Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Israel Palestine International Law Symposium: Palestinian Rights to Resources

Why Palestine is still the issue - Anne Alexander, Ilan Pappé and Nur Masalha

Talking About Israel - Narratives Of Palestinian Nationalism
According to a Zionist. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

The Palestinian Muslims will "never" agree to a signed permanent peace treaty. When the Jews got a portion of their homeland back via the National Security Council in the United Nations, the first thing the Muslims there did, was say......"We will not live under Jewish rule," and left. They went to Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan. They consider the Jews to be occupiers.
The reason for that stance: Look no further than the Quran. If Muslims conquer an area from infidels (non-believers), the land is Muslim. If those that they took the land from manage to get it back, they are to be considered "occupiers." The Jews that are living there, even those that moved to Israel, from other nations, are descendants of the original Hebrews of antiquity.
The other reason for their stance: Muslims must seek to conquer all infidel lands and not live under infidel rule, except to eventually overcome it.
One just needs to look at what's been happening in Europe since the massive migration of Muslims into those nations.
Eva Bartlett and Robert Inlakesh on the realities of Israel's occupation of Palestine

Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act - Brad Parker

American Jews & Israel: A Faltering Relationship with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb & Allan Brownfeld


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