Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Israeli general killed Israelis on 7 October then lied about it, with Ali Abunimah​


Marc Lamont Hill SHREDS Israel's Arguments at International Court of Justice (ICJ) Genocide Hearing!​


Failing in Gaza, Escalating in Lebanon: Will Israel Set Fire to Entire Region? w/ Elijah Magnier​


Deciphering the ICJ Hearing on South Africa vs. Israel: Arguments and Prospects​


SARAH SCHULMAN : My whole world changed when I realised what was really happening in Palestine.​


"Israel is LYING! They are committing full blown GENOCIDE!" - Exclusive Interview Prof. Finkelstein​


DAY 2 Israel on Trial: Jeremy Scahill On WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW About South Africa's Genocide Case​


Connections Podcast Episode 86 with Norman Finkelstein, South Africa Charges Israel with Genocide…​


Washington Post plans hit piece over EI's accurate reporting about 7 October, with Ali Abunimah​


Israeli Spokesperson RATTLED And ON THE ROPES - Mark Regev Finally Under Pressure​


John Mearsheimer: Hamas Prepares To COUNTERATTACK After Israel JUST LOST At The Court Of Justice​


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