder. One cannot comment on something only existing in your head!

You are not seeing Jews beheaded or Christians being beheaded , tortured, or enslaved today? So what You Pro Palestinian Hypocrite ???? You know it is happeningyou can comment and condemn if you werent the hypocrite that you are. We both know if the deceased were Jewish you would be handing out the candy. I'll show as much "sympathy" for the Palestinian S..M as you showed Daniel Pearl !!!:clap2:

This is a discussion board about Israel and Palestine.

And I have not read a story about a Jew beheading or Christians beating Christians in the past few days.

If these events are happening, prove it, as you brought this up, provide a link!

And I have posted nothing about Daniel Pearl, and he has nothing to do with Israel and Palestine!

Leave it to a Pro- Palestinian to change the subject ! I am talking about sympathy for a individual ( even a JEWISH one) who is having his head taken off on YOU- TUBE! One can't comment here about lack of empathy Pro- Palestinians have for Christians who are being killed and enslaved by Muslims? Shouldn't you be concerned about THOSE " Human Rights?" If Jews were in the Sudan enslaving Muslims you would be screaming from the Rooftop! Such a Vile disgusting Pro- Palestinian Hypocrite you are !!!!

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